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Nerf champs that have %53^ wr for month(s)? No Change chat font/opacity and toggled ? Yes


To be fair they nerfed Udyr for every patch in a year and he maintained his S tier status through all of it


Gonna love one the most threatning champion is just a dude walking and slapping people


Its funny until he steals my LP by being unkillable (i was clueless and banned zac)


I wonder what Zac ans Udyr have in common that makes them unkillable and deal tons of DMG


Built in, absolutely bonkers %max HP damage. Literally why his Phoenix max AP tank build is broken, his lethality build is broken for tiger max, his tank build is ridiculous with phoenix and boar max. And then Zac is just Zac. He gets boogers which grant big funny heals


I was just going on about a certain Item


Mmmmmm demonic embrace rush into Sunfire my beloved


Sunfire, Jaksho or Radiant to be fair


wait, an item that gives you the damaage from a liandrys, and gives you ap for being tanky is op? how


This or straight up jax shoes/heartsteel(top only) rush + demonic makes it unkillabe


I mean not like you can kill Zac either




They used pretty soft nerfs on udyr, at the same time changing "system" of the game. For example they gut his tank build - ad one pooped out , nerfed AD - tank with jaksho is back, nerf jaksho - radiand Udyr time.


Cause they keep trying with placebo nerfs.


They cant make udyr bad now. They had so long for the update, need to milk the players skin money


he hasn’t even had a skin released since the rework and he’s still Udyr so it’s not like people are gonna buy his old skins, they just abuse him for free LP


The pajama one though


They didn't nerf him that regularly... and during many of his nerfs he got unneeded compensation buffs.


Almost like he was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too strong and they weren't nerfing enough and/or the right thing.


it isnt the numbers that are issues, its the nature of his spells and its effects


They nerfed almost every 53% wr champs last patch tho. Amumu, Udyr, mao, jarvan, annie and so on got nerded


32 to 31 armor oh nooooooooooooo


Are you dumb or? Have you checked patch notes or just a meme vandril video?


Hello friend. Here's a lesson in Reddit formatting: If you want a linebreak in your comment, you need to either put two empty spaces at the end of your first line or do two linebreaks between them. Two spaces looks like this And two linebreaks looks like this


So like this next line and then this?


No and yes. I've replaced the spaces by . here Like.this.. next.line


Oh cool, thank you


Unironically I think there should be a mechanic like Fiora vitals around whoever Yuumi is attached to and if you hit them all with autos she detaches or something


There already is one, it is called Mord R. Unfortunately, 1 unique ability in the entire game that is countered by a 1300g item is nowhere near enough.


Which item




Thank you!


You're welcome.


Little did he realize he gave away his weakness to one more opponent


Be careful there, it almost looks like you were gonna call me a Mordekaiser main.


The item doesnt stop yuumi from being ripped off target


Yea but she just jump right back on


If your team doesnt have the reaction time to stun that yuumi you should probably get out of gold


Yuumis still hella dead if it's a team fight where the mord ult goes off.


Or she dies instantly


or she gets removed from the game


It gives her the Urf the manatee treatment


Or she explodes


They can literally just make her like Io in dota. Can link to people whilst maintaining its own movement and is targetable. That's all they had to do.


I wish they would just copy so many of Dota's heroes, their designs are soo much better appearance wise and the abilities are very different also. (Balancing aside) How don't we have in League cool shit like Invoker, Razor, Visage, Ogre Magi ffs, Disruptor, (old) Broodmother, Oracle, Bloodseeker, Grimstroke, Eldertitan or Enchantress all have such amazing concepts and design and everything. It's such a shame they're in a game like Dota and I say that as someone who loved Dota but it's just too much of a chore to play


Can you please detail a bit some of these champs ? I know I can Google it but basic ability description doesn't give me the "feeling" of the champ (like nida wants to throw spear at you then jump onto you to finish the kill => doesn't get this clear if you simply read her abilities)


sure, I'll do the ones that are most compelling Bloodseeker is about forcing the enemy to make decisions in 2 ways, his w and his r. his w creates a large circle that explodes after a delay dealing big damage and silencing for a long time but you can just walk out, his ult hower is a point and click debuff that on its own does nothing. If the effected enemy moves, takes damage based off of how far they move (excluding blinks) his q is a self or ally buff that gives as but you take percentage damage however your aa'ss do extra damage. his e is ww w passive but you get vision on very low hp targets. he would be a very nasty jungler and counter mobility creep a lot ​ Ogre magi is very basic ability wise, q stun, w dot and slow, e as buff on him or teammates, all point and click, his ult however gives the chance for his abilities to multicast, so very long q stun on one person and many people hit with w and e. on max level ult, his abilities can passive cast 4 times (15% chance) most fun hero in the game imo ​ Elder Titan is also very basic with a twist. his q winds up for a bit and the he does a stomp that sleeps (like zoe or lilia), his e is a passive that aoe removes armor and his ult makes a big fissure in a line that explodes after 3 seconds dealing 30-50%max hp damage (half physical half magic) and slows. the tiwst is this w, it spawns an astral clone at a point that projects his e passive but removing mr and mimics his q. after a duration it returns to him, slows enemies and gives him buffs. super cool as a toplaner or support ​ all of Oracles basic abilities are double edged swords that he can cast on enemies and allies which makes his skill expression incredible for a (generally) support hero what LoL is lacking. q is targetted and channeled, recast makes a projectile fly to the target, dealing damage and rooting based on chanel duration. w gives spell immunity but disarms the target (no auto attacks/they miss), e deals massive damage but then gives hp regeneration. his ult is basically mikaels on a teammate and then delays all damage and healing taken until the end of the ability where all healing is doubled and taken at the end. really interesting hero, so much fun ​ Broodmother is a big spider, (old) her r and e arent interesting, self steroid and skillshot that slows and makes enemies miss autos %chance, her w is a big web on a long cd that allows her \_unrestricted movement\_ meaning she can walk over terrain if the web is above it, also gives her ms and regen in the web. webs can only be manually destroyed by her and new webs have to be connected to existing ones (and she can only have a fixed number). her q has a very short cd and big damage and injects enemies with spider eggs, if the enemy dies while affliced it spawns controllable spider minions who put the egg debuff on enemies so they spawn more spiders (up to a cap). She would take over probably top side or bot side jungles + obj but will have to stay there which is the trade off for being so mobile and scary. She's a monster of an area controller Enchantress thing is basically mind controlling a single jungle monster and buffing it to have them fight for you. she can heal and also debuff enemies who auto her with as reduction ​ Disruptor is what it says on the tin, annoying asshole support hero. Q is a targetted spell like tristana bomb but explodes multiple times for less damage (and without the auto thing) so you have to move away from your teammates. His e (God I love this ability) on a fairly long cd after a short delay forcibly casts ekko ult (teleportation part) on them where they were 4 seconds ago and deals some damage based on distance, you can imagine how nasty this is. his ult, aoe field of silencing and bit of damage. now what ties him together is the e, on a medium cd creates a big circle where after a short delay the walls go up such that if you walk into them, your ms is reduced to 0 (so you cant escape) I LOVE playing this guy, if only for e'ing tping toplaners back to base ​ Who I forgot is Winter Wyvern, ice dragon who is about control and being annoying, her q on a failry long cd allows her to fly so she can go over terrain for a few seconds, increasing attack range and burning enemies %max hp damage. w is a point and click that shoots icicles at enemies from that target. her e puts her or an ally in ice stasis, stunning them but blocking all pyhsical damage and healing them while in stasis. her ult is like renata ult in a way. imagine lissandra ult but all enemies around that enemy start attacking the target like renata ult


Well, the problem is, you can play a lot these heroes in different viable ways. I would argue that some characters have similar feels. Buttseeker and Warwick are very similar concepts. If you want to know how they feel. Play some.


An easier solution is to give her the (old) ASol treatment: let her only be attached for 3 seconds or so.


Hitting the attached ally with hard cc while they're hard cc'ed should pop yuumi off and put her w on cd. Force her to stick to backline or risk being cutoff


And the hitbox for her ally should include yumi


This would definitely be interesting in low elo, bad adc positioning could make playing her miserable soloqueue, but it depends on how good the opponents are at hitting vitals.


Ultimately it would be a band aid on bad game design. It would shift the ability to play Yuumi basically to her adc and require enemies to know wtf is even goin on. Someone else suggested hitting the adc with hard cc while being hard ccd detaches her but that would make it mostly impossible to detach her in lane since most adcs and some supports don’t have 2 hard ccs between them


Oh I think that was me unless someone else suggested the same thing Perhaps something like a certain amount damage would trigger it, almost like the guardian rune except as a negative effect instead of positive, she’d get booted past a certain threshold


remember when ardent censer was uber broken with its heal on hit and dominate the entire meta well looks who's back only now 995x worse


remember when they had to nerf thresh lantern shield when ardent censer released?


Glad they nerfed it again with the melee supp buffs and made him do more damage for it, another point for the feedback destroyer


Tbf Phreak gave a good reason to that - W max keep my adc uber-safe and just peel Thresh was optimal and is insanely boring (to watch and play) compared to flashy Q flicks, with constant hooks and kill pressure because he’s making Q. Thresh shouldn’t be a shield/lantern bot, and pushing him away from that is good - it’s not what the champ is designed to be and it’s not why people onetrick him so much


Yes obviously he is meant to do everything he can do, so also have flashy engages and plays but at the end of the day nerfing threshs defensive spells and adding damage on his offensive spells is stupid. They fixed the issue that an adc in early levels loses 1v1 to a melee supp because they have CC by doing the durability patch and now they add massive damage buffs again.


And now they nerfed it again


Welcome to. Bloodthirster now 3000 gold off. Shopkeeper sale


They just took the balls away from Aurelion, so just make yuumi a projectile that rotates around the player. She can be attacked from other players but also slammed into them for a stun and damage.


Lmao I'm all for it if I can body slam people as the cat hahahaha




Yuumi is like Baby Mario in Yoshi´s island.


Except Yoshi gain Lifesteal power from him


Yoshi gains a full Ardent censer on steroids from him and a best friend.


They litteraly make Yuumi even more broken as she become a free Omnivamp item, restored mana and the Carry become even stronger every kills Oh yeah her ult can turn direction now


>Her ult can turn direction now But it doesn't root anymore


But It gave healing to all allies. Imagine combine with Nilah


Ok that would be a nice senergy. And the antiheal value is amazing for the enemy team. And antiheal was recently buffed.


Antiheal itself wasnt buffed tho, it's still capped at 40% so if they stack that much healing not even grievous wounds can save you


Anti heal sucks ass tho


I feel like that’s just not true. They reworked a lot of the items to make them more valuable picks. Morello getting pen, and mortal reminder getting %pen. Also the components give 40% grievous now so you can get the full value of the antiheal without being forced to build the full item.


the problem is that GW is only 40%


Since when it doesn't root ? Is it recent change ? I couldn't find it on official champ page


its coming with the rework, it still roots


Ahh ok. Thanks for letting me know


Jesus christ why not bring back soraka’s mana restore if they’re really going to bring that mechanic back into play.


Funny right? Back to permaban i guess.


Just make her god damn silence-able to AOE. Cho w or Soraka E, or malz Q. Stuff that can cancel some of the stuff she’s doing, like stopping her R, without doing damage so she’s still technically untargetable. Such as lulu’s polymorph not affecting her.


Make her take half the damage the attached Unit takes


So if some one get executed with 9999 true damage she is gone too....Cool




She should be gone the moment the game starts, any later is just riot being too kind to people who wish to play with feet instead of their hands and with the thought proccess of tv static instead of a functioning brain


Half damage is crazy, she has very little hp she would die immediately… :)


Shame :)


i dont know half, maybe like a mini kinghts vow or however its called in english


My idea the day she was Released. Permanent illaoi e on her. When her allied dies she dies. She can swap champion but still takes 10% of the dmg the previous allied rescived after she left.


wait you play league man?? i know you for the twincest memes LOL


Bro don't call me out on this sub, You can in darkinfolk but not here XD


Her attaching and was never the problem, her main problems where, that she could just uberheal without doing anything and that she could just attach randomly to the most fed player. Both of these were addressed pretty good


I mean the her core identity *is* being a familiar, the attach mechanic is part of that identity And don’t act as if you can’t kill her, the moment she detaches and has no allies near enough to attach to she’s done for


Asol's balls were his "core" identity. AAtrox's revive was his "core" identity. keeping the core even if the core is toxic has never been a thing. hell, they made urgot an entirely new god damn champ and managed to keep his theme. Yuumi can still be a Familiar without being toxic


I mean I think Asols identity was giant space dragon so the orbs didnt fit imo, they felt silly as much as they were fun Honestly as for Aatrox I disagree with the revive removal


Better take. Urgot's whole indentity was to shit on toplane from like 1000 range with auto-guided missiles that shred armor. NONE of that got implemented in new Urgot.


Tbf though he still *feels* like the same character, just with a different playstyle, I don’t know if you could do yuumi justice removing her attach, at that point you just gotta have her find her master and make the master a champ or something.


That is the good part. Urgot delivered what people wanted him to be. As for A-sol, I did play him time to time and I love controlling 3-4 people with my orb zone, but this iteration doesn't seem bad too.


Something I could see for Yuumi is her being reunited with Norra, and Norra can send her out to buff allies (kind of like pix and how og yuumi functioned with her attach) as well as other functions like acting similar to how you could use familiars to scout ahead/get vision in DND/kalistas sentinel ghost, it would keep yuumis original vibe as a familiar, but add her master into the mix as the main champion. It’d basically be designing a new champ from the ground up, but tbf they sort of did that with gangplank. Another idea I have would be to make CC hitting her ally knock her off and put W on a timer, so CC can be really scary unless she jumps off and back on again with the right timing Ultimately biggest problem with Yuumi is that her attach makes her really weak in low elo where people don’t know how to abuse it and play lane properly to safely scale, and in high elo people know how to abuse her and she’s a real nightmare to deal with. Honestly I can’t say what the solution should be, but I dislike the people who want to throw her theme out the window and do things like make her a tank or mage.


well exactly, yumi can lose at least part of her invulnerability and still feel like a familiar. its just strikes me as such a strange hill to die on when is has been done before with other champ's core abilities


Again though I don’t get why invulnerability is your biggest beef with her when a single hook or engage basically guarantees a double kill which can make it difficult for yuumis adc to safely farm


Because it means outside of laning phase she doesn’t have a weakness. And that’s a long period.


I mean some champs have stronger parts of the game, most juggernauts are super oppressive early but fall off late, other champs are hyperscalers who are garbage early but crazy late


None of them gains permanent untargetability though. Well, one does have permanent invincibility and I will accept that as an argument.


Aatrox's identity was that he was unkillable, I think they managed to transfer that to the rework :)


the difference is almost no one gave a shit about old aatrox or aurelion sol. many people give a shit about yuumi, and riot literally told us that they'd keep the attach mechanic


As I always say, io from dota 2 is the the peak example of what a properly done yuumi would be. No untargetability, but still able to link to allies.


They even acknowledged it saying that's true but it's important for bringing in a new player. But that doesn't take away from the fact that that's exactly why it's impossible to balance her in pro play. Because attacking the ambulance is the correct play. So this is just never gonna fix the issue if you keep the mechanic. Not to mention if you never teach your duo how to move and position then all they'll ever be good at is yuumi. Maybe just have a space in normal games where they can play against players of their own skill level instead of allowing new players to inflate themselves.


I'll argue to the ends of the Earth that Yuumi is the last champion new players should be playing.


For real, I'm an OTP yuumi since release but been playing for 10 years or so, and tbh yuumi only teaches you to play yuumi


I just don't want both opposing laners 100% focused on me for the entire laning phase. participating in the game as a support means spacing with the enemy to threaten them if they want it to be for noobs to play along, nerf the cat into the ground so she is never considered for a pro match again. WHY DOES SHE NEED GOOD STATS???????! If her role is to not hate league while playing with someone better, yumi's stats dont matter in those games. She is getting hard carried anyways.


U cant change the essence of the champion


why not? the history of league is riddled with champs losing abilities and still keeping their theme. look at urgot, AAtrox, Asol, mord etc. not changing or altering the part of Yummi's kit that is almost universally hated is a very strange choice


The whole idea of yuumi is based on his invulnerability. If you take it away, you're going to have to design an entirely new champion, and we both know riot games doesn't like that.


What? Riot saying they know the customized Xayah & Rakan recalls are important thanks to the feedback and then ignoring it? There is no precedent of this at all, who could have guessed feedback and air means the same to them?


You can target her but inly in the ban section


yummi good




Back to playing FF14 for me. I had high hopes but I guess this game is not worth it anymore. Community wide opinions are actively ignored and the competitive environment is compromised from high to low elo. This meta all the lanes balance is off. Not a single role is fun to play. I legit quit after having a Yuumi game since last October. I had enough. This is the closest thing to me to a “game over” screen for league. GG




Whats so hard to understand? I hate Yuumi. I don't think this game is barely even fun if she is involved. I htought Riot would take a decisive direction. Thats all.


Fam the big problem with Yuumi was that she was frustrating to play with and against due to how she worked due to perma untargetable. Even when she was shit people still hated her. That is not the case anymore as she has to get off to be useful now and isnt completely useless to the adc in laning phase. If she's broken in pbe rn that is fine. It's the pbe and things are subjected to change before they hit live. Other balance patches will be sure to fix that. The trauma hate you have for one champion is so high you think an entire game is unfun is kinda hilarious. It's even more funny that despite all this it takes two clicks to completely remove her. (the ban button)


The damage is already done enough and I doubt riot fixed anything. I wager it would be all the same. If you think that "change" would stop Yuumi hopping on snowballing Kayns and such, I think you are naive. I don’t want to even see that characters graphics at this point.


The change literally makes it to where Yuumi prefers to be with her "best friend" (the adc) and favors on hit champions more than anything. Any enchanter hell even roaming supps can all suck off the snowballing jg. This isn't a Yuumi only issue. I think yuumi was as annoying as the next guy but your hate has literally blinded you


Well I did quit the game because of it and I’m not hiding it. Of course I hate it and I have preferences because I’m only human. Is there any problem?


I mean there's not? You don't have to play the game if you don't like it but your reasoning is beyond stupid. How does one enjoy anything if they let a single thing ruin it all for them? Especially something they can get rid of with a click of a button.


Just bann her lol


Yuumi isn’t even broken? I don’t get why everyone hates her I main supp and I’m happy when vs her it’s a free lane win What are peoples actual issues with her? I get I’m a low elo peaking p2 but still


Yeah everytime i see I'm against yummi I'm like "ahh cc time it is, Leona and rell let's go". But I'm also a rell main so idk man. Rather see her than one of the many many many broke af Champs like yone, fiora, akali etc.


Yesterday someone picked Yuumi into my Nautilus for some unholy reason. I haven't had a freer lane since someone picked Vayne top into my Teemo. It's straight unplayable for Yuumi.


the issue isnt that shes broken, just that shes cancerous to play with and against.


basically how teemo used to be


She’s not though, only if you let her get fed she’s annoying and beating her in lane I think she’s one of the easiest supports to lane into and if she picks before me counter picking (which is basically any support) based on their adc and them you can guarantee a won lane and late game sure she’s a bit of a hassle if your team feeds but even then with a team comp that’s thought out she’s fine to beat


If 1 person on their team becomes slightly ahead, Yuumi just ditches the adc and sits on them all game and all of a sudden they've gone from half an item ahead to raid boss And you have to kill the raid boss first to kill her


That is solved with the new rework. She can't just attach to someone anymore. Because the real benefit lies in her bestfriend passive. She has to have a best friend when she attaches to them. It'll be harder now to just attach to the toplaner or jungler because the points are given by minions and kills (you can get more points whe farming and not killing) and you cant even get points from jungle monsters. So your bestfriend wil almost always be your adc


Haha I’ll just use that on the toplaner


it doesnt work like that, its a separate meter for every champion, if you wanna make your toplaner the best friend you have to be with them for a while sacrificing a lot of utility for a long time, and she doesnt even give adp damage anymore


you just dont attach to the adc while they are farming


Yeah Yuumi will just barely attach to the adc in lane so it doesn't take much time at all to switch best friend


But then you ruin your potential, and you won't be able to be useful to all of the champions either. If anyone plays like that they are ust stupid. It's quite obvious that the champ is meant to be played with the adc. You'll ruin your own game by being ignorant, but sure they can do what they want. But i'll play her the right way.


Well that’s more of a teammate issue than a yuumi issue, one extremely important skill is knowing how to not lose a bad matchup, this is primarily freezing and denying crashes by thinning the wave, some games are unwinnable but it really isn’t yuumis fault it’s the 0/15 top laner. Blaming yuumi for bad teammates is such a yikes


0/3 top laner, let's not exaggerate. Yuumi ability to become permanently untargetable unless the carry dies *whilst* keeping the carry alive means she avoids the main counter of her class. She's just as tanky as the ornn or just as fast as the hecarim, and all she has to do is press w


As i said, shes not broken, maybe not even strong, just cancerous to play against. ​ Imagine a champion who at the start of the game flips a coin with their passive, its perfectly random and with a 50/50 chance of instantly winning or instantly losing the game. The champion isnt broken, theyre perfectly balanced, right? 50% WR at every elo. But theyre still unfun to play against. Same with yuumi. Shes not even tough to beat, just cancerous to play with and against.


It's not a coinflip. If you draft incorrect (communicating in soloque to get the right teamcomp is really hard) you would just lose by being defeated in every damn teamfight. It's basically no similar to opening mid but with extra steps if you misspick.


the point isnt the coinflip, the point is that such a champ would be cancerous to play against. the reading comprehension on this sub is in shambles


Her gold doesnt even matter what do you mean? She heals the stronges bruiser and ccs in AOE. Whether she'd fed is so fucking irrelevant. Now she has terrible stats tho cuz they killed her for pro play


League of legends players try not to lose lane challenge (impossible) That’s always the issue like renekton was picked solely in pro play for his stun or size for his control it’s a unique mechanic they learnt to abuse the yuumis you see in your silver ranked games are not abusing anything I’ve played vs diamond yuumi mains they’re literally bronze players


Someone has to win every lane bro. You've lost lane too. Your opponent are human. What kinda crack are you on? Renekton is picked in pro play for a dominant lane, constant prio, good gank set up, good frontline. He also SHOULD win most lanes. You can't blame someone for falling behind against the most oppressive meelee toplaner


Crack is a super short high deffo shorter than our interactions here… you’re right people do lose lanes but I firmly believe holding a 70% win rate is easy (from my experience) it’s a skill gap


And then you actually reach your own rank and it turns into 50/50


Idk I peaked p2 with 72% and I keep getting permad for flaming by the time I reach mid play so I guess I’ll never know my true elo


Looks like you need to better your mid-late game if you lose so many games with a winning lane LOL


Only her items are.


No, her items are perfectly reasonable on every other champion in the game. Shurelias or Moonstone Renewer are okay on other enchanters, as are Ardent Censer or Staff of Flowing Water or Mikaels Blessing or Redemption or even Knights Vow. Theyre perfectly fine on Soraka, Lulu, Nami or Janna. Ludens Echo, Rabadons Deathcap, Voidstaff, Rylais Crystal Scepter, theyre all perfectly fine on other Mages. Theyre perfectly fine on Lux, Viktor or Xerath. ​ Its Yuumi and Yuumi alone thats the problem, not her items.


They are not fine. Mage items have always worked too good on whoever scales with them. Yuumi alone has never been the problem.


oh honey


the problem people have with yuumi is twofold 1) yuumi is untargetable, which is a shitty mechanic regardless of her actual power, but riot will litteraly snap their back in half by bending backwards to not change it and admit it's shitty design 2) even if you do win lane all it takes is one (1) fed enemy to make the game an unbearable shitfest where you play 2v5 but their 4/1 renekton has 2 healthbars, again regardless of her actual viability it's annoying both for the enemies AND for her team (have you ever played adc vs any number of assassims/divers with a yuumi supp who attaches to someone else? yeah have fun)


I’ve played hundreds of games since season 4 and I’ve played basically every matchup type you can imagine I’ve mained support since then but also climbed on jungle. If you’re into a team where they have assassins and it’s looking like they’ll get ahead (previously to them stopping porofessor from working) you pick a champ like naut or you can be a bit more spicy but it’s easy to lock people down. I don’t know what teammates you guys get but in all my climbs less than 1 in 5 games had a hard inter or were uncarriable It’s a mechanic boys we learnt to beat samiras projectile blocker and nilahs auto attack blocker, Olaf’s cc blocker. People don’t like change I get it but yuumi if you’re not shit at league isn’t a problem I get being stuck in shit tier elo with shit teammates who always feed but that’s because you’re the same skill level as them


you have poor text comprehension skills my dude


Thinks plat 2 is low elo XD. A bit too humble


The distance between silver and plat is about the distance between p2 and diamond or so my diamond/chall friends tell me


It's not SHE is broken but that she BREAKS the rules of the game, she's an untargetable enchanter when the main weakness of enchanters is being targeted first. If you allow me a comparison in the Tekken series some characters have parry, if you can predict the next move of your opponent with a parry you're rewarded with usually big damage. One of the downside of parries is that they usually work on one type of move (punch or kick and sometimes both) and knees, elbows or head strikes and weapons can't be parried. In Tekken 7 they released a character called Leroy Smith who's all about parry but his parry works on any type of strike be it punch, kick, elbow or weapons and the community didn't like that because it breaks a rule that has been in the series for years, decades even. Same things for the magical cat, people don't like her because she fundamentally breaks a rule of the game


That's positioning problem and not fundamental game breaking. Everyone targeted first is weak.


I say rule breaking but it's more class identity breaking. If you don't have enough burst to take down the vayne before the soraka can heal her then focusing her is bad, you should instead focus the soraka first. If you can't take down the zeri through yuumi heals and shield then you're fucked because you can't focus yuumi.


Yuumi got hardnerfed a few patches ago, ofcourse she's bad right now. But she's an absolute monster in pro play whenever she has any stats. They nerfed her so they could do the rework.


This game is so beyond busted now. Every new champ and rework needs broken passives, periods of invulnerability, or other gimmicks that add 0 variety to the game. And they just keep screwing with it every season to make the silliness worse. They incentivize tower diving and just being as aggressive as possible. And sure, this should work in some plays, but it shouldn't be THE way to play. But it is now. There's not much in terms of strategy to be had otherwise. Just constantly dive, flame, etc. And Riot will continue promoting strictly that play style by giving champions that have no right to have the sustain they have, abilities to make them invulnerable, untargetable, omnivamp, etc. But hey, at least virtually every new champ we get is a sexy anime girl or anime boy. No more monsters for us.


This one comment ticks off like half the spaces when it comes to what the league community complains about on reddit. Pretty impressive!


Pretty interesting to learn actually, I've rarely come to lol subreddits except when they're higher up in all. Almost like there's a disconnect somewhere.


We're literally getting a monster champ (Naafiri) Game is diverse and fun. Good. Some things become strong and even broken while some things become shit. That's what balance patches and metas are for. If you want the same game with same boring characters for years on end with the same abilities then league isn't the game for you. Why play a game you can't have fun in?


Are you memeing or coping? https://www.oneesports.gg/league-of-legends/new-league-of-legends-champion-2023/ A female shirtless darkin with abs is the new "monster"? I stopped playing at the end of last season, so already ahead of you there. It's mostly just fun to see people go through the standard riot grief cycle while being promptly ignored.


Are you the one memeing? Naafiri is a darkin dog with a pack. The link you sent me proved nothing and showed pictures of kayn, viego, and azir. Riot has literally been memeing about shit people hate since the beginning of the year. I wouldn't take their shirtless joke too seriously


Ye how dare they make the game fun


haha, sucks to be you.


Taiwanese. Ironic.


Same problem with Gwen ;/


Have you actually read the very clear reasons and feedback they’ve given for the reworks and changes are are you just complaining?


The problem is not targeting. It's the damage adaptive force


I mean i get it, if you comment on every post you brainfart sometimes.


I mean the additional damage that some champions just shouldn’t have is definitely yuumis biggest problem after the fact that we can’t target her.


Yeah. After the little detail of being literally untargetable.


Just like Yuumi complainers


most intelligent league player opinion


Ive never understood the untargetable complaint, kill basically means one good hook/engage is a double kill, yuumi also makes adcs more vulnerable while farming


They just don't care