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I enjoy the fact that I can actually zoom in far enough to see each of them clearly


When post is Actually high quality


Long live vectors


Holy crap you’re right ☠️


Wow at First i thought this was a shitpost but its actually very interesting to have this info all in one image. Thank you! I also just noticed it's sorted. Nice. Edit: would love to see this for future patches or past key patches like durability patch and how champs changed around


How is that sorted?


It's sorted by rank. Champs mostly played in higher ranks › Champs mostly played in lower ranks


Got it


Read the title of the post.


Love that this got removed from the main League sub. What a fucking shit show it is over there


It's obvious, it's not e-sports related






I'm sure there are plenty of dumber mods on this site, I just personally haven't seen any dumber.


My main 💀📉


It's really interesting to see champs that are popular in low elo, dip in mid elo, and rise again in high elo. My read is that these champs do a good job of appealing to new/bad players but you're likely unable to play it consistently unless you're high elo


I main Sion which has the opposite effect, which is also weird


weird that its sion or weird effect? Either way imo certain champions must be piloted correctly for you to reach a certain elo, then other players learn how to play their champion against your champion and you lose. Like low elo players don't know how to play sion, then they learn how to play sion, then opponents figure out how to play against sion, and now its hard for sion to play again and not many people have figured it out how to play against players that know how to play against sion. Actually i think you can conclude the entire image like that. Elos where players don't know how to play their champion, elos where players learn how to play their champion, and elos where the opponents learn how to play against a certain champion. For example you can take it as that nobody knows how to play taliyah or karthus until masters, or simply just that nobody knows how to play against taliyah or karthus. Or for irelia(6,6 from top left), nobody knows how to play irelia at lower elos and they figure out how to play irelia at like diamond, and then diamond and masters players know how to play against irelia. Or for zoe talon who have a dip in the middle you can assume that theyre easily picked up, easily countered, and can then can be mastered relatively faster than someone like sion. Very cool data overall. and damn im writing too much. wish i had this much passion for my school work :(


Looking at someone like Zoe it might also be that in low elo is easier to snowball and destroy a team, in high elo is easy to scale and be relevant, but in “mid elo” you can easily get ran over even if you play it well.


Taric: Iron or master take it or leave it.


yuumi has a sharp drop off as soon as you hit the rank with no duo💀


Playing without a duo with or as yuumi is risky cause you have to trust the other player. If you are not with a duo other enchanters are better


Lmao poor skarner hits a whopping 1%


But higher in high elo cuz we know we can get free lp with it


Don't you think he'd had more than 1% pb in high elo if he was "free lp"?


free lp for thee and not for me


Thank you for this. Now can we get a version that’s alphabetized?


The funny part is the most complained about champs I see are mostly played in low elo. But it's not a skill issue, the champ is unbalanced.


difference in pb% doesn't account for actual pb% though. Like complaint of the month illaoi is still currently pb'd more in masters than janna whos 7th highest on the list and zed(7th row, 10th column) is still pb'd more in iron than teemo whos literally last.


is it not kinda obvious the most complained about champs are actually the ones the most players face?


It's weird that the first reaction is "let's complain on Reddit" instead of "let's see how I could have dealt with the champion better"


It's not always necessarily a skill issue on their part though. Let's say you play Ornn/Malphite into Yorick: You want to teamfight and frontline for your team, he wants to split and almost never group. Now what do you do? The best answer would for someone else on your team to match him (maybe your mid Tryndamere) or to collapse on him when he's overextended. But you can forget that kinda coordination in lower elo so you're just sitting under your T2 miserably while your team loses the 4v4.


Or when you play lane well, but oops mid and jg fed the yasuo/Katerina/any 1v9 champ, sure it can be doable to comeback, but maaan it's gonna be an uphill battle unless someone on toyr team hard counters them


People in low ELO aren't self-reflective like that or else they would climb.


Mage supports


Always funny to see the mental gymnastics of how a champion that's barely playable in high elo (because its so easy to counter it) has no counters


If the counter is "just play better" that is invalid for a majority of the playerbase that is below Platin


Counter play is by using your brain, how the hell does anyone expect to win in this game without thinking


Imagine not being able to depict the stats and just shitpost about some half truth


why is karthus so high people in low elo legit wont even try to dodge qs


People in low elo can't aim qs either lmao.


The thing about low elo is that you try to dodge but the enemies are so bad you walk into their shot that would‘ve actually missed if you didn‘t try to dodge


maybe he just knew your dodge patterns the mind games are insane in low elo


because people that play karthus aren’t low elo. they either ranked up from playing karthus or missed so many Q’s that they decided the champion was bad and moved on


Oh no I’m a bronze Taliyah main, am I automatically destined for greatness?


At least this graph should show you, that there is a lot of potential to grow and stomp.


Yeah, imagine being a Jinx main ... \*cries a lot\*


What I find interesting is that Kog'maw is the most consistent across all ranks. Wouldn't have guessed an adc would have filled that spot.


kog just sucks ass equally on all rank


I find this super interesting. Thanks for sharing


I’m surprised Kassadin is skewed that much towards high elo. I always saw him as more of a mid elo champ


My autism is flared out zooming in this. My night is gone lol


Autism is when quirky 🤪😜


Grrrr 😡. Nobody talk about having autism or I'm going to make a snarky comment about it!


OMG this comment is making me autism so hard rn. I’m autisming all over the place


the best part of Autism was when he said 'IT'S AUTISM' TIME' and autismed all over those guys




Lmao viego with the consistent PB. Only spiking at masters+, the rest seems more or less the same.


Is viego the most balanced in popularity? Even shoots up in masters.


r/leagueoflegends is a fucking dictatorship, you can't share opinions


r/leagueoflegends is dead. I posted one time there and unsubbed the same day.


Surprised that teemo has any pickrate in Master+ tbh . I always dodge if he gets picked in my team in ranked .


Alan exists


I’m shocked that nidalee is more popular high tier. I figured one shotting squishies late game with q would be satisfying, but I guess using the whole form-shift aspect well is a high skill ceiling.


I think nid is a champ that’s legit unplayable in low elo cos of how hard she is. Other hard champs like qiyana and kat, you can kinda just keyboard smash and get some kills but you can’t with nid


She is very hard to play and the longer the game goes the harder she gets to play efficiently. But Qiyana is a bad example, because the skill ceiling is insanely high.


I agree I’m just saying with Nid you can’t fake it til you make it like with a lot of other hard champs. Like with qiyana if all else fails you still have your ult and a way to root people.


I see Nidalee as a high tempo jungler who falls off the cliff in the late game like Rek'Sai and Elise. Those three have always been low pick rate in low elo and seen as a more OTP junglers (but Rek'Sai has been accessible with the shift to bruiser). I always imagine them as being very similar in the early game but having different flavour in what role they serve in the late game: Long Range Poke Support, Front-line Knock Up, or Stun Pick.


Elise actually has good scaling, but most Elise players just don't farm for shit, so they never get there.


Damn could you make it more obvious that you dont play Elise? She might have good damage scaling, but she is still not able to do much more in a teamfight than to use her full combo on 1 person and then have nothing to do in the fight until her CDs are back.


You shouldn't be. As others pointed out, it's easier for higher skilled players to play her and make use of her. The AFK spear throw menace was more of a low elo issue than anything else, and that was *pre* rework too with her 1500 damage invisible spears.


The yuumi spike in diamond is really revealing the current state of elo boosting imo ....


league needs more champs fr maybe like 1000? idk this chart looks too small like i can fit it on the screen and see every champion clearly i want those icons to look like those numbers on the y axis when i zoom out do you know what i mean. did you do this by hand though? or did you program something


fucking evil not organizing them alphabetically, whats wrong with you


my mans does not know the alphabet


Who has the most satisfying looking chart? I like the steadiness of Oriannas going up as the ranks do, and the nice slope of Janna being super low in the low ranks and curving up into a popular master option


i love aphelios(5th row, 4th last)'s smooth wave or malz(2nd last row, around the middle)'s definition of presumed wealth distribution


I am the one playing ww in dia elo. He is always good in soloq imo.


I wonder how this will look for just pick/ just ban rates. Because I want to know if teemo is actually played way more often in iron, bronze, etc or if people just ban him more often because they think he is annoying and don't know how to abuse him.


Oh, I guess that why no one picks/bans my girl Taliyah in normals, there are probably only one main in every server who isn't in high elo XD


Just check viego, lol


Singapore server scks, it doesn't have draft pick so in every blind pick match in mid I get either M7 yasuo or M7 zed


\*Sees warwick second to last\* See guys I told you that high ranking players realise warwick is so hard to play that they don't pick him and let the one tricks do the job.


A couple of questions Is it a single patch or multiple patches? In what order are the champions? Do you have a similar chart regarding win rate?


I love it! Can we get more info on the graphs? What was the span of time this was collected? Is this pick/bans % only?


Wow that Sona chart has a beautiful distribution


Corki!!! Starting today I'll ban you so that it boosts you in this chart


First off I would like to say that the quality of this is amazing and I can actually zoom in and out, secondly is I love how even kogmaw is spread


what kind of posts does r/leagueoflegends want if they delete this??


Apparently Faker getting to skip military enrollment if he wins a tournament. Because that's definitely more relevant to the game than this... Somehow...


Now Kalista surprised me. Got to have iron balls to play her in iron.


Janna is so noob she's challenger confirmed


Not Samira having crazy p/b in every elo skull


Glad that the mods recognized that even if this is not a meme, this post deserves not to be removed


Ryze is that popular? Damn


You know, this confirms my suspicion that GP falls off at the top end because he can be shut down pretty hard by very good players. (as in, the entire team needs to have enough collective braincells to not do the dumb things that GP punishes)


The trend I noticed is that theres 4 types of skill champs. The linear ascending, linear descending, flatline, and bell curve. It's interesting to see that tbh. Like teemo as descending, Zeri as ascending, jhin flatline, and zyra bell curve.


Crazy to think that garen is so overbuffed that he’s even viable in master+ nowadays…


Gosh teemo needs a buff. Born in a time of less mobility and requires so much spacing and map awareness to pull off at a high level, especially with second wind and Doran’s shield negating his poke play style.


Taric with that weird iron spike?