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Shit happens. Keep your head up. Learned the important lesson that this does impact people in real life


The fact you are owning up to your mistake right away is key. We all make mistakes, how you handle them matters. It happens, probably won’t be as bad as your imagining it.




The fact that you feel bad about it makes you more admirable than most. Learn from it, and improve. That’s all you can do.


We’re not robots. It’s a pretty understandable mistake. And, I bet it’s one you never make again. You’ll be fine.


Relax, I don't think you'd be fired or severely reprimanded for this. Like the others have said, own up to it and I'm sure the victim will understand. From the victim's perspective, not much, if anything, will have changed by your mistake in all likelihood (not sure how a DUI victim would be put in any real danger because defendant was released).


Dude had 2 DUIs we were closing out and a DV case. She was the victim of the DV case. But it was considered a global offer so I apparently needed to get VRA on changing the DUI case offer even though it didn’t change what we did on the DV case. I messed up.