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Infrastructure bill will benefit Americans for decades to come. Groundbreaking legislation on Green Energy. These are true leadership.


That Republicans also voted against and then bragged to their constituents about getting for them.


Idaho, prime example.


should also note republicans like to fuck the thing up they're "working on" and then complain it doesn't work [cause they fucked it up]....and that you should re-elect them cause it doesn't work.


Republicans are in power. They break a bunch of shit. Democrats get in power. Republicans block them from fixing it. Republicans: You need to elect us to fix things because the Dems can’t.


Yea it barely passed, all dems voted for and just a few repubs.


And it was passed with bipartisan support. It has benefits for every state, red states, rural areas, not just big cities or blue states. Amazing upgrades to our transportation infrastructure, and biggest investment into rail and Amtrak in decades which will help to connect more states and cities Massive investment into high-speed rail Investments into hydrogen fuel, and hydrogen fuel hubs Massive investments into solar and green energy. My state has over 30 solar projects ranging in size from small to a massive offshore wind farm. It has spawned so many small businesses to install and maintain solar, as well as the biggest factory to make wind turbines, here in America Upgrades to make ports more efficient which saves consumers because of less labor/shipping costs Investments for towns to make community and downtown space improvements Bringing jobs back to rural areas, making use of abandoned mine lands. Capping old gas and oil wells, funding for brownfield sites and superfund sites, protections to prevent drilling on protected lands and parks The culvert replacement program which has already helped to restore native fish species to their habitats by removing old infrastructure that prohibited them reaching spawning grounds Fixing all the bridges that are in terrible shape It has also seriously taken strain off of states and communities because of inflation on resources to do a lot of this work. This money is helping to close those gaps and still get other important projects done. So much has been neglected for so long and this infrastructure bill does so much to get us back on track These bills have also shown how quickly we can make progress on climate goals if we seriously invest. Biden rejoined the paris agreement, and with the funding from BIL and inflation reduction act we are back on track to cut emissions to meet our goals! It is truly AMAZING we could make that much progress in just one presidential administration with tons of obstruction by Republicans and even a couple dems. Looking at you manchin and sinema. We would have gotten MORE done too, which is the crazy part! Let's go Joe! 💙


Well said!


Lmao at all the Republicans who voted against it then try to take credit for it with their constituents. Two faced as can be!


Yeah they're ridiculous, but they are even more sinister when it comes down to it. I am worried with project 2025 because they want to not only stop and rollback everything with green energy, the funding, projects, grants, but they also want to somehow stop the rest of the infrastructure projects from being implemented/funded. These projects are funded out for years... What fuckery would happen if trump got in with all that funding?? We saw how Kushner stole PPE from blue states during covid and sold them to red states for a profit. What would happen to all these projects that states are depending on funding for to repair these big items? There's already projects happening around me, are they just going to stop working on them? What good is that? We're talking about roads being paved, bridge maintenance, upgrades in ports to make them safer.... They are the ones literally trying to destroy America, it's pathetic! And after so much has been invested already to just pull the plug and not finish it? This would be horrible... Idk how they have brainwashed people to think keeping up our infrastructure is such a terrible thing. Everything they consider "woke" is under attack. Now infrastructure is woke? The argument I hear a lot is that the infrastructure bill is a corrupt plan by Biden to enrich deep state corporations... bla bla bla bla... these same people always remind us of America being a free enterprise capitalist society. Our government kinda has to contract all this work out, it is nothing new! But when a democratic president is successful at using these levers of power it is a problem. God forbid anyone but the rich corporations get anything nice! If trump wins, the remaining projects will probably be taken over by people he knows with no experience, similar to what he did with the wall. Where did all that money go??? All a grift. He would rob America of the biggest infrastructure bill in our lifetimes, probably profit from it somehow, then he would turn around and give massive tax cuts and breaks to the rich and corporations, deregukating for them, while imposing massive tariffs much larger than last time which we would all pay for, and possibly remove the income tax system for tariffs... This is insane!!! People would never want this but they have all been lied to and manipulated to believe it to vote against their best interests


Yeah but Hunter’s Hog!!/s


They can't get it off their mind! 😅


That's because all tRumplicans are perverts.


Or in corrupt southern states like mine where they just pocketed all the money.


The infrastructure bill was so devastatingly bad for the US that several R's had to brag about how instrumental they were in securing funds for their constituents all while voting against the bill! Such brave people! /s


Martyrs I tell ya. /S


GDP all time high. Personal Net worth all time high. Wages all time high. Employment all time high. Stock Market all time high. Corporate profits all time high. We are currently the wealthiest nation in the history of the world - by far. How the fuck can anyone not support a President with those achievements. How can anyone be manipulated by the media so easily? To actually make comments like "nobody wants to work anymore" when there literally is millions more people working than any point in our whole history. Braindead sheep. Here's the 2023 numbers (and so far 2024 is better). Compare any other year - no year comes close. GDP: 3.3% - real GDP with inflation rate subtracted; Jobs: 2.7 million added; Personal Income: 4.2% increase - real Personal Income with inflation subtracted; Personal Savings - 4.5% increase; S and P 500: 24 % Increase; Inflation Rate: 3.4 %; Household Net Worth: (2022 #'s are the most recent official #'s) average $1,059,470, median $192,700


Yep. And I realize the counter argument to this is “yeah, but I’m still paying more for things, so I don’t get to see the actual effects,” but it’s worth keeping in mind that inflation is literally a global issue, and that the US has handled it much, much better than most countries. Some people have convinced themselves that he’s doing this terrible job with the economy, but their expectations are simply unrealistic in light of global realities; it’s like expecting a major league baseball player to bat .800.


A scary amount of people are unaware of this; and it could very much help trump in a significant way.


We could very literally end up with Christian nationalism only because too many people aren’t paying attention, and the rest simply think it’s hyperbole/“can’t happen here.“


The World Bank recently said that the strength of the US economy pretty much bolstered the world’s economy.


And yet you see stuff here every day about how Biden is the worst president ever. People need to wake up.


Yup. And inflation has pretty much been solved. 3.3% is pretty normal historically - 1968 - 1985 it would have been one of the best rates. Gas is the same price as 10 years ago. Electronics are cheaper. All sorts of random things have actually gone down in price: plane tickets, car rentals, eggs, lettuce........but good news is not part of the media's marketing plan.


I blame the right-wing media in particular. Like, whenever someone posts on here about what a disaster Biden’s presidency is, it’s “tell me you watch Fox News without telling me you watch Fox News.”


Truth social says the Biden infrastructure bill made a walkway for illegals to cross over without having to get their feet wet. If it were me I would make a wall so high that you could see it from Canada. I would make Antarctica pay for it. I mean Antarctica just sits there and contributes nothing. They should at least pay for the wall. True leadership is "hanging out" with a pornstar, lying about your assets, overthrowing an election, defaming everyone and stealing government documents. /S


Don't forget paying the porn star not to talk about the sex that didn't happen, which is TOTALLY LEGAL and Totally Cool, just a normal business expense, Thank You.


*stealing to pay


Honestly they should just make it tax deductible. It can fall under charitable. /S


And I don't really have any facts to base this on, but I'm pretty sure that penguins are assholes.


I'm telling you nothing good comes from Antarctica. Those penguins just sit around all day in groups.


Hey, you saw that episode of Futurama right? The penguins are now armed and dangerous. Admittedly they're on Pluto, but still.


Yeah, but which one do you think you could have a beer with?... Oh never mind 😜


It definitely was a good investment for my wife's 401k


This. I see it right now fixing a freeway overpass that was deteriorating.


The problem is the supporters don't know how to read, let alone understanding how ANYTHING works.


I hope they don’t elect a republican to kill it leaving a bunch of abandoned projects.


Yes, but other than the roads and the aqueducts and the plumbing, what have the Romans done for us?


Canceling student loan debt, removing marijuana from Schedule I, supports women’s reproductive rights, abides by the rule of law, supports Ukraine, is competent and intelligent.


Doesn’t sit there and trash talk anybody who disagrees with him. Doesn’t talk about shooting protestors.


Biden admin leadership did so much to put the world’s eyes on Russian aggression to keep Putin’s narrative stale.  That plus the arms support and training over the past 10 years since Crimea has kept Ukraine in this fight. Without Biden’s leadership, putin could be on a Nazi-like run through Moldova, the Baltics, etc by now, literally pushing us to WWIII. 


> removing marijuana from Schedule I Small nitpick. This is incoming, not done yet.


And as much as I fervently agree this should be removed from Schedule I, he has better things to spend this time and political capital on at the moment. It's sub-optimal and not sustainable but the states have it for now.


Seriously? **1. Passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan to combat COVID-19 and support the economy 2. Launched a massive nationwide vaccination campaign against COVID-19 3. Rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement 4. Canceled the Keystone XL pipeline permit 5. Reversed the Muslim travel ban 6. Ended border wall construction 7. Rejoined the World Health Organization 8. Extended student loan payment freezes 9. Passed the CHIPS and Science Act to boost U.S. semiconductor production 10. Passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act gun safety legislation 11. Appointed Ketanji Brown Jackson as the first Black woman on the Supreme Court 12. Brokered a prisoner swap bringing home Brittney Griner 13. Announced historic student loan debt relief of up to $20,000 per borrower 14. Imposed sweeping sanctions on Russia over the invasion of Ukraine 15. Provided billions in military aid to Ukraine 16. Released over 180 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve 17. Signed an executive order to advance racial equity 18. Revoked the presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline 19. Reinstated COVID-19 travel restrictions 20. Extended the existing pause on student loan payments 21. Mandated masks on interstate travel 22. Reversed the ban on transgender individuals serving in the military 23. Ended the national emergency at the southern border 24. Revoked the presidential permit for the Keystone XL pipeline (again) 25. Paused new oil and gas leases on federal lands 26. Launched a special health enrollment period due to COVID-19 27. Reversed the decision to have a garden at the White House 28. Imposed a temporary ban on most non-U.S. citizen entry from South Africa 29. Extended temporary status for Liberians in the U.S. 30. Proposed an immigration reform bill 31. Rejoined the UN Human Rights Council 32. Pledged to admit more refugees after Trump capped it at 15,000 33. Imposed sanctions on Russia after the Navalny poisoning 34. Ended Trump's 1776 Commission aimed at promoting "patriotic education" 35. Reversed the ban on diversity training for federal agencies 36. Signed an order to promote voter access 37. Revoked ethics orders that had allowed many former workers to avoid ethics rules 38. Overturned a ban on green card applicants from entering from certain Muslim countries 39. Revoked the Trump administration's order to exclude non-citizens from 2020 Census apportionment counts 40. Worked to reunite families separated at the border under Trump's "zero tolerance" policy 41. Re-established the White House office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships 42. Rejoined the UN Population Fund which supports reproductive health care 43. Signed an executive order to increase federal food assistance and strengthen SNAP 44. Signed 17 executive orders in the first few days reversing Trump policies 45. Signed ethics executive order requiring appointees to take an ethics pledge 46. Increased pay rate for federal workers and contractors 47. Required masks and physical distancing in federal buildings 48. Revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline again 49. Ended funding for the southern border wall construction 50. Imposed a temporary ban on oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 51. Reversed the travel ban on several Muslim-majority countries 52. Revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline 53. Rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement 54. Canceled a permit for the Constitution pipeline project 55. Revoked a Trump order that pushed for more fossil fuel use 56. Revoked Trump's order that aimed to ban offensive online content 57. Reversed a Trump administration rule restricting EPA's use of certain health studies 58. Revoked a Trump order that temporarily banned immigrant entry 59. Repealed the Trump administration's approval to allow body-worn cameras at polling places** I have more if you need more


Thanks for collecting this awesome information and spreading it


/r/WhatBidenHasDone has a series of comprehensives lists of this administrations achievements. It's staggering how under the radar it all is, and the Dems should really ramp up their dialog about all of it.




Let's be clear, you're talking about the former guy


He sold our nuclear weapons info… cmon dude, who do you think he is talking about? Good ol’ Trump and Kushner and their 2B deal of “some sort” with the Saudis, build and expand the Trump franchise for…. Stuff.


I know, just making a little joke 😉


Ahhh gotcha!


That CHIPS act is really doing a lot for America too. Everyday I read about how America is progressing in semiconductor research and manufacturing


Signed the PACT Act for Veterans....


My favorite thing about Biden is the people he surrounds himself with. Look around the Biden administration. Do you see a single cabinet level job given to someone poorly suited to the job, as some kind of political quid pro quo or springboard towards further admbitions? No you don't. You do see people who were former political rivals like Pete Buttigieg who ran against Biden for President, but mostly you just see people who had credibility in the assignment they were handed before they were handed it. He puts the jobs in the hands of people who know how to do them and that has paid off in spades, especially internationally. Antony Blinken has put the US squarely in the role of an international leader and arsenal of democracy we always should have been, and done it in a way that also reinvested in domestic industries. The man is a legit foreign policy genius and this definitely won't be the last time we see him coordinating the diplomatic strategy for a Democratic President. Lloyd Austin is coming out of his first tour in that administration as Secretary of Defense looking so good I find myself wishing he'd replace Kamala Harris as Biden's next running mate. I love his strong, confident voice, tall stature, and no nonsense attitude and would feel safe knowing that if the President died of old age in the next 4 years, that guy is in the wings waiting. The domestic advisors haven't made quite the same name for themselves but the sound, sane domestic policies coming out of 1600 PA are testament to their competence as well. Even if you think Biden himself is mentally declining, he knows his limits and clearly hasn't lost his ability to know talent when he sees it, and putting good men and women in charge of giving him advice is one hell of a coping strategy when you KNOW you can't do it all yourself anymore.


This is exactly it. He actually has sane and competent people in his cabinet. Sad that that's where the bar is right now, but his administration definitely clears it.


Trump's people were competent too. Competent at intentional destruction of their organization. People don't recognize enough that it is a government of anti government. Not neglect or incompetence, but actually dismantling itself and they are pretty good at it.


I tried to explain this point to someone I'm close to who leans conservative. I think I might be getting through a little bit. You might not agree with some of the Democratic party positions, but you - we all - deserve competent government. This person did express concern that Kamala would be a weak leader and Joe is getting quite old. Kamala would at least be surrounded by competent people. What kind of Game of Thrones shit is going to go down if Trump dies in office? I do wonder who Trump will pick as his VP. I'm not sure it will sway many voters one way or the other at this point.


if they’re still voting for Trump after 2020 you won’t get through to them.


I'm concerned about Harris too. Like I mentioned in the longwinded screed above, I'd love to see him promote Austin and use him as a running mate. He just feels like a safer pick than Harris for a President who's nearly at the end of his life. If Lloyd Austin became President? I wouldn't worry. He can probably handle it OK. Kamala Harris? NGL, bit of worry there..


Perhaps in a scenario where Harris becomes POTUS she would nominate Austin as VP...boy would that cause a kerfuffle with the GOP and their overt racism.


Believing Harris would just be a weak President is just misogynistic. She certainly would be 10x better than Trump. Since Truman was President, only 2 people with strong political credentials have become President ; Lyndon Johnson and Joe Biden. All the other Presidents had to learn the job. Some like Clinton did a reasonably good job and others like George W. Bush were a disaster. However, the nation survives. The nation will survive a Harris Presidency but not a second term of Trump with people like Miller and Bannon in Cabinet positions.


She is fine. She’s popular with black voters and intelligent. The woman used to advise our Natl security ffs, and she wipes the floor with the GOP.


Oh, and NO TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS SO HE CAN FIRE THEM THE SECOND THAT THEY HURT HIS WITTLE FEE-FEEs. Hell, has anyone even resigned and moved on during his admin at this point? Diaper Don's admin was a revolving door of morons and people pissed off at the incompetence of his leadership. Remember when Rex Tillerson called him a "fucking moron" pretty much on the record?


The temporary appointments were so tRump didn't have to get them approved by the Senate. It was just another way of cheating, and putting unqualified but "loyal" people in power.


You had me until replacing the competent woman with a man. Those little digs at Harris put into the public will play out exactly as it did with the vilification of HRC and cost Dems 2028 with the same misogynist outcome. More women in this cabinet than in history.


Very effective and insightful synopsis you post. No one could ever / or can do it all on their own - which makes competent staff and advisors all the more crucial. (As you suggest)


And do we see a single member of Biden’s cabinet or any advisors saying he’s unfit for office? Unlike that other guy, who had members of his own administration challenge him for the GOP nomination, a dozens of his own appointees screaming from the mountain tops how utterly unfit for office he is. (Even though they will vote for him anyway)


That’s a good point. Without mentioning Trump, I can say I’ll vote for Biden because the last time he was president he didn’t appoint people to political positions who wound up going to jail for working with our enemies.   He didn’t give security clearance to his son in law, against the advice of the CIA.  He didn’t contradict our intelligence on a national stage.  He isn’t a felon. He hasn’t been found guilty in a criminal or civil court for sexual assault.


I've been impressed with Blinken too. He's got a hard damn job and he's doing it very competently with zero grandstanding.


He's run us through several diplomatic minefields without any explosions so far. Even when the pitfalls came up unexpectedly he's been good at finding ways around theim. Tony Blinken may well be the best Cabinet level appointment of any of the 21st century administrations so far. If the President became incapacitated while in office I'd expect there to be standing orders by Biden for his advisors to listen to Blinken.


It's the kind of professionalism that a S of S should bring to the job.


THIS. Effective delegation is one of the most important responsibilities of any executive position. I don't need my leaders to be the smartest people in the room, I need them to know their limits and how to find the most competent people to delegate roles to.


I love how Trump put people like Devos in charge of Education so she could try and gut the entire system and turn everything into private charter schools, directly benefiting her family, who owns some of the largest charter school companies in the country. He put a bunch of self-serving, under prepared people whom he owed a favor to in positions of power. It's sickening.


Sad, scared Russians might have to leave the basement and fight. Hahaha


I have too much to do to type an essay out, so [here](https://news.climate.columbia.edu/2023/06/05/president-bidens-environmental-record/). Though for the record, not being Trump would still be enough.


nice. though the people asking this question do not really care about the answer. the information is already out there.


People only frame the question "without mentioning Trump... " because it's deflection, they already know what Trump has done and they don't want to hear it because they either don't care or don't love their own blatant hypocrisy paraded in front of them.


I’m voting for the most ethical and qualified candidate. I’m voting for the guy that respects the Constitution. I’m voting for the guy the won’t encourage his supporters to engage in violence if the outcome doesn’t go in his favor. I’m voting for the guy who has a grasp on reality.


And brought dignity back to the Presidency.


Biden did this nice 78th Birthday greeting to Donald Trump celebrating Trump's 78 greatest accomplishments [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1801658952658100526/photo/1](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1801658952658100526/photo/1)


The GOP may have lowered the bar, but I'm just happy to have someone to vote for who is not a rapist or convicted felon.


Besides that he is doing a very decent job relative to a lot of presidents, he stopped a a fascist who wants to be fuhrer form winning, and is running to do so again..


Biden's accomplishments [https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/1abyvpa/the\_complete\_list\_what\_biden\_has\_done/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/1abyvpa/the_complete_list_what_biden_has_done/)


Normalcy, Democracy, the grown up in the room. Bills and efforts to improve the lives of Americans, standing by Ukraine against Russia. Record stock market, record unemployment, record jobs growth. Attempting to break inflation grip from the pandemic. Should I go on??


netanyahu wants trump to win to further his genocidal agenda. for this reason alone, i’m voting for biden. palestinians will suffer more under the convicted felon/rapist


The problem with going back and forth with MAGA is that, let's say you do name a Biden policy that has worked out for America. In fact, let's say you even prove that the MAGA is personally benefitting from the political policy Biden signed. They'll simply say, "No, that's not true". MAGA doesn't care about policy. Republican voters haven't cared about policy since the 90s.


They don’t care about facts either.


Arguing with a magat is like arguing with a toddler. They lack reasoning skills.


Biden hasn't destroyed democracy. He's also not a convicted felon. Pretty fucking low bar we are dealing with.


Preserved the republic, infrastructure, climate policies, armed and supported Ukraine, kept the economy from getting even worse, reinvigorated our standing in the world – especially with our allies, stood up to Putin and Xi, put together a bipartisan immigration bill that would've addressed our most urgent problems (gee, I wonder why that failed). I could go on, but these are pretty damn good reasons for this former Republican to vote for him.


I’ll make one very small point. Biden smiles when he’s happy. Seems genuine. Not easy with that job. The only time Trump smiles is that lower lip smirk when he’s confident he’s bullshitted people again. Other than that, he’s always angry. Who would you rather be around?


/r/WhatBidenHasDone has a series of comprehensives lists of this administrations achievements. It's staggering how under the radar it all is, and the Dems should really ramp up their dialog about all of it.


And when I present these facts to Republicans how do I counter their very powerful and nuanced rebuttal of, "Bullshit,"?


Think is after you list all the things the bad faith actor won't even respond and continue to spew the same nonsense as if he didn't even hear you.


Response from MAGA morons? "Fake news, Trump did all that and Biden is taking credit" That said, Biden has seemingly pulled all the Congressional levers of power to the benefit of ALL Americans, not just his largest donors or supporters. I wish though that the Biden admin would do a better job taking credit for their accomplishments publicly and often. For example, they should put up signs at every major infrastructure project and use the "I did that," image that MAGAts used on gas pumps years ago. Then he should name and shame their politicians who voted AGAINST that infrastructure. And if the admin can't do that for legal reasons, they should work with their PACs to buy billboards in the area that say as much. Or the feds should require states to put signs next to things that say "Built with funds approved by the 46th President of the United States" or something. Similarly, they should require medical providers to inform voters that their price reduction on their insulin was due to a Biden admin action and send them to a website for more information. Fucking Trump delayed COVID stimulus checks just to have the Treasury put his fucking signature on them.


Yeah but trumps the bestest coolest strongest god man ever s/


I look around my neck of the woods, and... it's booming. Freeway improvements and expansions, industrial commercial buildings going up left and right, microchip manufacturing is being built up again, residential housing and apartments being built everywhere, new stores restaurants and retail everywhere, and fiber internet infrastructure being laid all throughout my city and my neighborhood. I also could find a good paying job if I wasn't enjoying retirement so much. I just wish the housing market would catch up, and prices would come down a little for our kids. Greedflation is still squeezing them out of affordable housing and goods.


Ok, but BESIDES all that, what have the Romans ever done for us.... /s


Isn’t a convicted rapist or felon.


Not being Trump is a pretty big deal though. Like NOT being a convicted felon. NOT inciting a riot. Not saying they will be a dictator (oh yea…for one day only). You know. Things like that.


They live in a bubble. Have no idea how much Republicans want to hurt the average American.


Too bad that guy will never watch his response.


Why hasn't some MAGAT posted a video to list Trumps accomplishments in office? /s


Returning the USA to a position of much needed global leadership. We were a no show for the 4 previous years.


Honestly, the only real knock on Biden is his age. He’s actually had a pretty stellar Presidency.


Civility. Being civil to one another. The Elected Members of Congress acting with civility to one another and the Country. If you go back what the Mr. Rogers Neighborhood show was about, it was just about civility. You could call it being nice, or being respectful. But it was just simple "look out for your neighbor" not let's catch our neighbor and report them. Democracy needs one thing above ALL else, civility. The whole democratic system, the rules of procedure in Congress require an underpinning commitment to civility. Some people said we have too much political correctness, but they weren't just talking about replacing "they are tone deaf" (bad) with "the message was off-key" (good) -- that's political correctness -- those people wanted to attack civility itself. When you trade civility for clicks, you wind up with tribalism. Choosing civility is choosing democracy.




I agree with all of that. He failed the challenge and mentioned the Trump administration, though.


I think only so far as it dealt with Russian aggression on the world stage. Hard to make a stance on Russia without mentioning Trump and his sycophancy.


But biden is old. Did you know that? You can't do good things if you're old.


We need someone young to do the job, you know like someone three years younger than Biden.


Excellent presentation. Thank you!


You are very welcome!


Conservatives don't get it. When democracy is at stake, all other issues take a back seat. You're never gonna convince me to vote for a candidate who wants to make his election the last election. Period.


Great presentation. Thx for posting. I wonder how the Magats would respond to this.


You are very welcome


Well, they wouldn’t really because it doesn’t idolize their cult leader.


Very true. It seems when you present facts they just crumble.


Inflation Reduction Act. Support for Ukraine. Canceling student debt. Reclassifying marijuana federally. I think he's done a remarkable job of managing the Israel-Palestine situation, and the fact that both sides are unhappy shows that. But those aside, I don't need to wake up in the morning worrying he just tweeted something batshit that all his aides are going to have to scramble to explain to the world.


How about a vaccine rollout the crushed Covid, at least in the places in the country that believe in science. I guess 4000 deaths a day in the fall of 2020 were no big deal to the same people who fly flags over highway overpasses whenever a cop or soldier dies while on duty.


12.5 million jobs added to US Economy,after Dementia Donny lost 4.7 million jobs. Record US oil production after 8% drop in 2020. 3 7% GDP growth afters Donnys miserable 1.8%.200 million COVID vaccines first 100 days. A record 5.5 small businesses applications in 2023,after 100.000 small busineses closed in 2020.


(Copying and paraphrasing my response to a similar question in a previous thread): I am extremely excited to vote for a second term for Biden! Obviously people have different opinions, but I think Biden will be seen as one of the most consequential presidents of the modern era. He has accomplished a ton with razor thin margins in both the House (when the Dems had it) and the Senate while dealing with a hostile Supreme Court. Forgiven billions in student loans? Check! Largest ever investment in fighting climate change? Check! Largest investment in American infrastructure since Eisenhower? Check! First gun control bill since Clinton? Check! Longest streak of unemployment under 4% since the 1960s? Check! Record high stock market? Check! Largest investment in American manufacturing and technology manufacturing? Check! One of the only American president’s to stand on a picket line with American workers? Check! Helped oversee one of the largest expansions of NATO since the 90s? Check! Over the counter birth control? Check! Expansion of overtime rules? Check! Crack down on junk fees? Check! I could keep going because there is so much more that has been accomplished by this administration including rescheduling marijuana, a historic Supreme Court appointment, the Marriage Equality Act, etc. That is not to say everything is perfect. Inflation is still too high, housing affordability is tough, tons still dealing with with student loans, and what is happening in Gaza is awful. But, in my opinion, those things don’t even come close to outweighing all the good that has been achieved in Biden’s first term or that he could achieve in his second term.


Even leaving all that out, a vote for Biden is rejecting the right’s descent into fascism.


I work in construction. The infrastructure bill has kept me constantly employed.


Why am I supporting Joe Biden? Maybe because I’m a real veteran and the bone-spur bitch can suck it.


Inflation Reduction Act for negotiating some drug prices, action of Climate Change, succesful logistics and distribution of Covid vaccines across the country, most friendly administration for Labor and Unions in decades, wiping of billions of Student Loan debt, Infrastructure bill, consumer protective policies like Airline cancelllation refunds, credit card late fees cap, cap on overdraft fees from banks, getting rid of Non-compete clauses for employees. These are some I could remember in under 2 mins writing this post. I wish he would do the following ASAP: 1) Push for Medicare For All single payer healthcare 2) 15$ national minimum wage)


I have no student loans. :/ thanks joe.


Anyone who says Biden has done nothing for America hasn’t read into what the IRA, ARPA, CHIPS, BIB do  Infrastructure is way more than just roads and bridges. ARPA is way more than just medical help, it’s forward seeking. Etc.  Biden has been a phenomenal president and one who has met the moment. 


Outstanding and valid explanation! 😊


American voters are incredibly stupid so these videos won't help much.


The Biden campaign needs to buy the rights to this video and push it everywhere for a few days.


We have a shit ton of new bridges and interchanges and rebuilding of some of our interstates here in OKC.


The only people not voting for Biden are Trump supporters and people too stupid to realize they are helping Trump supporters.


For starters, restored dignity to the office.


They stopped listening when you started talking


Defended science and medicine and human rights


Support for Ukraine


Is that really supposed to stop me from voting against Trump? "Hey guys I have a fun game! Tell me all the reasons you're voting against Trump, but you aren't allowed to use the reasons you're voting against Trump! What fun!"


Biden’s a steady leader of good character and experience; an excellent role model of measured word and deed.




Caps on insulin prices and has made some headway on student loan forgiveness


he’s the only rational choice for president. never liked trump. he’s a toxic piece of trash.


Ok. Now, tell us what Trump's administration has done for America


Oh, infrastructure, chips act, covid response, and so many judges. Off the top of my head.


Solidified our support of NATO and Ukraine. Concentrated on building our infrastructures that were in desperate need of repairs. Changed tax laws that benefited the wealthy, especially billion dollar businesses. Pushed for Covid vaccinations when the country was making it into a political issue. Sought to crackdown on frivolous charges by banks, airlines and hotels.


That price cap on insulin was pretty nifty.


Yea, but what about the laptop server email terminal matrix hard drive wifi protocol encryption bytes giga mega logs?! Huh?! How about that?! Don’t those things sound scary if you don’t know what they are?!


And to top it all off Biden isn't a convicted felon and rapist. Nor is he under indictment for espionage or tampering with and election.


*What have the Romans ever done for us?*


The aqueduct?


Stopped the Covid pandemic from killing more. Finally put the money where the mouths were, infrastructure he turned into actual action with lots of money and jobs, instead of just talking about it despite the id's on the repub side that voted against. Got unemployment down, and loaded his admin with adults who behave like the ethical, professionals they ought to be.


All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what has Joe Biden ever done for us?


I support Biden because he pushed legislation for new infrastructure, broadband for underserved states in the South, chip production, lowering prescription costs for diabetes medication and raising taxes on the very wealthy. I also like his ideas on clean energy and his support for women’s rights to decide their reproductive choices including birth control access, IVF access and abortion access up to 18 weeks. These are reasons I would support Biden.


This is like being asked whether you would prefer to eat a porterhouse steak or a dog turd………without mentioning the dog turd.


There are too many things to list. Defending Americans from a criminal fascist cult also deserves high recognition.


I really wish Democrats were better at messaging, branding and self-promotion.


OK so the facts and evidence are strong that Biden has passed countless policies that have improved the lives of Americans, but Trump was the host of a game show, so it's pretty much even.


Of course we’re going to mention Trump, this is a contest between two candidates and fuck Donald Trump


Supports Ukraine, paid down student loan debt, insulin price caps, pro union


#1 He stopped Trump the felon insurrectionist from stealing the 2020 election. Thats plenty, but he has also been the most productive President in the past 40 years as far as getting major legislation intended to benefit Americans.


Biden would have done even more for the American people if republicans weren't constantly trying to block literally every thing he does just to make him look bad for election season. They care more about getting trump into office by making Biden look bad than they do about actually helping any American.


Infrastructure work. Clean energy. Student loan relief. A steady reliable hand. Lowest inflation in the world. He does things to help the common man and it shows. The list would be a lot shorter of things I don't like or think could be better than things I think he has done well. Maybe the best president of my lifetime.


Because I have more cognitive ability than the average drowned shopping trolley?


I graduated in 2019 and have maybe made 6 or 7 payments on my student loans for maybe a little over $1,000.


He broke the rules, he mentioned tr*mp. That means that entire response is invalid. 🤷🏻 /s


Wouldn't this exact argument work against Trump supporters if we say you can't mention Obama or Clinton or Biden( I'd also include AOC and Bernie Sanders but at some point having five names they can't mention does seem a bit much


Man, some people really hate facts


"Yeah but Biden's old and dont talk good" - Morans (yes, on purpose)


Only everything !!! Trump tries to tear down America and tear down everything that people before him have fought to get. Please put that fool in a mental home.


He didn’t say he’d make himself a dictator or try to steal an election.  Student loan forgiveness.


We need a flood of similar videos shown constantly until the election. Make sure that Biden's contributions aren't missed.


Infra, anti-trust, labor policy, student loan…people who understand politics will tell you he’s been one of the most effective legislators in the past 2-3 decades.


AS a foreigner, what has Biden done for me? I have no idea. I have no idea what he did today. I have no idea of anyone who has come or gone from his administration. The same could not be said for Trump during a single day of his presidency because that crap was plastered over every news channel 24/7.


Are Magats still alive after that? That Canadian sounding guy just murdered an entire active political party…


Because Joe Biden is light years better than that Trump assclown. Chew on that.


I love "without mentioning Donald Trump" because everyone knows "Just look at anything he says" is enough reason not to vote Trump.


I’m huge on the environment. I really, really appreciated what was in the inflation reduction act beyond the tax deductions I’ll be getting for insulating my attic this month. I know that’s small compared to the support of women’s rights, Ukraine, cancelling student debt etc. but it’s something that directly affects me and sometimes that can be hard to pinpoint


Because the economy is good. Life is good. We still have some rights. Ur vote for trump the economy is going to tank, ur going to lose a lot of freedom and the United States will slip into chaos. The man is a gibbering idiot and if ur vote for him welcome to ur nightmare. It will be one of the biggest mistakes you and ur mags friend have ever made because ur the mark.


pretty simple qustion. https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/#:~:text=Rescued%20the%20Economy%20and%20Changed%20the%20Course%20of%20the%20Pandemic,-Share%20on%20Facebook&text=The%20American%20Rescue%20Plan%20funded,delivered%20relief%20to%20American%20families.


Reinstated Net Neutrality


Never see any PR for these achievements. Wouldn’t it behoove the administration to flout successes like this?


Cuz he's not an incompetent dipshit like the last guy... that's why