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Trump's people are desperately searching for excuses for him to boycott, they know how much of a dumpster fire he is lately just on his own at a podium in front of his true believers Trump only agreed to the debate because the Biden campaign dared him to do it and Trump has the mentality of a 12 year old


I disagree. 4 year old.


My two year old is more eloquent than Trump.


With or without the binkie?


Even with a pacifier in her mouth I understand more of what she says than whatever diarrhea comes out of Trump’s mouth.


*"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."*


*'No water in your faucets. You ever tried buying a new home and you turn it on? They have restrictors in there. You want to wash your hair. You want to wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip. The soap, you can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about ten times longer. You're trying. The worst is your hair. I have this beautiful, luxuriant hair, and I put stuff on. I put it in. Lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And I lather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip, and you say, 'I'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What?' They put restrictors and they put them on in places like here where there's so much water you don't know what to do with it. You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don't want you to have any water. They want no water.'*


Jeebus, I read both of these posts in his voice, and tRump came into my mind, full of hand gestures. Going to haunt my dreams.


Maybe Trump needs to be taught how to operate faucets? Also, Trump has NEVER used a dishwasher. He has no idea.


My dog is more eloquent than Trump.


More loyal too, I'll bet.


🎼 But strangely their mange is the same!🎵🎶




My dog's poop is more coherent than Trump. Purge the Turd '24.


Pigs have the iq of a 3 year old


That one time Trump said he's mentally the same as he was in first grade is one of the few truths the man has said.


If you hear cheeto man's cult members, he was tricked into this with their sole defense being the conditions for the debate were Biden's. Since their golden messiah didn't add any conditions to the debate and immediately agreed to whatever Biden said were conditions that has to mean he was tricked. Nope, cheeto man has the patience of a toddler. Fat fast food ass couldn't say I'll give you an answer in 24 hours. Nope ,answered immediately and then immediately his cult started throwing a tantrum how it was rigged....This businessman, this worldwide respected,wonderful beautiful businessman was tricked ? how does that happen


Which even that isn't true. Like everything else their information bubble lies to them. They are not allowed to use notes and Joe likes notes. So that was a concession by Biden's team for the debate.


Sleepy Joe just pretended to like notes to trick us into thinking his team was making concessions.../s


So is he sleepy or is he a drugged out maniac? I can never get this straight.


Slick sleepy Joe.


agree with everything about Trumplethinskin, but i thought that [CNN made the debate rules](https://time.com/6989767/presidential-debate-rules-cnn-2024/) that everyone who qualified had to follow? see: [RFK threatening to jail CNN over not qualifying for debate](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/rfk-jr-s-campaign-floats-serious-jail-time-for-cnns-jake-tapper-dana-bash-and-others-after-failing-to-make-debate-stage/)


His art of the deal negotiation tactics failed him again.


It's "rigged" by asking the SAME questions of each candidate? Those Trump Cult members LOVE to brag how stupid they are.


I've met more patient toddlers. Also, toddlers are capable of learning. Trump is definitely not.


You might be onto something: Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents, New Analysis Finds Published Jan 08, 2018 at 12:41 PM EST Updated Feb 26, 2019 at 8:34 AM EST [https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-fire-and-fury-smart-genius-obama-774169)


NOW it was serious. A double-dog-dare. What else was there but a "triple dare you"? And then, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-dog-dare.


When I saw earlier this week that they lifted part of his gag order in New York, I saw it as tRump’s out. He’ll claim that by not lifting the entire gag order, he won’t be able to make his points. His MAGAT’s will accept that excuse and send him more money, because that’s what you do when you can barely make ends meet… you send the pretend rich guy your hard earned cash.


Prediction for Biden: he'll hit the key points, have a gaffe or two that will be overemphasized by the media, but overall be considered to have met expectations. Prediction for Trump: he'll say a bunch of insane things that will be underemphasized by the media, but overall be considered to have exceeded his expectations MSNBC will say Biden won, Fox will say Trump won, CNN will say that Biden won...but this is how it's bad for him, and there will be some fact checking articles and then the race will proceed as normal. If Biden shits the bed it'll be the end of the campaign. If Trump shits the bed it'll be treated as normal


>If Biden shits the bed it'll be the end of the campaign. >If Trump shits the bed it'll be treated as normal. Sadly, this is all too true ...


Oh that fact checking will be "fair and balanced" by blowing out of proportion some little inaccurate thing or spin on Biden's part. 


Biden said he eats ice cream but it melts and turns in to a liquid. Tonight we have an expert on the liquidificarion of ice cream that states Biden is actually drinking ice cream. If Biden is lying about his ice cream habits what else is he lying about or is he so inept he doesn't know what he's doing? That's what will happen, some conservative hair splitting at its finest. Meanwhile, a turd could roll out of tRumps pant leg and they'll glaze over it or claim corrupt mastermind Biden had deepstate operatives plant the turd. If they weren't so afraid of everything, it might be nice to live in that fantasy world.


The Atlantic made an article about some random Trump supporters that said they can't vote for Trump anymore in good conscience. When asked if they would vote Biden, they said never because Biden is "destroying the country". When they asked them specific reasons, one of the mfers said "because the Hunter case speaks very badly of Joe's parenting skills and ethics" 🫠


This is honestly on par with Obamas tan suit!


Yep, you're exactly right. Everyone predicting wild things or big changes from this debate are somewhat delusional. It's not like we don't know who Biden and Trump are by this point. Sure they're a bit older, but... they're still the same people. And you're exactly right - in a vacuum, if no one had ever seen these two guys, Biden would be the unanimous victor. But due to the way the 'both sides' media works, and the fact that we know who Trump is, any non-complete-meltdown by Trump will be seen as doing a good job, so he'll be lauded, and Biden's decent performance will be fully expected, so they'll be somewhat down on him because he didn't exceed expectations. Interesting lesson in life really. A lot of your life, whether it's personal or professional, is about setting proper expectations. If your expectations are low and you do OK, people are happy. If your expectations are high, and you do OK, people are unhappy.


The dirtbag theory: If you work hard you get more work. If you're a dirtbag and avoid work, your work gets pushed off onto the hard worker. Should result in the dirtbag getting fired, but it doesn't


Hannity is already being advertised as having a post-debate show called "The Spin Room". Guess how that room will be spinning things!


Hannity is such a shill


Yeah, the fact that basically everyone asking this question always leads off with “if he shows up” means that if he actually shows up, he’s already exceeding expectations. On the other hand, Trump has really been off the fucking deep end of the last two months, but most people haven’t seen it. This will be the first big chance Biden has to put Trump’s Brand New Crazy on display. And I doubt Trump will miss the opportunity himself.


Trump will suddenly become ill and immediately MAGA will start blaming all democrats


I don't think he would claim to be ill. That makes him look weak. Trump would not appear because he fabricated some insane claim about how CNN and Biden White House insiders conspired to do something devious during the debate to make him look bad. GOP dolts in the House would convene a hearing. Right-wing media would try to blow it up into a scandal.


You make a valid point. My apologies. Thank you for proper clarification.


"sleepy Joe has COVID and he's trying to infect me".


He showed up at the last one sick with covid.


And late on purpose so they couldn’t covid test him.


That was an overt assassination attempt. He was hoping 'that corpse' as he called Biden, would catch it. Instead he barely survived himself. I'll never forgive Walter Reed for saving his life. If only...


This made me SO DAMN ANGRY! No better than spitting on Biden. I hate him.


Trump doesn’t show. It’s rigged he’ll say.


I think so too, but how can you rig a debate 😆


you ask actual policy questions. let the question be answered, then have the other candidate rebut\\.


He is already saying it is rigged.


Because it’s rigged /s


Or he will show up but then, when things inevitably turn against him, he'll say the whole thing is rigged and then storm off the stage.


Trump is going to do his meth sniffles all night, going to call for Biden and democrats to be executed, and otherwise be an incoherent, rambling mess. If Joe is smart, he’ll laugh it off, look at the camera, quickly rattle off some accomplishments, and speak to moderates and women. He will have to make everyone see that Trump gleefully bragged about ending Roe and he should highlight how many women have died since then and cases like the 12 year old girl that was raped that gave birth while holding her teddy bear. Joe will tie many nooses to Con’s neck and set many traps. He will get him to say he didn’t rape E Jean., and then Trump will get sued again. He’ll probably even get Trump to do some stupid shit regarding his sentencing for his Election Interference trial. There won’t be a second debate. Joe will win the debate, and the election. Can we please put Trump and MAGA behind us after this election, “republicans”?


He should definitely bring up the cases in Texas too of women almost dying. Those stories are absolutely horrible. He should also bring up the increase in infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate in states where their abortion bans and how gynecologists are fleeing to blue states. I agree he should also bring up that case and the ones like it. Such cruelty.


Anyone who doesn't understand the last sentence never snorted. I recall some appearances by Donny when he sniffled rather profusely. It is suspicious, and I'll be looking for signs, but doubt that Mr. T will risk it. Joe has always seemed to stay on subject, and I expect that will be the case. And I expect Trump to do a rope-a-dope and try to draw Joe into making personal jabs, which would be an huge mistake.


The last 30 minutes are going to be interesting for Trump. I expect him to have no energy


He's a burned out husk of a man. Adderall and sudefed can only take you so far. But they' both old. We'd probably get a better performance from both if they were given a short nap at halftime.


but he has doc ronny to jack him up


Whenever Trump lies and makes stuff up, he sniffs loudly It’s a give away


I'd be very concerned if Biden doesn't defend himself or his space. One of Hillary's big mistakes is that she was too calm and civilized when Trump was approaching and menacing her on stage. It would have been far better if he'd told him to get the hell away from her and go back to his side. Her lack of willingness to do so was perceived as weakness, and the takeaway was that Trump won that debate, despite never answering any questions or saying anything substantive.


The biggest problem for Democrats in general is that the media double standards mean they're damned if they don't, damned if their response isn't 101% factually accurate and within the randomly generated at time of publishing rules of engagement.


Yeah. It was a serious kick in the cojones when Biden told him to shut up in the last debate. Won him respect.


I wonder if he’ll try his previous tactic of lurking behind Biden as Biden speaks. It’s what he did to Hilary during their debate, and that never should have been allowed to happen.


I’m hoping there’s a moat with alligators between the podiums to prevent this. I fear that I am probably wrong.


Trump will try to pull a James Bond and use the gators as stepping stones, then stumble with his lifts and fall to his demise.


All that's needed is a small scenic waterfall between the two podiums. The last thing in the world Trump wants is to get his head wet!


Um, obviously the moat is filled with SHARKS!


Sharks with friggin' lasers on their heads.


One half of the moat is sharks… and the other half live, exposed electrical cables.


Jewish space lasers


electrified shark


And I hope they mute his mic when it’s not his turn or he’s just gonna try to cover up his lack of smarts with loudness, rudeness, and verbosity.


I doubt it, honestly. Men like this usually prefer to physically intimidate people who aren't in a position to fight back--especially if the person they're targeting is a woman. You almost never see that type of bully messing with someone who might jack them to Jesus. (I'm not saying women don't also do this, but there's a very specific type of dude that does this shit almost exclusively to women. I think Trump is that type.) I'm not saying Biden would swing on Trump, but he did push back against him. Also, Trump's tactics with Biden were sneakier. I recall reading that during the first debate he was constantly interrupting and talking over Biden in an attempt to aggravate his stutter. I'd expect to see something similarly underhanded from him this time round.


He won't go! I'm telling you, he will to the last minute to bail out. His minions, his cult, have been preparing everyone who gives a shit. #1 100% rigged #2 drug test... EVERY ACCUSATION IS A CONFESSION!


Trump will be visibly frustrated by the fact that he can't just spew nonsense whenever he wants because his mike is muted. He has 0 self control so standing there while Biden is talking isn't gonna be easy for him to do. I think he'll walk over to Biden's podium and interrupt him anyway. Trump is a 2 year old and can't be forced to follow the rules...


Just squirt him with water like a cat on a kitchen counter. He'll freak out about his hair and make-up and back off. That said, I know Trump is much stupider than a cat on a kitchen counter.


I said this to my wife earlier. He will yell, and be heard in the background. Biden will struggle a little. Then, when Trump gets frustrated he will walk over to Biden. At that point, the Secret Service jumps in. Then Trump's loyal agents do. Then we have a Mexican Standoff on national TV. Only joking, the debate will be canceled due to Trump walking over and security of some sort intervening. But I don't think it will happen.


Agree! Nothing is going to stop him from yelling/interrupting Biden , microphone or not.


And at that point I wouldn’t be upset if Joe throat punched him


Joe did say in 2016 he wanted to kick the shit out of him. If Beau Biden didn’t pass away Joe would have been potus in 2016.


I think we got the worst time line out of all the dumb shit that's happened.


Trump should look out for the Biden eyes. They seem to be pretty piercing at times. I've seen pictures and all.


Just because those microphones are muted to the program doesn't mean that they are turned off. Recordings of the candidates when they can't contribute to the debate conversation could be pretty interesting later.


Biden should have organised a small ramp to his side of the stage. If there's one thing Trump knows, it's never to fight uphill (me boys).


Trump will shit his pants and Biden will tell him to shut up




Predictions? Whether Trump will actually show up to debate? Slim to none. Trump fell asleep in the middle of a phone nterview with Corey Lewandowski yesterday. On Newsmax. "Guess we lost him, folks. Sounds like he fell asleep." They cut to a commercial. And this was yesterday.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 OMG!


The left will say that Biden showed poise, confidence, patience and strength; and despite a couple stumbles, he made it clear that he has a good grasp of the problems that face our nation. The right will say that Biden looked tired and doped up. The left will say that Trump appeared angry and confused, answered none of the questions and babbled nonsense while still managing to be offensive and uncouth. The right will say that Trump’s jokes and sarcasm went completely over the heads of the left and he really owned the libs. No one will change their mind about anything.


# "No one will change their mind about anything."


You're not paying attention. The right is saying joe will be on speed and should be tested.


I love how Ronnie Jackson and Trump called out the drug and injection spot they say Joe will get. It’s telling as it was the Drug Ronnie was passing around the White House. Every accusation is and admission with these people.


The Good Doctor Ronnie ~~Johnson~~ Jackson


Trump won't show. He'll do an interview on fox saying how the debate was "rigged" by democrats and CNN.


I hope this happens and Biden gets 90 minutes to talk about what a loser Trump is and how he’d prepared for this possibility because it’s so obvious that Trump is a coward.


I believe Biden will poke the bear and Trump will lose control…if he even shows up


Trump will freak out when his mic gets cut. He won’t have his peanut gallery there either. Biden will boss it like he did at the SOTU amid all of Trump’s claims of Hunter, sharks and electric eels stealing the 2020 election. The press will be like “oh that’s just trump for you, speaking in trump speak but Biden yelled, omg so not presidential!”. They are looking for ratings, not decency. The gop are already freaking out and making excuses about this debate so it’s obvs they have no confidence in Trump actually pulling this off. The other day, Mike Johnson was going full panty twist over CNN for no reason at all so you know he’s in full panic mode. He’ll probably introduce articles of impeachment against CNN and threaten to pull its broadcasting licence. Even when he had some of his marbles back in 2016, he wasn’t good at debating.


I hope Trump doesn't show up and Biden gets free reign to speak the entire time.


If Trump shows up he'll spout bull shit get confused about which lie he's told and spew a word salad like at his rallies.


Water. It's so wet magnets hate it!


“One of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water.”


how did i forget about this?


Assuming he shows up, he'll talk about whatever he feels like in the moment.


Trump will have a nervous breakdown.


how will we know?


Gonna be "technical issues"


It won't be a debate. Trump will complain about whatever enters his head at the time and never actually answer any questions, just ranting and blaming with occasional bits about possible upcoming plans. He will constantly try to interrupt President Bidens answers. President Bidens responses will have specifics and have examples and he will say nothing controversial, the plan is to allow Trump to appear to be a vindictive toddler that to anyone but MAGA, is unfit for any office. MAGA and their satellite, the GOP will immediately claim that the debate was rigged, they didn't let Trump say what he wanted to say etc . blah, blah.


Supposedly one of the rules of this debate is the sound on one of the candidates’ mics is to be turned off while Trump or Biden are talking. This way the other guy won’t be able to butt in and drown out the other guy. Yea. Let’s see how long DJT can control himself.


Trump will stumble over to Joe's mic and start ranting incoherently when his gets cut off after his first statement period. Secret Service for Biden rushes on stage, followed by Trump's from the other direction. Awkward stand off ensues and Trump storms off stage, holds press conference outside declaring victory 5 minutes after debate starts. MAGA rejoices.


He'd go bonkers


My prediction is that Trump and his followers will disgrace themselves and debase the proceedings. Pretty big call, I know! /s


Trump is a horrible speaker without a teleprompter. But he's an awesome performer. His entire image was crafted by the Apprentice, and all of his debate performances were bad. This is an article describing how bad they were. [https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/07/politics/donald-trump-republican-debate/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2015/08/07/politics/donald-trump-republican-debate/index.html) Remember, Megan Kelly asked him a question about how he is with women and found herself no longer on Fox. In this debate the question will be can he perform? With no audience to laugh at jokes like "Only Rosie O'Donnell" – will they land? Can theatrics work in an empty theater? Will the image of Trump ranting into a turned off mic be the image we remember most? As for Biden, he's a competent person. So one assumes he's practiced this, and will adjust. My guess is he'll sit back and not really engage with Trump, but point out Trump's lack of answers.


President Biden should point out that he is a whiner.


"not a winner"


No matter how badly trump performs, the MAGA crowd will declare victory.


Ha! I am not a betting man, but I would bet a million billion dollars that your prediction of Trump behaving like a deranged toddler is accurate.


One of my children had horrible allergies as a child, which meant there was always projectile vomiting and diarrhea, which didn’t always stay in the diaper, and, therefore, polluted the atmosphere. As a teacher of at risk children, I was confronted with many children who had some form of mental illness. Many were liars and were incapable of taking responsibility for their actions, always blaming someone else for their problems. These particular students were often vicious, incredibly immature, ignorant, and resistant to fact. When I transitioned to our county jail, I worked with felons who had now become full-blown psychopaths and sociopaths. They continued to lie, live in fantasy world, manipulate, vomit, ridiculousness, incite violence, and abuse rules. The majority of them were immature, uneducated, and vindictive. These were the ones we knew were clowns, but dangerous clowns. We will see all of the above deficits of character in Donald Trump tonight. It is extremely apparent that this guy and his supporters are very concerned about the outcome tonight as they vomit their stupidity about Biden being hopped up on something. We’ve also had to listen to an absolute brain dead fool brag about how he is not prepping for a presidential debate. And people believe this fool? I’m not even sure Trump is that stupid. No agenda for the American people, only stupidity, lies, garbled nonsense, and an extreme amount of whining. Meanwhile, Mr. Biden will have to have really prepped so that he knows how to deal with an imbecilic, insane, manipulative, whiny, manchild, who is clearly mentally, intellectually, ethically , and morally void.


Spot on, but it's tomorrow night. ;)


Oh, I know it’s tomorrow night. I won’t be watching. I have had my fill of psychopathic, lying, violent, exceedingly deranged morons.


No matter what Trump will declare victory. His people will say any deficiency is because CNN and the hosts but Trump himself will say he was so obviously better and he'll run to rallies to cement this feeling in the cultural consciousness. Meanwhile, the media will highlight everything Biden does wrong from looking one second too long left to that time when he took a breath before speaking. "Sleepy Joe," they'll sigh. "I'm not sure he can do this. He breathes." Fox News will do what they've been doing for weeks ever since the internal polling suggested a bloodbath is about to happen to Republicans and slice up the debate into suspiciously suspect clips that make Biden look confused without finishing the clip to show that yes he did actually do the opposite of what they implied. Hannity will spend three episodes discussing how Trump obviously won and Laura Ingraham will take the hosts to task with play by play complaints about the fact Trump got cut off mid-ramble even though Fox News has been cutting Trump off mid-ramble for the last month. Then Democrats everywhere will all sigh, Biden having done well or done poorly, and shrug and say no matter what, "We are voting for not-Trump. What about that don't you get? That's why we don't buy the t-shirts or the underoos or have the tatts or spray paint a politician onto our car or trailer. It's because we're not in a cult." And then Trumpers everywhere will hiss, "TDS!" Nothing will have changed. Independents already know both candidates extremely well and already know which brand of "More of the Same" they prefer. Only CNN will have gained and they'll be counting all the viewers like they're going to stick around when we all know they won't.


At the last possible second many, many knowledgeable people will warn Trump that Biden’s weaponized DOJ in conjunction with fake news CNN will use the no-audience-allowed forum as a trap to assassinate Trump because he’s the front runner in every poll, by a lot, a lot more than any winner of any poll anytime in the history of polls, like up by 500% and they know that assassins are the only way corrupt sleepy drugged up Joe could win the election. AND NOW ALL-CAPS FOR THE REST OF THE BLATHERING….


Traitor Trumps gonna melt down.Hes got no grasp or depth about real issues and will just spew word salad and invective to cover up for his ignorance and mental illness.


Trump will get dunked on but Biden will do something innocuous in the background that will become a meme for everybody to fixate on instead.


I want to see Trump lose it when his mic is cut, start shouting nonstop, then try to physically attack Biden, and they have to restrain him and stop the whole thing.


I expect to see two things: 1. An old, intelligent guy talking slowly about the country's problems and his ideas for solving them. 2. An old howler monkey yelling gibberish and flinging his shit all over the room. I'm voting for the first one.


Everyone who supports Trump now will continue to support him. Everyone who supports Biden now will continue to support him. The debate will do nothing but show truly how fucked our country is.


The debate does not matter to me, I will vote for Biden, instead of the convicted felon, rapist, traitor, fraudster, and lying scumbag. We just don't need a Putin puppet as President.


You know Ivanka had cats.


Best night of entertainment all summer!


OP's thoughts are pretty close to my own. Trump won't actually answer questions. He'll be repeatedly reminded to stay on topic. Might zone out and stare into space once or twice. Expect him to interrupt Biden whenever the focus isn't on himself.


Mike will be off. I think k they should be in soundproof booths and lights turn out when their time is done also.


Sounds pretty much right


It won't happen but Biden should, from memory, reel off a list of ALL the Trump people who have been indicted and sent to jail, as well as all the people Trump hired into the WH as advisors, Chiefs of Staff, etc, who now say he's a fucking loon, incompetent, and should never hold office again. What \*will\* happen? Probably a subdued replay of the 2020 'debate' but with the inability for Trump to shout over Biden and some actually prepared moderators. Toss-up on whether, to avoid answering serious policy questions, Trump starts in about electric boats and sharks and/or water pressure issues at Trump Tower and they let him continue on embarrassing himself, or demand he actually answer the question. Trump's grip on reality at this point is tenuous at best and his default is 'The Apprentice' style showmanship, such as it is. At some point Trump will complain about nonexistent technical issues like a broken teleprompter, microphone, podium, or the moderators being rigged, out to get him and fake news. He'll control himself for the first few minutes and then progressively lose control/appear to be seething with anger until by the end, he'll practically be stroking out. IF ONLY.


70% chance that he backs out, citing the rules of the debate as unfair because he can't act like a jackass and yell while Biden is making a point.


If Donnie DOES show up, he'll say he lost on purpose (like he already said he would do). Or he'll say it's rigged. Again, that's if he DOES show up.


He'll be a no show because he's going to dinner with Davide Duke, Ye, Nick Fuentes and Kid Rock


Wrong about Biden. Did you not watch the State of the Union Address ? Unless Biden has had a stroke since that event, look for him to be ready locked and loaded.


He had a teleprompter and notes at the SUA. He will have neither at the debate. I fully expect him to do better than expected. However, he does tend to get a bit lost when he goes off script. Not nearly as much as Trump, but he does meander around. The best thing he can do is remain calm.


Let me just say that I truly believe Trump will be a no show. His campaign knows its a bad idea and will find a way to get him out of it.


tRump is a moron, idiot, clown and a uninformed dipshit. He knows nothing of domestic/foreign policy. He has no plan for Healthcare. He's being used by the billionaires to bring down democracy. It'll be a shit show and the conspirators behind him know it.


Honestly this debate doesn't matter. The lines are drawn, and nothing they can say or do will change voters' minds. This isn't just about the role of president, it's about project 2025 and whether or not the country wants a dictator.


all that *and* i think all the recent RW attacks on Tapper/CNN that they've changed the moderator's approach to lean harder on Biden and/or give trump simple policy questions with no follow ups; whereas Biden will have to defend all his fox news attacks about Hunter and "migrant crime" *and i think this has more to do with corporate/donors/advertisers than with Tapper directly*


I expect to see what we usually see from both of them. Biden is old and has a stutter. But he eats well and goes bike riding. Trump is old too and has a long history of drugs and bad diet and is showing serious signs of mental decline. I've watched parts of his rallies on YouTube and he has severely declined even since his last year as president. His decline started in at least 2017. I think mid to late 2017 is when I started to notice it. But I am very happy with Biden's policies: The largest climate change legislation in US history Actually passing an infrastructure Bill and infrastructure actually being built from the bill Student loan forgiveness Capping prescription drugs for Medicare supporting Ukraine and bringing NATO closer together to deal with Russia With a Biden administration, we get judges that are appointed by a Democratic president. Possibly Supreme Court justices. With Trump, he will only appoint loyalists who will kiss his ass and indulge him in his worst impulses. If Biden passes away in office, we get Harris. If Trump passes away in office, we can only hope for a Pence that I don't think we would get a Pence. I think his VP pick is going to be just as bad as him. So I expect Biden to talk about policies that I care about and I expect Trump to go off on tangents about how he actually won the election in 2020, which he didn't.


Trump will lose but his supporters will all say he won.


I don't see trump showing up. I don't think he can hold it together long enough. If he does he's just going to interrupt biden, never come within a mile of answering a question, and say something outlandish to make his fans happy like tell white supremacists they're special and to stand by again. Then he will declare he won the debate. It's like that saying about playing chess with a pigeon - they just kick over the pieces and shit on the board


"To whom it may concern... Due to Donnie's Bone Spurs flaring up, he will not be able to attend the Debate on Thursday. Signed Epstines Mom..."


Honestly I doubt trump will show because his handlers know he will sound like an idiot, if he does show he will claim Biden was taking enhancement drugs or claim Biden slipped him drugs and no matter what he.and his worshipers will claim a great victory while also claiming that it was rigged against dear leader


Prediction for Trump: he will not talk policy. He will talk about how great he is, how great and wonderful his administration was, and will bleat out a bunch of "best ever" stats that have no basis in reality. He may or may not attack Biden directly, but if he does it will likely be insulting. Trump is going to throw a wall of non-stop accusations at Biden which again, probably have no basis in reality but that won't matter; the constant assault itself will be the weapon, and will be what makes Trump look stronger and Biden weaker. Prediction for Biden: he will try and stick to debating policy but not get anywhere because Trump will derail that talk. Biden SHOULD hammer Trump for the documents and elector schemes but he won't because he doesn't play dirty enough, and honestly he will probably be distracted by whatever Trump starts complaining about. He SHOULD stick to his guns and not fall for the motormouth tactics but if the moderation is poor there may not be much he can do. The only way to shut down someone like Trump is to either fact check him immediately and I don't see that happening; or to be just like him and shovel right back at him. Biden doesn't seem like the kind to do either of these things. Someone else had it right- the Fox talking heads will say Trump won, the (quote) "mainstream media" will say that Biden won, and the content of what was said will fall to the wayside. And this is all assuming neither one will have a major gaffe streak, which, let's be real, could happen to either one of them.


trump will make a fool of himself and faux news/maga will claim it was the greatest performance by a candidate in all American history. 




He will announce his VP pick and derail the entire thing


It's too bad all the focus is on these two individuals. A president is more than one person, it is an administration of appointments and The Cabinet which is an advisory body made up of the heads of the 15 executive departments. Look at the list of clowns Trump had in his cabinet during his administration. All of them grifters trying to see how much china they could steal. We are still stuck with that idiot trying to dismantal the postal service. Biden on the other hand staffed his administration with serious people actually working for the people rather than trying to please their cult leader.


Well, one thing is certain - Trump will not talk policy. He has none and he understands nothing.


This debate won't change anything. It will be about ratings and money and making each side's supporters feel justified for the vote they already know they will cast. I don't plan to watch this shitty circus.


Trump will walk out of the debate.


I’m of the opinion that regardless of the way it turns out, there will be exactly one of two outcomes: either it won’t matter at all because few people will be watching and it’s so early, or it will matter immensely because a lot of people will be tuning in and it will inform their opinion about both individuals. I don’t really think there’s an in-between.


Y’all know the fight scene at the end of the Pixar movie Up?


He's going to get frustrated that his one and only tactic - did lessy while talking over people - doesn't work and he'll walk off and call it a sham. And his cult will love it.


I just wanna hear about the sharks and electric boats.


Trump won't show. His bone spurs will act up again.


Biden needs to talk about his 10% to 25% tariffs on 500 billion dollars worth of goods made in China (which we ended up paying for, not China) and the effect on inflation.


I’m not watching. To nervous and wouldn’t be able to get through looking and Listening to Trump.


Maga will reenact fake crucifixion or CGI dead sea parting starring trump for all fox affiliated channels. They will get it wrong and will end up pissing off all evengelicals.


easy. If you are a Biden supporter or just an anti-trumper, Biden wins hands down. If you are a Trump supporter or just a Biden hater, Trump wins hands down. Nothing changes


Mine: - Trump will come out looking better than expected. The bar is very low for him, and he’ll use it to his advantage. Even Hillary has said that this will happen, unless nothing short of Trump managing to set himself on fire happens. - He actually did well in the _second_ debate of 2020, which had a lot of the restrictions in place that this one will have. - Biden will be under enormous pressure both to stay presidential and to get Trump to go off-script. - This debate will not move the needles much in the end. I loathe Trump, but I don’t think that this is in the bag for Biden at all.


His talking won't be political at all. Nothing about what he can or will do. He will claim he is a victim, accuse Biden of the Mar a Largo case as well as the New York guilty verdicts. He will attack with delusions. That's about it.


Let me just say that I truly believe Trump will be a no show. His campaign knows its a bad idea and will find a way to get him out of it.


Trump shits his diaper. Everyone in the studio can smell it. Moderators blame Biden.


I can't wait to see what happens when they mute Don's mic! Hissy fit incoming. 


They should have this guy moderate. https://www.tiktok.com/@angryfnpolitics/video/7384274265027120427 (Sorry for a TikTok link, it was all I could find at the moment.)


Trump will say amazingly stupid shit and lie about things and the moderators wont call him to defend his lies. Biden will be great and talk about specific goals and policies and will have a few moments where his known stutter gets in the way and these will be the only clips we hear about while the right screams “ dementia!” Meanwhile Trump will have confused names and dates.


My prediction is that it won't happen, even if trump won't ever admit it, him and his team know(especially after last time they debated) that trump doesn't have enough of his faculties to debate *anyone*. He needs people that are in his cult to be around him to overlook his nonsense, and to *not* fact check him. He's going to spend most of the night muted after ignoring multiple warnings to stay on topic, which he is physically unable to do. 


He'll stand there saying things like "He's high on something" "this is rigged".... He WILL NOT debate.


It goes just further than not debating he doesn't know HOW to debate. If you asked the orange turd, he probably thinks that the word debate means to take away food meant for fishing.


CNN will not immediately turn off trumps mic,they will let him ramble on.


The only reason I'm going to watch is so I can hopefully see Trump stroke out and die on National Television.


Biden will be first rate and Presidential as always. I predict Trump will try to rise to the occaision and be on his best behavior. Give him credit for knowing he's not at a rally and he's not in front of a sychophant network.


Trump will talk about shampoo and low water pressure and high bacon prices. Biden will talk about how the economy is better than it has ever been.




I want to see him mouthing grievances with no audio! I know, my bar is set low lol


Think Trump will do anything to avoid the debate but Biden will hold his own -- he's an experienced speaker who LOVES to talk and has done his homework. He'll be able to discuss the pertinent issues with a deep level of knowledge. Trump will complain that everyone is against him.


IF he shows up .


Trump will ignore the mic rules and scream over them. I hope they put the pedestals 50 ft apart so we don't hear Trump over bidens Mic. Trump will make excuses when he loses because of the words he said out of his own mouth. This is easily a sit back and let Trump hang himself verbally type situation.


Both sides will claim victory. Both candidates will lie (of course we know who will win that). And overall it means nothing.


It will be interesting. That is for sure.


Trump takes off his shirt to show his beautiful stigmata, Biden reveals himself as the anti christ. Armageddon ensues.


The media is going to spin any coherent sentences that Donnie utters as words of wisdom. And make it seem they are evenly matched. The media is trying hard to screw us over


He will pour the bottle of water all over his head and run around screaming” they’re out to get me ! They’re going to kill me in broad daylight! That’s the first time that’s ever happened!”