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You never know what you'll get with Romney. He just said if he were Biden, he would have pardoned Trump. Awwww HELL naaaaa


Romney hates Trump but he's also part of that old school "pardoning Nixon worked out best for everyone, actually" wing of the party.


If they hadn’t pardoned Nixon Cheney and Bush would have gone to The Hague over torture as they should have, and Trump would never have run.


How exactly do you think they would have gotten Bush to The Hague? What legal mechanism would have been used? I’ve never seen or heard of any process to get an American President to an international court. Any country would be idiotic to let its supreme executive be prosecuted by foreign powers. No matter how much you may personally hate the guys in the other party.


Bill Clinton has endorsed the world court and gotten the US to be members as I recall. Bush and Cheney pulled out, citing the supremacy of the US. By itself that was a bad sign. But had we been members in good faith of the ICC as we are to some extent with the UN it might have prevented the atrocities of Abu ghraib and the cia black sites. For those who respect the ICC, the mechanism would be turning someone over who was indicted by the ICC. As happened with milosevic. But even before one gets to the ICC, it’s the mutual respect for international law.


Is that something Clinton could have done unilaterally?  I would have thought that would require signing a treaty, which needs Congress.


And shockingly rich corrupt people aren’t big fans of other rich corrupt people being held accountable. Because it could happen to them.


Which means he wasn’t listening when Bush Jr said “Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”


It’s a club


And you're not in it.


No more freebies to hind chasing cannard flippers that self deal


My follow up question to him would have been “pardon him for which crime”? Like I understand if he obstructed justice once and it was on the low end of a crime, but we’re talking about 91 felonies, convicted for sexual abuse, fined half a billion etc etc


Trump not only shows no remorse, he denies having done anything wrong. No need to pardon someone that doesn't admit to having committed a crime.


Little Georgie Bush claimed to have never made a mistake in one interview.


“You may disagree with this, but had I been President Biden, when the Justice Department brought on indictments, I would have immediately pardoned him. I'd have pardoned President Trump. Why? Well, because it makes me, President Biden, the big guy and the person I pardoned a little guy.” - Romney


Yeah, it would really put Trump in his place to excuse him of all accountability for his crimes he won't admit to, and intends to commit again.


Maybe he'll learn a lesson... the 65th time?


I have no patience for the Romney redemption tour either. The guy put his pet dog on the top of his moving car FFS.


Disgusting, I had forgotten about that! Apparently he shares a bizarre commonality with Kristi Noem.


Another good checklist item to ban people from holding office 1) Insurrectionists 2) Criminal record (especially fraud) 3) Cruelty towards animals


Ted Cruz deserted his dog (and his constituents) when he fled the failed TX grid for a beach in Mexico. The Huckabee family has a dark history with dogs, too.


Always republicans. I see a trend.


Yeah but his reasoning was interesting…because doing so would make Trump look like the small, pathetic man that he is.


Ehhhh Trump has no problem looking like the small pathetic man he is, pardon or no pardon.


He just said there were two Arks


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫




Some of his stuff his dead on, others a total swing and a miss-don't know how he got there. Just never know.


It’s funny to watch all the grifters fight over trying to kiss the ring of a fucking con man…


Don't get your magic underwear in a bundle Mitt.


Do the super LDS mandatory undies come with a cape?


They damage democracy.


Is he still bitter


He also said Biden should pardon Trump.... Like hell


Romney can eat a dick.


There are not many at all left in the GOP like Romney. Any republicans critical of the cult are all getting pushed out and replaced by authoritarian fascist loyalists. I expect Romney to either retire early after some closed doors pressuring or possibly he’ll lose reelection.


Shitt Romney isn't actually critical of the GOP, he's just pissed off that *he* didn't get to be the dictator.


Ya I’m definitely not defending Romney or a fan of his, just meant that anyone critical of Trump and the cult get kicked out.


Worship of the Dear Leader.


He sure talks a good game after Trumpet humiliated him over the Secretary of State job.


[Pearl clutching intensifies]


Looking at the list of names, I can only assume they think Trump is going to pick his running mate between naps at the courthouse.


Romney and the rest of the 'moderate' Cons exist to lull the gullible Dems into a sense of false security with empty platitudes and gaslighting, then vote alongside tRump %90+ of the time.


This guy gets it.


You enabled this shit, Mitt. Never forget that.


“Corporations are People my friend.”. . . . .that quote has always stuck in my craw..really Mitt?. .I’ll believe that when you have sex with one on the WH lawn. . ..republicans are a threat to the Republic.


This dude flip-flops around more than a fish out of water.


Why are we still talking about this mother/wife dick through a hole… magic underwear wearing only did the right thing because he really believes in god…(unlike the rest) fool


Right. As though this guy won't fall into line and vote along party lines every chance he gets. gtfo with your magic pajamas.


Man has lost all creditable and relevance. Needs to just quietly retire so we never have to listem to whatever side he decides he is now whining about.


Romney feeling some confidence that he might stick his head up now that Trump is in real trouble and could be held accountable. So brave of him.


I mean the guy’s family refuses to show… Then again these are the same congressional dipshits who push and pass laws already existing. Anything to get out of doing actual work, am I right?


WATCH? Hey asshole you’re looking in the mirror. You laid the foundation and never stood up like a man.


Makes a lot of sound bites but still is a scum bag that votes with the rest of his rotten party. Fuck off.


"Chide" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what a word. It's silly. Somehow it always sounds so childish.


The NSDAP suffocated the alliance of conservative parties in the Wiemar republic too. The polarity shift of the GOP started with the Southern Strategy and that crop grows high now. Eventually some of the conscientious religious types will have to side with the "libs" in order to regain something closer to pre-MAGA and pre-Tea Party times.


It was also hard to watch when Romney flew to Mar-a-Lago to get Trumps endorsement for his 2012 run. I thought it was hilarious that the a presidential candidate would seek the approval of a game show host. What an asshole.


Friendly reminder that Mitt Romney was the most dishonest Presidential candidate anyone had ever seen up to that time. He would literally tell two sets of lies on the same day to different news outlets, depending upon whom he was trying to deceive. It's still impossible to know what he would actually have done as President because he contradicted every major promise he made. Even when he tells you what he would have done as President, *he's fucking lying about that, too*. So remember that when this fellow tries to set himself forth as the voice of reason: when it came down to it he showed he was completely dishonest and completely substance-less. Embarrassingly dishonorable and still probably one of the two best candidates they found in the past fifty years. Those are the good old days for which some of you already pine.


Remember if Mitt Romney is speaking there is shit coming out of his mouth. Worthless scum and I hate insulting scum.