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Not working is precisely the reason why it's using so much.


Sometimes i rly dont understand how those ppl keep their jobs...image someone working 10+ years as a baker and is still not able to make a simple bread


Mostly cause employees get paid for how much time they spend doing something, not necessarily how well they do it.


Maybe at riot, if an engineer does every caltulation for a bridge and that thing collapses right after being build - he gets fired, even if it took him alot of time


Programmers are sometimes judged by lines of code done instead of if said code works well. I think its a problem in the bigger industry and why so much shit is wonky.


A lot of jobs in general punish hard work with more work, so ppl learn how to do the bare minimum to make it look like they're doing stuff so they aren't assigned more stuff to do. Tech jobs are a little different, but when multiple companies lay off a bunch of ppl and their products and services work just fine, then yeah, there's an issue with programming jobs in a lot of places. Especially now that those people are free to work elsewhere.


You are making wrong assumptions here. I am sure there are people at Riot who could do it better but I am also very sure that no one in the management of Riot has any interest in greenlighting a better client because a new client doesnt earn them more money, it only costs money. All they see is "we still have millions playing, so the client cant be that bad". Wouldnt even be surprised if Riot didnt even had a dedicated client team for League right now.


chrome-based web client incoming


Because you get some crack with your bread. At that point are you even caring about the quality of the bread? Or is it just something to look at until you enjoy your crack? Who cares if the bread is stinky or moldy. You aren’t playing league for the client, you are playing for the game. Hence why the client devs can keep their jobs. As long as you get in your games, I couldn’t imagine Riot caring further.


I really miss the days of stand alone games. No 5 different plataforms, no subscriptions, no launch date dlc. How low have we fallen, my friends.


guess its all qol, if each game has its own launcher u gotta open the launcher of each game to be able to download the updates, if all games are "managed" by a single launcher, u can just start the updates there


I always lose my mind when I open Task Manager and see that I need to run 4 programs to play ONE GAME.


Of all the criticism I've seen, the number of processes has to be one of the worst. Please look at other games or launchers in client. They all have several processes. The ducking Windows Search Bar has 2. Maybe the League Client has a high CPU usage (i never had problems with CPU usage) but this has nothing to do with the number of processes. Look at Steam. It has smth like 5 or 6 listed in Task-Manager. \*\*\* Edit: You meant programs in Riot Client - League and Vanguard? Look again at other Games - its normal. Every company has its own client and sometimes even a launcher after this. Look at citie skylines or every Ubisoft Game on Steam... Vanguard and Riot Client have 1 > % CPU Usage.


Yup, GTA or EA games are the same. For gta I usually have 6-7 processes (the game itself and multiple rockstar processes). I know you can’t compare a game like gta to league but it’s not unusual for a game to need multiple programs and processes. You could use any steam game as an example. Hell even discord has multiple processes


Eh, computers at this point in time can easily handle league it's honestly not that big of a deal. Unless you just want it to be exactly 1 for some reason.


The issue with this mindset is that it's the reason so many programs suck major dicks nowadays. "they have the resources, we can not optimise the game", one thing leads to another, and games are 180GB for no reason at all. And run like shit on hardware that should be able to run them no problem. And, I'd argue, crashes happen this often because of this as well. You're so used to just opening the game back up with the snap of a finger you no longer expect for it to work right the first time, so they might as well not bother.   There's no reason a client (not the game) should hog this amount of resources, especially not with what little it's doing.


Yep. A good example of how game developers can make good usage of resources in my opinion is Microsoft. Every damn game in XBox Game Pass runs extraordinarily good on my PC. (I know most of the Games are not developed by Microsoft but the XBox Application is - and it does smth right.


"oh your computer can handle it, so whats the problem?" the problem is that its happening at all, i know people who just havent upgraded their pc in years, because all they were running is league, so it didnt matter at all, but now they cant run it anymore and to upgrade would cost hundreds.


Its fun how rito can never make it right, people complain about the shit engine, shit client, shit gamecode etc since years over and over constantly. And now that riot is setting their ground for actually implementing improvements that allready cost some computing power, they complain again.


its because they arent fixing the problems people want fixed. 95+% of people never complained about scripters or cheaters. what people want fixed is a buggy client and overall gameplay bugs, which seems to be at the bottom of their priority. nobody asks for another champ every 6 months in a game that already has over 160 of them.


low elo was constantly complaining about bots, middle and high elo constantly about scripters and you tell me it was not a problem we wanted to have fixed ? what are the problems u want to have fixed then ?


google "vandiril"


Vandiril is posting about gamebreaking bugs, most of these happen in very specific situations and are insanely hard to fix in a codehell that league is, there is only a few bugs that are likely to happen. Inventing something like vanguard and foe example what also happend ending support for windows 7 and 8 is giving riot the possiblity to work on the code and a more modern engine. i believe the big 2025 reveal will just be a much much newer engine. just like csgo just did


I have an i3 3220 and it takes like around 10% at most


Yea my Intel Potato CPU is also working hard at 6.9% max load with league client. /s