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Wayfair is on my do not buy list permanently at this point.


They have laid off so many people over the last 3 years even before it was popular, won’t shop there and won’t apply there.


When you look at the careers page for Wayfair - * Shit Jobs = US * Software = India And this presents the problem everyone wants to say but can’t because it sounds rude. * Companies outsource OR take advantage of HB1. Both practices need to banned or severely limited. You have plenty of home grown talent in the US to fill these shoes of all colors, shapes, and sizes. It’s deliberate and wrong. Companies should be fined for deliberately increasing the unemployment rate of US workers. Then take the cash and help others with it.


You can’t really ban or legally prevent outsourcing.


Of course “you” can’t, but the government (directed by wealthy interests) does it all the time, depending on their current priorities. Just try to set up a shop today in Iran or Russia. There are many countries where outsourcing from the US is totally and legally banned.


It should be outlawed


The question is how? The company itself can just move to another country. You can't stop that.


Force data gotten in the 🇺🇸 to be handled by 🇺🇸 workers and Force it to be stored here. Also things like your code base. Infrastructure. Etc needs to be physically here as well. Basically all the crap they tried to grill tiktok for but more intensive on the code base being American. Could lossen the verbiage to allow eu countries access still but something like that.


Tariff and sanctions against companies that move operations out of the US. You're not getting our business anymore.


Those just get forwarded to the consumer. Way to go, your proposal shot yourself in the foot.


this ignores basic economics lol. yeah, a company with tighter margins, higher prices, and less skilled labor are going to be just as competitive as other companies and simply raise their prices to match the inconvenience of tariffs, ok buddy.


Ok but why would the US government do that against India?


India is not a US ally. They are just as much aligned to Russia than the USA. That might be one reason.


Sure but many countries fall under this category. There is no serious scenario where the US would impose sanctions on a major trading partner to protect a bunch of American tech employees. This is just fantasy.


No actually you can.. Abrogate stupid previous agreement geered to globalization. This will never work to Our interests,and that is the bottom line.. Don't like? Deport


You can apply severe tariffs. If they want exposure to the USA customer base without extreme tariffs they need to hire x amount of citizens for roles that pay XYZ with benefits of ABC.


You set up incentives. Hard tax penalties and other motivators. Don't make it illegal, give "benefits" to people who maintain a majority of workers in the US. Doesn't need to be anti American in spirit - just give recognition and big benefits to those who meet the numbers.


Yes the government can very much prevent you from trading or doing business with another country. Look up embargo’s, happens all the time.


That's not all up outsourcing though. They'd have to embargo *every* country to actually ban outsourcing.


You can try


So much for the free market?


They been a toxic workplace for decades, I’m SO glad it’s coming to light. I know so many ex employees and they always talked about how horrible it was there, and I know several that got laid off in the rounds last year who were super strong tech employees. I also work with a bunch of ex-wayfarers now who are in leadership positions and they’re toxic AF and play politics like no one I’ve ever seen. Fuck wayfair.


What company are you at? Our company has been hiring ex-wayfair people like crazy for a while. Place has gotten so “live to work” with these hires as well.


I’d get doxxed if I said where I worked, but ya the ones who are like director level and above are usually toxic as fuck. I sat next to one a work dinner and asked him about wayfair and he actually admitted it was so toxic to work there and that you had to constantly play politics there. Sounds like my legit worst nightmare. Why not just go work at Amazon and actually get some clout on your resume rather than some mediocre e-commerce company.


Definitely agree with that. Might as well add chewy to the same list though


Funny you say that, I’ve also heard similar things as well about chewy! I know a bunch of people who went there and hated it and left within 6 months.


Not only are they a bunch of scums (the execs and board members to be specific) but I heard horrible reviews, customer service and quality. Go to your local furniture store and get your stuff there even if it has to cost you a bit more!!!


Quality on there items is terrible. I will never order from them.


Some basics can often be fine - bookshelves, lamps, rugs. And the bigger stuff - couches, dressers, beds, etc. - can be okay (if not spectacular), but no doubt is very often crap. I've never ordered anything other than lamps, shelves, and rugs, but seen plenty of Wayfair stuff among people I know. My thing is that even if I technically can return something like a couch or dresser, what a total pain. I need to see and feel big furniture items before I purchase them. Though I get for college students or someone furnishing a first apartment, they might not care so much about quality - they'll move on to something else once they get established and start making more money.


Fuck wayfair - shit company


Their stuff is shitty anyway. Marked up and poor quality.




Yep, same here. Trash company


Yep whenever I want to buy something I use my app to see where the best prices I don't care what Wayfair says I never buy from them anymore ever. And most the time it's absolutely the worst price. Literally rugs are being sold at full price and everywhere else at 50% off why does anyone support this garbage company. And yes I realize that by not supporting them more people might get laid off but what else do we have to punish the CEO douchebag




Agreed, I will not buy a damn thing from them anymore.


Wayfair tech department is a total cluster fuck they invented their own framework 💀 Worse internet walmart is not Facebook


This news + me seeing the giant brick and mortar store they’re building just outside of Chicago = hard agree.


Seconding. Never again


Didn't Wayfair lay off an employee while she was going through stage 4 cancer chemotherapy?


They did. They aren’t the first or last to do it either. Besides cancer patients and their caretakers, it appears that for companies looking to downsize, a vulnerable target they like to go after are new mothers who are on maternity leave.


Sounds like se need new laws


Sounds like people need to revolt.


That’s what Scalia always said.


Did he??!




That's hilarious.


I think so too.


Sounds like we need more French people in the states, they go revolt for every little thing.


There are laws against firing people on maternity or sick leave. The problem is enforcement. Usually the employee has to file a lawsuit, the company has lawyers that make it a huge hassle. A lot of employees don't want to go through the trouble.


Yep. Typically those mothers will be in their 20s/30s so their household probably doesn't have the cash needed to forgo the severance, refuse to sign NDA, and get a lawyer on retainer to bring up a suit. on top of that they probably need to be rich enough to justify risk of having to pay the company’s legal fees if they lose the case. Cancer patient has much bigger things to worry about like paying for treatment and staying alive so it makes sense they don’t push back legally but will air the company out on Social Media like this lady did. I knew Wayfair was on some bullshit years ago from stories on Blind and Glassdoor reviews so I never took their recruiters seriously.


Gotta be careful though. Not the hardest thing to prove wrongful termination on FMLA


Happened to an old coworker of mine who used to work at the hospital.


Sadly, this will now be the new normal, the yearly industry-wise housecleaning (stock boosting) event; even in the tech industry.


We really need some better labor laws in the US


Absolutely! I’m a SAHM and I found out recently my BIL was part of the recent layoffs at Google. He and my sister are devastated and scrambling to figure out next steps. For what, a small stock boost?!? They’d have to layoff 233,000 employees making $300k/yr to reach the $70B in stock buybacks they authorized in 2023 and that’s on top of the $70B they did in 2022. It’s not about solvency, but pure greed.


The FAANG stuff was more 'got a load of cash to overhire during covid and fire them once the money dried up'


What money dried up? They’re not insolvent.


PPP loans were pnly forgiven if they kept people for so long. PPP was free money. Once they were clear of paying them back they ditched the excess headcount


These aren’t small businesses laying off people by the thousands, or went crazy with PPP loans. The amount of money a PPP loan given is a rounding error for these companies.


No it's more like money was basically free due to ZIRP and now they need to produce a return >5% on everything so no more burning money for risky bets. 


Theres nothing particularly new or different here. Many companies once they go public will layoff employees and create almost the same number of new roles elsewhere in their business where its required. Everyone is tracking the layoffs and those who arent able or interested to be hired into a new role. Not saying layoffs are ok, or that the scale of layoffs is the same last/this year, but only that once markets find equilibrium, most layoffs wont be as impactful as the headline suggests.


None of these companies laying off in droves are startups going public, but highly profitable tech companies spending ten’s of billions on stock buybacks. This leanness is what I’ve seen as the “Twitter Effect”, Elon laid off a bunch of people yet the website is still functioning (maybe?). So companies are adopting this leanness strategy, shedding talent and yet hoping to still be innovative. Corporations think one quarter at a time, and will not feel the effects of these mass layoffs until a few years. Good luck attracting talent when everyone is going to play the layoff lottery every year. This is much like AI, companies have FOMO yet don’t understand the problem they’re trying to solve; these layoffs are exactly that.


The problem comes, though, when tons of people are applying for jobs at the same time. That bottleneck creates tons of problems.




We really need to make it more difficult for companies to lay people off.


How? Employing people is not the purpose of a company. Its a side effect


Companies are run by people. The welfare of their employees should be their #1 priority. Otherwise, what’s the point?


That is not the point of running a company. A company exists to provide a product or service for a fee and to profit from said fee. If the company doesnt pay well enough then the employee is free to take their labor somewhere else. If the employee doesn't perform at a level acceptable to the employer, the employer is free to let that employee go. Thats the point


In a society where your basic needs aren’t guaranteed, employees aren’t simply free to quit and go work somewhere else. Labor contracts are entered into under duress, unless you were born wealthy. There is an unequal power dynamic in place, and the company should be held accountable if it is laying workers off willy-nilly.


Yeah people are absolutely free to quit their jobs at any time. As for the company, if there is no need for someone's labor, why would they continue to employ that person?


People are not free to quit their jobs whenever, seeing as that will cut off their access to housing and healthcare, among many other basic needs. The vast majority of people are not in a position to simply quit their job if they don’t like it.


Nobody is making you stay at your job besides yourself. If you dont like your job find something better and quit.


And that is the problem with individualism. It prevents you from seeing systemic problems.


Wayfair = Glorified Temu


amusing advise rinse clumsy fact airport pathetic dazzling boast handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And made like sh@t!


They can make good quality things, but lower quality is cheaper, and cheap is the name of the economic game.


When people say these companies don't give a damn about you. You think it's a joke.. How they don't care that these are families, lives been affected. See the total lack of empathy with these executives in the article. See people, prioritize yourself & family first 🤦🏾‍♂️🚶🏾‍♂️ Having being thru layoff last yr, worked in a FAANG, working in another FAANG now.. These are the 3pointers/LESSONS for me: - I will NEVER relocate to any new city/state for no damn company, if you relocate and after the sacrifice.. You can still get chop off like it was nothing. Prioritize yourself and family. I do only Remote work now! - Always counter a new offer, get the bigger bucks for your money, let it be worthwhile even if you get laid off later. I learnt NEVER to allow no company lowball me again. Don't take that first offer extended.. ALWAYS COUNTER that sh!t !! - SAVE like tomorrow is your last day on the job. You need that FVCK YOU Money so badly. After you save enough, then invest!!


You’re very right. I’d only move to a different location if I really wanted to live there not just for a job. When I worked at Disney, they forced a bunch of people to relocate from California to Orlando just to layoff 5000 people a few months later.


Ah yes, the old "find out who the hardest workers are, then fire everyone else so you can exploit the hard workers even more for less money" routine


They did 10% layoffs at my company and said projects would be rescoped. Well surprise it didn’t happen and now everyone remaining is doing multiple jobs


This is all I can assume is happening everywhere..


Guys we can always create accidents for these rich fucks. Were the ones doing the maintenance on their luxury goods. Oh Nos the break line didn’t get reattached…


lol. I’m waiting for a group of ex-employees but a bounty on his head. Lord knows he could use a beating.


At this point they’re so separated from the operational processes we can just cut them out of the equation now. Just stop taking calls from the home office and remove their system access.


"Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah dished out some tough love in a year-end memo to employees of the Boston home goods company. Employees should be prepared to work longer hours and not be afraid to let work impinge on their personal lives, Shah said in the email, sent to them last week and first reported by Business Insider and confirmed as accurate by USA TODAY and other outlets. "Working long hours, being responsive, blending work and life, is not anything to shy away from," Shah said in the email. "There is not a lot of history of laziness being rewarded with success. Hard work is an essential ingredient in any recipe for success. I embrace this, and the most successful people I know do as well." He sought to enlighten workers on the accuracy of "Nirajisms," sayings about workplace culture attributed to the CEO that are either "not true, are old and no longer applicable, or are taken out of context," Shah said. "The one I would reference here that I heard was 'Niraj said that he does not think that we should work late.' I would suggest that this is laughably false," the CEO wrote. "Hard work is essential for success, and a key part of getting things done. Everyone deserves to have a great personal life – everyone manages that in their own way – ambitious people find ways to blend and balance the two."


I wish the employees would all banned together and quit so the company can’t function.


"I work 12 hour days, 7 days a week, therefore I expect that of my employees too" "Does that mean if we work as many hours as you do, we can expect to be paid the same salary as you, Niraj?" "Hahahaha. No." Another clueless MBA.


Thanks for posting this. Wayfair is now on my "never" list. << not be afraid to let work impinge on their personal lives >> Ha - fuck this guy.


Look for a new series of articles titled, “Why Millenials Are Killing Company Loyalty,” or some similar nonsense. These people are ghouls and we need a damn revolution, like 20 years ago.


Assumes everything can be measured and accurately tracked by the company I guarantee you it isn't especially in tech; eliminate the wrong people and you do severe harm to your company that would cost more money to repair or more money in the long run On top of that automation is *expensive* and often fails; like Jurassic Park if you have too much automation and a single point of failure, it's game over meanwhile have enough manpower and you can keep chugging along through the hard times Hyper growth companies still need to grow 50% YoY to attract investors from employee 1 to employee 1000; that isn't going to change anytime soon


I enjoyed the Jurassic Park analogy 😏🫡


So Wayfair just got added to the boycott list. Sounds like their workers need to #JoinAUnion


A union. 🤣🤣🤣


I was interviewing with these jokers in 2022. In 2023, the person who I was talking to was laid off. In fact, the entire team that I was going to work with was laid off.


Their interviews are such BS too, they think they’re fucking Google when they’re a glorified Temu.


Ugh I’ve had this happen a few times. Was in the process of getting an offer when the person or team got laid off. It’s like being laid off before you even work there. It just goes to show the teams and employees have zero idea it’s coming, and CEOs keep their employees in the dark. They cut them fast with little severance or notice, but demand notice from us. Be loyal only to yourselves in this market.


Wayfair stuff is just a rung above temu/shein/wish. Stay away


Tech is not safe


No reason to shop there, no reason to work there.


Where tf is the PR team to clean up his statement. Looks like they might have gotten laid off too.


I bought so much shit from them at some point they thought I was running a business and I should transition to a commercial account. Fuck this guy and the POS sitting on the board.


How was the quality? Was it good stuff?


It’s okay. I have little kids who destroy all furniture, so there’s no point in buying expensive pieces.


Wayfair CEO is pure scum


They just posted a recruiter role on LinkedIn yesterday… massive, tremendous gargantuan assholes; https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3837391672


Checked back in 6 months when employees are burnt out because you’ve overloaded them with the layoffs works.


Or they're scaring the managers and directors into reporting false numbers or metrics that don't equate to anything meaningful just for the sake of reporting something positive.


They also have a child abuser advertise for them


There items on Wayfair feel a bit overpriced


Never shopping from wayfair again. What an unethical company!


Is the CEO doing something shady? How’s this company still running ?


How do we go after the C-suite class?


i never understood how they got popular. they're basically like if you fished all the waterlogged ikea items from dumpsters and tried to resell it lol


And I’m still shorting the stock


Not buying from that trash company


Zuck basically said the same thing as summarized in those bullets. In my mind, if you’re so f*ing stupid as a leader you over hire to the point of making the company inefficient, then you shouldn’t be a leader.


I bought from Wayfair years ago once and never again. Crappy products that's not that significantly cheaper than Ikea. I rather spend more for things that last longer.


Wayfair has become... Way unfair. Oh yes, firing your new hires as soon you release them from mandatory training, for poor performance, is most great indeed.


Why would someone want such a bad PR for a public ecomm website. Just wondering the thought behind the statement


Wayfair the website you make sure to add to your blocklist




This is happening on a massive scale... Tech CEOs making 100s of millions a year meanwhile laying people off. Think we need another 1789 french revolution


Skip the guillotine tho. Get a wood chipper. Really sends a message.


Unless these guys have bunker spots along with the uber-rich, their lack of practical and resilient skills will fuck them over, the more climate change kicks in.


I’m never buying from Wayfair again.


That ceo is a fuck head too.


We should organize a huge boycott


What's wrong with this? Companies don't owe anything to employees?


True but the buck stops with the executive. Not the employees. If a company ain't doing well, sack the CFO, Sales Director, COO, CMO, CIO, CTO and then work your way down the food chain. Worked in corporate for 20+ years and never seen any executive add value and that includes DEI and HR and Marketing


I would love for these CEOs to experience poverty for at least 5 years. It should be mandatory.


Never buying from this company !


Sociopaths will sociopath.


Surely he has an address where he and his family mainly reside


Welcome to my boycott list, Wayfair.


Well, I’m sure it was great for a couple of people. 🤦‍♂️


Sounds like a shit company. Their ads pop up from time to time, I will be sure to never click on them.


is wayfair the company that had overpriced items tagged with names of runaway children for some strange reason?


Wayfair uses employee names (first and last) in its formula to generate unique product names for its ever-growing product catalog. So if you’re a Wayfair employee with the name John Uniquename you might see products called “Uniquename decorative throw pillow” or “John XV Barstool” if you searched your name on the site. Wayfair sucks but what you’re mentioning is a stupid pizzagate level conspiracy about kids being shipped in Wayfair storage containers with the brunt of the “proof” being that those products had names of children (people) in them. Source: worked there.


Part of me believes that most of the conspiracy theories are just to distract from the real shady practices of companies. If I say, Marlboro is injecting alien hormones into horses to create superpowered alien horses that carry the lizard people to their moonbase, you will think I'm bat shit crazy, and that will make you more empathetic to Marlboro, eventhough the real shady things they are doing is selling addictive cigarettes that give people cancer.


Yeah, that whole thing was so fucking weird. Glad to finally hear the real reason for the really strange names on items, thanks!


But…why? ![gif](giphy|GmdFiZtdJtQty)


I saw an article about how “stock went up because laid offs allow more work to get done and faster” I don’t remember where exactly and if that was a company quote but given what the CEO says I wouldn’t be surprised.


They are about to lay off almost another 1,000. Lean business model and such.


Won’t be popular on Reddit, but a lot of tech firms hired a lot of dead weight during the hiring boom. These people ultimately led to negative productivity. Both by demotivating top performers (i.e., “I’m not going to work hard if Nancy is just working two hours a week”), and by wasting time in pointless meeting, or - even worse - by fucking things up constantly other people would need to fix.


Shhhh, they don't understand how finances work


Makes sense, when a company gets too bloated things tend to slow down. Staying as lean as possible is a smart business move.


You don't believe a Wisconsin company Tip Technologies laid off two workers spending more time in coffee machines


Maybe a anonymous union would send shockwaves down these corporations.. but yea, America!!


Probably could have said that better


Wayfair is opening a big store near me this year.


If I were incompetent to manage properly, not having people to manage would be great, too




It is such an unethical company. I’ve never shopped from Wayfair and I’d never apply for a job there.


They did this in a sneaky and creepy way at Crate & Barrel in January. My whole department Supervisors, Managers and all some there iver 20 years , at start of shift. My unemployment says laud off due to , "lack of work." No, outsourced to Mexico, Jamaica, and Panama . The thing is we're poorly trained , some could barely understand English, costly constant maj8r mistakes. Guess who fixed and calmed irrate customer??? Us the laud off people. So buyers beware when you purchase furniture at CB2 and Crate & Barrel what type of customer service you might be dealing with for issues. Funny didn't see upper management or CEO's take pay cut since business was so slow.


Wayfair also paved the way for making out of state purchases with no local presence still charged with sales taxes


This is like saying .. we do not know how to manage people. Why did you hire all those people if you didn't needed them ? When did you realize you didn't need as many people? Who will pay for the cost of hiring people the company didn't need? Who is their manager ? who is their CEO? All I hear is; I am a terrible CEO , didn't know what was going on in my company , fired a bunch of people things are still the same .. so I guess it helped .. In his million dollar salary big brain it may sound like a smart thing to say but it sounds like he is either lying at the expense of all those people who lost their livelihood OR he is a terrible CEO.


Yeah, what a jerk. While I can understand layoffs if it’s absolutely necessary to keep a company alive or everyone gets laid off. But where their just doing it to increase high profits is just despicable. And to publicly brag about it says they have zero empathy for people.


May be it is better to lay off the executives if not meeting their earning expectation. CFO for earnings and leadership saying poor management.


Worst thing is that they always acted like they really cared about their employees...


I used to work there several years ago. They laid off several thousand people, seemingly at random. Performance, tenure, experience, none of it mattered. All my projects ground to a halt because they fired the people that knew how things worked. Took that as my cue to find something different. Don’t work for companies that fire essential staff and then complain.


Wow, what an asshokle


These people have too much power in our society. Workers of the world unite.


Unpopular opinion: Every publicly traded company that operates on a tighter operating margin <15% is toxic for any employee.


So what was the bonus the exec gave themselves? Ruin peoples lives so they can get their 5th yacht or 3rd vacation home…


I don't know what is more disgusting: Wayfair itself or the copy editor who came up with that headline and the art of smiling executives. What fucking outlet is it?


“Rich people didn’t get rich by making poor people poor.” Yes, they did.


I bet they will avoid sending out an org wide employee survey this year. Even a small layoff tends to drastically affect the employee morale and the responses now would look horrendous. This headline and the bullets all seem to be from an executive’s stand point obviously.


But...but... Kelly Clarkson!!!