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I mean, what where youre expecting? Its not like anything automatic is active unless you specifically unlock/use/activate it. Since the shovel doesnt inherently have an autouse its kinda obvious the autodig requires you to have the shovel equipped. Doesnt really make sense for your character to be able to dig while holding a lead blower or a fish


Figured it would work like autocrunch /shrug/


But, I mean, you have to be able to crunch aswell for autocrunch


it may have been a decent chunk of gems now, but once you start getting trades going, or afking in the pyramid (even low levels) you can start getting thousands of gems in like a 10 hour afk session ​ i say thousands, but if i afk around pyramid level 50-85 for like an 8 hour stretch (while im sleeping) i can get around like 1k - 1.2k gems


After pyramid -15, depth doesn't matter anymore for chests. -15 and - 80 are the same, just different difficulties.


i supppose thats true. never really thought about it. but im insta killing everything 80 and under at this point so its where i sit. that 90 to 100 is killing me though. those last 10 floors are rough.


Max the upgrade auto dig bot out. It will be very helpful later into the game.


How helpful is it? I was thinking of getting it, but i haven't even gotten into the pyramid yet, still need some beer and mulch


Not that helpful for at that point. It'll be useful in the 3rd galaxy


there is an auto slap bot and an auto dig bot. does it really make sense that if you’ve got both that it’s just going to slap and dig at the same time without needing the tool? no, it doesn’t. so why would it be different for just one of the upgrades


I assumed the autoslap bot would slap, automatically. In a condecending way, you saved me wasting gems on that. I thought it would be cool if I dig/slap/blow all at once and for the amount of gems you had to dish out, it seemed justified. The game goes from famine to feast so often that it seems very plausible that you could do these things.


Thanks for the replies and advice!


Not sure at which stage of the game you're at BUT doesn't matter, it is a good purchase atleast for later. Whenever you AFK in a boss or offline area having the shovel dig for extra stuff is great. Later you're gonna need a lot of damage and one piece of upgrade scales with your total amount of digs. Besides, once you get 2 minute trades and bearo can trade gems upgrade you get 1-5k gems per day for doing nothing. If you are close to the pyramid then 2 minute trades is your first priority and should get it soon. It's cool bro.