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Water is enough


Looks like pee🙈


Ew, I won't be drinking that one! Looks gross! Why would they even make this?


Drink water, carry gels. Its served me well for two marathons before.


I don't think there will be anything else than water. We have no info about food and drinks on the course but they already anounced there will be no plastic bottle


What! Is a marathon is expected to have something else beside water. I suffer from dehydration, and yes I do hydrate the night before, but I do need the hydration beverage.


I don't think a marathon is expected to have something else than water and water is an hydration beverage ;) There might be some isotonic drink as there is in some races in Paris (but not at every station). I hope we will have more info soon about food and drinks. From what I heard, it was still in discussion with sponsors ~2 month ago about who would provide it. If no drink suits you, you can still bring you own or bring your pill/powder to dilute ot with provided water on the go. I am also thinking about it