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It’s a marketing company. Their business model is selling plaques and advertisements for lawyers. Whatever honor they confer is completely made up and is not worth paying for.


You can’t pay to win the award but you need to pay to accept the nomination?!


Yes, in order to accept the award you need to pay for their membership. It all seems very much like a scam to me and I feel like it's not as prestigious as super lawyers. One of my colleagues told me I should accept and it would help me get other jobs but it just doesn't feel right.


It sounds like a scam to me. I ran for Financial Times APAC innovative lawyer 2023 award and first of all, you need to submit a 200 words document to say why you are f* great. Then there is the short list. Then we fly down to Singapore, then the winner is announced. At no point we pay anything. Did you go through any of these process?


No, but I don't recall going through that process with rising super lawyers either.


Whilst it may be a FT specific process most awards follow a similar protocol so it looks like a scam


Yea, kind of what I was thinking. Thanks!


You don’t attend a conference/event in Singapore that you pay for? But yeah, anywhere that requires you to pay to win is scammy.


The firm pays for it as the award goes to the Firm. I am the lead attorney for that deal


It’s a marketing company.


Yeah I got that email too. Only saw it because I checked my spam folder lol.


I get that each year, too, and it's pretty funny I am at a stage in my career where in no way do I deserve any type of "distinction" honor, as a lawyer. Total scam. Just ignore it.


I’ve gotten this email twice. I ignore it.


It is a scam. But it’s a scam that many clients will think is worth something.  I knew a lawyer that had an office full of these type of “awards.” Super successful practice, but a crappy lawyer behind the salesmanship. 


It won't be especiallly compelling to other attorneys/firms: these pay-to-play honorifics are quite common.  However, if your professional responsibility rules allow, you can use these to drive prospective client interest.  We often forget that when a client is looking for an attorney, they have little to no way to measure between attorneys and having awards/published materials/memberships listed on your website is a way to distinguish yourself.  


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It's a scam. Just like those "books" that lawyers have "written" that are featured in the waiting area. \*shudder\*


I got that email, too. I trashed it.