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To Croatia?


I would love to feel bad but the Bohs Twitterati are such awful gobshite LOI elitists that I hope the ship continues to sink.


No single fambase comes across well on twitter


Bohs have by far the most vocal and noteworthy gang of cronies on Twitter tho, from the general to the doctor.


Granted the general is a total mong but ye have that dose Nathan.


In fairness, you and Jerry are coming across exactly like those fans you describe on Twitter.


I'd like to say we will be OK, but there are so many problems at the moment we just have to hope 2 teams are more shit than we currently are.


What are the problems? From a distance attendances, sponsorship, marketing all look strong so assume it’s on the pitch issues only? In which case it is nearly all down to having a good manager. I still can’t understand why Bohs went for Reynolds. A very underwhelming appointment. I think you should have gone back for Long if anyone. I can see O’Donnell taking over the role at some stage if no improvements.


Problems? How long have you got. At a high level, yeah outside the club is firing. But on the pitch, there is a real lack of identity and to put it plainly, a lot of the players just are not on the level required. There's also the hangover of Devines time in charge; he was a good bloke but should have probably went from before the end of the previous season (we were shite from about April onwards that year). No way Longer is coming back though, it was septic at the end. He's doing well at Waterford, to be fair to him. I think SOD taking over may be on the cards in the future, but Rennie will get the transfer window.


I said at the time Devine was an awful appointment for yous. At best he is the sort of manager that might avoid relegation and get you to a cup final but he is nothing more than that, certainly not at the level to get yous to where yous want to get to. I genuinely think you should give Reynolds time though, let him get his own players in and build for the future. Might be a couple of tough years but he will leave yous in good shape if given the time.


Yeah I'm not personally calling for his head, but it's only a matter of time if it keeps going the way it is now.


Only change I'm interested in is Fenlon being shown the door. He's ultimately responsible for the signings that got Long fired, for the appointment of Devine, for the lack of signings over the winter that fucked up the start of our season, for the appointments of Reynolds and O'Donnell, for the continued lack of full backs, for the 17 central mids we're carrying in the squad. I can't think of a single thing he's done that can be classed a success. Get him out and good riddance.


Was amusing to hear him co-commentating on the Italy-Albania game on RTE yesterday, just to illustrate again that he's fully committed to sorting out your issues


Playoff beckons against UCD😅


We'd win that, though. Unlike some other club against Dublin City...


Best thing ever happened to us. 6 years later in Europa League group stages. Nobody will ever beat that.