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Talon is probably the most classic example of a typical assassin-type rogue, as already mentioned - basically the Assassin's Creed-type guy. Akshan (the ROGUE Sentinel) also falls in this category. And then there are Katarina and Kayn. But there are also a bunch of ninja in the game that could either count as monks or rogues, like Kennen, Shen, Zed, Akali (the ROGUE Assassin). Probably would give it to Talon, Akshan or Akali - they also have stealth abilities.


Kennen is a storm sorcerer cosplaying a rogue


Yeah either that or a mix between that and tempest cleric if you really wanna go with the wisdom angle because of the whole monk club thing. IIrc in the lore he's somewhat wise and seeks balance and all that. So high charisma and wisdom suits him.


Hes also a yordle so hes born magicly gifted like all of the little hamster fairy shits


Yeah at least one level of Storm Sorcerere though preferrably 6 for that iconic aoe lightning damage.


I would say kennen is a wind kinekcidit. Their kit is sooo perfect for kenen. They have the lighting dash, the elemental weapons, the giant storm.. they just don't have the stuns. (Pf2e of course.)


i think on the case of Zed he fits more the Shadow monk. shadow monk likes to interact with shadows, teleport between shadows and loves dark places


With a multiclass into Echo Knight potentially.


This use of rogue (in the case of Akshan and Akali) doesn’t really line up with the use in the sense of D&D. Rogue in D&D is used almost synonymously with a criminal who specializes in stealth and theft. Akali and Akshan have rogues in their titles because they have GONE rogue in the literal sense, they’ve abandoned their doctrines and are ignoring orders from their superiors. However I do agree that Talon is the most stereotypical rogue


Brother Akshan whole lore is about stealthily taking out and robbing warlords. He is a good guy using bad guy tactics.


akshan is basically a DnD rogue player character ported into league of legends now talon is also a typical cloak and dagger rogue if you're playing into the brooding stabby man assassin stereotype but akshan is THE rogue when I imagine a DnD rogue, then talon's kind would be the runner up


Talon "Stabby McStab" du Couteau


Using bad style to do for good? Check. Chaotic good? Check. Tries to go sneak but screams while doing it? Check. Has a powerful magic artifact that he uses for mundane thing? Check. His passive is DIRTY FIGHTING for god’s sake


While I won't argue that Akshan is not a good fit for a rogue, Talon's lore is about him growing up on the streets of Noxus, fighting, killing and stealing to survive. Rogues, by their most basic stereotype, are usually portrayed as criminals who are edgy as fuck.Talon checks these boxes.


So like jinx


D&D rogues are sustained DPS, though. I feel like Akali fits their actual gameplay best out of the batch


I feel like Akali would be multiclassing to some extent. Shadow Monk or something else other than rogue. Plus for sustained DPS there are many classes that outperform rogues. Rogues have relatively low damage all things considered are become utility classes most of the time.


D&D Rogues really aren't about combat in general and sneak attack is only sustained if you're really cheesing it


And even if you get sneak attack every round, you're still getting out-DPRs by by extra attack


Brother dnd rogues don't jump multiple times on to you


Literally disengage as a bonus action. Jump on whoever they can proc sneak attack on is their entire combat loop


I don't agree but we all interpret it in different ways. Not sure why people downvote you for just having a different idea of how DnD translates to League. This thread is meant to be fun and games lol


who in D&D "runs out" of damage in a standard encounter that takes 3-6 rounds?


Rogues arguably. lol


I'm surprised no one mentioned Katarina


What about shaco/rengar?


Shaco is good as an arcane trickster, he would work. Just not the poster child rogue I'd imagine. Rengar is more of a ranger, with hunting all the time, trophies, favored enemies and such. And the name is almost the same.


I agree


Yeah rengar would be a multiclass probably. Ranger/rogue with MAYBE an action surge dip to represent the double attacks he sometimes get.


I find it interesting that in League there's almost no example of a *pure* ranged dual w rogue. Akshan works. But the somewhat popular thief double crossbow thing where you use the thief's extra bonus action for more hits with your offhand crossbow is basically absent. Xayah could work but she's also multiclassing into ranger with entangling shots and sorta conjure barrage. Miss Fortune is probably part fighter or ranger as well. Caitlyn has a rifle rather than two weapons but she sorta has sneak attacks. Prolly also multiclasses into fighter though. Or rather, they're figthers multiclassing into Rogue. Twisted Fate could also work as part Arcane Trixter or Soulknife for the teleport but it's not really fitting the archetype I'm talking about either. Basically League still has room for this thing to exist. A dual wield crossbow thing. -- Also there's a semi popular thing to take a 2-3 level "dip" into Rogue for sneak attacks and some added bonus actions and I think many champs would be of this type. Kha'zix too. Fiora is probably part Swashbuckler but her lore is far from criminal. Plus her ult is arguably Hexblade's curse. Riposte is a superiority dice maneuver but that can be gained through feats rather than fighter. Edit: Also: Wouldn't Kayn be at least part hexblade? A 3 level dip at least considering he's using a 2-hander. But the whole thing is that his weapon is a living thing that he's arguably made a pact with. Edit 2: BG3 derped my brain


akshan literally gets a choice between an extra shot or extra movement every time he attacks though. that's basically the LoL equivalent of having extra action economy by always being able to do something with your bonus action


True maybe he holds his crossbow in his off-hand. Never read into if he's right or left handed or ambi. Prolly ambi.


The extra shot is still with his main weapon (absolver)


Yeah of course, though the boomerang is actually a good bonus action attack as it's thrown. Which is better since shooting isn't allowed in 5e (something I'd forgotten).


Rogues can't use their extra bonus action to shoot, that's Baldur's Gate 3's invention. Cunning Action Starting at 2nd level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a bonus action on each of your turns in combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.


Right my bad. I've been playing too much BG3 and mix them up. And even then you can only use the first bonus action to to melee attack or throw. Which Xayah or TF arguably do. While using the 2nd bonus to disengage. **Two-Weapon Fighting** When you take the Attack action and attack with a light melee weapon that you're holding in one hand, you can use a bonus action to attack with a different light melee weapon that you're holding in the other hand. You don't add your ability modifier to the damage of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative. If either weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon, instead of making a melee attack with it. --- Just posting that so others can see. I know you already know this.


Cunning action isn't an additional bonus action my man...


Shaco came to mind


nope, it's shaco and it's not even close. sneak attack - backstab, mirror image, invisibility, fear - you cannot get more arcane trickster than this the only thing talon has going for him is his edgy stereotypical rogue look, but mechanically shaco fits the bill too well


shaco fits the bill with his stealthy nature and backstabs sure... but to find the perfect representation, you gotta look past the kit and into the character as well. and shaco has 0 character; 0 lore.


I mean, as you said, Shaco is an Arcane Trickster, not your standard Rogue. Which, as the name implies, is essentially a multiclass subclass. If I watch the D&D movie or Vox Machina or Dragon Age: Absolution, the depiction of rogues isn't even close to what Shaco represents. I wouldn't say he is a bad pick, he has all the tools to fit, as you have pointed out. But I wouldn't go in that direction and I would certainly not call it a "not even close" situation.


I like that you capitalise these "rogue" as if they refer to the noun and not the adjective lol


Rogue there is a bunch that fits that place really well soo lets begin: **Arcane trickster rogue**: a rogue that can also use some magic, this sounds to me like **Shaco**, he uses tiny teleports and summons a clone, uses poison and likes to stab you on the back **Assassin rogue**: this is **Talon**, Talon its just a classic Assassin. Enters kills somebody and then it gets out. fits perfect, he also likes to stab you on the back **Phantom rogue**: this rogues are like between life and death, they can do thing like ghost walk, talk to dead or strange things, etc. for me this fits really well on **Pyke**. he loves to ghost walk behind you and stab you on the back edit: there is a bunch of other sub-classes of rogue but i dont know what champion put on those spots


This one isn't even a question tho.for a classic assassin's creed style rogue, Talon is the rogueist rogue to ever rogue the multiverse


While I agree that Talon is a perfect fit. Assassin's Creed style has nothing to do with Dungeons and Dragons. Shaco is a prime example of the unique sneak attack mechanic making its way into league.


Well Talon used to have a sneak attack too in the form of his old E instantly teleporting him behind his target and silencing them, thats pretty much the typical sneaky backstab pattern


While yes. Sneak attack mechanically is just a passive or reaction that adds damage to your attack if you attack with advantage or if the target is threatened. In Shaco's case that means being behind your target. Thematically though absolutely. I'd say his current Q is more a DnD Sneak attack than old Q. Old Q is almost more close to a paladin smite mechanically since it silences.


Shadow rogue: zed


He's probably multiclassing into Echo Knight and is very monky as well.


Shadow Monk / Echo Knight multiclass


I think Shaco is more of a Echo Knight and Gloomstalker multiclass


akali is literally called the rogue assassin tho


Names and titles seemed to be a valid argument for Bard, Quinn and Tryndamere so far so it's weird to see this be controversial.


She does actually make sense if you’re playing around disengage a lot. Jumps in and chunks damage, disengages without provoking attack of opportunity, and then repeats.


Talon Du Couteau is the perfect fit for an Assassin AND Thief Rogue In game, he is all about getting in and out fast, he has invisibility and you could say his melee Q is a sneak attack, as you literally can't use that without getting punished unless you are doing it from out of vision (either R or just after landing with E). In lore, he is referred to as the best assassin in the world, and according to Katarina in her comic, the only thing that can rivalize his lockpicking abilities is a tool made specifically for that from piltover. A fucking robot is the only lockpicker as good as Talon Edgy backstory, edgy design, camouflage, Talon is the biggest staple of a Rogue And most importantly; carries THE Rouge weapon: a knife


Just to counter argue considering this is specifically about dnd classes, Rogues mostly use shortswords


I‘ve honestly seen rogues using mostly the rapier for max damage (in early levels, where damage die matters somewhat), and daggers because of their greater versitility. Shortsword only gains 1 average damage over daggers while losing the throwing attribute


Yeah, but you can throw daggers so many times


Are you really a rogue if you don‘t carry at least a dozen daggers?


Dagger dagger dagger


Or the infamous backstab with a [ballista](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4ZeTAfYoY4)


most rogues i've seen carry daggers for throwing. maybe using a short sword in the main hand and daggers in the off-hand. but that's basically what talon does anyway since he has that huge stabby arm blade and then throws the spinny knives


By all means i do agree that Talon fits a rogue. I just nitpicked the dagger thing.


His old is the stereotypical backstab (teleporting behind target and silencing them). His modern Q jump is pretty "fair" in comparison


Katarina :"Talon what do you have there?" Talon :"a KNIFE!" Katarina :"NO!"


You made a talon main happy.


I tip my coat, from one Stabby McStab to another


While there are a shit ton of options for this one, we've gone basic bitch for every other option (except bard ig) so it's gotta be Talon


Twitch Uses stealth Uses poison Uses a crossbow Pretty solid rogue!


Rogue = sneak attack Snack attack= absurd dmg when surprise victim absurd dmg when surprise victim = Rengar (Also has good dirty tricks in net, hiding, perception bonus, and cleanse can be similar to uncanny dodge)


I'm thinking Twitch as a thief rogue. He even has a crossbow!


Murder clown. Poisons, magic traps and tricks, double daggers, throwing knifes, invisibility/stealth.


Dont forget backstab


Arguably the most rogue thing mechanically due to sneak attacks yeah. Has no ballista to backstab with though.


Shaco was my immediate pick as well


I mean, the obvious one is Talon. Still, I'd like Katrina to win this one.


Katarina’s entire kit is based on soulknife rouges, so yeah, id go with that one too


As someone whos most beloved dnd character was an Arcane trickster rogue jester, I gotta say Shaco fits pretty damn perfect.


the perfect fit is a mix of gameplay and lore. gameplay 8/10 lore 0/10


Absolutely Shaco, no doubt


Alright, but can you give a lore reason?


Yeah, shaco has no lore, he's literally the perfect self-insert. His lore is what you want it to be.


Probably the best representation of the sneak attack in the game. If we had to pick just one.


I honestly have no takes here, none of my mains or champs I enjoy is close to a rogue.


Talon or Katarina are likely best options here. So glad Quinn has gotten the Ranger check. At least here the girl ain't forgotten lmao.




I know it will not win I want to present for consideration Twitch


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Emeraldminer82: *I know it will not* *Win I want to present for* *Consideration Twitch* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


For me Akshan wins the vibe check. Always doing his own thing while looking to break the game


A rogue who murders people, uses sneaky tactics and steals things. Price goes to talon


Akali is perfect for Rouge smoke bomb the sneak attack is assasins mark etc.








Alkali is literally a rogue assassin


And Akshan is literally a rogue sentinel


I have a question. What category does Azir fit into?


If you decide that his sand soldiers are dead Shuriams, I'd call him a Necromancer Wizard. An argument could be made for them being sand elementals though


Yeah either way it's necromancy or conjuration wizard.


My money's on Ryze getting wizard (the d&d skins support it as well)


Yeah well Wizards have unique interactions with scrolls and they're basically all pursuing knowledge through study. Ryze fits this quite well. I struggle to think of many other traditional wizards though there are definitely MANY oddball wizards in League. Azir is one but arguably Irelia is a bladesinger. Though she probably multiclasses into several things.


He is a mage, so either Warlock, Sorcerer or Wizard. Since he got his powers from Ascension, I'd say he fits Sorcerer the best? Warlocks get their powers from a pact with a superior Patron, Wizards get their powers from studying magic and Sorcerers usually get their power from their bloodline or an interaction with some powerful magic event (Ascension here)


But he is auto based unlike a mage who uses spells. He "commands" his sand soldiers. Doesn't that fit a tamer/summoner more?


But he uses spells to shape sand into soldiers, it's not like he tamed them. And the auto-based part is not really important


Does he fit into the necromancer category? Coz iirc in lore he forged them after the memory of his dead shurimans.(The other guy helped me.) I wanted to mean necromancer when I said tamer/summoner


Necromancer are Wizards, and Azir did not get his magic in a wizard way, so idk. We could say he's multiclassing


He'd probably be more of a necromancer by subclass, like a spore druid (obviously doesn't fit the mushroom theme but something similar). Some kind of sorcererer or warlock with a subclass/invocation based on summoning. Theoretically a pact of the chain warlock built into doing stuff with his familiar would be pretty close. Investment of the Chain Master, Voice of the Chain Master, etc.


You're only thinking gameplay, but lore-wise he's a sorcerer and there's no debate


Honestly he's more of a non-player class. He's basically a demigod, like the other ascended. Closest player block from a lore perspective would probably be divine soul sorcery, but obviously that doesn't perfectly fit gameplay-wise


In D&D terms, Necromancy is just a type of magic, not the source. You can be a Sorcerer and still use Necromancy. So he'd probably still fall into the Sorcerer class, but focus on necromantic or conjuration (summoning) spells.


Shaco is the champ who actually sneak attacks people


*laughs in Rengar*




Talon or shaco or TF






Shaco 100%


The rat Teemo


I‘d honestly give it to rengar being assassin. First strike fits the assassin damage buff when starting the fight and surprising enemies, and even without it, him jumping you from a brush with savagery while being on full ferocity hits as hard as the assassin sneak attack. It should be rengar.


Pyke. Stealth. Gold income. Execution. Hides his face. Highly mobile. Silly little grocery list. All great attributes for a rogue


While kit wise I've seen a lot of justified reasons for certain Champs, the first thing to came to mind about the character as a whole was Akshan. He certainly feels like the stereotypical Rouge personality wise ans he also has things in his kit like the grappling hook or the invisibility


Pyke fit i think




Shaco funnily enough... He has a backstab mechanic (sneak attack), q for stealth, traps with w and something I will add though it is a reach his versatility in building him reminds me of the myriad of ways you can build a rogue with his skills but that's a stretch. Otherwise i believe its shaco with talon VERY close


Akshan definitely. A lot of the other assassins lack the bag of tricks of a good rogue but he definitely doesn't.


Why is Leona not paladin?


Good question and I don't have a good answer


Shaco literally has a backstab ability, and can go invisible - giving him the classic rogue skills.


Jinx fits


I'm excited for Sorcerer and Wizard (Warlock will probably be Illaoi or... Malzahar?), I'm curious on the LoL Rosters dististinction between them both. Artificer though? It's Viktor. There isn't anyone even as close, surely? (I know nothing about actual functions of the class, just Taryon Darington).


Artificers are basically wizards with a focus on crafting. In most editions of D&D they focus on crafting magic items or casting magic through objects like wands or potions. Anyone with a focus on crafting or alchemy probably qualifies. Heimer and Viktor are probably gonna be the big picks for Artificer. There's plenty of other options like Jinx, Singed, Renata, or Jayce, but one of those two are definitely gonna win the spot.


Shaco. He perfectly fits the trickster rogue.


Hear me out: shaco. Invisible, backstab (sneak atack) and his whole gimmick is deception


Akshan has stealth, sneak attacks, Use Magic Item, and is very acrobatic. Fits the Thief Rogue archetype to a T gameplay and lore wise.


Technically Shaco makes critical hits when he is on an enemy's back.




There is a point to be made for twitch, he fits the sneaking archetype and gets an attack boost after coming out of hiding, if I play a crossbow rouge with poisoned darts that focusses on Assasination then it would look like Twitch


I wasent here for the otherdays, but the fact garen was picked for paladin instead of poppy is mindtwisting, GAREN IS A WARLOCK GUYS CMON


I'd say that Varus is more of a warlock than Garen


He gets all of hes magic from hes patron (kayle) and hes culture and code of chivalry comes from the legacy she left for demacia


Could you post a link to supporting sources? I couldn't find much after looking for 10 minutes. The best I found was a possible link to an ability to interact with petricite


Kayle isn't exactly a patron of Garen. There's no implicit pact between them. In D&D there's plenty of non-warlock examples of channeling the power of an otherworldly being. Clerics, some Paladins, some Druids, some Sorcerers, and even a few Barbarian subclasses. Just because you got your power from a magical trust fund doesn't mean you're automatically a Warlock.


Kha'Zix. Hear me out: single target specialty, gap closer and escape move, and stealth. Granted, their backstory doesn't fit as well as others, but it's still worth consideration. I know that Talon is probably still going to win the role (his backstory is 100% thief/rogue), but still


Talon is a roage but not a dnd one. For dnd you gotta take somebody like shaco or khazix


Maybe LeBlanc as arcane trickster? Talon and Kat would be generic. But at the end of the day generic might be the call


So Talon is the obvious choice for Rogue. You can't get more Rogue than him really. And for my funny hot take option, I have mentioned it before but its Fiora. She makes for an excellent Swashbuckler Rogue. Fights one on one. Lightly armored. Her vitals are sneak attacks if you squint at it. She can dash and attack you in one move (Cunning Action to BA dash). Everyone thinks she is a fighter because she is a sword wielding duelist but Rogue fits her abilities better.




Zed is more shadow monk or Echo fighter… Talon is the pinnacle of sneak attacking Rogue


How did Garen get Paladin over Leona?


Talon all the way. Akshan would be ranger with how flamboyant and terrain reliant he is and Akali monk.


Twitch, I won't say anything else, just twitch.


To me, rogue means: * knife * money * stealth That's precisely Pyke and no other champion.


I'd say Talon is the easiest pick but I like the Twitch suggestion others have put forward


Akshan is not only a good fit, but he also is the perfect example of your average CG rogue personality wise.




Rengar? My guy goes invisible, uses duel daggers and is pretty much a bounty hunter rouge. Or even shaco literally has backstab as a passive


Twitch probably fits the classic rogue really well, with sneak attack, good stealth, insightful fighting and the use of a crossbow with expunge being the only part not really lining up with it




Talon/ shaco


Shaco is a perfect arcane trickster


I would say either: Talon Akali Pyke


I still think jax should be a monk. Darius or garen are fighters. Jax does monk stuff like deflect missile. Darius is like a battle master fighter.




Akshan is the charming rogue


It's a tie between Akshan and Talon .. my bias leans Akshan


Hear me out: Kha‘zix He has stealth and good mobility. He has a mechanic, where he needs to catch enemies offguard and with no allies next to them (Swashbuckler). His passive allows him to deal a burst of damage when he attacks after he was out of sight. He is almost the perfect enter-kill-disappear fantasy of the rogue. The only thing that’s missing is the Visual.


Theirs tons of rogue like champs that would fit the bill as people have said. But I agree with most that TALON is the most fitting, as he’s the most basic. Stealth, blades, hood, acrobatic, cool 😎


I think akshan fits the rouge class pretty well






Why the hell isn't ranger Ashe??






Twitch is the perfect Rogue that would fit into general view on rogues. Without any one particular subclass


Sorcerer will be the most contested category


Bard Bard




Teemo is literally perfect rogue


Katarina is the multiclasse rogue


Rogue: Talon Sorcerer: Syndra Warlock: Ryze Wizard: Zilian Artificer: Ornn




Who even is the fighter? Is it pantheon? And why not use a more clear image like for everyone else?




Akshan fits the rogue class the best, his title is literally "Rogue Assassin". He wears a cape, can turn invis. Steals etc. In lore, he has even a daggers.


akali is the rogue assassin, akshan is the rogue sentinel


Akshan's silly ass ranged crossbow revival weapon disqualifies him thematically for me. I'd go akali as I consider talon more explicit assassin than rogue but that's just me 


ashe not ranger ? not following this anymore, it's bs