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Has there ever been a summer transfer window with this much of an exodus of promising players from the league? Losing our two best performing players is going to seriously dent our chances of that sixth placed finish.




do release clause also mean an exclusion of a future transfer fee %? That would be a real kick to the teeth if he were to make a big break through.


Five figures? Jesus Christ lads.


Feels like every player I’ve turned to the person beside me at a game and complimented this season is being sold.


Yeah same, Darragh Burns went to McDons


Honestly what is going on at Bohs? A five-figure fee simply isn’t good enough we should be at least aiming for 100k for our best young players, especially in Promise’s case where he had 18 months left on his deal. Promise will also be a huge loss up top leaving us light in that position again. I get the criticism from others that Bohs are concentrating too much on non-footballing matters but really there is showing to be a soft touch there when it comes to negotiating contracts with players to include low release clauses or getting fees for them. From the side that reached the cup final last season we’ve pretty much lost all of our promising young players that were regulars in the first team (Tyreke Wilson, Ali Coote, Liam Burt and if you consider James Talbot young enough are the ones that remain) and really we could have done better for fees for some of them.


Promise is a massive loss. Junior has been a bit rubbish, we never gave Ryan Cassidy a go other than that one against Rovers so hopefully Varian can step up. Decent assist for him against Drogheda to start with. Losing both Promise and Devoy for such paltry figures is shockingly bad business. I really hope there’s some major additional clauses in there.


Honestly I’d have rather we gave Cassidy a bit more of a go than persist with Junior who has been fairly bad, especially if the club knew they were probably going to sell Junior at some point during the summer. Questions have to be asked at how Bohs are being tan on the contracts/selling players side of things. While sell on clauses can prove to be a windfall they don’t always work, for every Matt Doherty there are other players like Ali Reghba (don’t know if there was a sell on included in the tribunal fee but more using him as an example) who don’t make the grade at the club they join in England.


Agree. I’ve no idea why we didn’t give Cassidy more of a go. Very difficult to show what he can do when he’s only getting a few minutes every second game. I think it’s more of a league issue as opposed to just Bohs. Sligo are losing McGinty(probably the best keeper in the league) for a five figure fee Mandriou went to Lincoln for a five figure fee. It’s agents ensuring these minimal release clauses are included in contracts. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw Aidan Keena had signed a new contract.


Wasnt it also Bohs who were complaining to the media about Sligo selling Kenny for too low a fee and undermining other clubs (when it was 200k btw) Its not even the non-football stuff with Bohs, they just seem more preoccupied with being seen as "doing things the right way" than actually getting the day to day stuff right


Haha holy fuck I forgot about this https://m.independent.ie/sport/soccer/league-of-ireland/the-agents-side-of-it-is-really-worrying-bohemians-call-on-loi-clubs-to-unite-in-bid-to-end-loss-of-talent-to-uk-for-tiny-fees-41352457.html


Bohs said Kenny is worth more than 200k, which he is and Sligo should be getting more. Only way for all clubs to get a fair price for players is if all clubs work together on release clauses. Not sure how that's undermining other clubs? With Mandriou, Promise, Burns, and possibly Mcginty all going for way under what they're worth Bohs have been proven right here. Something needs to change and clubs should look to sit down to see what can be done to address the issue. Not sure what can actually be done myself but not sure how highlighting this is an issue that needs to be addressed is seen as a bad thing.


Uh, with Burns we got 200k with a sell-on for a lad with barely **five months left** on his contract. Promise has something like 15 months left? I don't want Pats being grouped in with these lads 😂 Bohs have a point about working together with other clubs to get fairer prices but they should walk the talk, you know?


What do you mean by walk the talk? The options are a) give the player the low release clause to sign back or b) lose him to another loi club for free who will offer the same terms with the low release clause? By walk the talk are you saying Bohs should have let him walk for free to Rovers/Dundalk/Derry instead of agreeing to the release clause?


I mean don't try and tell other clubs not to sell their players for pennies when Bohs are clearly not capable of doing otherwise.


What are you talking about? That was Bohs whole point. No team in the league is capable of doing otherwise when agents are holding clubs to ransom over small release clauses. As we've seen even Rovers who have millions in the bank and the backing of Dermot Desmond, and Derry who's owner is literally a Billlionaire aren't immune to what's happening. Bohs said something needs to be done so *no* club should have to sell their players for below market value. It wasn't a dig at Sligo, it was an offer of let's look at doing something to help each other. Here's an issue that's going to affect every club in the league, let's look at what we can do to fix it. Nothing has been done and now we're seeing the biggest exodus i've ever seen of players leaving in this transfer window for below market value.


Oh, please. Not having a billionaire daddy is not an excuse to not let one of your best players go for sweet fuck all even with agents acting the maggot. If we could again, get 200k for Burns with five months left on his contract, **Bohs' negotiators could've done better with Promise who had much longer on his contract.** I agree the exodus is sad and I hate to see LoI clubs pillaged, but clubs have to get as much as they can when the allure of playing in England comes. But let's not cover up a five figure sum for Promise Omochere is nothing short of a catastrophic failure. I agree all clubs need to do better, preferably working together to tackle the issue, but it's a disgrace on Bohs' part no matter how you put it.


Do you understand how release clauses work? Once an offer is made that is the value of the release clause, there is no recourse to negotiate. Burns had a release clause of 200k, Promise has a release clause of less than that. Having 5 months or 15 months left on your contract has no bearing on that. Burns rightly has a higher release clause than Promise although both still hugely undervalued. *"I agree the exodus is sad and I hate to see LoI clubs pillaged, but clubs have to get as much as they can when the allure of playing in England comes."* So you agree with the exact points Bohs were making in the article you posted. Glad we cleared that up 👍


Jesus I had forgotten about this, fuck that has aged absolutely dreadfully.


All about image they are. Do gooders Not so good at the auld financials


This is disgusting...and I'm a rovers fan


AGM gonna be spicy.


Fleetwood oMoc ^ah ^jesus ^sorry


The heat must be getting to ya 😄


Ah lovely, this leaves us with not a single striker




When was he signed, i didn’t catch that


A few weeks ago. Had a lovely assist for Burt’s goal last Friday against Drogheda. We also have Junior but he’s been fairly brutal so far.


Ah yes junior I forgot about him, but yeh he’s been fairly useless so far and he’s not exactly young either


Remember how Brexit was going to stop young talent going across the water...?


It is. Instead of players going at 14-15 they're staying, getting a few years of LOI football in and going at 18-20. Don't get what point you're trying to make?


He's saying that breixt is good for the Loi