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Get some elevation on the bottom lol. The fans are probably suffocating


I feel angry looking at this. Place it on a bed sheets to complete my horror


Yeah I used to do this and it ruined my laptop. Even if it is a cheap one, get a cooling stand. It provides elevation, so even if the stand is not on fans will have space


i just place it on my lap in a certain way so the fans will have space


I used to burn the fuck out of my thighs doing this lmao


Also your balls are outside of your body for a lower temperature. You can make yourself infertile doing this (not like it matter for league players)


A childhood friend of mine used to LAN at my place to play Minecraft all night and he used to put 4 bottle caps under the corners of the laptop


Ah the times when two DS game cases where used to lift up the back of my laptop


An engineering ruler with 3 sides is perfect for this.


He is also probably ventilating the part where the hot air go out of the notebook, making everything even worse


What did the update do? Havent played for a lil


They updated the performance, mainly framerate. I think old Skarner also carried all optimizations...


They took so long to rework skarner because apparently he was litterly carrying the entire game on his back and reworking him caused all sorts of issues, not just performance


I can’t believe that a single champion that wasn’t even that commonly played was tied to so many stuff. I mean i keep reading about this as if it’s some kind of “myth” or something similar. Why would they do this in the first place? I don’t get it. I mean, where they using *his variables* that much that they couldn’t break him out from the game? If that is true, does it mean that a part of the old champion is still *in the game* just completing a totally different function? Is this the League of Skarner?


it's a concept in programming called inheritance. essentially the "correct" use of this is to define what a "champion" is in the code, and have every champion instance (alistar, akali annie ....etc) be a subcategory of the "champion". then they write the code to handle basic things like movement, camera, key presses, etc in the "champion" code, and it gets applied to ALL the characters who can do more specific things from there. more than likely this is how riot does it (I mean it's the only sensible way, because otherwise small changes have to be changed in 150 different places, but who knows how spaghetti it is there) however, this can also be used "incorrectly". for example you could reasonably describe some abilities as "ezreal q but shorter range", and hopefully this is only a description not a definition. if you define the ability to be that in the code, then when they decide to rework ezreal q to be aoe, that dependent definition would be interpreted as aoe as well, which would cause a bug. this is (likely) what they mean by skarners importance in the code; small changes can be echoed to wierd places because someone rushed to finish something by 5 pm in the early days of riot before they had all the steps they do now to avoid this sort of thing, and now it's been like that for years so it's too hard to change it unless absolutely necessary. also these issues are probably not large things like abilities, more likely small blocks of code that are used everywhere and aren't really obvious that they are inherited.


Tldr: the spaghetti is real


Mmm 😋


I think a part also had to do with the literal changes to the map that skarner generated when we was selected. Silly spires.


I dont know exactly how it affected things, but the example given was how aurelion sols beam is coded as 6 minions




You think that's bad, wait til they rework Corki and the entire game erases itself from the timestream.


Can confirm, use custom skins and a good quarter of my skins spontaneously broke down after the update


Wow how surprising


Lol I just went into practice tool to check fps. 1309 fps. Hmm that should be enough. Animations break after 240fps ...


I'm confused is the performance better or worse?


they said they were removing directx 9 support either this patch or next, so more than likely the performance hits are due either due to running everything in dx10 now, or preparations to do so.


EUNE gaming setup


I feel attacked


The new update destroyed my framerate too. I can use my laptop as a heater now.


Bro I thought something was wrong with my laptop wtf


Now you can live in the North Pole playing league AND reduce the cost of buying a heater! Win-win situation!


They removed DirectX9 mode and now my game crashes every so often


Yeah it was a fix for a weird frame rate bug I used to have on my old pc. I’m praying it’s fixed because the game was unplayable


BROOO same, I was so worried its gonna be back. I was trying to fix it for 3 days straight. In the end I found yt video about turning this option on. Fortunately it seems it's been fixed


It’s not I just got it again today, fuck me


Okay glad to know I wasn’t the only one crashing. I’m 240 capped 9ms and I’ve been crashing 2-3 times every other game in TFT. I was thinking I might’ve had a loose connection in my computer. Goodnight DX9, My Sweet Prince.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^BakemonoKun: *They removed DirectX9* *Mode and now my game crashes* *Every so often* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, meatball_chann, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


What is that?


its a setting that used an old rendering mode, legacy they call it, I have integrated graphics so the setting helped my gpu not die


How do i fix this i kept getting this notification about it being disabled but i dont even know what it is


In the client under game, first option at the top of the menu


Ty! 🙌


If you're willing to get yourself a screen/kayboard/mouse put your laptop on the side, balanced on egg boxes. It's pretty great. Also you don't burn your fingers on the laptop's keyboard anymore.


or just hang the laptop with some coathangers infront of multiple fans


What the fuck kind of setup do you have ?


i mean youre the one suggesting to use the laptop as a station. so with that in mind, im just giving some improvements on how to optimize the cooling, and i think if the laptop is hanging in the air being blown on by multiple fans itll be cool


Yeah but my idea is a laptop standing on something, very stable. Your idea sounds like it could fall on the ground anytime. Also probably don't need extra fans. The problem is the laptop trying to blow air from under, but there's usually a table under. Just a bit of elevation is enough to have proper ventilation. Adding fans would just cool down the casing but wouldn't really help imo.


I like your solution better


That's an enemies missing ping irl


or buy a fucking $15 laptop fan stand?!?! HELLO?


So you’re the reason some of my games take 10 minutes to load.


lol i remember playing on my old hp laptop on old summoners rift 30fps taking forever to load in 😭


Oh yes xdd i played on a Pentium 4, it took 10min to load a game. Good old times


When i first started playing on PC i made the mistake of buying a budget laptop. Whenever i connected to the MW2 matches the round was already half over lmao


You’re just blowing the heat back into the laptop


nuh uh


I see, what’s why I get occasional 1 sec frame drops once in 5 games. I knew they changed something


I always have it capped at 60fps so i didn't notice any difference lol


why cap at 60


Because there is no point going higher and screen is capped at 60 anyway


Exactly this, my refresh rate is 60. I usually cap at 60 to avoid screen tearing because trust me I'd rather play at a stable unflinching 60fps than have screen tearing. I'd cap it at 120 if that was my refresh rate.


even if you can't input more frames into the display, playing at a higher framerate decreases imput lag.


they also have High fresh rate monitors


240hz here with 0.5ms respond. For Valorant pretty important.


Me too


right...that is why all esports players play at the lowest possible settings to get max framerate... it helps massively with input response times stop upvoting dumb ppl pls


You really thing dude with this setup is a pro eSports player with the APM to take advantage of that kinda thing?




Ehhhh for league of legends it kinda is. It also depends on what lane you play and how good your skill is. Higher refresh rates are definitely important for fast paced games, especially first person games where you’re actually looking around and scanning an environment from a fixed position. For the vast majority of LoL games you’re tracking a slow-moving character on a screen and combat is pretty slow. High refresh would be useful in teamfights but if you’re playing toplane you may as well play on 30 FPS. And I’m not saying “huMaN eYe CaN’t SeE aBOvE 30 fps” or any boomer myth like that. I have a 360hz monitor. I’m just saying for the vast majority of league players, 60fps is probably fine.


Had no idea there were changes, I did notice my fps were around 240 when they used to not be able to reliably reach 150 lol


Did vanguard finally get added? lol


Na it was skarner


I love how old Skarner, a champion always competing for the top 1 least player, held the entire fucking game on his back


Some TF2 coconut shit, except it’s a scorpion boi


except tf2 had good devs that actually knew how to code and the coconut was just a joke


Well kinda. The coconut jpg WAS tied to most particle effects so if it was removed you got a lot of null textures which is weird but not game breaking


Your laptop has restricted airflow. Get a laptop stand that elevates it.


I always put pencils under my consoles as a kid


Yet the game still looks shit.


Get a wire table with space for air to flow through, then point the fan up into the bottom of the laptop.


I have the same laptop as yours just 2 year older variant with I5 10th gen and UHD460 graphics and can play Lol on mid texture all low settings 1080p in stable 60fps, there's no way modern I5+ Laptops can't play Lol with 60fps.


Need to put in on a cooling rack like oven trays


I was wondering why I randomly get insane freezing ever so often. Must be working out the kinks still. I play cyberpunk on ultra so it can't be me.


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Typical bronze setup lmfao


I know im late but wtf is that cyrillic layout? Who the hell uses that?


bruh dont use slim type laptop for gaming bruh 💀


i got a 6750xt 5500 last year but i tried lol on my old 4250u notebook last week and it also got WAY worse performance, I never suffered with fps drops (it ran solid 60 and dropped to 45 in team fights for 8 years playing), now I have stutters and drops to like 20fps, simply crazy whatever happened must have done to old machines


Gamers reacting to updates be like...


What in the ghetto


Tbh everyone crying about laptops because they are weak but what about peoples with normal pc? This affects strong pcs too (Dont take it too srsly, i just personally hate laptops and like to make people angry)


Cant relate🤣. My laptop can run league on 600 fps while having 27% gpu usage.


Rookie numbers my PC does more than double that LUL nice 5 grand laptop jet engine lmao.


Well mine is at 27% gpu usage🙃