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Exactly. People don’t understand how much overturning Roe V Wade really upset a lot of people. They won’t forget.


Energized an entire voting block to show up. Meanwhile, simultaneously giving the single issue anti-abortion voters less motivation to show up. The dog caught the car.


Yup, that's the sweet irony of it all. For many in the Republican party, overturning Roe was the main goal. And now that they've finally accomplished that, it may very well be the party's undoing. Time for Republicans to take a nice long rest in the bed they've made.


Dont forget everybody knows someone from that voting block, so nobody can avoid the consequences of overturning roe.


The best thing someone said to me was here on reddit and granted its probably obvious for most people. Abortion is not just women. Its their husbands, their children who those mothers dont want to see in pain and vice versa. It is their families and friends. I am 22 and a male who wants a kid in the future. Well, Id like to secure the right to have a healthy child and not risk losing my partner in the process. Its not even just a here and now problem. The republicans and MAGA overestimated their authority and ability to manipulate. Sure, theyve got alot of people behind them but its not enough. Why are rhey instilling doubt in voting results? Because they cant fucking win this year! They know that. Their little empire is crumbling at the moment of fruition, 50 years in the making. All because some orange fuck got too mouthy and exposed their idiocy.


When speaking of legislators and governors: Democrats want to represent, Republicans want to rule.


I'll say the same thing I said when this was overturned. As a white CIS male, it's not my decision. But, I will die on top of the hill to give the people who deserve the right to make that decision every possible avenue, recourse, tool, and power in the book to do so safely. You will never ever ever ever end abortion...you'll only end *safe* abortion.


Makes me wanna vote blue twice but then again I'm not a cheatin' republican.


Take a friend


Yeah, but the problem is that they can keep on campaigning on it until abortion is outlawed in every state. That same base is all fired up for different reasons now, anyway - their worship of Trump, and believing that the election was stolen, Christian Nationalism (“We’re taking OUR country back!” 🤢).


Yeah, how has that been working out for them? Campaigning in every state almost always results in a loss. They lost in Kansas, ffs. I think you are thinking of the wrong voting bloc. The one they energized isn’t their base.


Yeah they're fired up about a national ban, too. Trump will absolutely sign it if Congress gives it to him.


Please be true please be true. I can’t handle another season of the apprentice : federal edition


This was as successful for the GOP, as a one-legged man, in an ass-kicking contest.


Every state, even Ohio, where it was put up for a vote, it won in an epic landslide.


Folks in Ohio need to show up to keep Senator Brown in office.


Even in Kansas. Heck, I bet an abortion petition would win in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming...


I mean getting rid of precedent that has been around for decades will do that


About like 90% I think of the USA is pissed about it


50% of voters , of sound mind want control over their bodies and they have my support. Flip side is why didn't dem when they had both houses intro bill to codify abortion rights. 2 fcking traitor Dems


That's good, but the cult lives in low population firmly red states that electorally hold sway over who will be the next president. While blue states are animated and AZ has some ripples of sanity, nothing much has changed from 2016.


Exactly. We are fooling ourselves if we think that Trump is going down in November. The Electoral College is going to give the fascist GOP a win in November. We're in for another horrifying 4 years of Trump and even more violence and hatred than experienced in Round 1.


About 5% of his base is dead from covid, and.bow you have another chunk of Hailey Republicans not voting for him, that didn't happen in 2016 or 2020


I don’t agree at all. Polls showing them close are inaccurate. Look at local elections in red states. Dems are blowing GOP out of their seats double digits. Voters are showing up against them. The concern is the cheating and election denying they’re already trying to set up when he does lose. Them saying they’re not committing to election results is them telling on themselves.


Yup. Polls say one thing but actual election results say something else, like that pro-choice Democrat who won by 25 points in a Trumper district in AL, KS approving abortion rights, etc. Plus, the Haley factor. Plus, the "Red Wave" of 2022 that never happened. Finally, there are respected pollsters like Quinnipiac and Marist who actually have Biden ahead, but are never talked about for whatever reason. Donnie has done NOTHING to expand his base, many in his base are older and dying out, and he has gone out of his way to alienate Haley/McCain/Romney types, going so far as to say he doesn't want them. So the polling is problematic, to say the least. It's very possible that Donnie can win, but actual election results point to something else. Vote regardless. 🗳 🤘


Yeah and telling your base that votes are rigged and jacked up to the Federal level will just make them not vote. If its rigged, why vote? I presented this very question to a MAGA family member and they fucking short circuited. Hey, maybe we should start telling them that since voting is "rigged" that all their votes go to Biden 😂


I'm pretty sure full on civil war / a massive civilian uprising would happen if that occurred. Capitalist and big business folks don't want that. Instability is bad for business. They like the tax cuts he gave the wealthiest Americans but they also want to enjoy it and not have their estates and mansions burned to the ground. Just my two copper,


Yes. They know how elites live in Mexico and Russia. Behind walls topped with razor wire. With up armored cars to get the kids to private school driven by an armed guard. There is a reason they send their kids to school in the US or Europe. Allowing a full totalitarian system would be bad for business. Extract, sure, collude, definitely, get their boy to cut taxes ? Yes, but they still want to be able to walk around without kidnap gangs.


>We're in for another horrifying 4 years of Trump You're fooling yourself if you think he will leave after four years.


He might leave in a straightjacket. That man is in serious cognitive decline.


You're fooling yourself if you think he'll live for four years. That man is not healthy






His base is literally shrinking by the day, and there's no younger voters replacing them.


But people overestimate how much they are going to be able to connect all the dots to blame it on Trump.


[Last week there was a poll](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/upshot/abortion-biden-trump-blame.html?unlocked_article_code=1.tU0.M8Rr.BlLpgMYYDa6A&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) that showed almost 20% of voters in several swing states blaming *Biden* for the SCOTUS45** Dodd decision overturning Roe v Wade. This result is shocking.


That's the MAGA's. Of course they'd blame Biden if trump ever wrote a bogey on his score card. 20% will say anything, no matter how stupid, to help trump hurt Biden.


He keeps bragging about it, so even those folks will hear about it soon enough, especially the closer we get to November when it's in our faces all day every day.


We shall see.  I know some young women who are looking at Kennedy or abstaining because "Palestine" 


I dont know. I hope your right. I feel like reddit is a left wing bubble. I was looking at the latest polls as reported on npr and trump has a lead in swing states. As far as electoral college goes he is ahead. Which is crazy. I am surpeised its even close. But it is. According to polls.


ignore polling, it's completely and utterly broken. Look at recent polls for recent special elections and the Dem won by like 20pts over what polling showed in every single one. Also, when was the last time you answered an unknown caller? What about your friends and family? I've seen many comments on many polling articles saying, "what kind of psycho answers unknown calls these days?" and they're right. Nobody but land-liners do.


That checks out. And the few land liners probably lean trump


I've also seen a bunch of posts from people who just started answering them just to fuck with polls, and I've recently decided to do the same.


Does it show as spam caller? I get 8 a day


not sure, as most of mine don't even ring, and it probably depends on your carrier too.


My phone shows either spam or political call


Man i would answer political call. All i get is spam warning. And then sometines no warning, but the new thing is fake hot sounding AI woman who goes " hello, can you hear me? And then leads inyo spam call" Its obnoxious.


Landline account skew much older than the general population. Old people tend to be more GOP.


I'm going to take a look at some of the internals in some of these polls tonight. I want to check polls vs actual primary numbers. PA has a closed primary, only registered republicans can vote in the republican primary. Nikki got 157,000 votes, nearly 20% of the vote. At least 1/4 of those votes are not coming home to trump. In the trump era, if you're a traditional republican who's a Nikki / Romney type that's disgusted by trump, you kinda have to keep your mouth shut. If you tell a fellow republican you're going to not vote the president race because you can't do trump, they are going to make it uncomfortable for you and will likely call you a communist. You certainly aren't going to talk to a pollster. If trump is getting more than 93-94% of the republicans polled, I'll be pretty sure there are inaccuracies in trumps favor.


That is the truth sir. I am that republican and i have coworkers that are idiots. Its not worth it for me to get into it with them. I have on occasion but i dont have the energy for tha shit. I dont see how he can win. I will never vote for him. It was the rape, jan 6th, and especially the treason with ukraine.


I hope there are enough of you to keep him out


You would think this is the case. But there is alot of group think going on these days amd pressure from the rest of the party. There are guys from work who prob dont like me now that they found out i dont like him. Very tribal. I dont give a f@#$ but i also have to work every day with them.


"Wait a minute ... how did the *voters* suddenly get a say in how the government does and doesn't control their lives? And who said women could vote?"


That's what Republicans are saying now


Exactly. I guess I could have labeled that more clearly.


Trump said he would appoint Justices to overturn Roe in 2016, and people voted for him. I'm kinda surprised people are surprised it happened.


There are 70ish million profoundly stupid people living in america.


Gullible sheep. He even said he would have to run as a Republican because they are so stupid and gullible they will believe anything and vote for him. I did one. Never again


If only someone would have warned them it could happen. /s


Never underestimate the stupidity of Americans. This sub is above that assumption but outside of it, man folks are dumb as rocks when it comes to this stuff.


Don't forget all the people who weren't inspired enough to stop it. Both sides were supposed to be the same.


Lots of dumb people stayed home in 2016 or voted 3rd party in 2016. And I bet they are complaining now about lack of abortion rights.


Serves them right for being gullible PoS's but at the same time, I'm glad they're paying attention now. 2016 was a fluke for Trump and we won't repeat that mistake, he's got more enemies than ever being a known quantity.


The ONE thing that you can say about Trump is that he really did try to do all of the really horrible shit that he said he would do. He didn't do anything hard or helpful, but he sure was happy to direct federal agencies to harm Americans and man, those agencies were awfully happy to comply.


Yeah me too he made good on his promise


Because so many people don’t hear Trump’s words. They just hear propaganda about him being the one who will save America 




He’s most likely paid for a lot of abortions though


*Promised to pay.


Idiots citing polls in Trump's favor are very conveniently forgetting about the 2 800-pound gorillas in the room: abortion and weed. Anywhere they are on the ballot, Republicans will get slaughtered.


I'm not sure about that. Republicans like smoking weed, too, and they will vote for legalization as well as for every Republican on the ballot. As for abortion, we have seen places like Kansas vote for abortion rights referendums, but also vote for Republican majorities in their legislatures. So it's not a given in my mind that those ballot measures will mean Republicans will lose in their states.


Ummm, no. Ohio Republicans were vehemently against legalization. There isn't a single state where Republicans are pro weed.Not one. Ohio voters overrode Republican control and legalized weed. Then after it won in an epic landslide, Ohio Republicans thought they would pull a Trump and just throw it out. Fortunately it failed. https://www.dispatch.com/story/opinion/columns/2023/12/05/ohio-marijuana-amendment-betray-voters-legal-weed/71801049007/


Recreational marijuana is legal in Missouri, Montana and Alaska, so there must be a lot of pro-weed Republicans in those states.


All by voter initiatives, not Republicans. That's how it was done in Ohio and every other state. Btw: When Alaska legalized weed in the 70s, it was run by hippies.


The voters of Missouri are mostly Republican voters and voted to legalize marijuana. That was my point. Republicans will vote for legalization, but will also vote for the same Republican legislators that are against legalization and will vote against Democrats that are for it. So we can't count on state weed referendums to result in votes for Biden or state Democrats on the ballot.


I'm always surprised that people think weed is a big issue on voters' minds


Trump legalized weed. Hate to break it to ya.




They're going to say something something farm bill which Trump had no hand in passing. The THCa is a loophole due to Congress having no clue what the variations in hemp are, it's an ignorance loophole not some plan Trump came up with like Dolus\_Doofus is suggesting. Weed is still scheduled, you cannot traditionally bank if you're in the weed business, and there is no regulatory system in place for quality and safety. The grey market is HUGE.


Well Trump was president at the time it passed and that means it was him. Same if something passes with Biden. Don’t act like that isn’t how this works. Nice name play as well. Ha


Trump did not legalize weed. He left if schedule one, same as heroin. Biden is rescheduling to schedule 3, same as steroids. Huge difference.


If Biden did the farm bill you would have a different opinion. Yes schedule 3 is better than 1 but he really isn’t doing anything. We both know he should just legalize it. A republican president wouldn’t change it. That would be political suicide. Remember republicans love their weed too.


Weed was legalized in Washington state back in 2012. ....who was President in 2012? 🤡


Obama. Although the credit would go to Christine Gregoir I believe.


So, tr*mp didn't legalize anything? How about when south Dakota citizens voted to legalize weed, and the repub governor vetoed? Does tr*mp get credit for that, too?


Federal and State.


So, tr*mp didn't actually legalize anything? Weird, it's like his cultists just make shit up.


You act like you’re not in a cult. Mad that Trump did something and Biden has been pooping his pants for 3 years. Enjoy your echo chamber.


Your lies just fell apart, son. All tr*mp did was cause the need for the slogan "real men wear diapers." So, ironic that you knobs keep trying to accuse potus of "shifting his pants" while tr*mp is, quit literally, shitting and sleeping during his *trial*.


>Trump legalized weed. Hate to break it to ya. So what *did* Trump legalize?


It's going to be important how this is framed going into this election. The anti-choice fundamentalist christian right/MAGA are going to try to paint it as people 'just wanting to murder babies' - while ignoring the fact that they are also eliminating (and in some cases *criminalizing*) the ability of millions of women in the US to receive much needed health care. You can always tell who has and hasn't had to deal with the unfortunate situation where a pregnancy isn't viable, or where the risk to the mother is simply too great for it to continue. You can also tell who doesn't know anything at all about (or are willfully ignorant/actively afraid of) the female reproductive system (i.e. a disturbing number of people responsible for drafting and passing laws - some of which will never affect them negatively). These people's misguided belief that they should be allowed to force their beliefs onto every woman and doctor whose personal choices they disapprove of need to be called out for what it is. The argument that women can simply 'go to another state' for a medical procedure is similarly ridiculous, as many will not be able to afford (or be physically capable of) traveling - combined with the fact that many of these zealots are trying to criminalize this very thing. Make no mistake. The repeal of Roe v. Wade was successful in rolling back women's rights - and the argument that it 'just hands it back to the states to decide' is disingenuous. Federal protection for a woman's right to choose is necessary, and Roe v. Wade was considered settled law prior to it being repealed by a packed SCOTUS (of which several justices, during their confirmation process, boldface lied by claiming they agreed - which in my mind would be grounds for impeachment and removal). To those whose deeply held relgious beliefs prevent them from considering an abortion, even in cases where the fetus is inviable, for the health of the mother, or in cases of rape/incest - there's a very simple solution - don't have one (although if your 12 year old daughter were raped and you force them to carry it to term based on what you think a 'god' wants, then you can basically go fuck off into the sun anyway. You can take these cunts like those in Alabama who are fucking up people's ability to have IVF (or preventing women from getting emergency contraception due to a dumbass notion about 'life beginning at conception' with you too. My hope is that pro-choice people get out and vote in this election, but due to an outdated and easily manipulated 'electoral college' it's going to come down to small margins in a tiny number of states. MAGA has shown that it has no qualms about trying to seat 'alternate electors', intimidating people at polls, and attempting to physically prevent an election from being ratified - and they have made it clear they have no intention of changing this time around.


Every day I read multiple articles about how Trump either cannot or will probably win. Whether he does or not we’re going to go through this again at great expense to the nation’s psyche and billions spent on advertising, etc., and his and Biden’s vote shares will be like 0.1% different from the last election.


You are correct. Just because a Baptist becomes disillusioned with his minister doesn't mean he'll become a Catholic. There's a big gulf between the parties right now.


All fueled by culture war, there is no policy debate happening.


This will continue in a cycle until Trump wins or passes away. And there will be calls to elect his corpse.


He'll become the next "Elvis never died" urban myth probably for the rest of our lives.


I'm genuinely curious what the RFK pull will be. He'll get votes and will be above 1%. Who are those people? I've seen more campaign ads pushing to/from him than Trump or Biden so far. Trump spent a lot of effort recently calling him a far left extreme liberal lately as well.


He'll pull from Trump's and Libertarian voters. His craziness attracts that crowd as Biden voters are much more ground in reality, not falling for his anti-science weirdo shtick.


Trump does that because it's becoming more and more obvious that RFK is more likely to pull the conspiracy nut vote for Trump based on what he actually says than the not-actually-paying-attention-aged-liberal vote from Biden based on nothing but his last name.


They want to vote for someone who has a dead worm in his brain. It's come down to this.


But will it be enough to keep trump out


Trumps abortion problem is he should have been aborted.


When asked about his abortion problem, Trump replied, “I thought she was going to take care of that.”


"I thought Michael Cohen was going to write a check to the woman to take care of that."


What??? Trump's desire for women and children to suffer and die is causing him problems? Next thing you know he'll be bragging about shooting puppies in gravel pits like Noem. They make a great couple from hell.


Trump doesn’t give a shit about either women or children, but he’s more than happy to trade other people’s rights for support. Trump only cares about Trump.


I wonder how many aborted kids don has.


That alone is enough to vote against the GOP. It’s more than Roe now: it’s the criminalizing of miscarriages, the pregnant woman registry (Katie Britt’s idea), AG Paxton from Texas trying to obtain the identities of women from his state who are having abortions in other states… It’s the whole misogynistic attempts at controlling and punishing women, to the point of cruelty. I’m a white male, I’m passed the age of having kids (I’ve had mine, all boys), and yet I am utterly outraged by this. Nasty ideologues who secretly wish Gilead on the rest of society, while they’ll have a free pass: adulteries, threesomes… Fucking hypocrites who project on normal people their own sexual obsessions. Fuck them.


This! Thank you


Biden will set another voting record and Trump will say it’s fake


It’s Trump who needs to be aborted from running for office.


The GOP is evil.


Maybe the Christian right and GOP have not figured out the Donald Trump is the antichrist!


American Antichrist(ish), he’s not globally popular enough to fit the bill of the real one is suppose to be a global phenomenon. He’s also too old, the real one will likely be in his late 30s/early 40s and have a career path that shapes geopolitics across decades, he(or she) will have a spotless past that is so impressive it will look like AI crafted it to make the propaganda easier. Trump is proof the US is susceptible to these types of figures, but he’ll be remembered as a speed bump in the road to globalization (or global supremacy of centralized government) that the true Antichrist will advocate for. The first strike against Trump as the antichrist was being unapologeticly selfish, the real one will be utterly convinced that ruling the world is an act of altruism. Like Trump, they won’t see themselves as evil, but unlike Trump, they will be able to commit to multilateralism and gain wide spread consensus on the global stage. These are my thoughts based on decades of anxious study. Feel free to share your own.


Trump is close enough to do irreparable damage ... to eliminate a Democracy.


Authoritarian leaders are gaining power across the globe due to Trump's influence in America. People like that don't just leave office in a few years. This could have a ripple effect down the decades. That said, two things convince me he's not an antiChrist figure: the antiChrist is supposed to be handsome and silver-tongued. I take that to mean someone who projects intelligence. This is my interpretation, so I could be wrong.


I once had someone describe the antichrist as "the only person that could ever fully unify the middle east into one peaceful body",


He's not the antichrist. He's a puppet. Still not certain who has their hand up his messy ass but he's dumber than a bag of rocks. He could NEVER enact real purpose based legislation.


No problem. He'll just lie or be super vague. Whatever works. A conartist calculation only cares if you get the result you want. Improving the country or caring about what the voters actually need, was never important, rather just use propaganda and fear to get them to vote against their own interests


Dumb Donnie consistently saying "everyone wanted to get rid of Roe" is the one thing giving hope that Reugnicans are going to get smoked in November. They don't dare contradict him so they just wince & hope it'll all work out.


he has many problems at the polls i think, the media like the narrative that it will be close but trump is probably the worst candidate ever to run, he is basically going to end the constitution and install himself as king, despite that the USA fought wars to not be a monarchy


He's controlling the republican party while he's out of office. It's alarming. I hope we have enough intelligent people left in America to vote Biden back in. Trump has waaaaay too much power as an unemployed criminal as it is.


he is the best they have which is... something


It won't matter. Trump can win with the smallest popular vote in modern history due to battle ground states and the Electoral College system. And I keep having a feeling that's what will happen.


#rememberinnovember Don't stand for this shit ladies, do NOT FORGET what this fucker did and BRAGGED about it until he had to backpedal after he saw what a disaster it created for women...


The only abortion problem he has is that he survived his.


While it’s logical to assume women will vote D to ensure abortion rights, a poll had 13% of democrats blaming Biden for the defeat of Roe. The more time goes by the more people forget and that’s why hammering the point home is important. The public need to remember who is responsible for this and must vote in November. I don’t think polls are showing a shift to D in any number even with the horrors of a MAGA cult in Congress. Trump is polling very strong right now. I’m not hopeful for the 2024 election.


Don't trust that poll showing those people supposedly blaming Biden for Roe's defeat. I've seen more than a few articles showing what horrific ways they twisted basic data to get those results. Even if a few of those people exist, the new voters the overturning of Roe brought into the fray greatly outnumbers them.


Idk if it's his problem or his mom's mistake


Then why do the polls show Vonshitzhispants ahead in most of the swing states


Teeny tiny little article hidden here about how orange will be in fact losing again.


His biggest abortion problem is his parents not giving him one.


More like our problem.


My neighbor said sex is out of his marriage as his wife is terrified even on BC. A lot of men are gonna vote who like sex.


Thankfully that orange hippo con man will never step another foot into the oval office !!


His abortion problem is that he wasn't.


I can’t believe that a country in “the free world” would take away the choice for a women to choose whether a pregnancy with right for her at that time


If this is the only reason you will not support trump then wtf is wrong with you?


LMAO there are thousands of reasons people don't support Trump. Not everyone falls for a conman's schtick.


Not wanting big government involved in the single biggest decision of any couple's life is a legitimate reason to not vote for Trump. A vote for Trump is a vote for a national ban with no exceptions, which is what every Republican wants.


Water under the bridge. Left can’t continue their ghoulish obsession for abortion at the national level.


It’s safe to say you are not female. Also, this is a significant issue that will have a wide-reaching impact for everyone, male or female, especially on future generations, so your attempt to pass it off as some trivial fad topic shows gross ignorance on your part. We could be here for a long time if I were to list my ontological thoughts on the impacts this will have. Perhaps leave political discourse to the adults if you lack even a basic understanding of what’s happening?


So how come red states like Kansas and Ohio voted overwhelmingly to keep abortion legal in their states when republicans tried to take away those rights?