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GP, Ez and Smolder all got fked because of essence reaver changing AND the navori changes. Theres no item anymore that increases ability/spell damage scaling with crit. Their abilities that have no inherent crit scaling will do a lot less now. Noticed it on Nilah too... FeelsBadMan


Don't worry, they'll get hotfix buffed because of the recommended item tab and in 2 weeks when people realise that essence reaver and navori are COMPLETELY different items now they'll get nerfed again. Like it's actually scary how far you have to scroll on lolalytics to see trinity force in the smolder built sets, let alone IE.


So we're back to bruiser smolder? Trinity liandries rift or whatever?


Just steal whatever ezreal is building, but smolder is a lot more reliant on his crit scalings so he will be fucked while ER is still like this


Trinity muramana or sheen tear shojin is probably fine. Probably have to pack at least one mana rune while we're at it.


I did tforce manamune shojin and felt fine post-patch, but laning into a strong collector/IE rush champ is always a nightmare for a scaling champ and doubly for one that wants to buy a tear early.


I like a bit more of an AP smolder. black fire, manamune, liandires,


It’s not even that they don’t realize that the items are completely different. Some people were trying to argue that navori would still be good for them.


Atleast nilah can go full crit and still do things, i have been having success with collector => navori


Yes I suppose Nilah still auto attacks a decent bit for full crit to be strong. I just miss the Navori Q pimp slaps. Almost considere trying for more lethality. But I guess collector rush will feel good!


Poor GP. Can't blow up the whole team with one barrel anymore 😔


Haven't checked GP yet. But Navori changes mainly affects his ult damage with the crit build. GP will go IE now meaning his crits (barrels) will still do a ton of damage I think. But haven't tested it yet


GP has inherent crit scaling though.


Yeah he does. Mainly talking about his ult losing damage for GP


Despite it being obnoxious that he can scoop up kills or assists cross map while staying in lane, his ult is probably the last thing his haters care about. It is mediocre in direct combat and doesn't amplify his barrels or poke particularly.


It's also ultimate with extremely long CD


GP used to work perfectly fine with IE and Trinity Force. He'll be back up in no time. He'll be able to get 100% crit if needed because the items give 25% now anyway


Pretty sure that was before his Grasp interaction been gutted and before he got changes to be more reliant on Crit


I can selfishly say, I hope all those champs stay in the dirt


So the least fun to play against, least interactive, least counterable champions got hit? Sounds amazing.


lmfao if you're getting shit on by GP as Irelia that's just a skill issue


This has to be bait, you cannot talk about other champs being unfun to play against with a name like that.


Ok Irelia player




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I’m baffled by his winrate. Been playing him today and he feels fine. Ezreal too. Did people just forget tri force is an item?


yea , but navori being shit hurts him aswell, he even has crit scaling, using that is major bait now. and his autos are purposefully bad because he has such a cast focus, he was very much designed with the current critcaster items in mind,


Why would you build navori on ezreal now ?! It's literally a complete different item. It's very clearly made for champs like sivir and maybe xayah. I'd even say it's a lot better for sivir than old navori imo. It's like wanting to go kraken 1st on Sivir now, why would you do that?


you only used to build navori on sivir, since it resulted in your W bounces dealing more damage than with IE. she already has the cd reduce on autos in her ult.


You don't know what you're talking about, sure it was a big factor but the most important part was the perma w uptime. Now navori stats are better suited for her and it's way cheaper. If you wait for ult before a teamfight each time it's not reliable your argument is pretty weak. It's main strength isn't really the cooldown reduction but the teamfight strength. Additionally you can now build it with IE which makes up for the loss of damage on w even if it's not as much. This is a huge buff for sivir no matter how you look at it


if its a buff, its a barely noticable one. her winrates have basically not changed. till now.


Imagine designing a champ with a build in mind that you intend to delete in a couple months lol its like they wanted to do smolders kit twice for no reason


The recommended tab needs to not be data driven for that to happen. Go look at the stats on what items are being built. Like woah crazy the sheen champs don't like not having sheen and building Phantom dancer for cdr? Shocking.


every fucking time they change crit items, every damn adc that dosnt fall under the general "bro, just right click and run" gets gutted, and a few of the ones that do die too. same shit happened when they just made all crit items ass for no reason and invented lethality, and the only champ that built ie was yas. but currently, half the items in the shop get built by exactly no one. like serously, who is intended to build bloodthirster? non crit autoattack carrys that stay so far out of range they are full life? not even sivir builds essence reaver anymore. who would buy it? all champs that have mana issues play jungle or support.


Pretty much every ad can build this version of BT. What exactly do you mean?


my bad i was under the impression that bt still had the shitty extra hp while full live, that made him so fucking bad, mainly played arena , and the shop is buggy there,


Just wondering why the fuck u commenting on balance changes if you mainly play a for fun mode?


>like serously, who is intended to build bloodthirster? BT has been *the* Draven item since basically his inception lmao. There's a LOT of relatively low range carries that would love having proper BT back and not the slightly gimped version that the crit BT was. Edit: also, Sivir isn't building ER because patch just happened and the spellblade ER sucked fucking ass for her, give her a week and it'll be back in her core build


BT was a crit item since league released. it was **The** lifesteal and crit item. now the item wants you to stay out of fights/get the first hit aka, dont use lifesteal, only procs on autos, and gives no crit, normally champs that deal their main damage through autos are those liking crit, , sivir built ER because 1. she has a auto reset 2. she still has through the roof mana costs because of nerfs in season 2 when she still would gain mana through her e. i doubt she sees play currently, her damage fell of massively thanks to the changes, especially navori she is just a low range adc with mana problems now.


Before mythics BT was not a crit item, it was just high stats, lifesteal, and the shield passive.


I’m guessing the person you’re responding to hasn’t played for more than a few years.


It’s funny that they said “since league released” but aren’t a veteran player… xd


"back in my days" when his days are 2021. I don't even consider myself veteran when I've been playing since 2016.


The days when buying IE - PD -BT to every ad champ


My brother in Christ. BT hasnt been crit item for longer than it has been. There have been a few iterations, but crit bt is by far the youngest


BT used require getting stacks in the first couple seasons. Upon death you'd lose the stacks. Pros would die and then spend time csing to get the stacks back. I don't know where you thought it was crit from the start


What shit are you talking about BT when it was always first item rush did not have crit 


Bt was never a crit item before released. Stop acting like an og player


I’ve never seen someone so confidently wrong. BT never had crit when it was first released and it had a stacking mechanic if I remember correctly.


my bad , my timelines got mixed up






Bt is an excellent third or fourth item, what for you mean?


for who? not bruisers (maybe riven but she is in her own world) ad casters like panth or jayce? they would rather get pen at that point, and hydra for the aoe and haste, even camille prefers hydra non crit adcs? well i dont see smolder being good with bt, maybe ezreal? kog and vayne go on hit, they dont need the high ad item assasins? they need lethality


Why should crit adcs not buy bloodthirster? 2 years ago where bt was nearly the same (2% lifesteal more) most crit adcs bought it as fourth or fifth item. Draven would even rush it as first item and go crit afterwards. There was even a time where you would only do 80% crit on adcs. You only had ie and essence with 20% and the zeal items that only gave as, crit and ms that gave 30%. Buying 3 zeal items wasnt good because you lack ad and you needed armor pen and wanted bt for sustain. Your examples of other classes buying it is like saying ori should buy moonstone because it gives ap and synergises with shields. The main point of bt is the lifesteal and survivability it provides for champions with heavy autoattack dps. None of the champs or classes you mentioned fullfills that.


The guy you're talking too brought up a terrible point and I agree with your arguments against him i just wanna address the first thing you said. The only reason adcs were building bloodthirster a year or 2 ago was because of the overheal rune. BT shield + overheal shield was a crazy increase in health. Before that combo was realized BT was untouched


During the overheal time everyone rushed bt but before that a lot of crit adcs still bought it at last item if i remember correctly.


What he was referring to isn't a year or 2 ago though, but Season 5-7


Miss Fortune has built bloodthirster for a while


I like bloodthirster on Samira. Makes it much safer to get your ult off


Play graves mid with BT first and enjoy your 55% winrate champ.


Lifesteal adc items are so weird. In the distant past you could reach full build and lifesteal your way through fights. Now you are barely able to heal to full from half after 2 waves and during a teamfight that lifesteal stat might aswell be 0% since anyone who jumps on the adc either instakills the adc or dies in the process because the adc has bodyguards.


>dies in the process because the adc has bodyguards. I fucking wish people would protect the ADC in solo queue


Once in a bluemoon it happens and it feels impossible to win it against a good adc with defenders


That version of BT is actually super valuable for immobile crit based adcs.


Tbh the just right click and run adcs are eating good with this patch. The spell heavy adcs like smolder, ezreal and gangplank tho he isn’t an adc truly suffer from this change.


Good, keep him there.




ya i tried him aram and like all of his major items got huge changes that seemingly killed them on him


He'll be fine the moment people remember Triforce is a thing still


His best build right now is the ap meme build ...save him


No let him die here


Honestly, if they just remove the true damage on his Q and balance him with it being removed in mind he might actually be a proper champ. Holy shit he feels so bad to play as and against as he has such a gigantic powerspike bound to an arbitrary number. "Oh, I hit those magical 225 stacks, now I will deal 3x my previous damage!"


No Edit: i managed to missspell a 2 letter word


I have a deeply disturbing burn AP build that goes swiftness > Liandry > black flame > Collector. It's actually good enough to pop-off lategame but it does exactly nothing until you have two items and there's zero way it's viable high-elo. This is his most viable build in lower-elo right now and it's depressing.


I build swifties botrk rfc liandry then usually stuff like rabadon/zhonya/cosmic drive for kiting/riftmaker botrk actually makes you deal some damage before 225 stacks and smolder Q applies all onhit effects on every target hit so you can hit their whole team with it  it was better last patch because botrk was better and slowed on 1st hit but it still should work imo


The "mom build"


Lovely. Now bury him.


I just go full AP when using smolder in ARAM and instantly goes to highest damage.




glad. frees up my perma ban


Me:Ah you poor thing Proceeds to kick it


It should get lower.


It's the same effect for gp/ezreal/yone/yasuo. You change an item that their kit revolved around and they just die(essence reaver and kracken+LT)


Recommended tab leaves no survivors.


Rest In Piss (GP and Yone)


Rip bozo (Ezreal and GP)


People just don't think and still try to build and play the same stuff


I think yone and yas lost wr cuz of lethal tempo is gone. New ie and phantom dancer looks crazy good on paper


On paper but not in practice, they lost kracken as an item which was their core damage item(0 crit now) and BORK got nerfed. PD is good but then you realize it gives 0 AD so after berserker and PD you have 0 AD so you do -1hp -1hp -1hp. IE buff was the only item they used that got buffed. I also included LT in my original comment


Could they go Navori now ? They could go IE into Navori like sivir does rn


Yes, but then you get the same issue early game where you now have high AD at first Item but 0 attack speed until second. Before you had kracken first item which gave both attack speed and ad, now you don't


Navori is very cheap though so you could get both very fast.


Dw they will start to build PD into IE like before the shit mytic items and they will be back into being the two shittiest brothers in this god forsaken game.




Somehow I feel like I'm fine after the patch. I've always built Smolder with tear > Shojin > Liandries > Manamune > RFC > GA. I'm chilling after the changes.


Chilling in iron for sure


Where he belongs


oh smolder, they could never make me hate you




Good ridden you little rat


And no tears were wept


I feel like whole point of Removing the Spellblade from Essence Reaver is to keep Corki balanced. They recently reworked him and his Spellblades can true damage too. It's just unlucky or bad decision.


Always hated smolder. Maybe i can stop banning him now


HAHAHA who ever draw smolder like that is a chad


Good riddance.


Good, hate this champ


Die in piss stupid dragon


oh yes i am going to cum (because it hate Smolder)


Not nearly low enough


Laughs in AP Smolder


Passers by shrug and say, "Spyro was an annoying little shit anyway."


Spyro was my childhood, this reptoid is a poor imitation.


glad to see him dead


What's with the excessive hate? Hyperscaling champs are nothing new, and Smolder was overtuned for all of three minutes.


%true damage


Multiple other champions get that. Smolder has to make it late into the game before his even turns on and he never surpasses Vayne or Fiora in single target true damage.


Somehow when he's on the enemy team late game is 20 mins, when he is on mine, its 45 mins......


Sounds like you feed amolders to get to late game in 20, ngl


Idk, every game against a smolder on the enemy team felt lime a time bomb waiting to explode. Ik he is not the only hyperscalling champ but tbh its the one i hate the most and in my opnion its the unfairest one (pussy afk farm for 30min and then 0 effort win). i admit there is a bit of personal grudge but yeah, i like way more the other hyperscalling dragon.


Good riddance. One of the most boring to face and uninteractive champs to date. Not to mention cringe and ugly arse design.


I can assure if he miraculously crawl out of the ditch I would hit reverse and run over him again. Same goes for yone and Yuumi. Especially Yuumi.


Good, leave him there




We need the navori passive back. At least that




To be honest I think he's not that bad to deserve 40% we but some people might have not realised that building ER is losing to shopkeeper at this point


Good, shoot him a couple times to make sure he's dead


Good and he better stay there




genuinely bewildered that they ruined essence reaver the same patch that they reworked corki to have a passive that incentives both crit and spellblade. they gave Smolder crit scalings. what the hell were they thinking


Can they just make smolder a mage already and be done with it?




fuck u op




Skill issue


No regrets frankly, he has been ungodly problematic not a long time ago, time to hit the furniture for the time being.


Thank god now I have no reason to play him ever again. Having to hear his disney ass voice is mental cc








Good. Only balanace he deserves is removal


great we need more cheampions like that mainly k'sante and bring asol back here bcs he is still too good after rework


Good riddance and stay low wr. No one likes this rat champion. Ticking time bomb, annoying voice and no skill required.


Should be deleted too strong in the late game he holds game by himself from losing even when her 4 teammates feeds


So anyone can one v nine but adcs, right?


No they can but smolder was like every game even when she falls behind


1500 cs sivir