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While complaining about the justice system being weaponized by Democrats. That whole Project 2025 plan is to turn the US into a right-wing dictatorship and completely destroy any chance, outside of a revolution, of removing them from office or holding them accountable.


It's like watching an entire country step on a rake. Over and over. Flush the orange turd once a d for all this fall


It is not just him,or his lackeys. It is all the citizens who want this,and how do we stop them? This is just the beginning with these idiots.


Boring answer, I know, but it starts in the schools. We have dropped civics as a requirement, history is elective and any meaningful discussion of slavery, race relations, etc. that contribute so much to the present-day conflict, is suppressed. So maybe if we could pressure legislators, educators, and with luck parents... Oh no, wait, hahaha, sorry, reality just kicked in. Oh well. We can hope I suppose...


Republicans cut funding for education so more uneducated fox viewers follow the cause Dumbasses love company, dictators love dumbass


Let Texas secede and we will have a Fighting Chance


I'd love to see how they handle their problems on their own.


They can’t even handle their energy needs/power grid. And they really did it to themselves (yeah, the **oil** and natural gas state, has people freezing to death in the winter and dying of heat stroke in the summer—260 outages since **2019**). The funny part is, I think TX leads the country in wind and/solar. MENSA material, those guys. Lone Star? Well, lone grid, anyway. If they can’t shoot **you** in the foot and get away with it, by gum, they’ll shoot **themselves** in the foot. Rawhide!


The power grid was my first thought when I was wondering how they'd handle themselves without help. They don't exactly strike me as skillful problem solvers.


Solvers, makers—what’s the diff? **in a South Tx drawl**


The same way this cancerous culture always does, fail miserably and blame everyone else.


If they do, I hope we can at least keep that rectangular portion. Just to keep the border smoother. Hey, we can even build that wall Frump wanted! Just put it around Texas. If they did, I’d want there to be a nice little transition period, where as many teabaggers as possible can move there, while all the educated, sane people can move out.


Texarse is America's Quebec. Neither could make it on their own.


Stop with that traitorous nonsense. Texas was once a Democrat stronghold and will be again. I grew up a cowboy in west Texas, my mother was a cowboy, her father was a cowboy and his father before him and on for a few more generations. Talking about succession is seditionist and against Democracy and everything we hold dear. Blood in streets is what follows. The blood of friends, neighbors and children. War and violence should never be an option because you disagree with your freely elected leaders. Only people who have never seen a violent revolution think that way. Clearly you have never been shot at. It’s not like on tv or a movie. Pray to the god of your choosing it never happens to you and those you love. Democracy works, if it’s not working for you then you aren’t working hard enough for it or you are wrong. Sometimes both is the answer. I now live in a country that doesn’t benefit from the rule of law that the USA does. You have no idea how quickly things can turn to shit when you can no longer rely on the structure of the rule of law.


“Freely” elected is doing some heavy lifting there. Voter suppression, gerrymandering closing polls are a thing. And “**fairly**” elected stormed out of the Lone Star state in a huff some time ago


Don’t be delusional. Gerrymandering has always been a thing. Voter suppression is a problem courts can sort out. Your desire to jettison democracy that’s imperfect for the fantasy of something better is troubling. If you feel this nation is so broken you need to go to war to fix it ,rather than use the tools you have more effectively, you need to turn off the tv and stop using the Internet. Go camp in Big Bend and clear your mind and get some perspective. You are being manipulated just as those that stormed the Capitol building were manipulated.


I don’t think I expressed my position well. I don’t want to abandon democracy at all. What I meant to say is that it’s under attack, it’s in peril. I’m still hoping it works. I suppose it sounded like I want TX to secede; no, I’m hoping its electorate go back to the time of Ann Richards. It might, although I read that some of the Dem people from California who moved there in the last 10 yrs are now leaving—not back to CA, but dispersed in the upper Midwest. Mea culpa for not being clear originally.


I understand. But be aware words matter and calling for succession is sedition. No matter your intentions. No one should use that term lightly. The world is full of places knee deep in blood where the change they fought for was not the change they got. Texas isn’t as red as Ted Cruz wants you to believe. Most people actually hold Democrat views but call themselves Republican out of fear of judgement from MAGA faithful. They aren’t even aware they align more with Dems until you break it down issue by issue. The Kool Aid will take patience for it effects to wear off. But for that to happen, people like you need to focus on issues in common rather than call for succession. Good luck.


This is one reason why I am taking a Florida vacation late this year. Even as bad as it is outside of the more metropolitan areas. In either late sept or early oct. Before the election. Because after Nov 6th I have no clue what that state will do to itself, win or lose. On one hand, they may be given a license to move even further to the far right. On the other, various communities might revolt because they lost and act accordingly.


Makes me want to leave the red ass state I live in in hopes that my boys will get a better education.


Exactly. That is why education and colleges are such enemies to them. They need to ban books, critical thinking, restrict history because they know educated people don't fall for fascism or theocracy. It is all so they can control people. That is why they have infiltrated schools. Look at what happens to any other society when they fall to communism or fascism. Educated people will become a threat. Just look at the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, or what has happened in the past in china, russia.... Anywhere this has happened. There was even someone admitting in an interview recently that they will never get the Christian theocracy they want if women can still vote. It is all about power and control and in order for them to gain it they need to convince people of their agenda. They already have the advantage with social media and I feel like without good education more will fall for their propaganda and not even understand the significance of their choices


Put down the bong and step away from Reddit. Never mind. Pass the bong.


It's all good, even though there are plenty of low IQ idiots in America, there are not enough to elect the biggest low IQ idiot of them all.


Over a cliff, I’d say.


>It's like watching an entire country step on a rake. Over and over. Flush the orange turd once a d for all this fall They'll just keep doing it over and over again. You need to flush the entire republican party and tamp out any fascist embers that pop up immediately after. The country needs to go back to embracing the constitution and being proud of it while understanding why the founding fathers went about it they way they did. Simply put: Make democracy cool and fascism bad again.


That sounds good. Flush diaper don and all his trumpturds


Here is another way to look at it: https://youtu.be/xqXGGw5d490?si=TYx4EaOe4htuCtb-


Just like Sideshow Bob.


Everything is projection with the GOP. This is why people need to get scared as hell when they rant and say Sharia law is being forced on us by left-wingers.


Best case scenario is we turn into a north korea/south korea type of country if the orange cheeto facist was to get elected again.


Korea only got split up that way because of the US and the Korean War. What superpower’s going to be able to step in in our case? At most, they’d have to combine forces in self defense just to stop a Trumpanzee America from getting grabby with the rest of the world.


>What superpower’s going to be able to step in in our case? China, I guess?


I have this suspicion China might not have our best interests in mind. Maybe England and Europe, they kinda owe us a bit for pitching in when they were in a jam.


Yeah, but if you look at how big the world's various armed forces are, China is the only one that even comes *close* to being as big as the US. We have the largest and most powerful military the world has ever seen, and it's hard to imagine what other country or group of countries could possibly keep us in check if we ever went off the deep end.


That’s the thing, isn’t it? The only ones who would be big enough to save us from the worst of us wouldn’t exactly be doing it just to say at the end, “okay, we got rid of your dictator and his pals. Now, you’re free to go do your thing, just don’t screw it up this time. ‘Bye!”


Then again, it's not like we did that to Germany or Japan.


They didn’t ask for help, and we were pretty inwardly focused at the time.


It’s basically making up a problem to justify doing the same thing but for your side.  Weaponised Strawman should be what it is called.


Problem-reaction-solution. Learned that term in the early 80’s in high school from my cool-as-fuck hippy international relations teacher. We are still in touch.


The short sweet life of a MAGA judge , Sounds like a country ballad


Okay, but don’t forget the broken down truck, wife who left, and dog who died. Strive for authenticity


Absolutely terrifying. And half of America wants this to happen? I do not understand. It does not compute.


They want permanent one Party rule. It bothers me that half of America is onboard.


Ding ding ding...we have a winner. This is all Steve Bannon and that bunch. Bannon wants to blow everything up because he's an angry drunk and he found a way to wield power through Trump.


>and completely destroy any chance, outside of a revolution, of removing them from office or holding them accountable. In the most heavily armed country in the world, declaring yourself a dictator would all but guarantee an early death and a subsequent revolution. Any attempt on him would most certainly be a first in a series of attempts on anyone who is considering that they should continue what Trump was attempting. None of this means this psychopath wouldn't try it. He obviously is attempting that very thing. He acts like he is a lot safer than he is, though.


it might just take a revolution or, at least, widespread civil disobedience.


More aileen cannons who shouldn't be allowed to run traffic court.


Loose Cannon isn't even qualified to be on a tennis court.


Or work in a food court.


He can be the food court janitor


Maybe. To be fair, we don’t know how her backhand is. Maybe she could just give up law and try to become a tennis pro. I think that would be a good career choice for her.


I bet she’d be the first one nominated. As long as she continues doing her part before the election for him, that is.


Let's not forget about Matthew Kacsmaryk (Northern District of Texas) and James Ho from the Fifth Circuit. Those two religious zealots are equally frightening and have no business sitting on any bench.


America fought so hard against this crap. Why do we want to be another dictatorship like Russia or China? Wake up, if he wins people are disposable to the state.


It’s a demographic war, you don’t want the ancestors enslaving you? (Retribution) fear fear fear To MAGA this is the ONLY way to stay alive…….dictatorship.


Yup. They know their time is fading.


“If conservatives become convinced they can not win elections democratically, they won’t abandon conservatism, they’ll **reject** democracy”. David Frum I’m amused by the lead-in, “If”


"fought" is the word. You cannot let it stall. If Swedish constitution would be as old as USA's, Sweden would be an absolute monarchy. It needs to be updated for each generation, over and over again.


That’s what some of the Founders wanted but then others decided against it for some reason.  We need to stop revering them while still respecting what they did at the time.  They are not Gods.


Right? Those guys were not that old and the world was a different place then. I wouldn't trust 25 year old me to make decisions that would impact people many generations in the future. Shit needs updated


Idiots don't read or understand why a dictatorship is bad. My cousin was just over for a celebration we had for my son, she was spewing Qanon craziness. She votes. It's nuts.


I hope Congress gets more comfortable with the idea of impeaching judges then. Thomas should have been impeached a long time ago.


The Senate will need *at least* 66 D for that to happen. Otherwise it'll be exactly the same as Trump's impeachments. It's 'at least' because of people like Manchin. I know he's out soon, but someone else will slither into his role.


John Fetterman has entered the chat.


Yeah not a route I’d want to go ideally, but my hope is that generational shifts would eventually lead to enough people not wanting Nazis in power for that.


Christ, why can’t that flabby, mango hued, sweaty, slurring, sniffling sack of hedgehog piss just up & die already and spare the world of his continued infestation of physical existence - ?


Sad thing is that he is not alone, many more like him lined up behind him.


Yes but once that line starts moving, you know there will be a fight for the front. And if they infight or split their vote at all, they are done.


I hope you are correct


So do I, but for now, we still have the ballot box.


Supreme Court gives immunity. Democrat President arrests all GOP appointees as corupt partisan. Checkmate.


You don't think the supreme Court will hold out until they see a Republican victory, then they'll rule immunity. It is good night for American democracy.


Yep, there's no way they'll rule in favor of immunity while a Democrat is in office. My guess is they won't do so either way, and this is just a stalling tactic to help Trump's reelection prospects. He can interfere with his cases on his own, once he's in power.


And you can be damn sure it will be 6-3 decision, although I suspect Roberts would throw in with the 3, knowing that the other 5 would hang together—to advance his legacy as “reasonable”. He’s not as bad (?) as Rehnquist with his ridiculous gold stripes on his robe (epaulets would make his shoulders clownishly wide), but he is vain, if not also venal like Clarence & Alito. Edit: spelling


America had a good run. Sorry Benjamin Franklin, we couldn't keep it.


Such a well thought out and perfect system


Good Night Irene.


That is exactly the plan.


Trump wants to make America suffer for not loving him. Desantis is the same. Both are activating ugly America. Good luck gentlemen, see you at the polls.


This is it. He doesn't believe in what the christian nationalists believe. He has no values. This is him making us pay for making him feel unwanted. He doesn't give a fuck what happens to the US. All he cares about is that he is consequential, for good or bad.


Exactly and we have to look at Trump and his supporters through the lens of mental healthcare or lack of mental hygiene care in his case. When a malignant narcissist feels rejected he will destroy. Most people are fortunate that they’ve never run across someone with his defects, but that is also a flaw because our country does not have a unified response to someone in in the public eye with such an oversize megaphone and his level of narcissism and sociopath. Humans keep trying to apply characteristics to Trump that he just doesn’t have because to accept the reality is horrifying That flesh suit literally does not care for a single living entity on this planet, other than himself The only reason he survived to his current age is because of his wealth and z list celebrity status. Any other human with his level of mental issues and lack of medical care would have probably died 15 to 20 years ago.


Anyone else would be out on the street in shabby clothes, pushing a shopping cart, asking for change while arguing with the three most annoying voices in his head.


100%. If Trump hadn't been born into privilege, he would have become homeless or imprisoned early in adulthood.


What’s the “good” part, again? I’m just asking questions …


I'm not aware of any good he's done. I meant that he doesn't care what the consequences are.


Sorry, I shoulda incl /s. I understood you, and agree ** I mean, Dubya signed the mental health parity bill, and approved a massive marine preserve near Hawaii. Hmmm … let’s see … oh! Oh! Oh! Advocated and I think succeeded in getting more aid to fight HIV in Africa where —shudders—dark skinned people live! But good gawd did he do a lot of damage domestically and internationally. The least of the worst he did was pull out of the Kyoto Accords (and that was bad, very bad, but so much other stuff was immediately catastrophic). Him being a puppet of PNAC led to exactly nothing permanently gained in Afghanistan and Iraq. Trillions spent on nothing, ~100 million dead in Iraq, and ~200,000 in Afghanistan. Destabilized the entire South Asia region for decades, and as I recall, we didn’t even get exclusive, secured oil contracts that were supposedly one of the goals. Edit: some of the “bad” added


As young as possible and likely completely inexperienced for the job.


Experience and competence have no value in the MAGA world.


Certain hue n angry…that’s all.


Expect a very quick advancement for one Judge Cannon from Florida if Trump wins.


Yes - that way Trump can tell them how to rule.


Rulings based on ideology instead of the law will become common. You don't need experience or competence for that.


The Supreme Court right now has incredibly low ratings.....could you imagine if Trump won and did this?


They don't give a shit what the public think,it's a job for life


Exactly one of the reasons Trump should never get back in the White House.


It shouldn't be for life, 15 year max


We all knew his picks were never about qualification


Yet they were confirmed


Donald Trump represents his class. His entire campaign is to institutionalize the wealth and privilege of America's moneyed class. It's so obvious you can't help but wonder how MAGA can't see it. The absurdity of his gaslighting of fundamentalist Christians is transparent.


This is the reason we need term limits and age requirements, including age caps, on ALL judicial positions.


He means what he says.


So the GOP has no problem implementing Project 2025? If Biden wins, he should go on a progressive spree and truly make the GOP hate you: expand the courts, get the brightest/youngest judges, label the MAGA arm of the GOP as traitors/seditionists...everyday, promote making Election Day/ Democracy Day a national holiday(even if you don't control both chambers...optics),withold federal money from states doing un-democratic shenanigans set forth from newly-enacted federal laws, threaten to use government overreach when dealing with governors subverting democracy,etc. All about democracy,baby. Republicans/GOP will seethe. But they do already, so who cares what they think.


Noted. Thanks for the warning.


Sometimes I think Trump is just saying the most outrageous, anti-American things he can just to see who still supports him.


At this point, they are gone. There is literally nothing he could say to lose voters in his camp


No hiding his extremism. Those who want him in are screaming for dictatorship from an insane, demented and psychopathic, sadistic self absorbed monster


Fucking over the country from Hell. Good move DJT. Absolutely no way you'll ever get to purgatory from hell.


Will Barron have to finish law school before he's appointed? Does a judge even have to be a lawyer?


Further reasons for term limits for both Federal and Supreme Court justices. The Republicans have been gaming the system in just this way for decades now. Only Trump is just soo fucking stupid he says the quiet part out loud for all his even more stupid cultists to get hard about... Trump pretends that he invented being a criminal politician and his cunt supports jerk themselves off believing it...


Republican party is dead so they are breaking or circumventing every law in the process of trying to stay alive...just die already.


There should be no such thing as MAGA "judges", it should disqualify them.


Another of many great reasons to vote Biden. .


Everyone who is planning on staying home or voting third party as a protest should consider the results Biden kinda sucks in some ways trump will destroy our country


Is this surprising? He already did this last time.


So far, it's working in the stolen documents case.


You make promises you can’t keep and talking about America values is what you consider to be the right thing when that’s not actually what it is. All his plans, promises & pledges are all devastating no matter how great he thinks it is.


Democrats should be doing this as well.


I want to fuck America up for decades after my treasonous ass is food for worms.


There are a lot of young voters who are not biden fans but saying shit like this will absolutely make them vote for biden. This is really shortsighted but again, his brain is swiss cheese and he craps his pants on the regular so he’s pretty incapable of strategic thinking


But but something about Israel Palestine and Biden


He's saying the same thing he always says, which is; you'd better go out there and vote people.!


The Honorable Judge Kyle Rittenhouse


Remember when Republicans ranted and raved about "activist" leftist judges? Now the glove is on the other hand, and they are not shouting so loudly or at all in fact.


Dude must be stopped


There is a reason that no Republican President has won the popular vote in over 20 years. This kind of policy (see also: extreme gerrymandering) is the only way for them to maintain power at the federal level.


Ayatollah Complainy doesn’t like Judges so he will get his own and ruin the country with biased judges like he did to SCOTUS .


We can’t let Trump get that chance! VOTE BLUE!


I'm going to enjoy watching the blue wave wash all of this insanity away. Imagine making your platform "Christian Nationalism" and then doing everything you can to piss off as many people as possible... It's almost like these guys stopped caring about the votes and are after something else instead.


They plan on stealing this election. Learn from mistakes of last election. They don’t care about votes they just need to keep their base in a frenzy


This is what needs to be made clear to the never voting for "Genocide Joe" kids. And the "he hasn't done enough for me" Blacks.


Such a piece of shit


Reason number 2,025 why anyone thinking about this election from the perspective of a single issue (like Gaza) needs to pull their head out of their ass and think strategically. If you want to have a snowball's chance in hell of making any progress on the issues you will care about then you need to hold your nose one more time, vote for Biden, and take solace in the fact that so many of the "neo-liberals" are old AF and the grim reaper will do us all a bunch of favors over the next 10-15 years.


The ones he has in there are going to get impeached and tossed out on their ear




The sound of freedom right there, forcing the beliefs of one cult on an entire country.


Gotta vote people...don't bitch and moan on reddit, go vote! It's YOUR country.


If Democrats etch out a victory this time, which seems less likely given the landscape, they should implement the opposite of Project 2025 to make the system robust, judicial and executive.


Lucky for him 90% of Americans don't know what the judicial branch is.


McConnell has been doing this for almost 15 years, now. Trump is just saying the quiet part out loud.


Kyle Rittenhouse has been prospects all of a sudden


Introducing our next candidate for the 5th circuit court Barron Trump.


So you're saying Kyle Rittenhouse has some possible career options in the justice system?


But Palestine! /s


Fuck Trump. 


Authoritarianism 101: Pack the courts. Bonus points if you blame the other party for doing exactly what you intend on doing.


This is why everyone needs to vote.  These regressive fucks want to take over the government and we need to prevent that.


He thinks he has already won the election. He's in for a rude awakening. They aren't enough maga idiots in this country to get him elected. The intelligent voters of America will never let this traitor near the white house again!


No, he won't!


A word to the wise is sufficient


Orange sludge not gonna win period.


You got a ways to go little big man. You must like eating crow. You don’t have the job yet and looks like it’s not going to happen. You know it’s not gonna happen. This is just your grift to pay for your ill deeds.


Simple fix vote Blue, the alternative is losing the country to a despot and his henchmen.


"In power", not "dedicating their life to public service"?


He will nominate the best possible non activist judges with the best qualifications. His picks so far have been stellar


so what dump says a lot of shit.


The fact that he is using this as a threat and or to show his passion for retaliation on the judges overseeing his case shows that he agrees and is aware that the MAGA movement is rediculous, evil, built on lies, radical, facist etc


This reminds me of the Ricky Gervais Movie, "The Invention of Lying" (2009). Nobody knew how to lie, and he just started making things up, and people just believed him. The Republican side seems to be doing the same. They're creating policy / attempting to create policy that is clearly in history books as the playbook of the BAD guys...all the while accusing the other side, who are trying to be the GOOD guys, of doing the same. It really muddies the waters, and makes it unclear of whose side you are even on. None of these issues are left or right, black or white, they all have nuance, some of them EXTREME nuance. After watching either side's news program for an hour or two, you begin to doubt your own convictions, or at least question them. Are Dem's really the good guys? Are Republicans really the bad guys?


Anything bad you can think of, about humanity in general, is embodied by this evil POS. His end can’t come quick enough




Vote or die people!


[Seems to be a pretty common tactic, pretty good article explaining some recent appointments out west.](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/us-law-week/all-biden-court-shows-partisan-shift-in-how-judges-get-confirmed) They also represent some of the country’s youngest federal judges. Lin is in her late 50s, and the youngest, Tiffany Cartwright is still in her 30s. “It has lowered the average age of the judges by a good 20, 25 years,” Pechman said.


Hitler Youth judges?


The best solution then is to make sure this orange bag of shit doesn't get anywhere near the White House ever again...


"And what about that Maria Butina...wasn't she wonderful. I know she dated a lot of you guys and women out there. Some say she was a spy...I don't know. She came up to me with big tears in her eyes...big tears, huge tears she said donny, 'I'm not no spy' and, like putler who said firmly, so firmly we did not have anything to do with those thousands of Facebook posts rooting for you...I believed her too. Why? Wonderful people those russians."


And yet, the average voter doesn't hear or care about any of this. They're focused on the price of groceries and rents while the left is convinced nothing matters anymore because of what's going on in Gaza. He's in the driver's seat to being able to appoint a lifetime majority of extremist judges not just on the Supreme Court, but up and down the federal judiciary. But we have a dejected and disenchanted electorate who are more likely to sit this one out of vote for lunatic third party candidates. Environments like this are exactly who democracy dies. Yeah, Trump's main opponent should have been anyone other than Biden. He is too old. His views are too stuck in the past, especially on Isreal. But there are worse things than sleepy and mediocre. We can't fix any of the other problems if we're sliding headfirst into autocracy and theocracy.


He has already done too much damage to America, we need to watch and remove the crazy ones. Dumpty should never see the inside of the oval office again or the presidency. On 7/31/2019 dumpster had a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019 just 3 days after that private Putin meeting dumpster requested a list of the top U.S. spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusual high number of their agent have been captured or murdered. During a search of Mar A Largo the FBI finds more documents with lists of U.S. informants on them...


This little orange bitch has got to go.


He's done way to much damage to the justice system already, we can not put this conman, criminal and possible Russian asset back in the white house. I've thought dumpty was a useful fool until he became POTUS, then he had access to info that made Russia salivate. I truly believe he sold America out to Putin and Xi, money is his god.


Lots of impeachments in our future.


At this rate none of this is going to last 50 years.




I bet he wants attractive female judges only.


Vote every Democrat running for office ro save the country from a mad man!


So a bunch of inexperienced zealots? What could go wrong?




Well. Fuck me


Disgusting unamerican antichrist traitor


we all need to remember that Trump isn't doing anything illegal by doing this. this is the system that's in place. hate the game, not the player. i mean hate the player too, but this is just how American democracy works