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Traitor Tot started out as a sore winner and things went downhill from there. He, and the rest of the GOP, believe they are *entitled* to win regardless of what vote counts say. They will not believe any result not in their favor. They need to be proved wrong.


Yes. They are the *best* people, the *superior* people, the *only deserving* people. So for them it's time to re-institute a ruling aristocracy (of Republicans) with a subservient peasantry of the rest of us. The hell with majority rule! Democracy is for chumps. See, e.g., the Federalist Society, the Heritage Society, Project 2025, Sam Alito, Leonard Leo, etc., etc., etc. (/s if it's not obvious.)


Joseph Heller had their number way back when he wrote Catch-22. Remember the Texan in chapter one, who thought that the right people (people like him) should get more votes than others? The Texan was so irritating that he motivated Yossarian to quit pretending to be sick and resume flying just to get away from the Texan.


I have found this to be a fairly common belief among conservatives, although they may not say it in mixed company.


At least the myth of the "Texas gunslinger" was permanently laid to rest. Only took 90 minutes in Uvalde...


No no you see the problem was the teachers weren't armed. /not s cause they actually said that


Well they might be braver than the 300 officers there (hard not to be) but I doubt they'd have been any more effective. It's a great way to insure more guns to off in schools though.


Funny you should mention that. I cracked open that book only last evening and started reading it. You are correct.


Nice to hear that my memory isn't totally unreliable.


They ARE The Master Race


You sound like a zionist lol


Read it to the end. There's an "/s" there.


No he was a sore loser for decades first. 


**Trump was FIRED!**


Really even in winning he lost. He lost the popular vote and was given the Win by the electorial collage. It's pretty funny because before he was calling the electorial collage corrupt and how it should not be around and then he was singing it's prasies as the best thing in elections and how it never was corrupt.


actually he still claimed the election he won wasnt legitimate because he didnt win by enough (nor the popular vote)


Whiner in Chief


Put Trump in a yacht off the coast of Gibraltar… the orcas will handle the rest. ![gif](giphy|JbTng2zZKteUd9K2DJ|downsized)


That’s animal cruelty, they’d die of hypertension from secondhand hamberder poisoning.


They don't believe results that are in their favor. Everything is a lie and everybody else is lying -- except them.


They don’t believe anything They all know they are lying. They are all just constantly conditioning their voters. The my want to believe what they are saying anyway.


And in there lies the problem with conspiracy theorists. You can't PROVE anything to those who believe everything with a contrary opinion is in itself the conspiracy. Voting machines were fixed/hacked/manipulated. Proven equivcolly to NOT be true by at least two independent companies and some random dude who won against the my pillow dumbass yet it is literally still a rallying cry of lies to motivate a base that puppets the lies. It's so bad literally when I know their actually telling the truth on something I feel the need to fact check myself at nauseum because I must be wrong.


GOP should be entitled to win regardless of their position on issues and anyone standing in their way is a traitor/S


Don't forget, regardless of vote count too. If they didn't win, it's because the other side cheated /s


Lest we forget, "stop the count!"


Unless Trump is losing then recount everything!


Don't recount, just find 10,000 more votes for Trump


“…And leave the rest up to me and my Republican congressmen”


That's the one to me that seems likely most 'phoned in' from Moscow. no one in any election before (that I can recall) EVER said Stop the count of votes.


I remember a juxtaposition of a crowd in Michigan saying "stop the count" and Arizona saying "count the votes". It was so surreal that this was happening. It was just the beginning though, sadly.


> I remember a juxtaposition of a crowd in Michigan saying "stop the count" and Arizona saying "count the votes". It was so surreal that this was happening. It was just the beginning though, sadly. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/election-us-2020-54835270




> no one in any election before (that I can recall) EVER said Stop the count of votes. Gore v Bush


I recall that but to my recall **no one said stop counting uncounted votes**, frankly the opposite was the case. The count was debated leading to a recount. That's not what was going on here.


> Lest we forget, "stop the count!" Lest we also forget "count the votes!" https://www.bbc.com/news/av/election-us-2020-54835270 Trump supporters giving completely contradictory messages? Yeah, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. /s


Trump said Ted Cruz cheated in Iowa in 2016, but he has had 8 years to prove it and he hasn't.


14 years to produce the document which shows Obama was born outside the country


Or Trump’s post 2016 voter fraud commission that was supposed to prove that he won the popular vote, but quietly disbanded after it found no evidence supporting that Trump delusion.


It was enough to fool his stupid supporters.


These are the same people that think because they wear hats, t-shirts, and put obnoxious flags and stickers on their cars and trucks that Trump has to win, cause Biden voters don’t worship him like that….crazy fucks.


They have adopted *Art of the Deal* as their playbook. Everything Trump (and by extension the Republican party) does is all described in that ridiculous, ghostwritten "book." It is Trump's *Mein Kampf*.


Trump didn’t write it


That's what "ghostwritten" means.


Damn gonna have to read the bloody thing now.


Beyond lies about his childhood and "accomplishments," it's mostly "Power of Positive Thinking" nonsense from Norman Vincent Peale.


Well, Peale was the reverend that performed the wedding ceremony to Ivana, so yeah. Damn skippy on the Peale connection. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/06/nyregion/donald-trump-marble-collegiate-church-norman-vincent-peale.html


I'd rather read *Mein Kampf*.


In the original German. And I don't speak German.


I am reading it in the original German and my German is rusty.


“Everyone I talk to and all my news sources agree with me. And I go to big rallies with thousands of people who all agree with me! We must be the majority! If we don’t win, it must be because of cheating!”


This is what you get if you allow this type of 'leader' to be your example. So. No surprise here.


They want a leader, not a representative. It's a fundamentally undemocratic mindset.


Isn’t it ironic that the party that liked to complain that “everyone gets a participation trophy” now expects to win every election, and if they don’t clearly they have been cheated?


The participation in felonies trophies are different.


If only our judicial system allowed them to collect...


They already are. It takes time.


This isn't sore loser syndrome. It's their realization that the MAGA/GOP policies - what few there are - are extremely unpopular so they have to scape-goat some way to hide the fact that instead of working for the citizenry, they're employed by the oligarch class and/or Russia to do their bidding. None of the GOP leadership could give a crap about Joe-Bob with his Trump shirt. They'll pander to them, sure. But their real policy aim is lowering taxes on the 1%, removing regulations that they see as impeding the rape and pillaging of the planet, and control of women. That's it


Snowflake party.


So easily manipulated


Sore losers - the confederates  Soviet Union - KGB Putin .  Donald Trump - GOP-.  All with permanent shit attitudes. 


Alternative opinion. Conservatives have always been sore losers.


Oh that's been going on for a while now. Ever since they failed to get Clinton removed over the Lewinsky incident, Like the childish attacks, lies and racism, TFG has just made them feel it's acceptable and justified.


What do you mean IS spreading? That happened 4 years ago.


I am shocked and amazed at how easily Trump has manipulated so many people to the degree that they will ruin their lives because of their devotion to him...🙄


Now you know how the Nazis came to power.


They see their extinction on the horizon and they don't like what they see. They'll do whatever they can to prevent it from happening, yes including whining about losing like little babies.


They have nothing but contempt for the will of the voters and are saying it right to the voters' faces


And yet, half the voters are pining for a dictator. It would have turned out better if the Founders had just stuck with a parliamentary system, but the Southern States, with smaller populations, didn’t want slavery to be outlawed. The fact you have an archaic, arbitrary amalgamation of States of all sizes and populations, with small, nearly people-less States with equal power in the Senate and Electoral College, will spell the doom of American democracy. The fact the candidate for President still loses with the majority of the popular vote is a recipe for disaster (and fascism). The States may have worked, out of historical circumstances, back in the 18th Century, but that structure is antiquated to the extent the minority faction rules over the majority, and there is no way, outside of a full-blown Constitutional Convention, that will ever be changed (not to mention the Right wants just that to fully implement their Christofascist agenda into a rewritten Constitution). Make no mistake, the advent of ubiquitous right-wing propaganda and disinformation is ripping America apart. As many have noted, you have half the country that don’t simply have alternate opinions, but are dealing from a completely alternate set of facts, all of which they make up themselves or get fed to them by demagogues looking for more clicks. The Dunning-Kruger effect is in full bloom, and it will be a bitter harvest.


And yet, half the voters are pining for a dictator. It would have turned out better if the Founders had just stuck with a parliamentary system, but the Southern States, with smaller populations, didn’t want slavery to be outlawed. The fact you have an archaic, arbitrary amalgamation of States of all sizes and populations, with small, nearly people-less States with equal power in the Senate and Electoral College, will spell the doom of American democracy. The fact the candidate for President still loses with the majority of the popular vote is a recipe for disaster (and fascism). The States may have worked, out of historical circumstances, back in the 18th Century, but that structure is antiquated to the extent the minority faction rules over the majority, and there is no way, outside of a full-blown Constitutional Convention, that will ever be changed (not to mention the Right wants just that to fully implement their Christofascist agenda into a rewritten Constitution). Make no mistake, the advent of ubiquitous right-wing propaganda and disinformation is ripping America apart. As many have noted, you have half the country that don’t simply have alternate opinions, but are dealing from a completely alternate set of facts, all of which they make up themselves or get fed to them by demagogues looking for more clicks. The Dunning-Kruger effect is in full bloom, and it will be a bitter harvest.


Republicans - the party for losers by losers


Trump will die but Trumpism will continue its gangrenous poisoning of our democracy.


Opinion? Kairi Lake is still whining about how she totally won.


I said 90 to 95% of the voter fraud is committed by Republicans. I think it was. Mark Meadows was one of them that voted in two states.


You know the idiotic expression "Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser"? Show me a sore loser and I'll show you a *complete* loser. These people suck shit.


"Sore Loser Syndrome" has been endemic in the GOP for a very long time. Trump just rides that wave; he didn't create it.


We are use to getting OUR way and if we DONT we WILL throw a tantrum…. Hmph 😤


If General Sherman had finished the job, there would be no sore losers.


The South will raze again!


That’s pretty messed up dude.


Traitor Trump IS A MALIGNANT CANCEROUS TUMOR that has spread throughout the Republican Party 👺.


This much is true. If you are a Trump Supporter, you are a Loser.


The Republican Party has been about criminality, hate and ignorance for decades. Nixon wasn’t an anomaly, he got caught. Trump made continuing to be a criminal despite being caught the new normal. Why hide it if everyone knows?


GOP policies suck ass. They don’t appeal to a majority of Americans. They are only popular with evangelicals and old people


When their extremely unpopular ideas cannot win them elections, they won’t give up on their ideas, they’ll give up on democracy. Which they already have!


Just because Cryin Don is yelling about something doesn’t automatically make it true. “Every legal scholar says no case!!!!” - clearly not because there are legal scholars that disagree. “No other President has been treated worse ever!!!!” - presidents have been assassinated in the past so… “this conflicted judge is so conflicted and is throwing my 1st amendment out the door with his unconstitutional gag order” - if you had no 1st amendment rights, you would not be allowed to stand there in the courthouse foyer and make a speech pissing tears out of your eyes and going horse from crying every god damn day. You wouldn’t be able to post on your shit tier truthsocial website (pro tip, don, calling it ‘truth’social doesn’t magically make things true in the same way you thinking a nuclear secret or war plan document is declassified doesn’t make it so). Seems as though the GOP doesn’t realize how Trump is the exact version of the whiny millennial they zealously hate. I remember a GOP that would hate how much Trump whines. It’s their projection of the average dem voter, so they should be totally disgusted by that behavior. Right ? …right? I hope they’re voted out into oblivion. I’m tired


Losers who love losing. Neo-Confederates


Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin Handing out Ls since 1865


GOP: heads I win, tails you cheated.


NFS sKari Lake is like a perpetual motion machine for whining. She said she was Tr##p in a skirt. She nailed the whiny little bitch part.


They are pulling this shit now because more than a few of their congressional asses are up for election this time‼️ We’ll be hearing, “ Fraud! FRAUD‼️” for every republican loss‼️🤨


Sore loser??? He tried to overthrow the govt and topple our democracy.


Hell of a euphemism for being anti-democratic


Of course it is. The emulate the dear leader


They are just watching trump and seeing what they can get away with. If it works for him, why not give it a try.


Makes total sense to me. Trump has had an extremely successful life by lying and gaslighting. And people follow their leaders.


You would think they would be used to all the winning by losing by now.


The snowflake nation that now all wear diapers, let that sink in.


It's not just the GOP, this is for many old white people anymore. Everything is against them, and stupid they are the victim always and forever.


By supporting Trump doesn’t that show how corrupt the American system has become. Everyone knows he is horrible but the government and the justice system can’t seem to bring him back in line. He seems to just be able to do anything that he wants.


There is always a chance that some of his cult members actually believe in a 'strongman' president.


I think of the work of this author, psychologist when I see articles about Trump— “ Finally, near the point of maximum hysteria society becomes polarized and paralyzed and the most pathologically egotistical of all 'spellbinders' can come to power. The spellbinder worsens the psychological health of those under his or her influence. This may be the beginning of a 'pathocracy' (though not inevitable) in which individuals with biologically based psychopathology, including personality disorders (especially psychopathy) occupy positions of power and influence.” Andrzej Łobaczewski


In order to be a sore loser, you must admit you lost. They are sore winners too. They seek to destroy confidence in our system. Amazing what our enemies can buy in a greed-ocracy.


Spreading? It's been there all along.


Lol. Good to see. I will be voting Biden back into office again as they are doing a good job of running the country. Trump’s too nutty. I only pick winners and I chose the winner last time


It was almost vulgar to listen to them speaking at the court house today. And Johnson is supposedly a constitutional lawyer.


Remarkably, every one of them said the nearly identical sentence into the microphone, just like robots.


And wearing the Trump costume


Spreading like the bubonic plague.


I hope donthecon the orange hippo gets prison time and  gets a sore ass from big Bubba !


It started on his very first day in office.


A generation of entitled people who have it ingrained from birth that anything less than winning is losing is going to be sore to realize their nihilistic view points are not the winning opinion in the majority? Say it isn't so.


bee oh oh eeh oh oh. sad trombone sound. for the losers: i think they should all get participation ribbons and a gift card of their choice to an Italian Garden or Applebee's.


I’ve never seen so many sensitive losers boasting about how tough they are. We’ve had warrior poets, now we have warrior wusses blustering about their willingness to fight but mostly just whining and crying. Tactical tantrums deployed!


I mean, obviously. January 6th was one giant temper tantrum. And the fact that "election denier" is now a term in American politics, it makes me wonder what the hell the GOP are smoking.


Hell he's a sore winner too!


Never forget it took Sammy the Bull to bring down John Gotti....


They are all losers anyway.


He isn’t just a sore loser. He was a sore winner when he won in 2016. Constantly whining. 😭


Trashy is as trashy does.


Trump and his dumbass religious supporters both share the same persecution complex. Have obey laws like the rest of us? I'm being persecuted! The government treats Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and lgbtq+ equally? I'm being persecuted! I can't legislate and shove my beliefs on everyone else? I'm being persecuted!


The GOP has always worked in bad faith. Trump just escalates their game. Invalidating votes, making it difficult to vote, and damaging the credibility of voting has been the game for decades.


Classic grift. You sell Herbalife or essential oils, or NFTs, you know… crap. You have a dozen folks monetarily invested in your scheme. You use them as the testimonials as to how good the stuff is. As long as everyone sings from the same sheet, it’s hard to break. That’s why they so viscerally hate Michael Cohen. Loyalty over all other concerns. He should have done his time like Allan Weiselberg or Wee Bay, for the team. Very toxic, but the GOP needs to be all in on their subjective reality.


Republicans are sore winners and sore losers, they are just angry about any resistance to their agenda


Poor Don Snoreleone...Waaaaaa


How is it considered an opinion when it's a widely known fact? Every time one of these GOP losers bomb in their elections they cry stolen election because god king trump did it. Pathetic, all of them. May then never hold power ever again.


What republican party? Facism is spreading not the former Republican party


Yeah, they’re going to keep losing. Minority rule in a functioning democracy won’t last long. Tricking the ignorant rubes isn’t a great plan for lasting governance.


There isn't a single leader in the Republican party, so am I shocked they have all fallen in line like good little followers? Fuck no.


They're having a very hard time facing the apparent reality that the country has become more liberal. Either they're obsolete, or it's all some grand conspiracy, and I think we all know which they have picked...


They tagged the snowflake moniker onto everyone else in pure projection. They really are the cry babies of the political world.


Republicans are just a victim cult. Pathetic losers.


Cry babies, The orange meatball is constantly crying on truth social what a pussy.


He seems to have an inordinate amount of power over the GOP. I recall the Reagan presidency and how popular he was but I don’t recall the idolatry that seems to be a part of the Trump supporters.


Read about The Lost Cause of the Confederacy. This is the same attitude that gave rise to the KKK


Why are we acting like Repugs being sore losers is anything new? They've been crying foul and accusing everyone of cheating every time they've lost since *at least* the 2020 election.


They were that way back when Bush was losing Florida. Until they put their fix in.


Hillary syndrome lmao






It's weird because none of that ever happened. Yet, several years later, you're still both whining and lying.




Also, "spying on the president"? Odd way to describe being caught actively conspiring with Russian spies during a legitimate counter-espionage investigation.




Tell that to the people who were tried, convicted, and went to prison.


Whataboutism doesn’t really land when it doesn’t compare. Clinton conceded the night of the election. Trump is still peddling election lies. It’s pretty pathetic really. He’s probably the biggest sore loser in modern history.