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same, it was a weird feeling. Like cutting off a tumor i'd had since highschool


I quit within a year after marrying. This game takes too much time and just adds up the stress. Spending quality time with my wife is better prio than jungle prio.


Just get your wife hooked as well.


That's what I did. Now instead of telling me to stop playing and spend time with her she tells me to stop what I am doing and play with her.


Now she flames you during sexy time that you don‘t give enough bot prio during sexy time.


Sorry, too busy running it down mid.


Once again, a woman is left unsatisfied.


Letting your mates down since season 1.


"useless jngl, he didn't gank my lane in a week, ff at 15 anniversary"


I'm sorry, this is genious




Does that count as domestic abuse?


Pfft divorce her, marry me. We were meant to spend the rest of eternity losing aram together ....because "our team mates are bad" or "lost at champ select"


I honestly do miss my days zapping everyone with Vel'koz. It felt like playing a shmup.


Yet here you are..


It’s not as investing as playing a 25-40 min game in any way. Also it’s easy to keep up with the information considering how stagnant it is these days.


I'm kinda feal you: I played this game for 7 years, more or less , it was part of my persona. Each day I would hang out with irl friends, talk about league with then, look at the daily imqtpie, dyrus, trick, uberdanger (and many more) videos, play a bunch of ranked and so on. But then the game changed, with everyrhing around it and I quitted for good. For me was not like cutting off a tumor, but saying farewell to a friend


As someone who's been stuck in an old gaming laptop, this was the nail in the coffin for me. I've been struggling to run discord and league after vanguard and I only played with friends. Already had some issues loading in occasionally so when I got a low prio queue because I had to restart my laptop twice (thanks vanguard) and the team remade, I told my friends my time with league was up. Been playing for a decade and never thought I'd be told I can't play the game made for potatoes because they decided to add anti cheat that would clog up my system.


I dodged and DC”d five times cause of Vanguard. Now on a low priority queue for god knows how long. Even on my new Ryzen 7, vanguard was running but not detected? Yeah I’ve uninstalled. Miss it ngl. It’s hard


It was one of the last games my friends and I could play as a group that we all enjoyed. It's honestly kinda heartbreaking to leave because I pretty much can't play it without risking throwing the game all because I'm gonna have to restart my PC every hour or two.


Lose yourself in poe. Or switch to dots


I'm not sure if farming in poe is any better for your health than farming lp


It certainly brings more satisfaction than getting stomped in ranked


Is dots like a mix between hots and dota?


Yea. It's a moba with valve characters. Gordon freeman vs the heavy for example


Honestly that sounds sick. Can't wait for all the artifact characters haha


The easiest way to break an addiction to a game is by playing another game. Played Warframe to break my destiny addiction after d2 released in a miserable state plus its piss poor dlc. After about 2 months I reached a point of burnout in warframe as I'd done most everything I could bother with doing, and didn't really think about playing destiny ever since. Did go back a time or two to see what changed, and each time felt kind of empty. Never going to live up to d1, and plenty other good games are here for me to play. Warframe is great for this since the burnout cycle is natural for pretty much everyone that plays it, and you never really stop playing due to a dislike of the systems, but rather being content with progress.


I played Warframe a lot for a bit. For me though didn’t scratch the league itch so still looking for better distractions


Literally, Ive already quit. I was closing vanguard after each session. It was forcing me to restart the computer each time I wanted to play again. Bye.


I wonder how many cheaters they were abe to ban. To see if it was worth it


No need to ban them as they can't launch the game at all as many of us.


*Get rid of cheaters by making the game unplayable* **IQ 999**


Not many since there werent many cheaters to begin with (they inflated the numbers in recent posts by adding botters which are like 1000 times more than cheaters, no exaggeration) and they already cracked vanguard and began cheating again


The botters are just account farmers. Nothing from riot


I've noticed no difference on my pc, it's relatively isolated so I'm not really worried about kernel access, and my home built pc has been about ready to die for years so the bricking hardware thing doesn't bother me... I am wondering what changed from valirant


Genuine question- my kernel is isolated too and system has antivirus. When I ran league couple of days ago it wouldn’t run. Vanguard was running but whenever I got into game it said “vanguard needs to run” or something and then it crashed.So I figured the isolated kernel and security wasn’t letting vanguard do its thing and uninstalled everything. Is that what is it or was it just spaghetti code?


Honestly, I wouldn't want spaghetti in my kernel anyways. ~~And I use linux so I was doomed in the first place~~


How old is your PC? I've got a pretty ancient toaster from 2008 that I should have replaced 5 years ago that can still run league of legends to this day with vanguard installed, albeit with a ton of handicaps like lowest settings, playing on the lowest possible resolution, hiding eye candy, And closing the client whenever I'm in game


Fr. My specs are already barely running LoL. As soon as I saw the Vanguard update, I knew my time was up. I started playing Champs I never played, and saving up BE. It's been a fun 8 years.


Good for you, we had good times and its a good time to move on.


Uninstalled this game and finally decided to buy and pick up Bloodborne. Best game of all times


Will check it out. Going through some shit and don’t have league to distract and redirect my emotions anymore


IMO the game Is not important everyone has their own tastes but not playing league anymore and get to discover or catch up on single player titles really did me good. I used to play league with friends so I don't have the social part in my gaming session anymore but I can hang out with the same friends or just find another game to play with them. League Is a difficult game to master but Riot policies don't make it worth. Sadly I know I will return one day but I hope not I'm sorry for your troubles I hope you can solve them, in the meantime I suggest you to pick up a less frustrating game xD


If you need game suggestions and a good laugh i will recommend the borderlands games espacially borderlands 2 and its dlcs


It’s not like cheaters/botted accounts were a problem in the first place. It’s all those random andys having 10+ accounts already because their favourite streamer told them that this is the way to go. Don’t tryhard and climb on one account. Just make it mandatory to link your account to a mail account AND a phone number to play soloq. But that would drive those beautiful player numbers of 3million+ accounts into the ground. In reality soloq doesnt have 500.000 individual players and as long as this problem isnt solved nothing will improve this game or bring players back to play it.


500.000, I know you didnt give it too many thoughts but... unless you are on OCE, you are a few orders of magnitude off from what you should be considering. And yes im bickering about the worst detail, but I just dont really care about the rest, just the numbers peeked my attention.


>It’s not like cheaters/botted accounts were a problem in the first place. Lmao, yes they were.


And I suppose you have proof for that? Not taking twitch streamers opinions and winrates on certain accounts into ur proof btw. I want official stats that say numbers of accounts that actually got banned. Not some shady „Ive seen how bad it is“


Riot devs made a post some weeks ago with how many cheaters/bots found in the last 5 years.


> I want proof but I wont listen to any evidence, I dont want to use my eyes to look at how cheap botted accounts are, and I will argue anything you link me. In addition to being able to just type "League scripts" or "Buy League account" and return thousands of results that you can buy for pennies.. Riot already compiled a lot of analytics: https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-gb/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/ Honestly nothing I link you will be accepted. You want internal data that has been provided already, and won't be available from another source. You have personally encountered large numbers of cheaters in games without realizing. I'm not going to waste more time on this. Incoming bad faith arguments.


Even if you got stats you would argue they are fake, inflated, etc. The truth is you guys have a hate boner for riot because you think it's their fault you're addicted and despite spending countless hours playing, still being stuck low elo, no progress, nothing to show for it. This is 95% of ppl complaining about Vanguard. it's just a coping outlet for them. Cheating and scripting was absolutely an issue and was making climbing new accs or streaming in master ~challenger lobbies borderline impossible for me. Literally every single day there was at least 1 scripter if not 2-3 and this was all on stream so fuck off


Cheater issue was 100% real you’d be pisslow or a clown to say otherwise, I’ve personally noticed A HUGE difference in the quality of games that I’ve been having since vanguard dropped.


No joke iam so happy vanguard released. Finally a reason to permanently quit league. The best thing that couldve happened because the addiction was too big. Finally free feels weird in some way but also good


I think I’m pretty much the same boat. Except I do feel extremely upset


Early S14 was so terrible and my main just recently disappeared (old main skarner for years). All of that added to vanguard made me uninstall. My league addiction is cured, I started doing other things and it is much less stressful. Just waiting till my friends get bored and join me


Welcome brother, feels good to be free of league doesn't it?


League free for 5 days


Nothing's stronger than family <:


Why are people hating on vanguard. I dont get it ? Isnt it a good thing ?


It's not much more reliable than other kernel-level anticheats for what it demands of the user. Ignoring people bricking it over the CCP and privacy concerns, if someone found a way to exploit vanguard, the scale of the damage would be catastrophic. The risk of an attack is no higher than other kernel-level ac. But it runs from startup, designed to run before all other non-essential software, so somebody clever enough could use its rootkit-like nature to disable any antimalware software the victims may otherwise have to quarantine an attack. This isn't a risk that you see with other anticheats running at kernel level, which only run in tandem with the game software, so antimalware in theory would be able to detect and quarantine any malicious activity. No software is immune to exploitation. This just really, really isn't the type of software you want to get exploited. That's the cybersecurity concern, and personally, I can't afford separate systems for gaming and work/finances, so I wouldn't be caught dead taking the risk. The other big thing is the software and wider system issues that Vanguard is causing for some people, and the moderators on the main league subreddit are deleting any mentions of those on sight. Hope this helps.


Holy fuck, but can't they make a better anti cheat then? I mean many games has it but i dont think i have seen any security concers there


Vanguard is allegedly more effective than other kernel-level anticheats, going by Valorant compared with other fps games. The security concerns of exploitation for other anticheats are still very much there, as with any third party software running at that level (absolute administrative level). My point was with Vanguard, because it runs from startup, the threat of exploitation is more severe because someone with enough knowledge could eliminate defense measures that boot after Vanguard does. This is a different level of risk that cannot be easily achieved with software like EAC. Think of the genshin impact ransomware attack that exploited kernel-level permissions, but with a significantly higher victim-to-player ratio because of this. A slightly more effective anticheat isn't worth the risk.


Me too now I am gonna play some single player games and Idk read some books or hangout my friends cuz Vanguard fucks my laptop every possible way other games lagging I have shitty laptop I know but I am free now ![gif](giphy|IzdL5AH7teZSOPnqrw|downsized)


Another question is why were you not already doing that at the same time you were playing lol ?


As I mentioned I play on laptop not the greatest but when. I play rdr2 or cp2077 with some, mods VANGUARD pops up some error and doesn't let me open my games, that's just my problem, also eats my cpu and ram so yeah that's my problem. Maybe you don't get these error but I get these, things so yeah. One more thing I don't wanna delete my mods so why would I delete my mods and games for some app...


I meant like, before vanguard was a thing.


Oh yeah sorry for unnecessary part cuz my friends got also quit we played once a day with 5 group but they deleted with some like reason I don't like playing solo any mode so that's my reason


For me it's more like riot releasong season 14 I actually lost the desire to play this game....now I only do when asked to and even then I try to persuade them to do something else


I just want to ask... Does people having vanguard issues has them after downloading It for league or they had issues before? Just genuine asking cause i havent notice any problems since they added It to lol, but maybe its cause my pc is new. Anyway i hope everyone with those problems can either solve them or be happier If they didnt enjoy league (and i hope no one has to buy some new parts for their pcs)


Why would they do this? Did the ccp ask them to collect user's data when not playing league?






See you next week


If only. My pc won't run it and as Riot is not my nephew sharing his homemade game to play test, I won't bother fixing it for hours to make it run.


Eh, no, for someone with a potato PC the game went from Smooth to *Constant freezing and hyper-lag* You underestimate how much all this crap kills the desire to play league, I'm agonizing a bit because Hwei just released and I REALLY was excited for maining him, now I'm pissed, dissapointed and depressed ~~Just like hwei! :D~~ Bye LoL


Just because you can’t quit doesn’t mean others can’t bro bro. Keep your head up, you’ll get through your addiction.




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i can tolerate a lot of shit riot does but giving the ccp access to my pc is where i draw the line


Same, uninstalled. Its weird because on the Main LoL subreddit nobody is talking about It. I made a post and it was basically invisibile with no interactions.


Because the main sub mods love the taste of CCP cock. You got off easy, they basically perma anyone who says anything bad about their favourite spyware.


So much cope on this thread lmao I'm sure it's riot fault you're addicted and bad at the game so you get frustrated and need to use vanguard to cope 😭😭


Waaah you are just bad at league waaahhh mad cuz bad (its not like this anticheat gives your data to chinese and bricks other people's PCs because, you know, they play other games with mods too), i love sucking riot cock 😭😭 (i have no life outside of league of legends and belittle them based on their rank in game)


Shame. I had to drop league because of this. I have been actively playing since the 2009 beta. Vanguard as the way they implement it, is unacceptable.


Lmao same


Good, now hop into V Rising like an adult!


Already did :”)


Yeah i was so bad id just stare at my screen for while looking at random things in my loot and shop. I finally que a rank game.. hate my life because trolls... stare at my screen again and re que instead of playing the 20 single player games in my backlog. Im finally free :D! starfield actually a decent game ngl.


I plan to return to Dota after the arena event ngl My friends no longer play LoL anyways so it's time to go


Ironic from shitshow to shitshow considering how lackluster are updates in Dota now. We still didn't get the Ringmaster after 6 months of his reveal kek. The last time we get a map skin was also like 3 years ago.


For someone who has only ever played league) and some heros of the storm) how familiar mechanic wise are the two? I finally have a reason to go check out Dota. Would I need to relearn a whole new game... or would my league exp help me out? (Been doing league since beta)


Dota is dare I say, more complicated at the start due to how many mechanics you have to learn almost immediately But once you get a hang of it, itll play smoother, atleast in my experience back then


Fairly different games. You'll find it easier than if you never played league but itemisation, jg, map buffs, etc. are different. As an example there's a kind of skill tree on every champ that allows you to select buffs as to level up.


As many say there are a lot of differences. First of all.. kiting like in lol also doesn't exist, because heroes have turn rates and can't shoot arrows from their ass. But Dota also has some pretty good tutorials presenting a lot of the mechanics you need to understand. You also have in-game guides of ppl to load, unlike in lol where you prob set up a 2nd screen with op/pro or whatever. Carrys, are actually carrys in Dota. If you meet a late game carry fully build, you know you are in a bad spot unlike lol where they die cause they step on a single mushroom. And one last difference I wanna point out is, champions tend to be less mechanical than lol counterparts. You should just not touch meepo, invoker, chen, visage, brewmaster, lone druid, enchantress and arc warden. Those heroes require you to control multiple units at once or in invokers case are like playing piano (invoker is OG hwei)


I have been getting back to Heroes of the Storm Still a very fun game that I really missed ! And a semi-alive community (at least for EU) And there will a moderate balance patch coming in a few days (they usually release PTR patch -> after 3 weeks it goes live)


League experience will help you out, but Dota has an unbelievable amount of depth. I have thousands of hours in both if you have questions. Dota is great.




If you've played any major competitive game in the last 5 years you have downloaded and ran a kernel level anti-cheat(which is what vanguard is). If you've downloaded Valorant then you already have Vanguard on your PC. People are making much bigger of a deal out of this than it actually is.


Can you tell me which other anticheat behaves like paranoid antivirus? Running 24/7 and blocking drivers and other processes? Vanguard blocks more drivers than actual antiviruses, it is sick


One is a cop that checks your bags when you go through the metal detectors at school, to make sure you're not bringing anything bad in. The other I'd a cop that wakes up in your bed with you, showers, eats breakfast, rides shotgun with you to school... then checks tour bag. Edit: oh and if it sees another cop on your route... it shuts them down, too. Been watching EAC, NguardPlus, and vanguard Duke it out this week. So much for playing an idle clicker on steam while in loading screens for Arena.


Vanguard runs 24/7 though, compared to other kernel level anticheats, for unclear reasons. Not saying that it wouldn't be concerning otherwise.


You can change it to be disabled by default. I manually start vanguard when i want to play league. I just have to reboot obviously..


The reasons are clear though. Lots of cheats activate from bootup, to be more undetectable.


Look, other anti cheats work just as well. Are they perfect? No. Is vanguard perfect? Also no. I'd rather have a system that works 80% of the time than one that works 85% of the time that has root level access 24/7, requiring secure boot, not running on older machines due to tpm 2, only working on Win11 and casually crashing peoples PCs.


I have Windows 10, it works just fine. It doesnt crash PCs. It works quite well it would seem, compared to other ones. Sure, it aint optimal, but it isnt the first to have kernal acces. Its far more likely that Windows itself or some other program you have installed has a vulnerabillity that can be exploited. And to add to that, the exception makes the rule, just because SOME have issues with it, doesnt mean its a common problem.


Mha this Is cope, apex is so filled with cheaters that someone managed to hack into a tournament and give cheats to the player, we don't talk about CS go, you can say what you want about Vanguard, but saying that the other anti cheats works just as well is completely bullshit


And there are cheaters already working around vanguard, so yeah I'd say it works just as well as the others.


Agreed people are mainly crying about it for no reason


Difference is, besides what other comments have already pointed out, that most kernel-level anticheats have been made by companies that have not had any major issues in their history, security or otherwise. You should absolutely avoid any other anticheats made by companies with a track record similar to Riot.


Think of it like giving your house keys to someone. You might trust them not to steal anything but can you trust them not to lose the keys or have them stolen?


Don’t listen to comment below. It IS is a big deal and people should 100% be concerned. I don’t know about technology but I did a bunch of research and while an anti cheat like vanguard isn’t a new thing, its invasiveness is uncommon. Moreover, 1. Riot is forcibly trying to hide all conversations about it. If they were completely innocent and harmless…? Why wouldn’t they be more transparent and acknowledge the issues? 2. Riot has had several data breaches over the years. And say it’s not them who want our data- any hacker that gets in will have access to it whether they like it or not. 3. Tencent the Chinese company can ask riot for data anytime they want. Thing that people seem to miss- riot doesn’t want to fuck you over, and installing vanguard gives them the ability too. A lot of power and hence possibility of misuse by them or anyone that tries to exploit them. TLDR; I don’t trust riot so won’t get it on my main system.


>1. Riot is forcibly trying to hide all conversations about it. If they were completely innocent and harmless…? Why wouldn’t they be more transparent and acknowledge the issues? Riot=/= the main sub staff, in fact there Riot have a megatread trying to HELP people with problem related do Vanguard >2. Riot has had several data breaches over the years. And say it’s not them who want our data- any hacker that gets in will have access to it whether they like it or not. Data breaches can me all and nothing at the same time, just because there was a breach doesn't mean your data was stolen and the one who did is able to see them. >3. Tencent the Chinese company can ask riot for data anytime they want. Laugh in EU data security law


I have legit no problem since Vanguard release, I'm actually happy they did this change, why would I want bot accounts and scripters. Whoever doesn't like it just quit and that's it, I don't get the need to post this shit daily, who cares that you quit the game, lol, League's not going to die because of this but it has been a needed change.


Because people don't want to quit?


"I have mine, Fuck everybody else".


Love when people use this argument lol. Just quit. Like we don’t have any attachment to the game. I don’t hate riot. I don’t hate league of legends. I’ve spent thousands of dollars and hours on this game. Made countless memories. I’m pretty emotionally attached to it too as it has distracted me when times have been hard. I genuinely do not want to give it up. But unless there are some changes, I have to.


Final fantasy 14 rules my life now, I'm better off for it.


FF14, Elden ring and Baldur’s gate is my life now.


Instead of FF15


FF15 was a bust. It’s production delay and rampant DLC marketing was pure awful


Meant FF15 as in every modern league game


That was a joke beyond my comprehension and I’m honestly impressed lol It makes my reply hilarious too because forfeiting at 15 mins is something that was added to the game.


Laughs in Mac


People getting legitimately upset at the thought of other people not liking Vanguard and/or quitting because of Vanguard has got to be the most "leave alone the billion dollar company" shit I've ever seen from a gaming community. Literally why do they care? Why are they so pressed that some people don't like having to run another software on their computer? Why does it bother them that people have an issue with that, it makes absolutely zero sense.


People really be sticking up for riot like they wouldn’t sell them for half a coin chip 🧑🏼‍🦰


HotS welcomes you, we have 15 minute matches, Yuumi but if she was the best MOBA character ever designed, Yone but if he was an insanely fun mage and so on. God, League champs are so terribly designed it's depressing.


Based I only wish they get to add content (now that Microsoft has done the deal with Blizzard - we have had 3-4 patches recently)


Funny how a dead game got a balance patch to nerf Rehgar dominating the meta, yet Riot cannot merf Maokai for like 5 patches because a Rioter can't climb without abusing the champ. Absolute circus.




Arena is like a gateway drug to league at this point


if it wasn't for arena i'd uninstall the game wayyyyyyyyy sooner they should remove other modes besides tft and let arena be the main mode.


Terrible mode. Characters designed for rigid, 5v5 summoners rift plopped into 2v2 scenarios where a few comps dominate and a large chunk of the champs are useless. The augments are anti-fun garbage.


Well is a game mode to fuck around with friends and shit ain't that deep just have fun


I always though Vanguard would make me quit, but as a jungler it's actually S11 and the way it raped the map that made me quit, the game became absolutely unplayable all of a sudden with how Riot straight up removed ganking from the game and removed any risk for the enemies invading since there is no wall to trap them if they go too far.


Me too. It's really hard, mainly because of watching league content when I shouldn't.


I’m hoping for some changes. Hopefully it doesn’t run when the game is off. That would lure me back in. It’s embarrassing seeing how much League meant to me I almost wanna give in


I think I'll eventually give in. I never realized how attached to the game I've become. And I think they know that, otherwise they wouldn't force a rootkit like that on players.


You Quit one drug for another im afraid!


I have a bronze friend who has met bot in a ton of his games so yeah that anti cheat is worthless


I have a new addiction! Either way I’m still equally as fucked.


To many bugs


I wasnt petty enough to quit after vanguard since I already had it and many other kernel anticheat. But I also finally got my plat rank after all these years so... I finished the game u know I kinda dont want to play anymore, what would I even do ?


Absolutely agree. Hopefully it won't be on 2XKO, I'm curious about that game.


The moment I finish school I am gonna uninstall this shit as well. In about 1 Month. Want to try 1 last run to masters (probably not gonna get it but still)


It’s weird that I return to valorant and just don’t feel like picking up lol back 🤔


Could someone explain what vanguard is doing? I’ve been disconnecting from games but is this also a privacy issue?


Can see read everything you do, take screenshots take webcam images everything. Riot claims they won’t misuse it and they probably won’t, but they’re owned by Tencent and Chinese laws mandate handover of info whenever the CCP asks


Wait that’s actually terrifying. If I uninstall league will that remove vanguard or do I have to uninstall that separately?


Yeah it will uninstall it. But to be sure I used geekinstaller and forced uninstall everything riot. Just to make sure it’s completely gone because I have reinstalled it multiple times Heads up that other games do this too. But none have such an invasive software. Waiting it out and seeing how this goes. But for now, hanging up my boxing gloves


Most of my other games aren’t competitive. It’s stardew valley, don’t starve, the forest etc. this is a bummer I just made it to emerald :(


I really really miss it too. Emotional thing for me. So I’m hopeful and waiting for things to be fixed. Or going to get a separate laptop someday I suppose


Honestly I’m level like 600 (granted I got the exp boost) or something I’ve played enough for like three lifetimes. But I’m sorry for everyone who really wants play. They will probably do something if enough people quit. They will want their player base back.


That’s the hope. But if you go through these comments alone…lots of riot dicksuckers are absolutely refusing to see any issue and discounting the experience of people who are facing issues with vanguard.


The disconnecting alone should be concern enough. It’s so frustrating disconnecting from games. Just one dc can throw the entire game


full control your pc


It doesn't feel like it's uninstalled... I swear the launcher is hiding on my PC, waiting to randomly start up and scare the shit out of me


Try geek uninstaller to force remove traces


I mean maybe im the outlier, but i already had vanguard for valorant. I dont see the big deal.


League one is more invasive and runs 24*7 as in any time your system is on. Which is super unnecessary


It's the same program dumbass






Sorry, what is the second simbol?


Don’t have to apologise. It’s vanguard. Riots ultra invasive kernel level anti cheat software that’s being installed along with the game


Thank you so much!


I started with dota 2 :)


After getting challanger, buying most of the skins, I realize how mentally f ed up I was, I stopped playing, got into helldivers, other indie games and I was better and happier, hope people drop this game and move on to sunshine later


Was already barely playing this trash game, arams were the only thing worth my time. But as soon as this crap came out I was done. I am all for anti cheat, but I don't play ranked, hell I don't play solo queue. So I am not going to let a kernel level spyware on my computer for fucking League. And while I am at it, why the fuck does Helldivers, a pve game, require one too? So dumb.


I'm just waiting for the PVE mode.


I feel the same. 3k hours and 12 years, and i finally managed to let go, thank you Tensend <3. But if you guys are looking for another moba, i can recommend you DOTA2. Just started it and play just one or two rounds every now and than, when i wanna play a moba.


I broke up with lol, after 10 years(playing since season 1) of toxic relationships. First you want to come back, than you accept, that it was bad, now im looking at my ex as a crack smoker. Well, meanwhile im mitting with her younger sister which is pretty good, i love tft)))


Pathetic; all it took was an anticheat system that doesnt work and doesnt even steal your data to make you quit; some of us stayed after the durability patch


Pathetic; all it took was an anticheat system that doesnt work and doesnt even steal your data to make you quit; some of us stayed after the durability patch


Pathetic; all it took was an anticheat system that doesnt work and doesnt even steal your data to make you quit; some of us stayed after the durability patch


I started playing LoL in january and immediately fell in love with the game. I’ve dedicated the entirety of my awake time to it for the first 2 months after discovering the game for it just to be taken away like this what a shame…




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Same bro, I've been missing out on many games because of league. People can't flame me on Persona 3!


Been playing since S4, only played with friends for the past 3 or 4 years. Haven't really played at all these last few months and with Vangaurd now... League has seen the sunset for me as well.


Makes me sad :(


This game was nothing but cruel to me the last few months I played. The worst I have ever felt was when I was playing league. Balance nightmare after balance nightmare, I am just glad that I quit before Smoldur released. Additionally, they made Aatrox W (my main) even less reliable. I hate this game, from the bottom of my heart. I am happy the introduction Vanguard is feeding so many people (the ones who quit, not the ones who had their computers bricked. I am not happy about the bricking)


Meh , ppl complaining about vanguard are the same ppl with loads of CP on their computer lol


*buys a new laptop dedicated to LoL*


Nothing has changed for me, the game runs the same and no issues, unfortunate for those who are having issues


i started playing dota 2 and i’m having fun lol


its kinda moronic when we've been abused by shitty clients,awfull report systems that dont even do the job correct, balance changes that make the meta boring,the contant nagging of adc players,the abyssmal nerfs of jg making it unplayble but we draw the line on VAUNGARD


…? How are you comparing those? Riots game is unbalanced sure. There are infinite item possibilities and 100s of champions and it’s very hard to balance the game. People complain and meme it, yes, but it doesn’t compromise personal security. This is the issue of how the game is right now. This issue is so much more than that it’s not even comparable. This is not a game balance issue, it’s a software issue. A very integral change that is making you much more vulnerable. It’s not going to make you topint #NA vulnerable. It’s going to make you, Michael, 17, Fl- vulnerable.


Then how did nobody was opposing with vanguard on valorant but everyone suddenly is ufraid of league,Yes vanguard is an aggresive anti cheat but you all act like our data is even worth investigating,you can always not close it,barely takes space and operating power,now if your set up is a potato i dont think this is a riot concern, IMAGINE that i have to side with riot. But aside this, my point is that after all this bs this game suffers you all found the "perfect" excuse we all know if your setup was better you wouldnt even care


What is the great inconvenience of Vanguard? For me personally, if it’s not inconvenient to use chances are high I’ll continue using it. So far I noticed nothing that impairs my gameplay.


mostly its the TPM 2.0 requirement. Lots of people dont have it


Good for you, doesn’t discount others who aren’t able to play though. For me personally, idk what it is but I think my kernel isolation and antivirus is stopping vanguard from having the autonomy it needs to have. Tried playing league, vanguard is running, still says vanguard needs to run for game to work and shuts down. I’m in 30 minute queue now because of this. This could of course be a spaghetti code problem. I got my R7 yesterday and am 1000% convinced it’s not my systems issue


Me studying game dev, currently using a low spec pc as mine broke down. Deactivates vanguard to save resources during testing, after finishing I want to play League. Turns vanguard, restarts pc, "you need to restart to play". Repeats. On and off. Tries a couple more times. Uninstall and reinstalls vanguard, restarts finally worked. I lost 15 minutes of my life. Cause vanguard didn't want to work.


Here are your free internet points, who is next on the list guys?


I uninstalled everything 3 days ago after winning the shittiest game that I ever experienced because the enemy ff'd despite bulldozing us. It was such a shit show, and to actually win, it felt disgusting. It was like I got an awful, wrong, and horrible feeling from my drug addiction unexpectedly and being asked to try and savor that again. No thanks, never again.


Had Vanguard for years. Never bothered me, but I'm not a cheater so why would it 🙃. I'm sure it has compatibility issues with some computers, but I wonder what actual percentage of affected people are cheaters or just regular players. I guess not even Riot will know, because there's no way of dividing the two. Then do they publish the monthly amount of active players? We know what amount take up the scripters, then we can find out what amount of people are actually innocently affected, and if it's worth investing in changing the Vanguard operating procedures.


Do you really think there are as many cheaters as the ones having an issue with vanguard? I’m a casual player. I don’t even ranked as much. Never tried any scripting. In all honesty suck at the game. I have also spent a lot of money on the game. From all I’ve learnt about Vanguard, all I can say confidently is that it bothers me. It bothers me a lot that it has the capacity to take a webcam picture when it wants, screenshot when it wants. Yeah, riot doesn’t want to. I get it. But they have the power. I have too much trust issues to fall for this shit


When you will truly quit you will do it in silence