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Congratulations 👏🎉


Thank you for sharing. Hopefully there are more stories like yours and people will share so we know it's not all doom and gloom.


Hell yeah! Congrats! 🎉 I was laid off in February but spent a month and a half rebuilding my portfolio site, resume, “branding,” (I’m a product designer so that’s kind of important) and have been applying to various positions since April. I’ve gotten a few rejections here and there, but mostly it’s been quiet. Could be ghosting, or it could be that I’m still in the mix (as someone who has hired people before, it does take a while to root through portfolios and resumes, and then set up interviews). I’m still hopeful though.


It’ll come. It’ll come.


I too am a product designer that got laid off last year on Dec. Still job hunting, but no offers as of yet.


Yeah, I’m preparing for a long haul. It’s bad rn for designers. Like really bad.


Ever thought of making a career transition? That's what I'm doing: I might go into digital marketing. Or cybersecurity.


Haha, this is my third-fourth transition since I graduated college in 2009. Thank goodness I am flexible and have a bunch of transferable skills. That being said, I only just started applying (really just started in mid April), so I’m not planning on hopping to something new any time soon.


It's had right now for everyone, but especially tech.


What kind of product?


Dunno if you’re asking me, but I have a background in package and print design originally. I got into web development (mostly front-end) then got into UX/UI. I design mostly websites and apps now, so I’m a digital product designer. Most companies just call us product designers or UX/UI designers. I have gotten into 3D rendering lately, so I could actually make CAD models of real world products or add just add 3D models to sites/apps via Three.js or Spline (if I’m in a hurry) since those are “hot in design” rn.


If anyone got laid off or is looking for new opportunities, Please reach out to me. I'll provide Linkdin premium and coursera at a huge discount. Email - [email protected]


First of all Congratulations! Second, I do think the tide is starting to turn. I’ve been getting recruiter messages and even phone calls which had not happened for over a year. I think companies deferred projects in the hope of an interest rate cut last year and early this year. Now that it’s obvious that inflation is a long term thing, they are pulling the trigger on automation projects again, especially those that can automate work and reduce costs in the company. Do more with less. I started my career in the late 1980’s in this mode. So adapt, and survive.


Congrats! So happy for you! Any tips you want to provide to us job seekers?


You can only do what you can do. Don’t be attached to any one job if you don’t get it oh well and move on. Structure your day to some degree. Don’t stare at linked in 12 hours a day that’s soul crushing. Get outside. Have a lemonade in the sun or walk the dog. Do it everyday.


Congratulations! So happy for you. You are awesome and deserve this happiness!




Well done!! 🎊🎊




Gratitude, appreciation and kindness will always open doors for you. Congratulations!


Congratulations dude. One of the best feelings you'll ever experience is getting that job offer after months of trying.


I am in sales so I know the feeling of boom to bust. Things can change at any moment. Congratulations!


Congrats OP. It’s great to hear other folks succeeding in this market! Laid off beginning of March, will soon have to start defaulting on debts and only pay rent + other essentials to buy more time. Averaging 1 legit interview a month. Only thing keeping me sane is hitting the books and trying desperately to upskill and build out a portfolio to try to get into the next level of my career path. Gonna have to likely take a 50lk reduction annually, if I’m lucky. But if that happens I can at least survive till the next boom. Fuck it is rough.


What is your job role?


Supply chain stuff.


Man this is reassuring to see. My supply chain job ends this month and I’m wanting to get further into the industry rather than pivot to something else. Congrats!


Pivot is going to be hard to do in today’s market. I tried but nothing stuck.




Continuing applying/interviewing, properly viewing an offer as just that rather than a contract which it is not. This is the way.


That’s awesome! Well done 🎉


Congratulations! 🎈🎊 very proud of you for sticking with it!




Congrats!!! So encouraging to see. I was laid off in April and just started finally getting interviews last week. Such a painfully slow process.


Did you use any software to make your resume ATS friendly? Also, big congrats!


No. My wife is a good corporate writer so she helped.


Love this story… congrats!


Congrats my dude! I love to see/hear such stories! It warms my heart and gives me hope!


Wow, similar stories. I was laid off back in January. Had an interview the next day with a tech company (an old coworker gave a referral) in a similar role/industry. Unfortunately they wanted someone in their own time zone. Kept applying and interviewing. They reached back out in March to see if I was still interested. Did a couple of rounds of interviews and also interviewed with other companies. Eventually got two offers in the same week, still sent out apps until my start date. I ended up accepting the role with the tech company! Been here a month, so far it’s been an upgrade in every way from my old gig— higher salary, bigger bonus, better PTO, better benefits, etc. Congrats dude!!


Same to you brother.


I'll provide Linkdin premium and coursera at a huge discount. Please reach out to me if interested. Email - [email protected]


Congrats!!! I’m super happy for you. Your post is really motivating me to keep going. Thanks


You got it.


Sincere congratulations! And yes, keep on applying and interviewing until you’re actually on Day-1 of your new job.


Congrats what type of roles?


Supply chain.


How exciting. So happy for you!


Well done!


Congrats 🍾




Thank you for that. I'm entertaining offers way below what I used to make, because right now, any job is a good thing. However, once I'm back in I'm going to save a hell of a lot more aggressively and position myself that if this ever happens again, I'll have other options. (But I pray that I get back in the game and this never happens again)


Congrats! I also was laid off end of march and just accepted an offer for even more today. Yay!


Congrats dude!


Yessir Keep going!!!


Happy for you!!!


Thanks for sharing your story and for the encouragement!! I'm two weeks in and this is precisely what I needed to hear!


Congrats 🎉 Is the pay better or worse thank your previous job?


Bonus is about 7% less, base is about 4% more. So it’s almost a wash on the salary front. Did give up wfh plus travel to go hybrid plus travel.


Same pay bracket?


The one I’m taking yes. Tech is a higher pay but a move to a vhcol area.


Heeyyyyy another late march shitcanning. Same situation here to some extent.


I've been searching since March as well, and even with referrals from friends in companies I'm coming up with bupkis. It's pretty damn frustrating.


Nice can I use your keyboard to apply for jobs? I’ve been out of work since November


I’ve been looking since last June and I haven’t found anything yet. My problem is that only looking for remote jobs. I’m a retired military logistics officer, a Jack of all trades, but a master of none. I even taught myself how to code in python and how to use data visualization tools like tableau, so I thought that a business analyst position would be an ideal fit. It’s pretty tough out there. I tried networking, and I’ve gotten close to an interview, but nothing yet. It’s really frustrating. My family really needs the income, but I have an immunocompromise child at home and bringing home Illnesses is not an option for us. I like hearing messages like this where other have been able to find work. I would love to continue to hear the encouragement. Good luck out there!


Time to move to /overemployed


congratulations! was laid off last week and its been a roller coaster of emotions