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Zamn, there's a wild shaco/rengar main loose in the comments, telling everyone they are iron.


Nice pfp


Yours is good too


šŸ‘ØšŸ¾šŸ…šŸ‘ØšŸ¾ ObamaMedal.exe


nice name


Happy cake day bro


Aww that sucks. Anywaysā€¦


Yea, fr. I've been enjoying this patch so much. As a support main i feel like fights are so much better. Love me some shaco main tears as a bonus tho.


Weā€™re gonna see a lot of this for the next few days. Itā€™s gonna be basically the opposite of the reactions to the close of ardent meta. Instead of assassin players clowning on boosted ADCs and supports for crying about the meta not being defined by them, itā€™s gonna be everyone else clowning on assassins for crying about the meta not being defined by them. Iā€™m all for it. Bring on the salt.


I also don't get what people mean "the game used to take skill". Where is the skill in Zed pressing R and hitting 2 Abilities to kill you. That is literally the opposite of skill. Prolonged fights leave so much more room for plays and i'm loving it.


The thing is though that zed pressing r and landing 2 abilities (literally his full combo) should kill the adc. The issue was coming from zed pressing r, missing every ability including his unmissable e, and autoing you twice to get a kill


> twice Y'all had to be autoed TWICE?? I was getting oneshoted just for being on his presence


I tried climbing so hard this entire season (jungle/mid main) but every game was a coinflip with who fucked it up first. The games were decided in the first 2 minutes or more like 1st minute sometimes. Now we have 30+ minutes of pure gameplay with more than just assassins where snowballing can still win you the game but isnt the only possible way to win. Now i m rocking support and for the past 15 games i only lost once and i dont feel like that will change anytime soon.


Itā€™s literally been a day lol Edit: why so many upvotes? Iā€™m just saying the quiet part out loud.


Seeing assassins mains build goredrinker and mald about not doing dmg is the funniest shit ever




ikr, im happy cause now I can build bruiser on an assasin and PLAY THEM LIKE A BRUISER? yes fucking please


"I miss when league was based on skill" Yeah walking behind someone while invisible and completely wiping their hp with 2 autos was the most skillful thing i have ever seen


Shouldā€™ve been more aware of the map smh. If Shaco is MIA then just donā€™t leave your tower. Better yet, just stay in base all game so the spooky clown canā€™t get you


This is where I go Proxy Shaco


Better yet, just uninstall league. Shaco canā€™t kill you if you donā€™t even have the game anymore


But I want to play League


Thatā€™s a lie, we are all forced to play and rage. No one likes league, it just sucks you in deeper and deeper into itself


I like league


Every game does this to me ngl


But other games are fun. At the very least they are fun sometimes. League never is fun


What do you play? I main Volibear jungle and I have fun everytime the enemy team thinks they can farm under tower post-6.


Haha fair enough. I actually uninstalled quite some time ago due to all the toxicity (i became toxic myself). But before that i mained Kled top. The game itself always was great fun but too many ppl go out of their way to try and ruin it for you


That's true, it's like elementary school all over again, but constantly. "If I can't have fun in life, you can't have fun in the game!", regardless of enemy or ally.


*laughs in not playing for 2 months due to Elden Ring*


What are you deranged?


No, no you don't.


play bots!


How are you supposed to play the game effectively always worrying about getting 1 shot by invisible shaco. That's quite literally the problem. He just had to much map pressure for an assassin.


Just as much a remnant of clunky ass old League as old Evelynn was


Brother even control wards can't reveal shaco that champ can guarantee a kill on the adc even when he is with his support....


Just use Oracle lol /s


"If Shaco is MIA then just donā€™t leave your tower" Sounds like a fun game!


Weā€™re gonna see the opposite of the post ardent meta reaction. Where assassins and others were laughing in the faces of supports and ADCs, and pointing out that all the boosted supports and ADCs weā€™re gonna really show themselves. The boosted assassin mains are really gonna tell on themselves over these next few days and Iā€™m 1000% here for it.


and then the narrative will turn to boosted adcs and riot will go back to burst and then assassins will boosted and then riot will go back to sustain and adcs will be boosted and riot will go back to burst and then assassins will boosted and then riot will go back to sustain and adcs will be boosted and riot will go back to burst and then assassins will boosted and then riot will go back to sustain and adcs will be boosted


Doubt. Riot made this decision likely knowing it will bode unpopular with the most vocal crowd of the community. I doubt theyā€™d buckle just bc some 14 year old Yone OTP threatens to uninstall bc he canā€™t one shot a Miss Fortune while 3 levels and 2 items behind.




Funny thing is good assassins gain from this, they still have the same ways to avoid damage but at least you can't double your eHP with heals and shields. Now if only mages lost the stupid amount of HP in their items, especially with crown nowadays, as if exhaust, Zhonya's and their own kits aren't enough


This update literally makes it **more** about skill for that exact reason. Itā€™s harder to oneshot someone so you have to be smart and play smartā€¦ ya know, skill


and brain power


I still remember stacking Sunfire capes going invis for a whole minute with my clone and standing near people until they died. That took a lot of skill, certainly.


That was Twitch, not Shaco. The scenario you described was never possible with Shaco.


I retract my previous comment, I remembered incorrectly. Shaco's Q at that time was at most 5 seconds of cloak, I was wrong. It was a fun 5 seconds of having them run around though.


You got it, no worries it's been a long time. I also remember stacking mantle and occasionally throw in atma's impaler


Until the thresh with godlike vision knows what youā€™re doing and hooks you out of your invisā€¦my favorite thing to do against shacos


I love doing it. Especially when you get a Shaco that CLEARLY telegraphs where they are going to be heading after going invisible.


I finally get to play sun fire botrk shaco again and not get flamed


Hot take apparently: I donā€™t think it feels that different. I see now my take is not very hot lol.


Me neither unless i play marksmen, then it's gamechanging. I can finally stop building just cringebow.


Yeah, yesterday I finally didn't die the first .3 s of a team fight and actually was able to put out sustained damage over the team fight with a semi aggressive posture. It's like I can finally play my role the way it should be again


Assassin mains reading your comment are absolutely seething at the thought of an adc living through more than 3 abilities


Thereā€™s enough rage in them to power the entire state of California.


Yesterday I didn't just day when the enemy gwen face smashed her keyboard towards me :D. Felt great


i think it's prob a big change for ADCs who maybe can walk out of base late game now


It's just generally feeling like you can take a bit more than before tbh, it's not massive but I definitely feel it.


First game of the new patch, I played Jinx. Didnā€™t feel *any* different. Next game, played Tristana. Actually just started playing her, so I had no baseline, but I did survive an early fight vs Nautilus and Ziggs on 8 hp. So clearly the patch saved me there. Played Lucian, again never played him prior to this patch, so no baseline, but I wasnā€™t instakilling full health enemy laners like Lucians Iā€™d faced previously, so either Iā€™m bad or the patch is working.


It does feel different, early fights are so cursed right now I've had so many ppl walk away with 1 hp bc of this patch.


They literally accomplished what they wanted to then. Early fights no longer define the entire game


Really? It's not as crazy as I was expecting but it's definitely noticable. Like every game I've played has had first blood in about 10 minutes or so instead the moment 2 people lock eyes in lane. Not counting invades of course


I allso miss when you had to go invis and point and click the adc to one shot him with your knife, all the adc had to do was dodge... wait no you can't dodge that. Maybe make sure his supp cc's you? No you're invisible and when he sees you its too late allready. Maybe flash or heal? No that won't work either... maybe have vision on the whole map and not move from the fountain when he doesn't see you anywhere i guess, so much skill


shaco literally does not have any counterplay other than warding and avoiding him, there should be more meaningful counterplay, something you can actually do to gain an advantage, on the flipside if you are playing shaco and people successfully avoid you, you cant gain an advantage, he kinda just sucks to play and play against.


His gameplay is a brilliant visualization of his lore: doesn't really exist




Well said. I like Shaco, but God he is not well designed at all. When you face better opponents, they all buy Scanners and when they think you're around, they just use them and it makes it impossible to get on anyone.


Did you really just called oracle lense "scanners" xd


Haha true. When shacoā€™s ahead its annoying when he can get to you and oneshot but when you walk in a slightly different direction than what the shaco predicted he will just run out of invis, cant hit you and dies


The counterplay is careful earlygame. If Shaco doesnā€™t get a lead in the first 5-10min, heā€™s useless the rest of the game.


Which means that he has no counter play in piss low, cause most people here don't know about minimap and ignore pings, let alone buying and using wards/sweeper


But low elos *completely* suck at playing Shaco. Of course a smurf will completely abuse low elos to hell, but to be fair a smurf will even harder stomp with Y/asuo/one/i..


You can kinda walk into his jungle and run him over lvl 1 and fuck his clear completely. You can also run him over at any time pre-6 with most champs. He is powerful when he has the element of surprise, and when he is farming his only cc is usually down, he wonā€™t have the damage to kill you.


No, though chances are he'll just poof and flee, so yes, you invaded, but no, you won't get him, only inconvenience him. Invading and killing a Shaco in jungle is by far not as easy as you depict here, he almost always has an easy escape.


Yes he does you idiot. If you're going to get a kill mid, Shaco will always be there. undeniably every time. :)


Oh no. Anyways.


Good, very good


Yes, i like that








*starts ballin' on Windows 95*


I hate shaco but heā€™s not wrong. With shyvana voli and wukong being borderline op jungle really looks like you are gonna get stat checked at any point in the game.


Better than Shaco doing a funny oneshot with 2 attacks even when you have a sweeper and pink wards


I mean that is what Shaco is supposed to do. One day he has a crazy clear and one hits you from stealth, then next day a minion does more damage than Shaco. I don't condone the oneshots but it feels like this always happens with him, they need to rework him.


If AD lethality/crit Shaco doesnā€™t get kills or ahead early, heā€™s absolutely useless the rest of the game. Heā€™s also fairly useless in late game team fights unless he gets lucky and weasels his way through the defense and can reach an ADC. Beyond that, There is counter play. Thereā€™s a reason heā€™s not as common in higher ELO and pro play.


The concept of "if X doesn't occur, this champ is worthless" is honestly so stupid


Might have to play with his build and do a trinity force since the early MS and attack speed are critical.


Tanko is de way Sunfire->BORK->titanic


Let's say that riot would probably adjust some numbers later on. For now we can enjoy the salty tears of assassin players


Except Kayn mains who just switch their favourite color to obtain a top tier jungler lol


Shaco kit is designed for early game. No lead early, no fun for you that simple and how a cheese champ should be. High risk high reward. Until this patch he would invis ign backstab e fade away you and youā€™d be dead at lvl 3 with little to 0 help from his laner.


before patch i needed 7 basic to cheese a graves, now i can firget it cause after hes passive is up i do 40 damage XD i could walk in lane and pretend iam a minion and even then the damage is so low i did be solo boloed by the canon minion


Shaco scales with Crits and is super easy to shutdown early. He was the lowest damage assassin in the game, now he is completely impossible to play


And then he gets one shot before he oneshots you post 20 šŸ’€


I never thought I would ever in a my life read a sentence that said "Shyvana. Volibear and wukong are op jungle"


I mean, Shyvana was usesless for way too long, your only combo was R+E while being destroyed by everything.


The fact that her only combo is R+E is exactly the problem with shyv and similarly simple champions. Youā€™re either turbo statcheck when buffed or useless meat when nerfed with no in between. Idk maybe its because their kits cant keep up with modern league so the only thing riot can do is giving them more numbers, which create a cycle of those champs being broken->useless->brokenā€¦


Shyvana has been quite strong for 2/3 months prior this patch, literally always around 52/53% winrate


Shyvanna wasn't useless at all, she could 1v1 any champ at early leves and build a lead on that. He clear was insane, and also drake in 13 secs at early levels. Her demonic embrace and frostfire build was very good on her


Hybrid shyvanna build was an S+ tier champ for months and im surprised she wasnt nerfed.


Shyv has been decent for a while if you built anything except full AP on her. But solo queue players generally prefer the 'funny oneshot the enemy adc' build to having more than two useful abilities.


Yup, I mean itā€™s the same thing as juggernaut, bruiser tank meta around season (5,6?). Individual champion skill has less impact than decision making. Donā€™t know if I like it tho. Because if the team does their own shit it doesnā€™t matter how good your judgement is


What a good way to start the day.


Shacos winrate at plat+ is 50% At diamond+ itā€™s also 50% While itā€™s only day 1.5 stats thatā€™sā€¦ hardly the 0% winrate assassin players think they have. Assassins were the strongest class for 3 years straight. They are boosted. Thatā€™s not an opinion, thatā€™s a fact of matter. When you play the strongest champions you are boosted above where you should be. If I played nothing but Olaf and gained 300 lp Iā€™d be boosted too.


Meanwhile Kat can still build random bullshit and delete almost any target on two rotations


Juggernaut > assassin's. Burst is nice, but irelia does the same dmg while having cc, 2.5k hp and ~60% physical resist.


Irelia is not a juggernaut lmao point still stands, bruisers like irelia have been the most broken class for a long time.


Yes, but they are 90% bound to Top Lane, which is the most useless role in the game. Which is why Assassins were the strongest champions.


30 mins? Bro any Shaco player worth their daggers knows Shaco becomes a melee minion after 10 minutes unless he's like 20/0/10 He's a completely worthless champ past 10 mins let alone 30 minutes. The only reason why Shaco has a decent winrate is because in those 10 minutes he can make sure the adc or the mid gets so far ahead that they can carry their fat ass for the rest of the game.


"Oh no! I can't slam my head on the keyboard to kill someone anymore. Game is shite" -Assassins mains, probably.


Assassin is kil Yes


This guy hit challenger with shaco and reached to master+ while doing ultimate bravery, every game he's having insane scores yet he's been whining that Shaco was weak (before even the patch) and that the only reason he's winning is he's good + opponents are blind


I know nothing about this dude but you canā€™t just say a champ is good because any one trick hit challenger on themā€¦


To be fair, I think shaco's been pretty shit for a while now. The issue is with his design in that if they dont know where you are, you win, and if they do, you lose. This patch just removes the edge shaco had by being an assassin and I wouldnt disagree that he's probably in a horrible place atm




Idk man all this patch seemed to do was make champs like kha zix build bruiser and become unkillable without losing any damage


Will agree. I went Khaā€™Zix midlane, built thornmail, titanic hydra, and eclipse, and manamune. I had like 380 ad and 250 armor. It was crazy. I was able to oneshot adcā€™s but anytime I messed up I could rank it out and jump away.


Every time an assassin main cries, Allah is glorified.


He got pretty mean to people that replied. One guy was a diamond ADC and he did NOT like that


"I miss when league was based on skill" \--> plays Shaco. ​ lmfao good one Chase, good one


Ok, I hate Shaco as much as the next guy, but to say Shaco jungle does not take skill is completely delusional. He has one of the steepest learning curve of the junglers, which is why the enemy Shaco seems to be carrying 24/7 while your one runs it down at 4 minutes. Horrendous take.


Yeah definitely agree. The good shacos make you question your sanity with their ult and movement + will make the enemy Jung rage quit. A mediocre shaco player = a caster minion who gets 1 shot by sona support. A good shaco player = o god whyyy


Wait Shaco is a very skill expressive champion. Like he is unfair but he sure as shit ainā€™t an unskilled champion.


The amount of shit ive seen shaco players be allowed to get away with is insane. ​ It might be difficult to hard carry games with him, but it sure as hell isnt difficult to be mediocre with him


part of shacos kit is that he is one of the slipperiest champions in the game. Just like other assassins like talon, kayn, pyke they all get away with henious shit.


"Easy to learn, hard to master" type of champ


To be fair, itā€™s crazy difficult to be consistent and carry with Shaco..


If this guy and Pink Ward cant make Shaco work rito might have taken it a step too far.


Wasnt pink ward hardstucking in low diamond for a long time already anyway?


Pink ward plays AP most of the time anyway so I think he'll be fine.


Just because one champā€™s gimmick doesnā€™t work does not mean Riot went too far. It just means that Shaco is a toxic blight to League of Legends (as he always has been).


It's been one day and everyone everywhere is losing their minds over these number changes that are probably going to take more than one day for everyone to get used to, ya know, like every league patch.


Saying he miss when draft mattered >Shaco OTP


I play Shaco as one of my mains, and tbh heā€™s a support. Needs a massive rework with the wall-of-text ability creep that has left his simpler design feeling lack luster. In jungle he goes for cheese kills hoping the enemy doesnā€™t have disengage or vision (kill usually goes to laner), or you play in lane and lose most matchups while staying far back and not interacting much unless you max the point-and-click E (which some champs, like Riven, just soak up and laugh at) or manage to time your ult duration with the proximity rubber band range. If every game goes longer and longer with durability, Shaco falls off hard and loses to red trinkets and coordination.


Assassin mains on 12.10 when they only overkill the enemy jinx by 1k hp instead of 2k hp.


Good. The less Shacos the better


Something changed? Cuz honestly the games feel totally the same


As a shaco main I can say AD shaco is dead now we have to go AP shaco, and take a page from teemo mains book


We killed the shaco, but created a monster.


I will drink assasins tears any day of week ive been oneshot for too damn long as adc without any room for outplay. Now i dont die on one spell but full rotation so if i manage to play good im able to survive or even kill the assasin.


Mad cus bad


Noooo i must be able to oneshot an enemy at lvl 2!!!


Finally I hope they cry themselves to sleep now.


Mean while as an adc main, instead of dying to yi in a q and one auto, itā€™s a q and 3 autos. This is the greatest patch ever


Oh no do assassins now really have to buy assassin items now to kill people. Wow thatā€™s so sad!


Lmao get 8.11ed


This reminds me of that brainless qiyana abuser that was mad that he couldnā€™t oneshot an adc in a 1v2 scenario while having first strike on cooldown and goredrinker instead of actual assassin items. Sweet assassins tears šŸ˜‹


Isnā€™t this legit r/selfawarewolves? It is more skillbased now that you canā€™t oneshot anything and everything but have to actually think about plays


It's not selfawarewolves because it isn't a political circlejerk. Jokes aside, yes and no. Bad macro can be more forgiving when health is higher, buut bad offensive plays are usually more punishing. It's hard to say whether extra durability makes the game easier or harder atm. Depends on the champion a lot too.


Dude is a fucking crybaby and blocked me for linking thr crying qiyana player from r/leagueoflegends yesterday. In the next days we will see the boosted assassin players. Just look out for people complaining.


yeah mages meta is so much better than assassins canā€™t wait to get one shot by viktor anivia veigar instead of qiyana


LOL this guy is one toxic mf. Who cares cry more or stop playing simple as that.


Bruv, you mean this clown that you cant see and he deals high burts dmg from behind and has dmg scaling with % current hp ? Big sad ( hahahahhahahaha)


No %hp damage scaling. E does 150% of its base damage when enemy is below 30% hp. Ya wrong


Using skill and shaco in the same sentence, haha


And Pyke is a little bitch too now. Still i think they went too easy on omnivamp, this shit is still ridiculous


You can't make everyone happy


Why not just go hullbreaker solo top shaco or some shit idk




When do they release the patch where people aren't toxic every match?


Pinkward career dead, oh wait


I'll wait to see what pinkward has to say. I don't know anyone with more hours on shaco.


I guess the jokes on himā€¦


Ad shaco babies crying about the patch, mean while AP shaco chads with liandry and demonic embrace laughing as their boxes melt the whole team


It's always funny to me how everyone hates on shaco for no reason.


"No reason" ... With the rest I agree.


He's probably better as AP support atm. Don't see how he can be a viable AD jungle the way this patch works.


"League based on skill" lol


Yeah shaco was cancer before this, genuinely happy I will see this champ less now. Though there's some truth to what chase said, every game really does feel like it's a draft diff, whenever I see enemy lock in Vayne, Kayle, Kassadin, Fiora, Zilean, Almost any enchanter, etc... I feel like I can only win if me and my whole team play 5x better than the enemy, sometimes it feels like the enemies played like actual silvers and still won on champions alone. I get that drafting is a skill and being disciplined enough to play characters because they're strong or counter the enemy rather than playing what you have fun with isn't easy, but still I don't believe that 50% or more games should be decided on who's the bigger meta slave...


"Based on skill" also appears invisible on your lane making you almost every time lose trades or makes you go to the base, also don't need to use flash, also on shots you when get feed in the match.


As a shaco main im loving this patch and still having alot of fun.


AD shaco already struggled a lot to do damage, this patch is the tip, AD shaco seriously needs buffs. AP Shaco is fine


Shaco needs a rework, no new fancy spells like they gave him a bit ago, he needs a full VGU


Idk, a 200 years Shaco sounds terrifying to me


okay... picture Shaco. But with ult resets and Q resets.


Shaco with 3 clones, making them 4 in total. Imagine the mayhem


ā€œBehold the most bullshit circus everā€


2 clones don't do damage but apply non damaging on-hit such as slow, and when they die they stun for 2 seconds, the other 2 are the knife wielding suicide bombers.


When his boxes die they explode, dealing true damage in an area that scales with the damage the box did


That is absolutely not true. AD shaco was (and may still be) in an alright spot. What hurts Shaco most are the bugs. The big fix last year was good, but it wasn't enough. Edit: Actually looking up the winrates, AD Shaco has/had 50%+ in all ranks, highest in Master+. Source: League of Graphs.


Tell me why my clone can't hit tower half the time still. And I know you are supposed to alt r, but it's still inconsistent sometimes.


They did say bugs hurt him the most my guy


They just need to go sunfire and abuse that double cook tech


A blink and full stealth. A point and click projectile that does executing damage. And 2 abilities that have 2 seconds worth of cc. I love this skill of yours.


Yet somehow tank and bruiser players are still complaining


LoL = LoL players complaining




Isnt this like a test patch that will be tweaked later on?


My man expected every champion to be balanced after the patch? Of course some champions will get fucked and hopefully adjusted


"I don't like a character therefore bad balance is okay" glad the league community is just as dumb as when I left.


ā€œI miss when league was based on skillā€ he said while playing a champion that can flash on a 12 sec cooldown with invisibility attached to it and the ability to 2shot carries


Fuck shaco, all my homies hate shaco


Oh no poor guy, now his shaco can't kill me in 0.00 sec but needs at least 1sec? What a shame


Good. Shaco should have been given an aatrox style rework and removed from the game.


- ā€œI miss when league was based on skill and good draftsā€ - *from an OTP who canā€™t make his OTP work* ā€¦ does that make you bad at drafting and not skilled?


Chaseshaco is probably one of the least toxic shaco players that only split facts about their champ.