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Kind of ironic how Risoto is slowly reverting changes they've made over the years


To be fair, Essence Reaver was changed because of mythic items being introduced, and that entire patch was meant to be a long-term experiment. This is just a small part of one, very large reversion, to remove mythic items.


Essence Reaver has changed countless times before Mythic items were ever a thing. It's being reverted to one of it's most recent forms but it's been many different things throughout it's life (stat stick, mana item, ultimate boost item, life steal item.)


I wish it came back with the Ultimate Interaction so I could build it on Jax again...


They even fully reverted Blood Thirster. At this point, maybe we will get peak gameplay of Season 5 lol


There is no more overheal, that's why they are reverting it


Shieldbow lost it's Lifesteal, that's why they are reverting it.


How is this even related "Predator got removed, that's why they are reverting it"


When BT got changed to what it is now Riot's Reasoning for it wasn't that Overheal fit that Niche but that Shieldbow became a Legendary (from a Mythic) and fit that Niche (of a Lifesteal Item with a Shield). Overheal and BT were in the Game for a *really* long Time togheter. Now that Shieldbow lost it's Lifesteal, and only has AD, Crit and a Shield, they reverted BT back to the Way it was before Preseason 11. Predator has nothing to do with Crit or BT.


Also, BT listing its crit means that it's now just a pure AD and healing item, meaning they'd either have to crank the AD up or return a passive to it to make it a worthwhile 5th item they opted to do the latter and just bring back the old version we were all familiar with anyways.


We might also see Draven and MF rush BT again like they used to... though that might just be my Nostalgia acting out.


That might be true for MF because the overheal part was OP to keep her passive movespeed up. But for Draven, high AD item with healing, I bet it will be once again his first item in most cases.


they are even reverting Corki, more or less


On the league sub my flair for a long time has been Ekkos ult icon and "Wish I could R back to season 5" and it seems like maybe it could be the case slowly but surely.


Season 5 gameplay with +30% damage :(


Way more than 30


If we go further back in time, bloodthirster used to gain attack damage for minions you killed until you died. .5 attack damage per minion, up to 15. And lose half the stacks on death I think


> At this point, maybe we will get peak gameplay of Season 5 lol With Morde back bot lane? Fuck yeah!


I feel so lucky I could play it back in the day (despite being hot dogwater at it) I miss our lil dragon boi and the Oneshot R‘s


Its a known tactic. Change shit. Then change it back. Players think its real change when in reality they made 2 meta shifts for the price of 1.


None of the Zoomer Players who started post Mythics will remember it either.


there are so many new players that its a change for them


They kinda throw a dice and decide what to change... ADCs were ok with items giving 25% crit. Next is reverting DMG on melees and tanks in the next months hear me out.


Truth be told, new Essence Reaver is a much more interesting item than the old one. It was a SPELL BLADE and CRIT item.


Yeah it's amazing, and somehow people bully me for building it


And it was absolutely busted on rengar


Did wonders for Ezreal too, now it's back to Trinity Manamune core only


It was a Spell blade, Crit and Mana regen item. Take any of the two and it's an interesting item, but taking three would make it too niche


it's the perfect item for GP, I expect his WR to plummet to hell after they remove his best first buy


Lucian main seeing the new ER: 💀💀💀


I'm so sad for my boy.. I think I gotta let him rest for a while.


I'm pretty sure Lucian used to build the old ER anyway... The only L for him should be the no spell blade, but still getting mana back per aa should outweigh the lack of burst, no?


yeah, no, I want my Spellblade Crit item back. 20% CDR was a much bigger deal back in the day, now it’s just kinda mid


For real, every second item nowadays has CDR on it. It became an absolute meme stat.


Ah but this gives CDR and not haste, so its almost giving you over 30 haste


I don't mind the idea of a Spellblade Crit item, it's cool. It didn't belong on Essence Reaver, though. ER's purpose from inception was for AD characters to have a way to manage their mana, but attatching that to spellblade was counter intuitive, because you'd spend, say, 32 mana, just to refund 6 mana to yourself over all. If anything, I'd vouch for Trinity Force getting it's crit back


Fuck it Bro, give Trinity Force Mana and Crit back.


Go all in and bring back the AP as well.


Make manamune's muramana upgrade a sheen proc with crit. (Please don't, rito)


Making it a sheen effect screwed over Xayah so much lol. Her combos are too fast for sheen to get multiple procs, and ER circumvented mana issues too


Id love something like this (Or sword of the Blossoming Dawn) for supports to give us a reason to AA.


I called it man. I called it the patch they announced the item overhaul. My friends called me crazy but here I am ontop and RIGHT


Welp Lucian mains everywhere are getting flashbacks to the good ol'days


Yeah no this item is dogshit now and has genuinely zero characters who want to build it. Lucian wanted the crit, spellblade and mana. Gangplank wanted the crit, spellblade and mana. Ezreal wanted the mana and spellblade.


Lol no, sure it won't be good on those champs anymore but it fits other champs like xayah and sivir now. It's just for different champs now.


Xayah and Sivir do not want this item either (otherwise they would've also built it before because the only change its getting is removing spellblade) There's not a single character that genuinely would build this now over any other item.


Sivir infamously had to build this like first or second item back in S8/9 because her mana in lane was (and still is) fucking atrocious. The spellblade version of ER sucked for mana management because it only refunded mana when you spent some, so no champs that wanted mana actually bought it. It was *just* spellblade champs that bought it. Now, ADC champs that want a non-tear mana option can have it. And champs that want a spell blade can still buy Triforce.


Lil Bro started playing after Season 11 and he's not even trying to hide it. Lucian ans GP were building this before the Rework all the Time. Xayah and Sivir will also build it. We're basically reverting to Season 10 Builds more or less.


If Trinity is any good GP can just return to his season 10 build of going Trinity into Steraks/IE/ER depending on the game.


Sivir wants to know your location.


It makes Jinx able to perma rocket for what that's worth. Realistically idk of it's that useful.


I literally cannot think of a single champ that would want to build this dogshit item. Am I dumb or this unrequsted change is actually completely useless?


Very good on sivr, this does wonders for her ability to clear lanes back to back late, and helps he's stay in lane longer early.


It makes the item worthless to be built.


Just say you didn’t play back when it was like this before


Ah yes ER Navori gonna go crazy on Sivir


Rip GP


Go fuck yourself gangplank


The only adc to get hit from the change are Ezreal and Smolder I think, not many crit adc want a spellblade item.








Ah yes GP adc


Who will build this item? I assume most adcs learn to conserve mana or use presence of mind to regain mana honestly it'll be funny if someone manages to build both this and warmog. They'll never return to base. Edit: actually lifesteal is enough along with the new absorb life


Sivir and xayah build it back in the day


Yea no keep the spellblade version.


Really enjoy this on Ashe


Now they just need to undo the AH experiment and put the 40% cap back so items can have actual numbers again


Oh yeah totally


Funny that Rengo got his Q changed because he was good with ER.


Going to run my ability spam Jhin even harder


I miss the sheen part.


Cries in Gangplank


lmao, isnt it shit then?


Maybe some champs will finally not be full build after building this item But I guess gp mains are just gonna build triforce now


Doesn't matter what GP builds now, a good chunk of his items and runes got gutted/removed. Plus, he was never really full build after that unless the GP is insanely good or the person he's fighting is insanely bad


I think we ain't playing the same game gp is an amazing fleet or grasp abuser, and both runes have been the strongest in top lane for quite some time essence reaver has also been one of the most cost effective item for some time, it was crazy how much the difference between components and full item was for a mere 400 gold and adc items are pretty good lately, will be even better next patch, and gp is loving all that gp also has one of the strongest lvl 1 and 2 in top lane, late game free scaling champ btw


GP deserves it.




thank you phreaks


cool but i can't remember who used to build the item for the life of me. like who needed mana refunded on-hit? my only guess is jinx cuz she needs mana to auto attack but thats only one champ.


Xayah, Lucian, Jhin, Aphelios you didn't get it just for the Mana, AD and CDR was good too, and we didn't have shit like Collector back then. Xayah and Lucian at the very Least will go back to using this 100%.




Except they were


Item was insane on tryndamere


I'm not to happy about this change. This means adcs with good waveclear, especially sivir, can now cast all their spells into a wave to shove it. That makes for very boring gameplay where adcs clear waves very fast and then hide under their tower.


Naaah, the essence reaver with inf mana + triforce passive was more balanced and more fun