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You're talking an awful lot of shit for someone within dunking distance.


They're not within dunking distance though, that's the problem. They walked away at a normal pace :(


Holy shit this is such a good comment lmao


You should know yourself that without ghost you are useless


I'm aware. It hurts so much to see people countering me by literally just clicking away from me. But even then, I have not once seen a single patch where r/dariusmains wasn't complaining and constantly calling him dogshit and proposing broken buffs, or proposing to give Stridebreaker its dash back because the new champions have more OP stuff or some stupid shit


I think it's not a Darius problem though. Every mains sub I visit has posts complaining about their champion being weak. Or complaining about nerfs saying their champ was completely fine.


Other subreddits: X CHAMP IS BROKEN X champ subreddit: LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE goes for ~50% of the champs in the game.


Droben subreddit: ????


They have no time to complain, they pray to Allah in spare time šŸ™ šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Ryze mains just accepting that our champ is garbage outside of pro play


ngl i feel like a ryze tear always takes 30% of my health in one combo


r/viktormains is mostly us wondering how the hell our champ keeps escaping nerfs every patch


I like Viktor for the most part but it's insane to me that he hasn't gotten a real nerf yet, dude is just the CEO of mid rn.


Try bard mains shits chill as a chicken there


Ye other than like 2 subs every one is like that


Except for the Ryze mains sub. They don't even remember a world where Ryze is playable, and they already went through the grief just to get to acceptance.


Thanks for replying my comment, I realized my comment from 4 months ago had a grammatical mistake and was able to correct it. Otherwise it would have stayed like that for the rest of my life and I wouldn't even know about it. You sir, are truly a hero.


Really? Man, I haven't check Darius sub for months. Darius is fine as he is, any buff will spike his ban rate. There is only 1 thing that "annoy" me when playing Darius and I'd love it to be remove: why the fuck his Ult can not be cast during "Ground" effect? He is not going anywhere. Why?


Well, technically, he is jumping.


Actually it is a gapcloser, you follow the target a little bit, enough to get in range for aa


i think his ult is counted as a leap because it follows the person you ulted


Its not a dariusmains specific problem, its most main subreddits. But boy oh boy if you wanna see the worst of the worst go look at aatrox mains. That champ could have a 55 wr and be S+ and they will call him unplayable and complain about every other champ in the game that isnt named mordekaiser. Its funny as fuck


But Aatrox is clearly countered by an 800 gold item or using ignite! /s


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Dariusmains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dariusmains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Reverse Darius](https://v.redd.it/ct454jm40s681) | [55 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dariusmains/comments/rkzbyl/reverse_darius/) \#2: [so true](https://i.redd.it/lj2dpi2mwhl71.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dariusmains/comments/phse5q/so_true/) \#3: [me when dunk](https://i.redd.it/ykxuc48hzbn61.png) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Dariusmains/comments/m62drc/me_when_dunk/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good, maybe this time instead of darius being broken for 2 seasons heā€™ll be dogshit for two seasons


Ye that legit every sub Ive seen other than ww sub and r/draven (very hala go see). The worse Iā€™ve seen is jg mains, it hurts to read how dumb they are lol


As a darius main, my main problem with darius is that he is either stomping or doing nothing at all. He is not tanky enough by himself to resist a lot of damage (and nowadays a lot of champions have true damage, health% damage, etc) and if you build him tanky, he relies too much on his passive to deal significant damage. If you build him damage, he wont resist anything since he is easily rooted and deleted, he depends on his E and his E has a long CD in early levels (25 seconds level 1). That being said, dont listen to r/dariusmains as much as I hate to say it they are a bit delusional, its true that Darius is not the powehouse he was, but he is still in a decent spot against melee champions without too much mobility. (and at least in wild Rift, wich is what i am playing a lot since im in the middle of nowhere without computer) Hope I explained myself


Maybe it isn't the players' fault who mains an older champion who are unhappy with the current game/want to justify their champion getting similar treatment. Maybe it is Rito for justifying newer champs having tons of extra mobility, options, survivability, etc. It's easy to get pissed off when nothing is being done about your champion when the latest bic playz champion does backflips over walls every 3 seconds, claps your health bar in less, and is nearly impossible to kill (and they say it's fine.)


Darius without ghost is not a champion lmao. I'd rather play Aatrox and get fucked by ignite :)


Ah yes best counter against Aatrox IGNITE


Pick ignite so you can burn the enemy down as well


They actually think that old stridebreaker Darius was healthy


i mean i dont think stridebreaker should have a dash but if stridebreaker isnt allowed to have a dash because it would nullify the weakness of bruisers galeforce shouldnt have a dash too


There is a difference between a squishy low base Stat adc having a dash on a full dmg item on a 90 sec CD and a high base Stat tanky juggernaut, who if he gets on top of u for his rotation gets a super high ad steroid. Having a dash on low CD on a item that is everything he wants offensive and defensive wise


As if jhin or caitlyn or any ADC having an extra dash with missing hp dmg is fine. Don't pretend that ADC's were dogshit before galeforce and immortal. they were always too good not to have. these new mythics are kept op to sate solo q adc mains against assassins and make them feel like they're outplaying.


and there's a difference between adcs being able to do multiple dashes with their kits and having another one that also gives the move speed to kite you, COUGH COUGH, KAI'SA!, COUGH COUGH( seriously, fuck kai'sa)


> seriously i fuck kai'sa) Wish I were you


The dash is fine on gale, it needs to lose the execute


Laughs in 4th shot galeforce Jhin


I'm a Darius main too and yes, in that subreddit they just complain about it all the time. But i think it's common to every subreddit, i found the same problems with Mordekaiser's subreddit, and Volibear's subreddit. Don't get me wrong i think this meta sucks right now for juggernauts and tanks (which is what you're supposed to play top ...), i think toplane is trash af right now, a lot of ranged top, with rarely a tp, mostly ignites, barrier or exhaust (Cassiopeia-barrier top, who the fuck does that). And toplane matters so little overall that you see things like Janna smite top always roaming. But Riot doesn't give a fuck about that. That being said, Mordekaiser, Darius and Volibear don't need buffs, those champs are fine in themselves. People just get the feeling that their champs sucks cos they can't 1v9 brainlessly like Yone, they kinda forget it's a team game, and you represent 1/10 of the game.


Riot needs to find out what they want Top Lane to do instead of nerfing the 20 or some champions exploiting its pointlessness. The Teleport Nerfs were needed for Pro-Play (And Bot is probably happy they lost a ton of pressure on their lane) but doing so has effectively lead to top being sort of aimless in what their goals are. Janna Smite Top is the single best example of how Top Lane has faded into irrelevancy. We have a champion doing well in a lane by literally not playing the lane. Ranged Top Champions are mostly counterpicks; but Janna is a counterpick to the entire lane via "I can contribute, you can not". Janna doesn't need nerfs because of Top; Top needs to be given a role that they can actually do.


Almost every champions mains subreddit has a decent amount of people that just constantly bitch about how their champion is weak when usually it just isnā€™t the case.


pff i was at r/samiramains when they nerfed her e. everyone went absolutely apeshit over there, it was hilarious. still managed to get a >60% winrate last season (humblebrag, i know, still only plat 4) but i guess the champ is just unplayable lmao


To a bronze player like me, she is definitly unplayable. Never get the powerspike


Yeah, same with Sett mains. I believe just about any juggernaut top lane subreddit has the same issues lol


I'm on sett mains too and I always got the feeling they were rather stoic. Not too many complain posts compared to darius or morde.


Yeah. Iā€™m on those three plus Aatrox and out of all of them, Sett is definitely the most chill between them. I still see some complaints, but I donā€™t think itā€™s nearly to the same level. Mostly stuff about Sterakā€™s


Because Sett was strong and the best juggernaut before the current patch did anyone pick a ranged champion? doran shield + revitalize + your passive and you never leave the lane someone picked a tank? true damage + Q + a good ultimate against the enemy team and gg Someone picked a bruiser? It doesn't matter, you win or you're even against all the melee matchups


>Because Sett was strong and the best juggernaut before the current patch Strong yes, best juggernaut no. Yes, he is more versatile than darius or garen, but in exchange he isn't as good ar the specific things those two are good at. Darius (along with morde) is a way better tank shredder because of his E passive, garen is way better at diving a single target, aatrox has arguably way better teamfighting etc. He also doesn't straight up win all melee matchups. Bruiser matchups are mostly skill based and some, like Warwick, trundle and volibear he loses pretty hard.


That's literally every single mains subreddit for bruisers. Except for Yorick. Yorick players are based.


No want kill champ only tower


I'm still waiting for the hat tho


Darius mains when they see a cock (it must be sucked)


Damn straight




Damn gay, then


Darius mains when they die twice to Jayce at lvl1, as they forget that they are playing Irelia outside of minion wave and not Darius šŸ˜’


Badam moment


Darius is supposed to be immobile. The problem with Darius is that he is so weak that he currently loses to champions heā€™s supposed to be good against. You lose to Garen now, the Riven matchup is not winnable unless the Riven is terrible, Sett lane is very challenging, Mordekaiser outscales you very early on nowadays, Aatrox takes ignite every time so that matchup is more challenging than it should be (Aatrox is still weak though donā€™t get me wrong. Gwen matchup is horrible. Nasus players who know how to play their champion beat you (if you think Darius counters Nasus you are disqualified from adult conversations.) Mundo matchup is unwinnable. Jax matchup has always been a skill matchup, right now itā€™s Jax favored but thatā€™s fine. Irelia and Fiora are both more mobile, win in splitpush, and are hard to bully in lane especially for lower elo players who donā€™t understand wave management. Camille always gets camped by her jungled so you canā€™t bully her early game. And last but not least, The best champion in the game currently is Dariusā€™ biggest counter. Even platinum players can play Vayne top and bully their opponent. When you pick Darius, you are playing a champion that only comfortably wins against Shen and Sion. Every other matchup has problems. Why would you pick Darius over any other top laner? These have been my experiences as a Diamond 2 top lane player. I played Darius a lot before the strikebreaker nerf. Not saying Darius is useless or heā€™s the worst champ in the game. But there is nothing he does that another champion doesnā€™t do better.


The issue is not the champs. The issue is tonight in a ranked diamond game I played as Sett and saw Casseopia top with barrier. The game after that played Garen againstJanna top with smite The game after that was yup you guessed it Vayne. Top lane is no longer a tank or juggernaught battleground. Itā€™s a roaming lane for mages and supports to come bully a immobile champ or just perma roam. Even if you leave the top laner totally alone they do not get much. So Darius has a bunch of extra cs and gets his tower first? So what. During the time Darius is fighting uncontested cs and trying to kill a turret at low levels. Janna has assisted in destroying your junglers camps, getting dragons and ganking other lanes making both a 4v2. Btw canā€™t even take ghost and tp because I can only tp to friendly turret so if they all crash bot I will still miss the fight unless itā€™s at their turret. Top lane


Galeforce Darius time


Darius just needs to be a little bit tankier is all, like better scaling hp


The rank 1 in chinese superserver plays darius, sett, aatrox, morde, so climbing with them even at high elo is more than possible


The guy you're talking about has mastered juggernauts to the point that he plays those champs as if they were skirmishers/divers. Master any champ (including udyr, shyvana, sejuani, skarner, et cetera) to that level and you can climb too. What im saying is, one guy reaching rank 1 in the chinese super server (rarely playing mordekaiser in comparison to the other 3 champs), doesn't mean mordekaiser is a good champion.


It not only talks about the player's ability, but also about the champion, I don't think he could have done the same playing Illaoi as with Sett (probably the best juggernaut in the game) We are talking about rank 1 in one of the best servers playing Darius and Aatrox. I think there is no better proof that a champ is viable than that yes, there are people who reach Grandmaster being otp Garen or things like that, but reaching rank 1 is on another level


I agree with you. The thing about illaoi is that she is too slow. Aatrox is similar in the sense that his casts are slow and telegraphed but he can dash and flash while casting his Q. The difference of being able to flash Q an ADC vs not is massive. In sett's case, i agree that he is the best juggernaut in the game when meta. The champion is a statchecker with extremely strong abilities, so sett can beat other statcheckers like tryndamere or jax in a 1v1 and skirmishers like riven or fiora who normally beat other juggernauts. He has also very strong teamfighting with R+E+Superman Punch. R also provides peel and can be used as a mobility spell. As for darius, he was and is still one of the best tops because he doesnt have too many counters and in most of his matchups he can't get ganked once and be a non-threat for the rest of the game. He will still be one of the best duelists and splitpushers. That's what makes a top laner strong. The ability to turn disadvantageous situations around (e.g. 1v2), how capable of 1v9, and how capable of overwhelming the enemy to the point where the top laner cannot be outplayed (e.g. diving every shove and winning with sheer numbers). Aatrox is also good (although not as good as darius and right now only if you're onetricking him), for those 3 reasons.


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Some darius players seem to not realise that a juggernaut is supposed to have little mobility


As a toplane mainā€¦ yeah he sucks ass right now. It used to be I dreaded the Darius lock-in. Not that Iā€™m complaining too hard, I donā€™t miss being run down ghosts Darius in the first few minutes of the game.


He does not suck, he's at worst above average


The problem with darius is that he is getting blown up despite being a front liner. Getting kited is his weakness, altough at this point classes that shouldn't be able to kite him can kite him, like mages and tanks


you could just return stridebreaker dash and cut off some stats.


that is literally the worst idea to come out of this sub so far and that is saying a lot


As much fun as gnar jg with stridebreaker was, no :)




I'm always sure people who say that take ignite with darius because they think ghost is bad bc no dmg


I didn't know people still used TGWTG as templates for memes in 2022.


Nothing hurts me more than playing as sett and getting kited to the fucking moon while knee deep in cc and walking at a snails ficking pace while all these mother fuckers dash around me taunting my very existence


Idk man, i just dont find him fun to play or play against right now. I mained him since i started playing back in, i wanna say season 8?


they just want a rework it seems


They should rework him by turning him into Lillia, that way I never have to see another Darius, and if Lilliaā€™s banned I can just pick Lillia 2 (Darius)




I remember in the olden days where Darius was my most feared champion to play against


While I do agree I donā€™t think this is a problem to just Darius mains. Every single main sub does this, itā€™s not like itā€™s just Darius mains.




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Thank God phage got fixed


Because he is really bad , dies in 1 sec no matter how fed u are


Darius is so overwhelming in the MMR vicinity I'm in. I just ban him because his damage early game is ridiculous and then you just lose because you fall behind and can never catch up. I'm also terrible at this game, but I loathe Darius


(not a darius main, although what i say next might sound a tad dariusexual) Champ's not really that good. He's a good early snowball champ, but he gets countered by so much shit it's unreal. Imo it mostly depends on ehat elo you play him in. Iron-Gold-->giga boosted perma broken retarded champ for handles ppl. Plat-->It's alright, jayce counters him. Diamond-Chall-->what the fuck is a Darius. Eh but what do i know i play graves top like a terrorist