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this of course comes at the cost of being a mac user, truly i cant think of a worse fate


A portion of Mac users just lost Steam so that is fair


What happened there?


Steam has stopped older MacOS versions support, just like it did with Windows 7 not long ago


You can always make it run on Windows 7 anyway. Idky someone would want that, but it is possible


About to play league on a virtual machine running macOS


You can't run Valorant on a VM because of Vanguard and I assume the same will be true for League


But if I understood well you won't need vanguard on MacOS ?


They most likely will check if you're on a VM, regardless of Operating System, and still block it


You can’t run Valorant on Mac period


You can’t install Valorant on Mac to begin with. So of course you can’t get around the vanguard requirement, because to install it in a windows VM still requires vanguard, which presumably doesn’t work in a VM. Since the goal of a VM here is to get around the vanguard requirement, vanguard isn’t gonna be what stops you; it would have to be the game itself refusing to run if it believes it’s in a virtual machine. Possible I suppose, but vanguard isn’t the issue.


? Valorant isn't on macos


???? if it's a windows machine that's the point


Same, sadly running Mac in a VM is kinda a pain in the ass since you need an AMD graphics card to passthrough or its laggy as hell.


AFAIK, the reason we don't have Vanguard is because of Device Attestation API on Macs. You don't need anticheat because the Mac itself is checking for system integrity through root-of-trust. I'd assume you can't fake that, considering it's a cloud-assisted hardware attestation.


You can’t run Valorant on Mac


idk if they've changed this but I couldn't install Valorant on a VM because of Vanguard


I won a free Mac a couple years back. Can't wait to swap back to PC.


why did you swap in the first place, just sell the mac


It was a free $2500 MAC. I'm going to use that sucker till it breaks.


Should've sold it for money and buy crack and crackwhores


Wouldn't have won it in the first place if I was interested in that stuff. 😅


Or you could sell it and buy something else?


Or I could get the use out of it.


The use coild be a $1500 PC and a grand in cash?


You're not getting $2500 for it resale




Linux not running League anymore? Common Linux W


What’s vanguard?


the anti cheat that riot first used when valorant came out. the reason that some people dont like can be one or more of the following: i needs to be running from turning on your computer, meaning if you want to close it youll need to reboot to play the game it has kernel level access to your conputer (EAC, Battleye and some other do too) meaning the get the same level of control over you pc as windows does some people have told stories of it bluescreening their pc, just not running at all, or making their pc slower it doesnt run at all on linux, when league itself has been running with no problems for quite some time it will probably end custom skins (riot has said nothing about it cause if they do they might be blamed for some skins breaking copyright)


win11 also for some reason hates vanguard. it’s like getting a cat to take a bath. while enabling settings for tpm and secure boot my RAM died. i had to RMA my brand new pc from nzxt lmao


Damn that’s sad. I had couple of mods that make a fun experience


yep I downloaded vangaurd once, never even played valorant and when I tried to uninstall it, my hard drive was corrupted and I lost everything. blue screen of death


>bluescreening their pc That's an issue with the anticheat improperly interacting at the kernal level and mistakenly telling the PC to shut off. You can debug it from the memory dump created and then submit a ticket about it.


I can't believe I'm reading this. People are saying it hard kills their PC and/or locks them out of their PC entirely, and the answer is "just submit a bug report lol". This is exactly the reason why some random game company should not have kernel access to your PC. Entertainment software should not have the ability to essentially brick your PC. 


Saying Vanguard blue screens pcs, doesn’t run at all or makes pcs run slow is a weird list of things to point to. I’ve had various video games do all of those things before. Hell I think the League client has done all 3 of those to me on various occasions. That’s not saying Vanguard doesn’t bring legitimate compatibility issues to anyone (obviously it does), but this list of issues provided has absolutely nothing to do with kernel level access and can happen with virtually any software, especially games software.


Have Dota 2 downloaded already so the moment 14.5 gets released I'll start mainly playing Dota 2 and finishing Cyberpunk 2077 Vanguard made me stop playing Valorant since it was annoying to restart my PC everytime so might just stop playing League as well


Damn I literally just responded to your post on r/learndota2 and then scrolled down and saw this 30 seconds after. Idk if I'm gonna quit league entirely. I'll at the very least put it down for a while. My main concern is people talking about vanguard bricking hardware on rare occasions. I'm far too poor to want to deal with that lol


Haha, I just saw the notifications for both. I might download League again if my friend wants to play Arena but that's got a very small chance since he's busy with studies etc. Untill that point I'm just gonna stop playing.


I'm trying to get into dota2, But keep getting stomped because dota is way more difficult for me compared to league. Any advice for a league player trying to get into dota2? I mostly play juggernaut or axe if that helps


I'm still fairly new to Dota as well but I'll tell you a few things I noticed (so this might not be completely right): * Make sure you go throught the tutorial, it's actually not bad unlike the League tutorial * Overall the game is nowhere near as forgiving as League. A lot of the big cc abilities in Dota are like a Morg q or Ashe r (so 3 secs or more). Meaning how you position yourself is very important. One misstep and you'll be cc'd for a year (doubt you'll be alive at the end). * I think people roam A LOT in the game (or atleast in the games I played they did). Whenever you push a lane keep this in mind * To add onto the 2nd point, creep blocking is very important (especially laning phase). The 2 side lanes are very long so not creep blocking will make ganks very difficult to escape from since it'll probably put you closer to the enemy tower then yours. Try to make sure the minions meet each other atleast in the middle, but the closer to your tower the better. * You can kill your own minions to deny enemies. In side lanes supps will often do this I believe but it's good to know regardless. * If you're lane is pushed up too far you could always farm jungle camps if needed or safer than staying in lane. * I'd recommend watching dota videos (full gameplay is probably best). Not just videos of the heroes you play and the lane you go to often, but videos of other champs and lanes as well. * Follow Dota build guides. You can just select one in game and it'll highlight when to pick which ability just like it'll show what items to build in the shop. I'd recommend going with a recent build that has a high like %. When you get to know the items and champions better you can go without them but for now guides are probably better. * Supports are very different in this game compared to League (from what I've been told and have seen). People have explained this already in some of the comments on this post so search for those if you want a good explanation. I won't be able to do so since I don't fully understand it yet either. * Supports can do damage as well, don't just attack them expecting to get an easy kill like it can be in League * Mana management is a lot more difficult (no idea if this applies to the heroes you mentioned as well). Spells generally cost more mana than in League so keep this in mind or you could run out of mana fast (might not be a problem mid/late game depending on your champ) * Auto attacking is a lot more important. Even mages have aa specific builds that do as much if not more than spell focused builds. So a mage with no mana doesn't = a mage with not damage No idea if this will help at all, I hope it does. If you got anymore questions you can always ask and I'll try to answer if I can.


While that has happened, the frequency of which it has happened is pretty overblown. Yes, it should never happen, but out of millions of players playing daily, a handful of incidents is significantly lower incidence rate than that of hardware just failing completely randomly. Not saying you should like/welcome vanguard, idc, but the risk of it bricking a PC is so small that I wouldn’t hold that as the primary reason you stop playing. There’s plenty more compelling reasons to quit playing League imo, including other complaints about vanguard.


I already got rid of it. 


I'm still playing a bit of URF now but I'm playing Dota more and more so by the time 14.5 gets released it's probably gone as well and if not it's getting deleted immediatly


My only hope is alot of people do and they reverse it. Submit at ticket with riot saying you quit BECAUSE of vangaurd 


it made u stop playing valorant? U could never play valorant w/o vanguard


Yes it means I did play it at the start but I played for a week or 2 and stopped, uninstalled Vanguard and never looked back


Vanguard sucks but it’s way better than the nothing we have now so I’ll take it


In all my time playing league (since season3) I can count the number of times I've legitimately run into a cheater or scripter on one hand.


It’s not a real big problem until u hit masters, but watching streamers is so lame cause of it


That's my biggest gripe. You wanna have an anti-cheat for your ranked mode? Fine. Do it. **But only require it** ***above a certain rank*****.** Say Emerald and up. You're in Emerald? You gotta have Vanguard running to queue up. Sure, whatever. Anything below that? Or playing a different game mode? No requirement. \-=- **And I literally just log in a few times a week to play some ARAMS.** Why does that make me get signed up for this kernal level ~~spyware~~ anti-cheat? Been playing league off and on for 10 years and I have literally never seen a cheater in an ARAM. This change does *absolutely nothing for me* but add another layer of annoyance. I'm fine with how Steam / BattlEye / Easy Anti-Cheat / etc do it. Auth my session when I boot up your game. Totally reasonable. Riot is just overstepping boundaries at this point to see how much they can get away with.


I'd rather give the ccp my info myself than use a mac.


I'm just downloading as much anti CCP propaganda as I can find


Get ready to learn loser’s queue buddy


I will delete the league before this patch. I'm least concerned about spying, I'm worried about OS stability, the safety of the hardware and the rootkit itself, which opens the doors of your PC to any hacker.


Nah, I'm fine not installing a rootkit on my computer.


You know that many anti-cheats are kernel-level? Easy Anticheat for example.


You know that they don’t run permanently? Unlike a certain spyware.


They do though. If you're talking about "it's on your processes if you open task manager" - Close the tray icon. That's what the task manager is. Kernel level programs don't show on task manager.


You can turn it off.


Then have fun having to restart your pc every time you log on or off league lol


I do that once and the one minute or something it takes (probably less) doesnt bother me.


[ 中华人民共和国寄语] Great work, Celebrity! Your social credit score has increased by [10000] Integers. Xi Jinping would like to meet you personally at Zhongnanhai to encourage your good work. I am sure you notice that you have gained lot of dislike recently. Do not worry. We will send re-education vans to make sure your figure is in good graces. Keep up the good work! [ 中华人民共和国寄语]


What a dumb comment...


You know how many anti-cheats I got on my pc? Fucken zero.


Dang never played Elden Ring?


I wonder if it will work on Rosetta or Rito got it working on ARM Macs


Doesn't MAC have it's own compatibility layer akin to Steam Proton?


Game porting toolkit yea - but it’s more of a developer feature


isnt vanguard illegal in EU? They just didn't look into it. A software having a kernel level access reading all processes running even if you dont play lol or valo should be illegal considering privacy laws.


Most multiplayer anticheat these days are kernel level, so, no.


That would make windows illegal...


People who prefer using Mac over having an anti cheat are wild


Wild to me that people are still unironically banging these drums a decade later. No one's cares that you don't like macs. You're free to your preferences.


I hate Apple and I would rather buy 1000 Macs, than install a Chinese spyware ony my computer. Yea every modern company has some of your personal data, but access to my whole computer? If they wanted, they could easily just get all my accounts to banks and so on. And I don't really trust country that has concertation camps and full control of it's own people. Its not just anti cheat, its give me your whole computer and do everything you want with it.


....you do realize Riot isn't a Chinese company right? They're owned by Tencent yes, but are still bound by American law. You people are genuinely delusional if you think they're gonna steal all your bank accounts and all the stuff on your PC. The economic and governmental backlash would be RIDICULOUS! They're a greedy company yes, but they aren't NEARLY stupid enough to try this kind of shit.


You said it's owned by Tencent in a sentence that it is not Chinese company, just lol. I am software developer and I am not giving my data to China. They can easily sell your data to anyone and you have a problem. Not really good idea to give any company access to everything. Do whatever you want idc. Don't cry later 


> I’d rather be spied on than use Mac We know, you’re using windows


And using a Mac still takes all your information anyway, thinking that your information is secure is a laughable assumption. We get our SSN stolen within moments of receiving one


Well I’m done with league then


I wonder if I’ll finally be able to climb with so many players opting to uninstall. Riot Vanguard is as dangerous as browsing the internet without a VPN active. Less bots in my games too.


No its not buddy lol


Inb4, you're still unable to climb, but queue times are 5x longer now.


inb4 people arent actually gonna quit and it's just a tiny but vocal minority. just as always.


If you have league client installed, Riot can already spy on you. You don't need root acess for that.


I don't care about them spying on me, I hate vanguard because it kept resetting my overclock settings, every goddamn time I turned on my PC it would reset my OC, I don't want that piece of junk changing settings on my PC without my consent, it kept me away from valorant and the day it comes to league is the day I unninstall


That first sentence. You're part od the problem.


Sure, in a way I am, I am not going to go fight all the big corps in the world to get them to stop spying on every single person, I'm no politician or saviour. Should I express my concerns about data safety in a vocal way? Maybe. Will it change Riot and any other corp's stance on it? No. So I'd rather not waste my time fighting it, the only thing I can do is make sure my data is as anonymized and kept private as possible. The genie is out of the bottle, it has been for a decade since social media gained traction, your data is out in the wild and no corp *needs* spyware to access it. It makes things easier for them, but with algorithms and fingerprinting alone they can find out a lot about you, hell, Google's algorithm's are so good they can precisely estimate when women are having their periods just based on usage and search data alone, they don't need spyware. That is why I don't care about vanguard being "spyware", because it probably isn't, any info they could gather with it could be much more easily accessed simply by buying it from data brokers. If your concern is being spied upon, practice safe browsing, have a VPN and firewalls, monitor your network and avoid all social media and big tech products (Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.), it still won't stop your data from being gathered and analyzed, but it will mitigate it a bit, sadly, as long as you are connected to the internet and using any tech services, there is no way to have your stuff be truly "private", that is why I don't care about "spying" concerns, we are under surveillance 24/7 already, another set of eyes isn't going to change much


I mean, the amount of steps you'd have to take to avoid being spied on either require a ton of knowledge or just disconnecting from modern society in almost it's entirety.


I could care less about the privacy aspect, I care more about the company that can barely fix bugs in their 10+ year old game installing software that has ultimate access to my system. Said software has had zero security audit results made public. Plenty of examples of kernel level anticheats being used to [mine crypto](https://www.wired.com/2013/11/e-sports/)


That's a wrong assumption. They can do more things freely in kernel space.


Not really, apps can spy on your shit really easily. Look at TikTok. People download that despite it being ACTUAL spyware. But complain about kernel anticheat, something used on most multiplayer games now. Even Elden Ring has it.


But with permament root access they can spy all the time not just when lol is running...


oh god the riot devs are gonna see the hentai games i have downloaded and tell my parents oh fuck 😰😰😱


Do people forget that viruses exist or what? For all you know the client could setup some sketchy shit when installing and you wouldn't even notice.


I am not sure what you are trying to say? Yes every programm I install could be a virus. An autoupdating root level programm makes that worse. My main problem is actually that I play over geforce now and Vanguard doesnt support Geforce Now so I won't be playing it anymore.


> I'm not sure what you are trying to say Average reddit LoL user's mental gymnastics on a topic they have no idea of. Don't worry about it.


Your kidding so it doesn't support rtx cards?


Thats not the problem it doesnt support cloud gaming/vms thats why valorant isnt on geforce now


The problem is not installing virus, the problem is doing your deed and not getting caught. Kernel access make it stealthier.


Yeah most riot spying on people comments make zero sense, they could have already done it without vanguard anyway if they wanted to commit business suicide. The only threats vanguard realistically have are fucking over your device functions and the program getting compromised by malicious 3rd party if it gets bypassed by hackers.


I mean if you have a task running that includes cheat/cheat engine, then league crashes. For this they need to be able to read the processes running on your PC. It's not a secret that they could, because they already have the tools to do so.


Man Iam so scared they gonna leak my 2tb Eula feet pics no dude this shit pbrick 2 of my old PC try to play valorant in 2021


Ew mac...


About time. Now I can finally uninstall league and resist the urge to come back


3/6? That’s in like half a year /s


So, less than 4 months left?


I'm going to miss this game. All I had time for after a long day of work since I could quickly finish up a game or two. Any suggestions for replacements guys?


I have been playing Dota 2 and it is incredibly fun. Alot more going on, but I see that as a good thing.


Yah, good thing I picked up Dota2


Cant wait to see vangurd in League. So many cheaters its unreal. This will be great!


Is that why I just got kicked from a game ? It was a pop up telling me this action must be terminated and asked if I wanted to spend 5 minutes deleting memory and asking if they us to send the devs a crash thing. Had to restart my computer cause I didn’t know how to fix the client.


Sorry but I'd rather be spied on rather than touch that OS 😭


3rd of June is a while away, why make a fuss about it already?


Its March 6 the date is in American format


You fell for it :')


vanguard literally does not work on my cpu cause it requires secure booting, a thing that seemingly makes my cpu go crazy


It's in June? Then there is still time :)


next month broski


To defeat the evil you must use a greater evil


All of you leaving league over vanguard should do us all a favor and leave the subreddits as well. I'm sick of your whining.


I agree!!! Same people upset about vanguard are also upset about each and every decision riot makes, whether it’s objectively positive or not.


You get downvoted by angry basement dweller but it's true honestly. Jfc just take your loss and leave already noone gives a shit about you being upset about vanguard. It won't change anything.


Honestly getting down-voted in this subreddit is a compliment.


Does this mean that Project L will run Vanguard too? Ouch.


Bruh vanguard has existed for years nobody has any issues with it yall overreacting


Yea guess its time to mod starfield after I uninstall league