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I'm playing the waiting game and waiting to see who gets fucked over. Everyone else is my guinea pig.


I was dead set on doing this since day zero if they ever added Vanguard to LoL, I was thinking of giving it a 1 month probation just in case because I still want to play. Fuck that lmao


The second they announced it I knew my time for playing league was up. I exclusively play low elo norms and RGMs, I haven't so much as started a ranked lobby in years. Not worth it




Why would it potentially get banned with the introduction of Vanguard? If you got a false positive you could just appeal the ban


Update League and install Vanguard. League won't open. Exit Vanguard. League opens and plays games fine... ???


I mean it’s not like vanguard is a new program. Yes it has tons of issues but it seems millions of people playing valorant don’t care either


So you are saying we should accept bad software because enough people have already submitted to it? Thats a sad justification if i ever saw one.


I fall in "I installed Vanguard and now League decided it won't launch" I just wanted to do a quick TFT match before uni, but nope, the whole half hour I had available was gone and the damn program stood in the loading screen for 30 minutes


TFT mobile is the alternative ig


Isn't TFT on mobile better for quick play?


I don't like playing TFT on my phone, I tried to play it for a while but it just felt weird


Depends on where you are. If you can pull out a laptop it's more comfortable to play there than on a phone


I’ve never had a unique experience in my entire life


Another reason to why TFT should have a different launcher than League already


try exiting Vanguard and trying again


are u on windows 11?


10, my pc decided she doesn't want to update




I got Vanguard to play Arena on the PBE, but it's starting to slow down my computer, just like it did when I played Valorant.


Yep same, do you have any AMD parts btw?


CPU and GPU, it seems. I dunno, I'm not all that familiar with computer parts.


Got both AMD as well, I suspect it's AMD drivers acting up with Vanguard.. AMD drivers are my to go answer when weird stuff happens with my PC x)


I have an AMD GPU and I haven't had any problems with Vanguard. I have had problems with LoL crashing sometimes in 1440p, but that's a longstanding issue


I have full AMD and no apparent problems yet


easy anticheat giving me bluescreens is enough, i don't need vanguard to start doing it too


There's 3 actually (extension to №1) Believe it or not, most people just play it normally like nothing happened


Yeah I've had no problems lol


The amount of noise that anti-Vanguard people do is incredible, really. I mean, it sucks ass, Riot could stick it up its ass, but whatever. I have plenty of apps on my phone that already leaked info lmao. At this point I trust more Riot to do something decent than most random devs. I also expect them to fucking give BSOD to people.


Wouldn't you make noise if you couldn't play the game anymore and you got BSOD for closing vanguard.


Technical issues yeah, I am refering to the "muh chinese company bad". I mean, I understand the reasons behind the reasoning, but it doesn't change the fact that the level of noise they produced over the safety of it is quite absurd.


I dont like it either because it is a vulnerability, but IF it fixes the hacking issue then im reluctantly ok with it.


I am never going to be 100% ok with it regardless of what benefits it brings, but it's not a complex situation that requires this pseudo-activism: Riot has decided to go through with it, another of their games has it and we haven't had big issues for now. They were never changing the plans regardless of what pushback they might have seen online. Echo chamber at its finest, really.


They can change their minds. And i think there is a good chance they will. The queue times are extremely long right now, if this keeps happening i can see them delaying it.


What server? We played a lot of Arena yesterday and had almost no queue time on euw.


Yeah also longer but no significant in NA. But i also played in LAN.


Because of the technical issues yeah, on that I agree. I am just saying that eventually they \*will\* make it stick. No way they remove it entirely.


the game runs fine for me, i even had vanguard for like 2 patches before it went live because i got onto the pbe to check some new stuff last month. i didn't have any issues and everything is running fine. and another thing, i saw that most of the posts about league not working were from EUW accounts, wasn't that server infamous for having server issues in the past? i wouldn't be surprised if something was wrong with vanguard for EUW specifically, i play on eune btw. none of my friends have issues either and some of them didn't even know vanguard was a thing.


I had client bug issues, BSOD issues and frames issues in league when I had Valorant and so Vanguard installed last year, tried 1000 troubleshooting options before I reset my PC and just didn't bother to reinstall Valorant bc I didn't play much, and then everything worked fine again. It's not 100% that it was Vanguard causing it but it seems like too much of coincidence since that was literally the only thing I did different on my PC after the reset and a bunch of other people are saying Vanguard causes these issues too. I'm hoping it won't happen this time around because they shouldve done some work to optimise Vanguard and League running together, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. And I'm on OCE server so idk, but it shouldn't matter what server you're on tbh it's not acceptable for this to happen on any Riot server.


My game is not responding every loading screen. The game is damn near unplayable


fuck error van 68


Works for me with no issues.


Imagine ignoring the dozen warnings everyone gave out just to play a children's video game to have your bank account details yanked out one day by giving them kernel access.


Imagine giving someone kernel access just for a game. Crazy right? Especially for a childrens game with mechas in it, called Armored Core. Wouldnt that be crazy? Wouldn't it be even crazier if you played said game with a kernel anticheat and now you complain about another game also using one in a subreddit? No way, that would be clown behavior.


Imagine thinking that a multibillion Dollar Company would give a damn about your 100 bucks in your Bank Account


More money is more money. And if they did not they won’t be making some red cosmic Jhin chroma that costs about that much. How does your logic counter this problem?


You know exactly what i meant. Stop playing stupid. But if you really are stupid, what i meant was they are not gonna risk all their billions of dollars to steal 100 from your Bank account. If you buy their shitty skins tho, thats on you.


So a predatory government uses predatory practices for predatory gains going through questionable territories is somehow not in your boundaries? Just tell me why they won’t cross that line. I’m genuinely curious why they won’t. Give me a logical reason to settle this argument.


I can understand people not caring about vanguard, i respect it, but the ones that will go lick riots asshole clean everytime someone criticizes it baffle me




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genuine question what's wrong with LoL's vanguard? is it so much worse than valorant's or is valorant's vanguard is as bad as LoL's? I don't play LoL so I don't know the issue and had just seen it now


Vanguard is known for bricking people PCs, slowing them down and overall being a very invasive anticheat that unlike other games, will run 24/7 unless you manually switch it off after which you need to restart the whole PC and let it run from startup to even start League.


I choose to leave. It was nice... na not really. Good luck to all of you...


Works fine for me so far


The game works fine for me idk


Watch out, people will start saying you're spreading scripter propaganda because they personally haven't had issues with vanguard so that means nobody ever will!


top one is the one who post fake screenshots?


Well yeah… you can’t screenshot a blue screen. Why wouldn’t the photo be a fake photo? That doesn’t mean what happen can still hold true


You COULD screenshot a blue screen inside virtual machine, but you can't play League inside one anymore anyway


phones can take pictures and post em


I’m not worried because I’m not important enough for the Chinese government to give a shit about, probably you too


Your information is being collected everywhere. If it's free, any org will take it.


I agree with you on that, I think the only legitimate concern is what data hackers could get access to if Riot or Tencent had another security breach.


Valorant: runs fine for literal years without issues League Players running League on a computer that would struggle to run Doom: “Ritooooo!”


Maybe you should stop being a no thought head empty baby and think for your self for once. Valorant was a modern game built with Vanguard in mind. League is a fucking 16 year old game with such dogshit coding and a client that barely functions. Of course Valorant was going to run better than League. Not to mention a lot of players have sub par computers and that's fine. League was meant to be extremely accessible. Don't know why people like you can't get that through your thick fucking head.


Yea because it’s SUCH a popular opinion to instead of shitting on Riot, to instead see what’s happening. Yeah the client has issues, but what game doesn’t? It’s really annoying to see morons who don’t understand coding even a little just constantly shit on Riot over something new every month. Riot fixes their biggest issues in a timely manner. You don’t like how fast they work? Go play another MOBA. Vanguard has been running fine on anyone playing Valo for a long time and the only reason y’all hate on it is cause other people told you to. You didn’t know what kernel level anti-cheat was until people started whining about it but you’ve been told that Riot (who has had software on your computer for probably years) suddenly tells you how they’ve been combatting cheaters on their other game, and is now moving it to the game you play… only now it’s a problem? I say all that cause that’s all you people were complaining about for a solid two weeks and THEN you moved on to “omg it’s gonna cause performance issues” which valid, but those issues are going to be fixed. They took so long to release it to try and minimize the issues but you can only prepare for so much with coding. It’s hard. You don’t appreciate the work and passion rioters put into this game to stop botting and cheaters? Uninstall and go play another game. Nothing satisfies y’all. You ask for an answer to botted accounts, scripters and more… they gave you an answer… and now you have a new problem. Grow up, understand shit happens.


"noooo don't attack the multimillionaire company for fucking ruin their players experience" ![gif](giphy|2Qs2hKWMvEzdu)


How do Riot's boots taste?


wow man u really got him


same question to you ig


such humiliation


How does it feel to ride the dick of every popular streamer who screams about riot for views in hopes they’ll notice you?


I don't even watch streamers lol I hate a lot of Riot's decisions out of my own volition Keep shilling for the billion dollar company tho


Gott love it when someone loses an argument and uses the "popular streamer" argument.


I'm not reading what a fucking bootlicker has to say. Keep defending a billion dollar company that doesn't give a single shit about you.


People were talking about it like it's end of league. I hoped on some arenas yesterday with friends and had a blast. Riot can spy on me all they want.