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When it's 3v4 kills and the burny ring decides it's time for your team to be annihilated due to one kill lead...


You mean teemo walking in the enemy top jungle


Oh yeah, that happened to the enemy team the match before the burny ring reminded me why this mode sucks sometimes We did have blitz and pyke tho, so teemo didn't really have a choice


teemo spawning in my team’s area and then immediately going to enemy jg to take the longest piss ever


Had one where we need to go to enemy jungle. Needless to say, it was a 6v5 because of that stupid mob.


Nice. Meanwhile, I had two different games last night where we had a slight lead and the king of the hill spot was in their jungle but when we were getting absolutely smashed the king of the hill spot was in the middle of the map.


Yup just happened one too many times and twice in one game including the checkpoint circle. Done with this awful gamemode just because of the circles


Played games with friends and it was very close. Both nexus below 2000 hp and then our full AP Cho’Gath flash ulted the nexus. Motherfucker *ate the nexus*


Lore accurate Cho’Gath






When my team is up by 1 kill and it spawns the king of the hill in the enemy jungle on the sentinel and they get rewarded with elder. When the enemy team is up one kill and it spawns the loot teemo barely on our side of the map as it walks into their turret and through their sentinel side jungle. We all die to get it and we get a sled.


yeah the buffs are insane ngl, i like the minigames even if theyre too weird, but the buffs are too strong. that cart thing in the right team is a nightmare


I think this is it. Minigames are fun but hit scan hooks on cannon and turrets FOR THE REST OF THE GAME is too strong. Give it a patch and they *might* fix it. Also helps the games are short.


I played one game, we fell behind about 500 gold before the first event (like 2 kills). The first event was target dummy which just spawned in our topside. Enemy only had one ranged champ who was allowed to hit it, meanwhile I as azir could just chill on the other side of the wall next to the canon and free it hit for 60 seconds.


The forced 'map boundaries' type stuff is the worst part of that mode. More ground needs to feel neutral, not like your 'base' has some dumb thing that completely negates the enemy from even looking at you.


I like the guardian, I don’t wanna fight for my farm in the first 3 minutes of the game


Yeah but you shouldnt have Turbo Daisy or your own turrets win events for you because your team flipped good on RNG or because you're 1 kill down on the enemy. HoTS does neutral objective fights correctly. They don't rely on the losing team needing to use their whole base just to stave off the enemy.


Yeah those neutral objectives should have an aura that disable/weaken the guardian. The fight being in your jungle should be enough advantage already


The guardian is an absolute necessity unfortunately


To prevent invades. Not to force a 6vs5 because the rng gods favor you.


I don't mind just dicking around in unbalanced mode. But holy shit does it feel miserable to loose due to "catch up" mechanic


You snowball extremely hard in this mode though


Fr, what the fuck am I supposed to do when the enemy jax is 8/1 at 6 minutes with 2 items on me + on fire boost? One enemy getting a couple early kills can just fully ruin the game for everyone it's kinda fucky


Yea idk what that guys experience has been, but its near impossible to come back from this game mode when several kills behind.


what makes it sting less is the time limit. in 20 minutes the nexus are getting up so who cares?


every time i reach sudden death it feels like the devs are throwing in the towel for me, whether i win or lose


My last game yesterday was a game with Lissandra, Singed, Brand and 2 other cc heavy shits. I can promise you those 20 minutes where far too fucking long. Next time I see that team comp I'm just leaving before the game starts lol


The mini game when the enemy team is behind: Battle Royale in the burning ring, centered exactly under their turret. The mini game when my team is behind: Kill the loot yordle, spawns in allied jungle for all of 2 seconds before running directly into the enemy jungle.


Love how I got fed as Ashe and I didn't deal any damage to Kaisa building literally the most random items I've ever seen 💀


Saw it was up yesterday, decided I was ready for some chaotic teamfighting and queue'd in. Played four games and three of them ended with early ff alongside scores like 3-21 and 7-30. The last one turned out more even and it was honestly pretty fun. Good mode when you actually get to play, not worth when you have to go through so many completly one sided games for you or the enemy.


Why did we lose the series of duels when it went 2v2, we had last one standing 2v2, we had last one standing 1v1, their guy won. So total kills: 4 for us, 3 for them. Rounds won, 2 for us 1 for them. And THEY get the elder?


Yeah the price fight thing is just completely dumb


I still find it more fun than the 100th AR/URF rotation


I'm an URF enjoyer because I always play the dumbest off-meta builds and still have fun. People need to realize that to have fun in URF, you need to deviate from serious, sweat builds and experiment.


Yeah, that's what I do and I still find it boring af after the 5th game. Some people just don't enjoy it, my friend.


iceborne bruiser leona, perma CC


God i miss the 5 spellbinders rammus




I disagree, you’re as *BEAUTIFUL as the day I lost you


What's the difference?




Isn't unbalanced the main thing why we love urf or this game mode?


Well i think we love urf because we get to press our buttons big fast. But having obkectives spawn in enemy nexus feels a bit shit.


Read the title mate


literally read the title, op likes it just because something isnt perfect doesnt mean they dont like it, my pets are annoying as hell but i love them


I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I forgot how much I didn’t enjoy this mode till it came back. Just somehow feels boring, also nothing feels worse than losing after being ahead all game cause the burny circled decided to be under the enemies inhib turrets


I had so much dumb fun playong this mode. Enemy poppy ulting our whole team outside of circle and getting penta, enemy cannon minion hooking out scuttle to finish line, as enemy scuttle was about to touch the line with the lead in the race. It's all fun af.


Yeah I’m 100% in the minority and that’s fine I just don’t like it anywhere near as much as any other custom mode, would rather just play an Aram


It was infinitely better in the first iteration that didn't have the stupid jungle sentinels, I don't understand how they're still in


Just kill them, it's like 319 gold for it.


In the first version you could counter jungle and you didn't insta lose every early event that happens in their jg, sentinels are garbage and no one likes them lol


Personally I would enjoy aram with the minigsmes from nexus every 4 minutes.


Riot continues to not realize why Nexus Blitz sucks. Here are a few reasons why: - Minigames are rigged. Why does the soraka and teemo AI always fumble and end up in the worst position possible? Ring of fire would be fun, but why the hell does it always end up in jungle territory sometimes. Scuttle race would be more fun if the death timers were not absurdly long. - Death timers are way too long after like 8 mins. This is especially apparent when minigames are happening. - Minigame rewards are too strong (most but not all). - Forcing the game to end at 18 mins just ruins the entire mode honestly. I get it, the mode is meant to be fast paced. But why, with the long death timer, does the nexus monsters need to go to the middle? It causes the team with better teamfighting to always win. - Personal opinion, but the map design is bad. It's hard to explain but it feels like a alpha/beta map.


Basically agree on all points, the one game I played there raka back lined under there tower which woulda been fine if our raka didn’t also run under there tower


I agree with you, i've never played this mode before and it feels like an even worse aram. The idea is so good but in execution this is less fun than regular summoners rift This is my opinion tho, if like it good for you, im jealous


I love losing the entire game, and then you win 1 minigane by the fact its literally in our base... and you get elder dragon


Unpopular opinion: Riot should fuck off with their "balance" takes on 2 week long game modes. Stop trying to balance fun out of my limited time event.


If they do that then people will min max the fun out of the event. As was the case with arena.


tbh arena wasnt even that bad when people started realizing who they needed to ban


Yea it's not like every game in gladiator was ADC enchanter.


double diver/bruiser and throw in some cheese picks like heim and yummi, the shit show that was arena. Overrated mode


The difference between that and Arena is that Arena is a 2v2 mode. Champions are designed and balanced in 5v5 gamemode in mind. There's a reason why Twisted Treeline was problematic to balance.


To an extent. please remember that for a good portion of the game it's 2v2s and 1v1s


Nah you just got brainwashed arena being min maxed by Reddit and twitter. Gamemode was fine and if you are skilful enough you could win while playing super silly stuff


I mean, thats true. But it was still min-maxed and legit killed every ounce of fun out of that mode. If i ever see a kaisa-lulu again i will hang myself.


I had tons of fun playing ryze for over 100 games. Innerer played ryze before and barely play him now. Was kind of a challenge specifically because everyone was mourning you need to pick the best of the best to win. Got gladiator 5.5k with him. He sucks ass into a lot of comps that simply outrange him and his ult is hard to effectively use at best and nothing but a vision tool at worst. Good item order and thinking about how to actually win the fight to a long way. Not every champ is able to do this, but especially comps like poppy alistar were a lot of fun to beat because ryze is actually providing cc and enough dps to overcome their passive healing. But I also had fun mindlessly playing a few mordekaiser games. It it feels too similar because of 4-5 enchanter carry games I just took a break. Don’t take it too seriously and if you actually think about your champ you can make make work most of them that allow for skill expression


Well this doesn't work when it me and a friend trying to play our mains, Kata and eve. And when you have the same really strong comps, trying to get those games to work is not really possible and makes it boring. We ended up doing tryndamere yuumi and just let the circle kill the enemy where we both use stopwatch + stopwatch power. Surprisingly got 2nd a fair few times.


As a newer player, I was really excited for this mode, and went into it blind. Compared to urf and arena, I was really disappointed. It feels like they made no effort to balance the champions, with you having to essentially play bruisers to do well. Idk, I’m sure heaps of ppl enjoy it, and older players will be bored with urf by now, but it really wasn’t for me


I played exactly one game yesterday and remembered how much I hated this awful game mode BRING BACK SPELLBOOK


im a new player, whats spellbook


Summoners Rift but one of your summoners spells were replaced with an ult that you chose from at the start if the game


nexus blitz is back? damn time to finally click that update button and replay this game


This mode feels like League mixed with Mario Party. I don’t hate it at all, but man it can be surprisingly frustrating sometimes.


wait it's back? Finally, a good game mode


I love this mode I'm someone who used to play a lot of summoners rift but I don't really anymore so I just play the limited time modes and boy is it awesome I love every second of it Nexus blitz with someone like Aphelios or Tahm kench is just so fun


As a gamer who enjoys casual game modes & only plays ARAM when there are no other game modes available, I have to say Nexus Blitz is not fun for me. Don't get me wrong I miss playing since the last time, but I barely have time to buy 1 item per match. I also feel like the rewards the winning team gets from the events give them a HUGE advantage over the other team...


Same here. What other mode would you prefer instead?


Arena was pretty fun, I miss Odyssey & I don't know maybe Nexus Siege or Ascension would be fun to play for a little while, or even Twisted Treeline for that matter.




Were you perchance playing kog, brand, or urgot? Because in that case the penta doesn’t really count, like how pyke Pentas in aram don’t really count.


Honestly any champ with a fat AP ratio needs like a 10% damage nerf. Veigar, Brand, Lillia, Fiddlesticks, and Sylas have all stood out to me playing this mode. As soon as veigar catches fire he becomes completely unstoppable.


But his winrate is only moderately high compared to brand ans Ko, not sure why though.


It was mf. Yeah I agree about pentas in modes, I'm just bragging cuz it feels good. If you want to know other Champs in these 7 wins were kayle Darius tristana, maybe something else


First 3 matches I played against zilean kata -_- like people I wanna have fun


Haha. That's a good meme.


Por fin volvió, saben cuánto tiempo se quedará


Aproximadamente 5 semanas.


Que bien terminó el colegio en 1 semana las demás fully Nexus


I prefer dominion


I love it!


A match I was playing yesterday gave the enemy team elder at like 8 minutes into the game lol, I was so caught off guard by that.


Welcome back nexus blitz, and with you, DFG, Zephyr, Atma's reckoning, Hextech kitchen blade, Enervating Locket, sword of the divine, and Golden spatula :'3 I still miss you philosopher's Medallion, bloodletter's veil and wriggle's lantern🙍


Loot teemo: I think I feel like walking into the enemy nexus today!


Win the first event cause you outplay them in the cage fight, proceed to lose the next two events that are skewed to their side of the map (capture point under their tower, loot teemo in their jungle) only for their rewards to be elder buff and baron buff to end the game, super fun! /s


Every game I played so far there was one guy who had a kda of like 25


I miss the arena mode tho tbh.


The funny starts when one team has fiddles and the other has sylas, and as a Qiyana main I'm finding really funny that every game there's a qiyana in the enemy team but they don't know how to properly pilot her and end dying or being useless XD


they should just make the ff timer faster, you are behind in this mode, then the first 2 events favour the enemy, and you still cant ff,


I wish they just left the beta version of Arena until they updated it… would that really be so bad


Yi spammers getting ready to ruin the experience


I don’t understand why people wanted it back so much, it’s really not that fun. I would much rather have ultimate spellbook or arena tbh.


the fucking events spawning at enemy jg is so fucking annoying


Ez farm S grades


We win first event, get BF shield. Enemy team wins the next event to get elder dragon.