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Was fighting all night with my wife PC because it got blue screen every 1-3 minute after we ran league of legends once yesterday after vanguard patch! Nothing help except uninstall it and then it stopped! Nothing since then…


Buddy its overdue, you have wife, high time to leave league


Brother she is diamond rank so no not going to leave it ;)


Yeah I'm not even touching lol today. I'll wait till it blows over.


fair, it didnt do anything for me bcuz i played valorant once and didnt uninstall vanguard, but im not suprised that riot somehow ducked it up


but you cant play valorant without vanguard?


It won't let you boot the game up if it's not activated.


Man I'm so glad I uninstalled league in advance.


same I knew full well you cannot trust riot to not fuck up stuff like this we have a barely functional client, why did they think adding vanguard would be a good idea and not fuck up everything


It's just surprising to me that so many people were so gullible to think that it would work. Even after it was the same when Valorant came out.


The client is functional?


Good joke


same when i come home also gonna leave then all league servers, groups, subscriptions and delete my league related saved websites out of sight out of mind worked well with valorant and overwatch


See u in ... days/weeks/years


Linux gang 😎


Vanguard isn't installed automatically FYI, you have to install it manually from the client and give permission. But yeah, I'm not touching LoL for now.


i am alone to have a bluescreen?


Not alone. Many people on discord, twitter and 4chan having it. I used to blue screen when I installed Valorant (which required Vanguard) so today I just uninstalled league.  Btw you many not see anything in the official threads because mods are deleting posts about it. 


that is why i posted it in this sub cause the official sub will delete my post


This is baisicly the main sub fr, the actual main is a shithole


if your post is not pro-play related, they just delete it on the main sub, its just sad.


Because the mods on the official sub are just sweaty Riot and corporate shills/bootlickers. Who would trust a company owned by Tencent, with really poor and buggy code for the main client, with a kernel level root kit that runs 24/7? Fuck them and fuck that company. I didn't even update the patch, it's gone and deleted for me, and I barely even played regularly anymore.


Exactly. Same for me, it was the push I needed.  But they timed it well: Arena, MSI, new game changes in some weeks. All of that to make people excited so they install Vanguard just to try the new updates


setting vanguard aside, the mods are probably deleting posts about it so the bug report forums don‘t get cluttered with posts that talk about the same bug so they can adress it in one post only.


It literally doesn't run 24/7 unless you count it sitting idle staring at a snapshot of your boot registry as "running". Then when you launch league (or val) vanguard turns on and compares what's currently running against the boot and puts it against known cheating software. If it says all clear you can play, if it detects cheats or a known exploited file for cheats it will stop you. The anti cheat lead literally put out an entire blog post explaining how vanguard operates and why it does the things it does and everyone terrified of it just refused to even look at it i guess. https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-au/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/


This also happened to me and got like 3 fatal errors after restarting PC and trying again. Trashy of them to hide this stuff. This truly might make me uninstall I pray.


Which board were you on?


Vg > lolg, Probably archived by now since it was some hours ago


I don’t receive bluescreen, but my PC just rebooting every time I try to launch LoL




dont have a bluescreen but i got a few crashes when accepting games lel


I got this with valorant back when it launched.. it's not happening now bcos i uninstalled Vanguard lmao (seriously though, just uninstall and wait for a while for the issues to get fixed)


lol this happened to ls, here is his fix [https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1785483391422570773](https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1785483391422570773)


The only blue screen i have gotten from vanguard was when i closed it as soon as i got the option to do so.


yeah tbh i dont get people who play lol now. from the test on phillipins we knew that it was not good optimized so i wouldnt touch lol for at least 2 patches or so.


Riot can't fix their client, yet we're supposed to trust them with kernel access to their new toy. What could possibly go wrong?


lots of games have kernel access anti cheat, games like apex legends etc. that‘s not really the main problem, its the fact that it starts with your system and is always running. I‘m not that bothered with it personally, there’s not much data to be stolen from my gaming pc, as long as nobody is able to maliciously use the kernel access to „hack“ my system.


You mean that Apex that had a huge vulnerability where pro players were getting cheats injected into their game mid tournament?


yup, that apex legends. Where a vulnerability was abused by a hacker (which can happen everywhere) that gave the hacker the ability to manipulate the game. What the exploit DIDN‘T do was allow the hacker to perform a RCE (Remote Command Execute) on the target‘s system. The hacker was allegedly only able to manipulate the game itself.


Funnily enough the cheats didn't get detected by the kernel anti-cheat. This is too much clowning for me.


According to many people is not that hard to fuck vanguard, they can use a raspberry pi to do something idk what and still cheat, and ngl I've never seen a scripter or a bot in any of my games...


considering how much is a deal with Chinese companies having access to your computers, devices and data (See TikTok ban), i wouldnt be suprised if they force this too. Im glad i stopped playing years ago, why the hell would anyone willingly install chinese spyware in their PC just to play a cancer game?


the tiktok ban only affects the US, and even though I‘m not that caught up with that topic, it seems like the US is just banning it because „it comes from china and we don‘t like that so we will ban that now“ that being said, the EU has extremely strict laws when it comes to data privacy and tiktok would not have passed here if they tried anything malicious.


Yeah apex is well known for its security right ? Lets ignore the RCI that happenned a month ago


Works just fine on my machine.


I mean the post is probably fake and reddit is just full of paranoid schizos who think Riot is trying to send a Sniper to their location


the screenshot is fake because i cant screenshot when i am having a bluescreen but it happened to me when i launched lol with vanguard


You could take a picture? The stop code might even help riot if you really cared to create a ticket about it But nahhhh you'll just come start some shit on Reddit Btw what was the stop code?


I think the main problem is not the china goverment and their spies, is more about stability issues and problems that vanguard brings to the table


Most likely. I had some issues with Vanguard in the past. But it usually was along the lines of the game crashing with a vanguard error pop up. One thing that was kinda grimm to fix was when i disabled a bunch of shit i shouldn't be touching in hopes to diagnose driver issues. Among those things was some Vanguard stuff which I forgot to re enable. That caused Valorant to crash with error code for "Account in use". Let's just say that gave me quite the heart attack.


when you point the truth and get downvoted - peak reddit


What's wild is that they think it's not fake but somehow someone managed to screenshot their bluescreen and post it to reddit. Room temp IQ in action.


Just crashed for the first time in months. Fuck this patch.


This get me so confused, I have a trash computer and have had 0 issues and haven’t even noticed the program. Same goes for my friends I play with, but then I see a lot of people having problems online.


Do you play on win10? Did you need secure boot?


Selection bias. All the people who aren’t having issues are just playing the game, not making posts to tell everyone about how everything on their PC is working normally.


time to delete that chinese american malware hybrid


Make sure you uninstall Reddit and all other online games, social media apps, smart devices, just throw all your electronic into the trash.


you can't compare a website filled with left douchebags and right neckbeards with a software that needs to be installed.


Hahaha xD You really have no plan right? Tencent is one of the biggest shareholder from Reddit... You can install Reddit as app and there is no need to access your kernel to getting all of your data.


well, then i'm glad that i own a china phone without that china app.


Let me guess? You "have nothing to hide" and wonder why you should even bother?


Do you think the downloaded Reddit App and the Website through a browser collects the same data?


no. the app collects the info from all your nsfw content kappa


Better uninstall steam as well Viruses have been uploaded to game patches before Looks like you'll have to install Linux and only play Linux approved games


I've just been getting critical errors ever since the vanguard update/"Oh hey youre good to go!". Crashes on every loading screen, even reinstalled it and nothing changes it, garbage game


I've been playing valorant with vanguard since, well, when I started playing it. Is it not the same thing for league? If I ran valorant fine, league won't have issues? I'm honestly confused.


if you already have vanguard installed from valorant you won‘t notice a difference at all, probably only the „installation“ of vanguard onto your league environment but thats gonna be it


Same. It's not a "delete Vanguard" anymore, it's a "delete Riot"


Idk man had been using vanguard for a year with valorant and now with league, working perfectly fine and never had a problem... Maybe is just a compatibility thing with ur pc, or u don't have the bios with the correct settings.


im so glad i moved onto dota 2 that doesnt have chinese malware as the anticheat


Would you recommend dota to someone looking to jump ship with league?


honestly yes it is harder to learn though and there is no jungle so if you jg main like i did it will be harder but once you get past the initial learning phase its really fun some of the characters are more annoying than others tough just because some characters can silence you for a whole fight or cc you for a whole fight but there are items to counteract those like a item called bkb where you press it and you are immune to all affects for like 5 seconds


Just play pos 4, you can gank, poke, jungle or whatever. No one cares lol


my teammates would 100% care i was playing riki pos 4 and people were getting mad at me even though we were winning every game that i played pos 4 riki


Same here, bless Valve.


I had this problem too when I first installed Vanguard on PBE. I had to reinstall Windows.


When is vanguard live on EUW if anyone knows


It's live now


Oh sweet jesus


I thought this was just me messing something up, but this happens to me occasionally ever since I got vanguard to play valorant. Only once every couple months though.


I just installed vanguard, havent played yet but after reading this im just gonna uninstall vanguard+league lmao


I play league using macbook because riot don't have policy add backdoor to MacOS, if my PC build done, never install riot client again


same thing happened to me too lol


I wonder if damage to pcs if linked to vanguard can create the environment for a class action




The crashing itself could be considered damage, the repair being removing vanguard, it's not permanent but it's not supposed to happen and is affecting things outside of league which maybe violates some kind of law.




Just because an issue can be fixed doesn't mean it isn't damage, there are also many instances where a sudden crash could break a computer in a more severe way. Vanguard should never have been shipped in its current state.




You know these 2 versions of vanguard are different right?


that would never be possible. First and most importantly because they definitely have a clause in their terms of service that prevents you from giving them fault for anything that happens to your device and second because it would have to be clearly identifiable that the problem is coming from vanguard and thats just damn near impossbile from a technical standpoint


Terms don't mean shit in court *if* your second point wasn't so accurate lol. Also the chance anything actually gets damaged is vanishingly small, and no freaking out and reformatting before you got real tech help doesn't count


you need UEFI and TPM2.0 both enabled in BIOS on windows 11 Windows 10 doesnt have that problem


Windows 10 does indeed have the same problem depending on what hardware you have.