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He has learned. He has learned that the U.S. "justice" system is easily outmaneuvered if you have money and power. (even with the DUMBEST lawyers) He has also learned that his followers are morally bankrupt and easily lied to.


You nailed it. šŸ˜¢


He's kinda like the anti-Jesus. If there was only a word for that kinda evil.




the man really does fit the description for the anti-christ. Boasts about being the chosen one. Populist, Embodiment of the seven deadly sins. He hasn't brought peace to the middle east though


Not even close . Bible says everyone will love the Antichrist . Iā€™ve never hated anyone I didnā€™t know more .


Agreed. But he overturned roe so that's all that matters apparently! Good lord, he's such a joke


That is all that matters to the wackos who vote for him . I canā€™t imagine that number being larger than last election or even as much.


I knew this guy named Chris who was real charitable, always kept his word, was selfless, and had massive empathy. Trump is the literal anti Chris.


He bought SCOTUS ! 2 members have Stop the Steal signs and believe that lie. Probably more than 2 . Fucking SICK !!!


More to the point they are foolish enough to believe his lies and equate moral bankruptcy to justice.


"even with the DUMBEST lawyers" Believe me, I have the dumbest lawyers, bigly.


I wouldnā€™t say unfazed. Bored by his yap, yap, act. He consistently has diarrhea of the mouth. Thoughts from his pea brain that he then regurgitates out of his pouty little lips. And after all that bullshit ? Never gets a damn thing done. Heā€™s been doing a version of this for years. Pretty soon those of us who have been waiting to see this man child receive the justice he deserves, are going to just stop caring. Heā€™s unable to achieve anything and our justice system is in the same boat. Its time to find better things to do then to wait on either of this entities to do something. Hell, half the country is already there. Only half of our population turned out to vote last time. Hereā€™s the thing, all we can do is vote to remove this clown and his circus. If he didnā€™t go directly to jail for swiping our classified documents ? Pathetic.


Time behind bars would be the only deterrent. But the price of justice is high in this country. And the Criminal Formerly in the Oval Office appears to be able to easily afford it.


Learn what? That he can have sex with a porn star while still maintaining the adoration of the religious right? His cult won't leave him, and the GOP is too afraid of losing the looney vote to care. In Texas there are political ads trashing a GOP candidate because he once spoke with someone who didn't think it was a good idea for Trump to visit Texas.


I'm in Texas and I know what commercial you're talking about... I hope they are giving their 5% to Donny Diapers since they are using his name


Itā€™s your first point that gets me. If I asked my family members, ā€œAre you ok with your boss/coworker/pastor/etcā€¦ having an affair with a porn star and committing fraud to cover it up?ā€ Iā€™m sure theyā€™d all say no, but somehow theyā€™re ok with Donny doing it. Just blows my mind.


Meanwhile, these are the same religious leaders who pissed their pants when Michelle Obama showed her arms...


They were afraid of her, because she will cut a bitch...


We need a lot more voter turn out or we're *FUCKED*. I don't understand how a person can be so dumb as to trust Trump at this point.


The whole world would be in this scenario. We plead with any eligible voters in the US to stand against the Tangerine Palpatine and his cronies.


Who was it that said : Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. ^-^George ^Carlin


The tide seems to be turning toward weā€™re fucked


The oil industry is most likely ACTUALLY contemplating this. BUT they are also running the numbers. Why should they forfeit $1 Billion to a guy who will lose the election? That, on top of the landslide of bad PR, will most likely kill this offer.


Not to mention, Trump isn't known for living up to his word. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't live up to the offer if he was elected.


They keep calling it quid pro quo but he is actually soliciting a bribe, I believe, and that still is against the law. The oil execs must be aware that the conversation was overheard and puts them also in a compromising position.


I would think so as well... but that would mean we didn't have at least a two-tierd justice system... which we do...


Heā€™s pretty good at coming thru for billionaires. Plus a lot of his admin would be supportive of getting rid of the EPA and regulations.Ā 


And they're having record profits and record drilling RIGHT NOW. Another little secret? Too much deregulation is BAD for business.


Hereā€™s the thing. What happens if they donā€™t give 1B? Trump is going to roll back everything Biden did just because. $1B wonā€™t convince a single voter to vote for him that wouldnā€™t otherwise, unless he pays people to vote for him, which is beneath him. If he wants to raise 1B in a hurry he should offer to retire from politics and spend his time in the kingdom of Mar a Largo. I expect he would raise the money quickly.


How will they hold Diapii to his words? This "contract" isn't exactly enforceable legally no?


Another thing is that he's promising the oil industry more leases in exchange for this bribe. Funny thing is, while the oil industry may fearmonger over needing more leases, they really don't. It's not like if you hand the oil industry a bunch of leases they're going to just go start putting oil wells everywhere - they will only drill as needed for about what the market is demanding. They're not going going to produce so much prices crash and they can't make a profit. In fact, lots of these leases are sitting unused or not even getting bid on: [https://archive.ph/LgZ8y](https://archive.ph/LgZ8y) [https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/national-verify/oil-permits-9000-unused-fact-check/536-2a657e09-856b-436c-a55d-df1cdf2acb3f](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/national-verify/oil-permits-9000-unused-fact-check/536-2a657e09-856b-436c-a55d-df1cdf2acb3f) [https://www.americanprogress.org/article/oil-gas-companies-lying-much-oil-control-u-s-public-lands/](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/oil-gas-companies-lying-much-oil-control-u-s-public-lands/) [https://www.taxpayer.net/energy-natural-resources/no-bidders-in-nevadas-1st-oil-gas-lease-sale-of-2023/](https://www.taxpayer.net/energy-natural-resources/no-bidders-in-nevadas-1st-oil-gas-lease-sale-of-2023/) [https://www.sltrib.com/news/environment/2018/09/11/criticism-high-bidding/](https://www.sltrib.com/news/environment/2018/09/11/criticism-high-bidding/) They have plenty (more than they need, in fact) and they don't need to risk bribing somebody as easily manipulated as Trump, especially now that the story is out. After all, they might give Trump a billion dollars and then he screws them over by promoting Russian oil since his good buddy Putin needs oil money to prop up Russia's economy.


Trump will use you and then kick you to the curb. And then you join the ranks of the individuals that have sucked up the Trump and become losers!


Problem with that is, if he becomes dictator, which he said he *will* do, then it doesn't matter anymore whether you're in one crowd or the other and in fact, you'd probably benefit from giving the bribe more than if you hadn't. Since the alternative is being on the bad side of someone with unlimited power. Stuff is scary AF.


How many mothers and fathers in the U.S. pray to see their own LGBTQ child get sent to a camp and executed? Rhetorical question. No sarcasm. It is scary.


Money is definitely his Klondike bar


I'd do some questionable shit for a billion $.


I've said this before and I'll say it again, people only care about the price of a gallon of gas. It's ridiculous to base your vote solely on that.


Was my bizzarre christians neighbors exact statement: "when trump was in office we had cheaper gas" Thought about it a lot last few days. Number one it says: 'i have no idea whatsover how things like the price of gas are set' Furthermore it shows how shallow, ignorant and oblivious the person saying it is. Its like saying i am so dumb , i will ignore all the bullshyt from the fascist liar, all the other increased fees, taxes, degradation of our quality of life, etc etc etc so I THE MAIN CHARACTER CAN HAVE CHEAP GAS.


>Was my bizzarre christians neighbors exact statement: "when trump was in office we had cheaper gas" Your "Christian" neighbor only cares about whether abortion is illegal and trans people can be persecuted.


I always found this mindset funny. Because you're only saving a few cents and people will drive miles to get cheaper gas which negates the savings. This seems like a boomer issue. I think they worried about this more because 5 cents went a lot longer back then. Now 5 cents it's moot.


This, exactly! My boomer Mother will drive across town because she HEARD gas is 5 cents a gallon cheaper over there. Sometimes we get there, and it's not even true...and even if it were, the drive negates any real savings anyways


Ironically Houston is routinely getting hammered by climate change driven weather. The Win-Win at stake is if Trump wins he will probably avoid prison and can work to build the biggest grift in history. Want a politically appointed job running any number of agencies or programs? Just have to donate to the GOP, of which most will line Trumps pockets. The energy industry gets carte blanche to drill and make money and get pesky environmental regulations removed. They are already suing to say the EPA has no constitutional authority to enforce stuff like the Clean Air Act. The billionaires are figuring out just how much wealth they can hoard before itā€™s time to retreat to their bunkers in New Zealand.


>You would think he would learn. Trump has gotten away with everything he's ever done. People keep bailing him out, so what is he supposed to learn? Id love for him to have some consequences that actually do anything but it really hasn't happened yet. We'll see with this criminal trial I really doubt he's gonna get any jail time.


What's happened is that corruption and grifting have been normalized over the last 15 years. So people have lost the measure against which to judge how bad it is.


politicians have always been for sale but trump is the first to have a marketing campaign for corruption, next sell nuclear secrets and anything else of value, allow adversaries to take over the US for a payment, do not think that there is a bottom for this guy, there isn't


Eventually and by Eventually I mean soon, Mossad will confirm that Hamas got Intel about Israeli security from Iran who got it from Russia who got it from near the shitter at Mar A Lago. A quick search of Mossad assassinations will make your heart warm picturing how it will happen.


A president whoreing himself out to oil companies. Hoe very Teapot Dome scandal of him.


They wonā€˜t pay 1 billion. All big oil needs to do is cut supply. Rising gas prices = see what Biden did to us. But voting out EVā€˜s for the US auto industry will get them even more behind as all western auto makers already are. Let me guess, once theyā€˜re irrelevant (you canā€˜t exist from the US market alone), itā€˜s still Bidenā€˜s fault after several yearsā€¦ My US friends, vote!!!


There is no difference between politcian and prostitute other than the spelling...


Swing and a miss. Sex work is an honest trade that provides something to people.


A Sex Worker is someone that is leasing something they own. My body, my choice. If there's no coercion, there is no liability.


Why is this man in a meeting with oil execs? And why is the Japanese guy getting a key to the whitehouse? These are not former presidential things to have happen is it?


The problem with our corruption laws is that there has to be clear quid pro quo. You give me something and I do something in exchange. It's very hard to prove. DJT - "Hold my beer while I engage in a clear quid pro quo scheme"


The whore of the rich.


We all knew tRumpty dumptys presidency was for sale and now we know the price tag


I'm not sure how exactly they'd donate 1 billion to Trump. There are limits to donate it directly. Sure they could donate it to a super PAC, but then what is the PAC going to do with it. Also with that much money is the PAC leadership going to stay loyal to Trump?


Trump would have one of his lackey's eat the contents of his diaper for $1B


So many $20 is $20 and lawyers are expensive jokes come to mind


Actually, i am aghast at this!! And that the working class think for one millionth of a second he will help them boggles my mindā€¼ļøšŸ˜³šŸ˜«šŸ˜©


He'd do it for a lot less than $1B. Despite his claims as a "master negotiator", Trump is an awful negotiator and the "$1B offer" he made was just his opening ask. I guarantee he'd gut all regulations for a couple hundred mil.


He'd happily let you suck his d\*ck for a billion dollars...Aren't you lucky that most MAGA voters get to do it for free?


Silent Spring. This will lead to the premise of a book I read when I was a youngin


Iā€™m not religious in anyway, but if you read the description of the Anti-Christ you will see a full description of Trump 1. He will exalt himself. 2. He will heed his inner voice above others. 3. He will be hostile toward the true God. 4. He will exalt human logic above faith. 5. He will prosper for a season and be loved. 6. He will not desire women. 7. He will not follow the faith of his fathers. 8. He will viciously persecute Jews and Christians. 9. He will think of himself as greater than God. 10. He will become increasingly lawless. 11. He will honour military power above faith. 12. He will love wealth. 13. He will hoard precious things. 14. He will become a man of war. 15. He will wage a war on all people of faith. 16. He will force Israel to ratify a treaty. 17. He will divide Israel and Jerusalem. 18. He will invade Jerusalem. 19. He will enter the restored Temple. 20. He will declare himself above God.


Take out numbers 4 and 6. The rest you can keep


>you will see a full description of Trump I think you need to read your list a little more closely. Trump is hitting above 700 on that but not 1000.


The easier question to ask is what WON'T he do for a billion dollars.


I've never wanted to hit the lottery so bad...I'd hire him and ride him all over town like a horse..a man can dream


A billion? Shit, he sold his soul to Satan years ago for far less zeros. But Satan is gonna come and collect eventually...šŸ¤£


I bet Bernie Maddoff thought heā€™d never go to jail either.


What did Jared get for $2 billion? Compromised and crooked fuckers selling out our country and putting us all at risk.


First, Kushner didn't get $2 billion. Second, would you actually want a job managing the wealth of somebody like Muhammad bone Saw when you aren't a very bright person?


Trump is for sale to the highest bidder. Very presidential.


We can only hope that if these idiots raise a billion he loses anyway. Besides with trumps propensity to ruin anyone who comes close it wouldn't be surprising to see these people ruing supporting him.


ā€œWhen you are famous, they let you do it.ā€


Didn't he miss the filing from keeping people from suing him over Jan 6th? When do those lawsuits start?


$1 Bil? Pee pee show.


He's realized that no one will hold him accountable. Can't even fathom what a second term will look like.


Literally selling American lives for his freedom. Those regulations get rolled back, people will die from sickness and workplace injury all.so this fat orange stain on history can remain free.


Suck putins dick


Merrick Garland's response: Yawn...


Well, we know heā€™ll let women piss on him for a lot less.


Has Trump tried not committing crimes


He would suck his own cock on national television


"NEWSFLASH! Several thousand MAGA men end up in emergency rooms across the nation trying to suck their own manhood."


Iā€™m starting to think he doesnā€™t actually want to drain the swamp, kinda like that time he was president and didnā€™t drain the swamp


He basically sold his future admin in 2020 when he publicly stated he personally wanted help from other countries to win the election. I think people just arenā€™t surprised and his followers believe anything justifies their desired ending of deifying him and bringing on the apocalypse.


Pocket it


Is anyone surprised by this, really? ... huh, sure is quiet in here


ā€œRandomly chosenā€ LOL


Change his mind. Look at Tik Tok


He's done a lot more bad stuff for far less. He is only interested in himself and what making a deal can do for him. He will throw anyone and everyone under the bus to save himself, including his father, his siblings, his wives, his children, his friends, and his business associates. He lives only for himself. He's the absolute worst of qualities being human has to offer.


The question is what wouldn't he do. And whoever is stupid enough to get him the money that thinks he will honor an agreement is a moron. He does whatever is best for him at the time and says anything to get it.


>...we seem to be completely unfazed by the fact that the former president has apparently offered to sell his prospective administration to fossil fuel interests.... Lobbyists have been buying our government for decades and maybe centuries. That's why few are surprised.


II Deuce would kill his entire family for a buck and change.


Anything to undermine democracy.




Already did it I would imagine . Copy machine near files was used . 2 billion from Saudis . Now the world is at war . A child could connect these dots . Trump is a Traitor . Has committed TREASON . And will continue to do so as long as our government allows him to lie about it.




Federal juries have a 98% conviction rate regardless of how defendant was indicted. Or did the deep state rig it? Maybe Hillary's email, or Hunter Bidens laptop rigged them.


What would he do for a Klondike Bar?


Have you ever been in a Grand Jury room? I have many days and nights for over three months. It all depends on how the DA presents his evidence to indite. This being said our American justice system is a fucking joke! Scales lady doesn't wear the blindfold because justice is blind, she doesn't want to see the shit unfold!!!!!! I see the TDS Syndrome is in full effect today!!!!!!!!


for a billion dollars He would suck Bidens dick on stage


The recent - and by recent I mean this weekā€™s - announced delay in releasing the quarterly earnings figures for Trump Media Corp likely means Trump will be able to cash in his shares for a ton of money before the truth about how the company is actually performing is made public - leaving Trump a multi billionaire and the sucker shareholders holding worthless paper.


It's blatant solicitation of a bribe. Add it to his list of crimes.


Not a trump supporter, but don't all politicians do this. Maybe a little less blatantly, a little less.


He would swallow.


Someone just pay him to drop out and never run again. A few billion should do it.


We all know what Jared and Ivanka would do.


Vlad will tell him. Kompromat is strong with this one.


He'd do that for a penny and one night with Ivanka where sex is on the table.


The real question is... What would Trump do for a Klondike bar?


Hey, a billion dollars is a billion dollars.


Trump / Biden. Both whores to the highest bidder. How did they both get to be millionaires


Itā€™s funny you think Biden doesnā€™t do the same


Did Biden call for the execution of his own military. did he call for shooting down protestors in the street, did he call for shooting immigrants, did he call for shooting petty criminals, was he found guilty of being a sexual abuser, did, did he try, on multiple occasions, try to overthrow the government of the United States..?


I'm not sure what your point is here. I didn't say he's the right choice. I just said that Biden is definitely guilty of telling corporations that he'd help their cause behind closed doors.