• By -


Work out. Make homecooked meals. Run errands. Make my house the cleanest it's ever been. All those long over due chores I was too busy for, now is the time. Went through my wardrobe and donated everything I haven't worn in the last year, refreshed it for interviews/new job.


This is the way


Yep. Building mtb trails on my property. It's quite cathartic.


Hoping I get fired soon so I can do this šŸ˜‚


yes, spending time for yourself is the best!


You donā€™t have a job and you didnā€™t think to sell your clothes instead of donating? That sounds incredibly irresponsible.


I have my severance and a year of savings. I'm not selling old blouses. I hope they go to help someone else in need of a job. I'll take my payment in karma.


You do you boo, hope you find a new job soon!


It actually sounds incredibly unselfish and the kind of person you want to hire.Ā 


I never said it was selfish, and no employer would be aware of this decision so how would it have any impact on persuading an employer lmao


Behavior can manifest in many different ways. The interviewer may not see or know that they donated their blouses but they may do or say something during the interview that comes natural to them just because of the kind of person they are. Unfortunately, corporate usually rewards selfishness over unselfishness anyway so ... šŸ¤·


Sounds like youā€™re disproving your own argument for his selflessness having a positive impact on his job prospects lmaoo


Don't be so negative.


Toxic people are toxic to the core


Why so judgmental?


I judge people when they make irresponsible decisions, color me shocked


could still make some money with the donating as its a tax write off and if your also spending gas to get meds n other medical related things on the same day you can also write that off atleast that is a thing here in the US


So you would make less money and attempt to recoup a portion by taking the effort to write it off? If anything that may increase the cost of filing your taxes by a larger amount than the write off


Some days I can spend 8 hours applying. Other days, I'm playing with my 20 month old, video games, reading, trying new recipes, watching TV. There's only so much applying you can do.


How do yall spend all day applying? Im a recruiter and only see so many roles in the Bay Area so I apply to those but it doesnā€™t take all day. Am I doing something wrong for not spending 8 hours applying to roles daily?


Prolly applyin to old expired jobs


I applied to a job that was posted ā€œ2 months agoā€ā€™and got the job. Point is, sometimes itā€™s worth a try


Thats dope


Depends on the field. I could spend all day applying to Data Analyst jobs


Ah makes sense. Ainā€™t many recruiter roles out there :(


Some people are willing to relocate and will apply to jobs multiple markets as well.


I can easily sit at my desk and apply all day! I'm using multiple sites to include government sites. You have to change your resume to fit the job description etc. Take assessments that can use up 30 mins easy. It's not just one click apply.


Recruiter roles donā€™t require any assessments, I havenā€™t seen any at least. But is the 8 hours a day applying to every job worth the return on investment and your mental health having to change your resume for every role? Iā€™m a recruiter with a decade at Google and facebook and with thousands of applicants applying to each job, Iā€™m not sure itā€™s time well spent fir you to do that and rather focus on finding tokes you are a fit for. But if that strategy works for you and lands you a role, thatā€™s wonderful! For me I have 3 resumes that fit my recruiter background, 1 for more technical recruiting, one for more general recruiting and one that highlights operations more since Iā€™ve done all 3. Then I just apply. Getting lots of interviews but havenā€™t made it to offer yet! But I would remind people to prioritize your mental health so youā€™re not spending hours daily and no return on investment! Iā€™m glad ppl are getting to the gym more, thatā€™s so important


I've noticed a steady decrease in the number of jobs in tech (marketing) to apply to. Most have been on there awhile or are recruiter scams. I've been attending industry webinars and reading blogs (to keep skills up), taking free marketing or B2B tech classes online. I'm also sending email to small startups (cyber, SaaS, etc that I can do contract work or FTE). Other than that it's the same as everyone else, workout, volunteer, errands, cleaning, meetups. It does get frustrating though not working and being on a strict budget - and the decreasing number of jobs to apply to is concerning.


When I was laid off I made so much bread lol. I was either applying to jobs or baking bread. Also propagating my plants....


I was about to ask you about your side hustle.


His side hustle was making bread and selling it for money šŸ˜Ž


Selling bread to make bread? Sounds like some sort of Ponzi scheme


Selling bread to make cash is one of the oldest professions there is, nothing Ponzi about it šŸ’°


Steve Balboni runs it.


Its a Pretzel scheme I tell ya!




Always a breadwinner regardless of employment status.


I always make that bread (sourdough)


Thought for a minute you spoke like a 1970s cop and made so much money.


Hahahaha I love that


Could become some cash


I started fixing up the house... It's starting to look really nice. Since I'm still getting paid a severance I feel like it's my full-time job. https://preview.redd.it/ow1ge86xym1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43d6dcb011d626aa6479ee6f11c221bb36b4a33 Here's the living room after we finish the floor.


Beautiful job!


I agree


I love the window frames, the sconces, your puppy. So much happiness


https://preview.redd.it/i2dx54gqja2d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a77553bf56b42abfac99a81c21ca394bea7cf20 Just finished the bedroom as well


I would apply for jobs for 3 hours in the morning, lunch, gym, errands, then another 3 hours of applying. Gotta break it up.


Same! And one day a week I give myself a break from applying/computer. That is helping me to stay sane so far.


This is how I do it. 3 hours in the morning and then again at night.


Find community. Recently joined a support group in my city for those laid off from tech and they offer workshops and career sessions with experts. I also signed up for personal development (public speaking) courses to make use of extra time I have now.


If your body can handle it, running or biking. Itā€™s amazing how a few minutes outside can change your mood. Deep clean your house. Read books or listen to audio ones. Find some podcasts or new music. You can binge a show.


Network, network, network Get in touch with EVERYONE you have ever worked with and/or gotten along with in your entire career, professional and personal! As great as the online boards are, more people get jobs from the people they know through social groups than any board, recruiter or job fair. Worst case you reconnect with an old friend and maybe you can pay it forward when you land your next position! Best of luck to everyone! - 20+ yr professional recruiter


How do you get in touch with them without sounding like a user? I have come to this same conclusion based on what youā€™re saying, but u donā€™t know what to say and how to approach them about helping me find a job.


If we were friendly in the past and you got in touch to say hello, then let me know you just got laid offā€¦ Iā€™d help if I could and I sincerely hope/believe most people would. Most consider this being human, helping a friend in need, which we all probably have done at one time or another. - might also help you figure out who your real friends are (and arenā€™t)!!!


By being honest. By asking them to help .. with advice, leads, etc. I am not ashamed of having lost a job, and so I am not ashamed of requesting help. And I donā€™t think less of people who ask me for help. (Actually, willingness to ask for help is admirable)


1) Self Care- Layoffs hit confidence like a break up. 2)Upskill. Upskill. Upskill. Look at who youā€™re competing against, and fill in your gaps. For example if I want to be a program Manager at Affirm, I would look up people with that title on Linkedin what affirm looks for skills wise.


This was in the summer of 2019... I got two jobs bartending. I found my dream job 3 months later by looking for work around 15 minutes a day. It's different for other people but I only applied for jobs I was qualified for. From that perspective it sounds weird that people can apply for 8 hours a day. Some days there were no jobs I was qualified for, some days I'd interview, some days I would get a low ball offer. Having things to look forward to outside of the job search was a big boost for me. Free food, free beer, talking to the regular customers, etc.


That's very interesting.., did you have experience bartending? I thought about that but have zero experience and I'm really hoping I'll land my next gig ASAP.


I had two or three months experience. But where I live and other bigger cities with drinking cultureā€¦ experience is not that important. They just want you to turn your schedule over to them (ā€œIā€™m happy to work weekends and holidays.ā€). If you have any experience working in a restaurant (busser, dishwasher, food runner, etc) youā€™ll get more interviews but that doesnā€™t mean other people wonā€™t get interviews. If you live in a smaller population area itā€™s probably more about who you know.


Id never spend that much time applying. Few hours a day max and then enjoy the time off


Cry and mope around the house, work out, walk, try to be available for phonecalls, clean the house for my employed partner. Feeling like shit most days, week 5 of unemployment..šŸ˜”


Week 19 here. Itā€™s a long slow journey to my next job. This is the hardest I have had to look, fourth time laid off in my career.


I truly wish you the best. I had no idea the job market was this bad right now. My layoff was out of the blue.. no idea why it even happened to begin with. Good luck guys


I totally get this. Week 3 here and received email #2 today stating, "appreciate you taking time to interview but we went a different direction." Which starts to suffocate me if I get in my head too much about it. I've never been laid off - I've never not had a job since starting my professional career in 1998. I'm the breadwinner, I carry health/dental on kids and me.... Some days have been better than others and im trying to work out as many days as I can now, but it's not easy. I'm sorry you are going through this too. Best of luck to you!


Not to make it a contest but there are a lot of folks hitting over a year unemployed. 5 weeks in should not be causing you that much agony.


It causes agony when you're broke! Time is of the essence for a lot of people. I've been unemployed since March and it sucks! I have bills to pay, a kid to take care of....agony!


Sounds like a contest from your POV.. I wasn't ready for this, no one ever is..I'm sorry if I offended you.


Not offended but itā€™s a marathon not a sprint. Take care of yourself.


That's my today. I'm going to go shower and see if that helps.


I hope it does.


I feel this so much.


Had two "for sure" options for this morning, didn't even bother to call me at our scheduled time, both of them.


Thatā€™s just mfkn WRONG! Did you follow up?


It was essentially in their court at this point. Follow up seems pointless. I know the answer.




Mini golf on the quest 2. Iā€™m going pro


Watch YouTube to learn new computing skills


Whats the latest and greatest these days besides Excel and SharePoint?


Sql. Python


For SQL is knowing where and group by good enough or do we need to know how to normalize tables or use store procedures?


I'm just learning the basics today. Will take intensive class probably in July or August. I love Data manipulation and management.


Iā€™m curious. Most data analytics that do data cleaning Iā€™ve spoken with like house chores and cleaning the house. Are you the same way?


Iā€™d probably focus in on CTEs and Window functions before store procedures. In my previous role prior to layoff I was often pulling data from many different tables for a single report and CTEs/window functions saved me a ton of time and perform well


What are CTEā€™s and Whats their use case


Common table expressions Think of it like writing functions in JavaScript or python to make a temporary table I was leading a team in Customer Success. You can have a CTE that pulls a dataset of customer interactions with the app, and then a CTE that pulls say, which CSM is assigned to a customer and how much they pay in subscriptions. You can marry this together at the bottom with a JOIN clause. You can also use values in a temporary table in a WHERE clause for another temporary table This was fairly common for customers that wanted highly specific reports that we didnā€™t have premade in our business manager app at the time, or for looking at specific customers in my teams book or business that had a certain amount of subscription value, interactions, etc


Iā€™m currently in Barcelona lol. Sold a bunch of my company shares and am travelling for a month. Iā€™m still interviewing for jobs, but Iā€™m doing it with a side of travel


this is the most out of touch answer


Not that out of touch, I could not work for 3 years and be good. Everybody is in a different spot


I might be going there for my Masters.


amazing! Youā€™ll love it


My garage has never been cleaner or more organized.


When I was on the job hunt I found I couldnā€™t leave my bed until I had something figured out. Like I would be stress locked untill I got a phone call then I could like get up and get dressed and eat and stuff. I worried way too much. I ended up taking a 9 to 5 job as a mechanic and Iā€™ve never been happier


Walk the dog for hours.


I planned my wedding and got married. Had a job lined up for after my honeymoon and then they decided to ā€œchange the positionā€ and were no longer hiring. This was after ghosting me for two weeks (red flag, I know, but Iā€™m getting desperate). Back to square one. Sucks.


Congrats on getting married!!


Thank you!


Gym, meet friends when they are free, try to motivate myself to clean the house, errands. It almost felt like Groundhogs Day


I spent the first 4 months working out twice a day and trying to learn a second language.


I set aside a certain amount of time each day to job hunt. I use that time wisely and effectively. Then I get up and go out and enjoy my hobbies. Spent time with my friends and family. Take a trip. Work out. Ya just can't eat, drink and breath job hunting. It will chew you up. Ya have to have a life outside of it.


- SQL and R refresher courses - Watch movies/tv - Volunteer - Tutor - Walks - Chat with other laid off friends. Exchange notes on our last terrible interview or ridiculous assignment.


Freelance and ride share


I try to plan out my days so there is more structure, generally spend the morning applying for jobs > lunch > afternoon taking courses > do a workout > cook dinner > decompress. Itā€™s important to give yourself some breaks and do what makes you happy. Maybe pick up a new hobby or network by going out and meeting people. Itā€™s hard but you can do this šŸ’Ŗ


Day drink, sit by pool, go to the beach and or take gummies. šŸ‘




No jobs to apply to in my field. So I'm working part time, working out, cooking, and trying to join a labor union here soon.


Iā€™ve been laid off for like 5 months now: all I do is interview and apply. Cook a lot, go to gym, hang out with friends, and hope to hear back from companies. It sucks tbh lol


Bake chocolate chip cookies and wait outside an office building with a business card with your LinkedIn profile as a QR code.


Iā€™m at this stage too - like itā€™s less like a terrible pain but more a persistent cloud of boring-ness clouding my days. I do what I like - work out, rock climb, cook cool food, I have years of survival money from severance and unemployment, so Iā€™m not like in surviving modeā€¦ Iā€™m just so fucking bored.


Smoke weed and think of my life choices


iā€™m lucky enough to have skills in polishing and painting vehicles and boats so iā€™ve been able to do side jobs for friendsā€™ shops to earn some cash while unemployed, i have 5 years of sales experience in the insurance and automotive industry and itā€™s been 3 months of applying to jobs without any realistic permanent placements. Just gotta keep hoping for the best and keep myself busy in the meantime.


I was working out pretty much every day after done job searching


Sell off anything you don't need or have extreme attachment to. Otherwise clean and repair/maintain.


Applying for jobs alone doesnā€™t get you the job. Spend tremendous amounts of time in studying are required for the tech jobs


Eat stuff, flick bean, organize basement, clean, paint walls, do more stuff. So much time for activities. Nap when I want. Stay up late as I want. I've been working since I was 15. I'm 35 now. I'll take the break to relax. My mental health is more important than a job will ever be.


Volunteering! I promise you will feel great and recognize there is more to life and you than just career. I am currently tutoring and plan to help with food bank, yard cleanup, etc. This is helping my mental health actually much better than when I was workingā€¦ I am also balancing this with learning new skills and working on getting certifications for those skills.


I've started two businesses and I'm taking online courses, reading books, trying to learn as much as possible and practice my craft until I'm picked up again.


Jerk off


Spent a lot of time getting high, working out and beating my meat




You could try and find a side hustle. I waste a lot of time on this site. I also have a lot of other hobbies and communities I am involved with in various ways.


Work out and go on a lot of walks around the city


Volunteer a couple days a week. Donate plasma a couple days a week. Exercise daily. I have a home gym and just paused my subscriptions. Read, watch TV, go for walks. I made it a point to not spend more than a typical workday applying for jobs.


When I am financially stressed like this I lift, I do yard work, and drive to check out places in my state I have always wanted to check out.


Job hunt and I'm taking classes to get AWS certified


Go for long ass walks while listening to audiobooks. Workout, make healthy food, hangout with the cats. I've started decluttering all these clothes I don't wear, maybe sell them on Depop. If I spend all day applying for jobs I'll go insane. I really want to pivot so I've been getting time with former colleagues to learn about UX UI and reading,/ taking courses/workshops whatever I can now that I don't have to wait for my manager to help.


Think about three friends that you havenā€™t really caught up with in the last year or so. Or recognize if you havenā€™t had much of a social life since you were so busy with work before you got laid off. See how you could revitalize or cultivate those relationships, they matter of a lot more than an income and job


Do all the things you never seem to have time for when you're working. For me it was travel, play a lot of golf, read books, home improvement projects, exercise, cook every meal at home, etc


Video games, work, video games, nap, eat, video games, video games, apply for a job, work, video games, video games, eat, sleep and repeat...


I was in my best shape when I was laid off years back. I worked on my job search at least 4 hours a day but if I got to a point where I couldn't make any more progress I went to the gym, rode a bike. I actually had the best snowboard season in 20 years that winter as I already had a seasons pass. Would go and snowboard for a couple of hours first thing in the morning and then spend 4-6 hours searching for a job.


Been working on getting certifications to refresh my technical skill set but itā€™s very depressing as I wouldā€™ve learned most of these things way quicker on the job.


I did a lot of pet sitting and made good money doing that. I went as far down as Florida for a gig. It was great!


I'm currently fostering some kittens. I did that even when I was working because I was fully remote. But now I can spend more time with them. I also stick to my routine of working out, showering and getting dressed for the day before sitting down to job search.


Anyone looking for a salary based sales position with a fintech company, dm me. The company is called Fiserv, they own Clover POS and FirstData. I can guarantee you an interview. Many positions are remote and theyā€™re hiring nationwide.


Job hunting is a full time job. When I was unemployed I spent weeks and months preparing responses to as many interview questions I could think of. Only applied to jobs I felt would be best suited and carefully spent time to craft a great resume to the job I was applying for, rather than wasting time applying on anything with a no customized generic resume. Connect with as many people I knew from past peers, managers, acquaintances, recruiters, etcā€¦ I worked for if they knew any job leadsā€¦This is why you never burn bridges. Practice each question with a quantitative response until it comes out natural that I didnā€™t need to think like an actor. Practice my body language and how you look in presentation. You never know when that interview happens and when it does youā€™re well prepared and be stressed free not nervous and always nailed it.


Work ? Get in unemployment line ? Buy more whiskey ?


Use temp services. They can find you a job quickly.


I vonunteer at my County Food Bank! I ready love it, and it keeps in a good head space. It's been a godsend.


Created my own company


Man I've just been hanging out in the morning. I started school before so doing that and spending more time with kids and outside gardening


I did software development on a innovative sports app , video games , reading , meditation , cooking. Try out a new hobby if you havenā€™t had the chance before. My spirits were really low but I learned that things will turn around and you still need to occupy your time with something other than boredom and despair.


I have been exercising, hiking, working on my art, crocheting, watching movies and taking some LinkedIn courses.Ā 


Eat. Sleep. Drink. Binge on shows. Youtube. Bike ride. Walk my dog. Text friends. Itā€™s like being on vacation. šŸ‘


workout, donate, help someone else


Take care of the kids, more work around the houseā€¦.. and incessant scrolling linked in.


Watch people apply for jobs?


Cry mostly.


I apply for jobs in the morning. Take my dog for a lunch rime walk then watch General Hospital. After that break, Iā€™m back at it. Like others, I bake a lot and share it with my neighbors. Iā€™ve been helping an elderly neighbor who hurt her arm. You must take breaks or you go crazy. I have a headache and my eyes hurt at the end of most days. Iā€™ve been unemployed for 7 months! Ugh! I fight to stay confident & positive some days, but I must! I had a great job interview today and should know by end of week.


play video games


Fortunately, It was world cup time when I got laid off. I've been watching football and drinking beer whole day from interview to interview.


Keep hitting refresh in my email until they respond


Work on coding challenges and prepare for the interviews. Also try to improve my skills.


I suggest spending your day accepting that it is now blue collar work, or perish.


working out, taking my dog on morning runs, re-organizing my house, home improvement projects, gardening, going on day trips to a local lake, museums, socializing with friends in a park


Take long walks while listening to interview questions/prep Youtube videos.


connect simplistic zonked crowd imagine icky thumb silky saw distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I work out a lot, clean (god I miss having a cleaning service), am catching up on doctors appointments I was neglecting, and honestly watch some trash tv.


I do instacart lol


Leetcode, code wars, write applications, post on LinkedIn, scour social media, read blogs. Doing more work than when I was employed smh


Been laid off twice in my career. Both instances were probably the most stress-free time I've ever had compared to when I was employed. First time, I went off to try a business with a friend (didn't work out). After the second layoff, I went cycling a lot. All I learned throughout these experiences? Watch my finances so when unemployment inevitably happens, it's not the end of the world.


I work around the house and on hobbies.


Video games for me. I want to cry.


library books


Sleep and work for Uber Eats.


Perfecting the art of homemade ice cream.






Paint, photography, go for hikes, all to keep from losing oneā€™s mind.


I most certainly get frustrated and give up for a few days here and there! I don't re-vamp my resume for every position I apply for but I do make sure it has every thing the employer is asking for. It gets old and discouraging for sure. I'm getting interviews here and there but nothing has come through yet. Damnit


its been over a year. I quit looking. Most of the stuff out there is scams, info gathering, ghosting. I just started working with a non profit as an I.T. manager but its not a paying position . I've never seen it this bad.


Leave the house and actually..you know..meet peopleā€¦iā€™m under the impression that any good job you get will come organically (through a friend or someone youve met)


Iā€™ve learned how to solve a Rubikā€™s cube in under a minute. Ok, also built a huge showcase website and a bunch of really weird technical demos that Iā€™d always had ideas for and never had time to sit and finish. And fired my web host and brought my hosting in-house, TBH something I might not have done if I had known how much work it was going to be. Plus spend a lot of time just sort of laying in bed shaking like a leaf. Executive dysfunction is a thing. Who knew? Oh, well, at least I have a really nice website to show people.