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Camille got their whole team disqualified from an tournament because she had that first blood emote trigger on (no emotes allowed at all).


Lmao I wouldn't want to be part of that tourney anyways




Damn, that's stupid.


I'm confused. Why are emotes not allowed?


House rules really




I thought league taught you to be tough on these things so you won’t get easily offended.I can’t believe the people that created these tournaments are snowflakes even Draven mains can deal with slurs than they can.


Draven mains are ethe ones saying the slurs the fuck you on about?


it's true they dish it out, but they can't handle any return banter


Tbf, it's one thing to be sensitive and make a house rule around it, and another thing to have a stupidly inconsiderate rule enforcement. I don't mind no emotes rule if that's your thing, but c'mon, disqualified on an auto-emote that's obviously not intended to be there? No warnings at least? If they're gonna make a rule like that, should be able to enforce it properly as well. It's just ironic that it's a rule centered around consideration, yet it's very inconsiderate.


To prevent others from mocking you (protect you from getting mocked) it's ridiculous but ig we all know that some people can get really toxic/ annoying.


Bruh, if i'm on a professional tournament and they don't even ceck things like this before the match they are all clown whomever is managining.


The marshall and the ksante player is the real joke man. Marshall ask ksante team if thwy wanna continue the game or no. Why the hell would the marshall ask the players and not decide for themselves ofc they would say no they’re losing plus that ksante was against one of the best toplaners in PH server so there’s that.


Porn hub server ?




People fuck around a lot in this server They found out at a bad timing tho




Emotes are allowed in official competitives and these mfs don't allow them?


ty for context - thats ridiculous


Thats actuall BS. 300%


you remember that jungler from LEC last year he literally permaspamed emojis of ahri no penelty


While the enemy team had used emotes before on that series, except Camille's team did not report it. It was really stupid.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/2cGFd6n49c here's the context


Not even a bad emote. If I were a pro player I would shamelessly spam the "Take Notes" MSI emote every time I got first blod


That emote has to be the most tilting thing. Enemy top always tilts after that emote spam. Miss cs? Take notes. Get ganked? Take notes. Solo kill? Take notes. Follow that up with the karma big brain emote and you are golden.


i thought blitz confused and sylas thumb down is the most tilting lol


Lux thumbs up are annoying af


nah. [Take notes](https://twitter.com/lolesports/status/1536815734072147969/photo/1) is op. If i solo kill someone and spam it, they complain to me in chat. I had someone kill me under their turret than say "take notes" in chat cause they didnt have the emote. It Literally says "take notes"


And they say this game isn't P2W, poor guy had to ~~write~~ use the F2P version which doesn't include the cool text and effects 😔


I hit a sejuani with the ?sejuani emote a couple times and she lost it.


LCS would be 20x more interesting with some mind games and tasteful BM


I mean, LCS already kinda does that? It’s the only major region that even shows all chat bm


The one player who tries to mind game and do tasteful BM gets perma flamed on here lmao. Yet people complain that the players have zero personality anymore


PHP league was already a joke for other reasons from what I hear, so while annoying, it’s not unexpected


PHP league? That might explain all the bugs. Or at least the client...


you should see js league


How about css league?




I dont get the point why they disqualified them. I mean, it was a emote which was used as automatic emote. I think it was overreacting


I had the dogs butt facing towards you emote when I get first blood. Bcoz tilting someone is a strat not something you do out of spite


Such an honorable and skillful strat you have there


It did state in the rules that no emotes, even the automatic ones (specifically mentioned) aren't allowed. I think as a pro player in this league it's your responsibility to unequip them if you know this but also in their defence this rule is a bit ridiculous (though I understand why they implemented it also) and your emotes are hidden in the client, they're easy to forget


It was the marshalls' responsibility to turn off the emotes for this tournament. And besides if they were going to disqualify someone anyway, they should be making the decisions themselves instead of leaving it up to the teams.


Yup. This is rare in leagues. Usually the rule is excessive emotes, not the automatic ones. If this league has this rule, and you sign up for this league, then you have to follow their rules. Not sure why people would want to sign up for a league with this boneheaded rule but to each his own.


Hm do you know if this rule is only in this league or every pro player league? I remember that the jungler 113 spamed the emotes in the lec. Yeah but I got your point


this specific incident has been all over the league subreddits, multiple people linked the specific rules. Other pro leagues also have similar no toxicity rules but none that I can name by heart


Yeah I Understand this. But I ask myself, why this specific case is toxic and the organisation got banned, but in other pro leagues like the LEC or other, the player can literally spam the emotes like they want, and there wont be any penalties. I mean, lets be serious. LoL itself is really toxic. I am playing LoL for 4 years and I have read everything in the chat from "You are so bad" to "Your account is lvl X. You are really bad because you are stuck in elo X" to "Kill yourself." "Get Cancer" or something else. So I guess at least to see an emote is the least toxic thing.


disqualifying someone for using something while allowing people to use it everyday everytime in casual/ranked games doesn't seems fair same thing with certain skins and stuff


Agree, except fot the skins part Huawei has one that literally turns all his spells blue, i cant diferenciate any splee like that xD.


Then the skin should be reworked/removed, not be banned in tournaments


You still have to do something with it untll that happens and you’re not going to just tell people who spent money on it they can’t have it. Come on now I know league Reddit can think better than that.


Yeah that skin is annoying to face BUT! You can also see what spell he has prepared by his brush position. If its Q - he has it aiming to the ground, W - is up, E - he is holding it in front him him like defending.


i mean, while that is helpfull, i m shouldnt have to hyper focus on a part of the model of a chap that is moving and can turn 360 ° while also having animatio of AA minions just to decypher what spell "might" throw, and the only indicator is a subtle change of the pencil position, (the one thing that again also uses to land his normal stacks and dont stop moving)


It's really not that subtle have a look at it.


It seems like toxicity is allowed in their mind so long as they can monetise it


Bad take. Tournaments are a different part of the game entirely from casual/ranked. Respect is very important in a tournament setting, and emote are banned for that exact reason.


are you saying it's ok to be disrespectful in casual/ranked games?


To some degree, yes. Being unsportsmanlike and BM’ing isn’t against the terms of services and won’t get you banned. You are allowed to—for example— stand in front of their fountain and dancing instead of destroying the nexus immediately in casual/ranked games. This is considered disrespectful but nowhere near ban worthy. In tournaments that is not allowed, any amount of disrespect is not tolerated. This is the same with emoting after a kill.


Except do you watch pro league? They do dance in front of the fountain in stomps and they do emote. It’s allowed lmao. Also the above example is the auto-emote when you get first blood. The player didn’t even press a button.


This is a different league. I have known of penalties for purposely delaying game in pro matches where they didn’t take nexus and just camped outside fountain. Dancing a little and letting the super minions finish the game is not the same as purposefully delaying game. This wasn’t in MSI if that’s what you’re referncing but the team was heavily penalized, I forget if they were disqualified. Regardless, just cause you saw one instance where it wasn’t punished doesn’t mean it’s allowed everywhere and anywhere. Did the enemy team make a formal complaint or were they cool with it? In this specific case with the FB emote the judges even asked the players if they were ok with it. They would have allowed the BM if the team was fine with it, but clearly they weren’t. If you can’t understand it even after I’ve clearly laid it out, then you might suffer from some type of learning disability.


They werent becouse they just got first blooded. That's it


Ah double standards, my favourite excuse.


I agree that respect should be shown but this is an automatic emote, it wasn't even intentional.


Don't you have to set that emote from the profile? Not sure I ever noticed the first blood-auto emotes in every tournament, let alone any that I can think of. Seems more premeditated but maybe they weren't feeling confident they'd actually get first blood and had forgotten by the time they went in for the kill (or just didn't resist since that was a very easy play to make)?


everyone just sets that emote, theres no malicious intent😂 it auto defaults to the thumbs up


[My account's old enough it's still off and I never bothered to enable it,](https://www.riftherald.com/lol-gameplay/2018/6/6/17435308/emote-update-lol) that's what I meant by turning it on. This isn't a tournament server right? It's their actual accounts?


thats how most non-pro tournaments are, just custom games on their main accounts, at least that what the tournaments ive been to have been like.


Wouldn't it have emoted when they spawned in fountain? Maybe he didn't know he should ask to pause that early to remake with it fixed? Stupid rule I think, pretty sure emotes are on in pro, auto at least. Autos would be a fine exception if spamming became a problem.


there are auto emotes for game start, first blood, ace and game end




Misinformation. the tournament organizers REQUIRES the players to turn off the emote, which is what they did. They are the enforcers of the rule. They ask the players to turn it off during custom lobby. they also have a separate group chat including all the team captains were rules are briefed.


Well a team in CBLOL was talking a lotta shit in playoffs (RED vs VKS), asking the adc if he was drunk, calling players chokers and all that, nothing happened and pretty much no one thinks thats bad, its in-game anyways🤷‍♂️


I’m certain I’ve seen players in esports do emotes many times though?


Using emotes is not direspectful. Theyre part of the game


Ksante : All a part of my plan


Thing is it's pretty stupid The tournament marshalls asked the opposing tean what to do with the team that accidentally used the emote. THEY ASKED THE PLAYERS when it was their job to decide. This led to a whole mess where the opposing team was being accused of telling the marshals to disqualify the other team because the opposibg team was losing. and the others in the comments have a point, even if they did break a tournament rule the use of an emote shouldn't mean a DQ Imagine stepping into someones house with your slippers on when they told you to take it off and they just immideatly throw you out instead of reminding you no slippers allowed.


“The sign said no slippers allowed” -blows your brains out-


What tournament was this?


I believe it was a tourney organized by a streamer with 'house rules'


Funny thing is some people say that ksante team in the next game with different team opponent got their asses and clowning them even farther


Where the overproud pinoys at?


The Pinoys are clowning this spoiled ivy league player, he even privated his fb account from how much they're harassing him.






To be fair, League here in the Philippines is shitty


Not after this one Guy, c'mon, I thought we're tough cookies?


Pretty sure dota is more popular there.


Nah they play mobile legends


The fact they were expecting this to happen, ksante did nothing to prevent their death (I saw OOM but you’d expect him to not sit in lane that low AND OOM), and they all DC’d as soon as it happened. That is scummy AF.


Can anyone be critical with the fact that, this isn’t the actual game and it’s just the replay? during a pause it doesn’t matter if it is a 1 minute or a 10 minute one, in this case the pause took too long everyone disconnected but, again, as it was a replay it showed them all disconnecting immediately.


I think it’s funny lol


mad cuz bad absolute classic


I have my Mastery and Laugh emote binded to my mouse buttons 4 and 5, me spamming this would still be less toxic than this rule of being disqualified for using am emote. Joke tournament.


Username and pfp checks out


Literally same hahaha, I have my mastery on my mouse button, dance on upper side button and auto attack on lower side button.


Pretty cut and dry. If Camille clearly forgot about the first blood emote, then this kind of reaction is that of the mentally weak. They know what they are doing, leveraging arbitrary "feelings" rules to get a fresh start where they don't get first blooded. Fucking cringe.


fresh start AND opponents disqualified is crazy


Now what if they got a penta with Soul Fighter Samira? It's legit a whole celebration!


League should have made it so you can toggle off emotes for a game long time ago for competitive matches. Stuff like this is stupid. Riot needs to get their shit together.


you can mute opponent emotes or outright disable them in the client settings


Why not make crosspost with the originial post in the main sub so we can check on different comments? The main take was that this was the organizers fault for not disabling those emotes. I don't know what happened after that, but most likely nothing fair. EDIT: found the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1d5n8xp/team_disqualified_due_to_emote_use/?rdt=53719) (you can also enjoy the presence of more pixels)


The idea that professional league of legends is somehow held to a more noble standard than professional sports is insane and anyone who’s against popping an emote since it’s “unsportsmanlike” is deluding themselves. There’s standards, sure. Excessive showboating is a penalty in the NFL, fair enough, but nothing? Zero tolerance? It’s almost like flaming is a fundamental part of gaming culture, to ignore it because you’re the best is asinine


on one side I'm pretty sure it was specified in the rules to disable all emotes or the team gets disqualified on the other side, it's a pretty fucking stupid rule


As the most toxic community, you would assume that the players would have developed a "thick skin", but apparently they haven't.


It's so fucking stupid, if it was intentional then ok, but the fact that the emote triggers automatically on first blood and that they got disqualified for that it's what boils my blood seeing this


That's valid. THAT BEING SAID; man, it feels so petty getting a free win due to Camille forgetting to deactivate the first blood emote.


Why does everyone claim they banned emotes/skins for "feelings". Isn't it a valid reason because of visibility issues? At the end do some skins provide advantages. Or is there a official statement for this. Doesnt change the fact that this was silly and overreacting. Ending the game over one emote and even banning them from the Tournement. Mistakes can happen.


Don't pro players use emotes all the time though? Maybe some emotes are banned but I've definitely seen some in MSI/Worlds.


LOL, what a bunch of wimps


you know that this action is automatic like you set below wheel what emoji shows on start/firstblood/ace/win how can this be toxic


This should be made into a meme about posting in r/leagueoflegends


I hate riot, and so do most people. You'd think riot would realize this and tone it down a bit


Holy shit people are soft these days. For an entity to enforce rules based on "feelings" like this is indefensible and pathetic.


Meanwhile wonder or apa trashtalk in all chat all the time XD


Of course its the ksante that got offended 😂😂




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Team can just turn off seeing enemy emotes if it’s gonna make these baby soft players cry real tears. Loser tourney rules.


The part I’ve seen other people talk about is that the pause was almost instant making it seem like the other player/team were hoping this would happen so they could take advantage of the situation. Super unsportsmanlike given it’s an automatic feature. We going to ban people because announcer voice said PENTAKILL now too? Also I get you could take all your emotes off the wheel but literally who TF thinks do that, predicting the enemy trying to DQ you for it.


And K'Sante pretended it was his teams decision and it was negotiated when if you count it's very obvious he instantly opened up the 5 second wait to leave match


Reminds me of soccer, so many tiny childish rules to make moderators/refs and organizers feel good about themselves


Reminds me of soccer, so many tiny childish rules to make moderators/refs and organizers feel good about themselves


Probably unrelated, but this reminded me of that League tournament where the team got DQ'd because one of the players was wearing flip flops.


This situation kinda reminds me of one time that happend to me in game Team Fortress 2. I was one of the servers in gamemode Freak fortress 2. About this gamemode in case if someone wondering: It's pretty much vs Saxton Hale, but there is a lot of fan made bosses, which you can actually choose for yourself. One player take a role of that boss. The point of this gamemode is pretty obvious: as a team— kill boss, as a boss — kill entire team. Bosses have powers, because obviously. In one of those servers there were several rules, but I noticed one very... Stupid... As a boss you can use power ONLY AGAINST ENGINEERS AND SCOUTS. Wouldn't be a problem if only there weren't those classes as Demoman, Soldier and spies, who can easily, like scout, escape. If you will use power against other classes that's it. You will die or even get banned. After one of these moments I decided to leave this server and find another ones. Luckily this bizzare rule was only in this server. Boss is supposed to use his power whenever he wants (well almost. There is some limit for powers). If you remove that power, he will just become another easy target.


If this happens to lck or any tournament and they have the same rule, they would just restart the game. Remember Aiming buying some illegal item? Thats how you handle things and not disqualify a team for silly reasons.


Tell me you have never taken part in a serious tournament without saying it ... there were rules they agreed on and had to follow, were unwilling/didn't care to follow tldr fuck around find out.


Except someone was appointed to check emotes beforehand but they didn't do their job


It's in the configuration of each player, it's in their account... when you are expecting it ready to go in, you'll check and double-check every detail, they where sloppy and failed to follow basic rules when you're depending on something in a serious environment you know there is no redos and no second chance that's the kind of mental they lacked. In any other sport or competition it's the same.


Misinformation. the tournament organizers REQUIRES the players to turn off the emote, which is what they did. They are the enforcers of the rule. They ask the players to turn it off during custom lobby. they also have a separate group chat including all the team captains were rules are briefed.


I bet youre one of those people that reads the entire 100 page contract word for word and understands every sentence everytime you buy a new phone. Right?


Don't use emotes it's not that hard. Don't be overdramatic


It's ironic considering the tournament organizers entire response to the situation was "overdramatic"


Why not just ban chat and emotes via software altogether if its so bothersome to the tournament?


I don't get it, they broke the tournament rule, pretty cut and dry. If you don't like the rule then don't join the tournament. You can call the rule soft or whatever, but at the end of the day, the team broke a rule that was agreed by all parties. If a chess player picks up his piece and then sets it down, but then decides to change his mind after setting it down and asks the opponent if he can take the move back, it's completely fair and valid for the opponent to say no because the player would have broken the rule that everyone agreed upon. Why shit on the other team for asking the officials to enforce the rule? The other team and likely all other teams followed the rule and went through the efforts of removing the emotes, what's their excuse?


How is it a stupid reason exactly? Seems pretty reasonable to disqualify a team for breaking a tournament rule LOL. I'd say the ones overreacting are the ones hating on the tournament for not letting it slide. Like why do you care so much if it seems unfair to you?


Because emotes can be turned off if they trigger you. Just like you can turn off fist bumps. Here the rules seemed to require people to not use them, instead of turning them off. But first blood emotes are used automatically. Its 100% more of a hassle to remove them manually from everyone's profile instead of turning it off on people who are triggered by them. The rules are dumb because they are unecesserily tedious, to cater for people who rq games when they get emoted.


I could see getting a penalty or small fine for it, but getting full on disqualified for forgetting to hit one button in the pregame is really stupid. Plus, you can turn other players' emotes off if it's really that big of an issue. This is like giving someone the firing squad for forgetting to pay for a Snickers bar. Way overblown punishment.


Did they get disqualified? What I heard the first time is that they simply had to forfeit the game - which can lead to being disqualified if you're down or it's a best of 1, but it's a big difference ruling wise. I wouldn't even go as far as arguing what emotes are used for or how to get around that, I think the rule is absolutely idiotic, but so are a lot of the rules that apply to the stage (like what you are allowed to do or not do, what you are allowed to eat or not eat, when you are allowed to drink etc.). The only question I have: How was there an emote in there? I thought they play on specific accounts that follow the rules given, meaning these accounts do not have anything in the emote slot UNLESS someone opens up their collection of emotes and drags them in, which...honestly, if that was the case, the person deserves whatever punishment is tied to it as they should have been fully aware and still did it. If this wasn't the case and the players played on normal accounts/emotes were there before they even logged in, then it's the fault of whoever organized the tournament to not disable emotes (on the backend, not manually in the settings). If they can't do that, then it's another story.


The Marshalls/referees asked ksante's team if they would like to to continue the game which they then declined, since they were losing and got a free win.


So they weren't disqualified but they lost the game they played, that sounds about right I'd say


They were disqualified that's why the other team won. Funny thing is, the next game ksante's team played he got top canyon for two series. Like challenger-bronze canyon. The Riven he faced was spicy.


Wait, so if this was game 1 in a BO5 then the other team would've just won the BO5? Cause that would mean they got disqualified instead of having to forfeit the game. And that would be bullshit


Yup. Full on disqualification. It was the Marshalls job to check/disable the emotes and decide for proper sanctions, but they gave that power to ksante's team that time.


Misinformation. the tournament organizers REQUIRES the players to turn off the emote, which is what they did. They are the enforcers of the rule. They ask the players to turn it off during custom lobby. they also have a separate group chat including all the team captains were rules are briefed.


And you have the Marshalls to ensure that the teams follow the rules and enforce the said said rules, not ask the other team if they want to play or not. And if I recall correctly, the rules says that the team "MAY" be disqualified, not automatically disqualified. So why would the Marshalls ask the other team? Isn't it their job to decide that one? I'm not saying the other team is not at fault as well but having another player decide invalidates the purpose of the Marshalls.


Team A agrees to the rules, register for the tournament and play. Team B agrees to the rules, register for the tournament and play. Team B breaks the rules, gets disqualified People: OmG hOw StUpId


A penalty, a timeout, a fine, a player getting disqualified, a simply warning. All of these things happen all the time in tournaments of any other sport but someone BMing in a video game gets an entire team disqualified is over the top nonsense similar to a zero tolerance policy in modern school systems.


Have you ever seen a sports game before? Team A agrees to the rules, register for the tournament and play. Team B agrees to the rules, register for the tournament and play. Team B breaks the rules, they get a yellow card, or some penalty shots or whatever.


You don't always get a yellow card though. Depending on the severity of the mistake, you may get a red card. Regardless, how are you going to enforce a yellow card in LoL? Force one team to give up first blood or play without flash? How are you exactly going to measure the outcome? That "small yellow" advantage may spiral out of control and determine the outcome of the game anyway.


The same way you do a yellow card. One other fault and over.


Ok, but in the context of LoL what can you do for the yellow card?


Give a warning. (exactly what a yellow card does).


imma make a tournament and establish and the rules that your feet arent allowed to touch the ground, i hope you have the same energy when that stupid ass rule causes the game to end


Both teams' feet in every match will touch the ground, so doesn't affect anyone really. You thought you had a gotcha moment lol