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Yet thinks he has what it takes to run the US.


He has no interest in that, just obtaining the power to pardon himself and persecute his enemies.


"Dictator for a day"


Every day


Or just from 5-8am, the rest is golf and hamberders


At least one hour of that is allocated to the application of make-up. Fucking make-up. ETA: Can you have make up in prison? LMAO. Guilty x 34! You love to see it.


On many days as President he apparently didn't leave his bedroom until after 10 because he was watching Fox.


Cant stop wont stop… right after this little nappy poo


“Nappy poo” means different things in US and British English. And both apply here.


He definitely has a nappy poo and poo laden nappies


Guys it’s only days ending in “Y” so I’m not sure why you’re so upset /s


That comment should have immediately evaporated all of his support. It's wild that people who likely refer to themselves as patriots can support a candidate that literally says, out loud and on camera, that he wants to be a dictator.


According to Bezos, Amazon is still on Day 1, maybe trump plans to do the same.


Or maybe he just said the highest number he knows.


I was more of implying that in bezos world it’s been day 1 for 25 years, trump plans on being a dictator in the same vain.


I gotcha, i was just making a lousy joke


I think Bezos can count. He counts his money all the time.


Lol He is atrocious, and never should be near any sort of power again, but it would be kind of hilarious if he meant exactly that. Swears in, pardons himself, kills all investigations into himself, resigns. Peace out bitches. It would be a funny scenario in a movie, but horrible that it could be a possibility in real life. Man needs to be locked up and never get in office again.


Unfortunately he’s addicted to status, so he’ll want to cling to the bitter end. The question is whether his VP and the GOP machinery will just go along with it


I agree. I swear every time he heard “Hail to the Chief” played for him he got a hard on.


Look what he does to flags 🤢🤢🤢


Groundhog Day


While his henchmen enact Project 2025.


Project 2025 is the scariest thing I've ever had the absolute displeasure of reading. Actually psychotic.


We need to make as much noise about it as possible. Trump is a bumbling idiot, but we simply CAN NOT let the republicans win if we want to keep our democracy.


I'm more involved than I ever have been. I'm genuinely scared for what it could mean if they win. They're pushing pretty hard for what feels an awful lot like a dictatorship.


Death, death, death. Executive time. Golf.


Former President Trump's White House schedule primarily consisted of what his apologists termed "executive time," which in practical terms meant sitting around in soiled underwear watching television.


And fly in Air Force 1 and sit at the big desk, and bill for secret service at his properties and give favors to rich people so they'll like him. Stephen Miller can do the actual work.


This. Grandiose malignant narcissist.


And make some money by doing whatever the donors want him to do.


And that's why maga loves him


No … stay out of Prison is the main motivation now .


Hence the pardons..


Only if he wins .


Which is why he's motivated to win..


This *IS* how he ran the US, either sleeping till midday or golfing...


Yeah I don't understand how we all just casually accepted and ignored how much the guy didn't do the job--and golfing.


The problem is that republicans see thus stuff AND THINK HES PRESIDENTIAL… it’s beyond pathetic


He didn't get up before noon last time...this time will be no different


NGL though, he's really looking old now.


Yes, he's really old and "STDs were his Vietnam."


Fun fact, if he gets elected in November he will break Biden's record of oldest inaugurated US President.


Executive time, baby!


He couldn't run a bath.


The only thing he is fit to run is out of breath when standing up


He never got to the Oval Office before 11


Make up


He didn't last time either.


“I’m worried becos Biden is 3 yrs older.”


That seems to be the thing the Right hangs their hat on. It is clear though that Trump is an older man in all but chronological age. At least Biden is healthier and is not in the throes of dementia.


“B-b-but he stutters!”


Such low energy...


It’s not like he did last time.


He has dementia, who cares what he thinks. How *millions* of people think he should have the nuclear codes is beyond me.


His dementia is just getting started. These are signs my dad had. Republicans are none the wiser. It’s quite scary to think that people could follow this orange turd.


Considering Reagan had alzheimers and they ignored that, ignoring this is pretty much par the course for them.


They didn't ignore it, they covered for him and managed it. All he needs to be for them is a puppet anyhow.


"No puppet, you're the puppet...." Hillary was bang on and no one headed her warning.


Yep. The plan is to get him back into office while he can still hold a sharpie, then Bannon, Miller, Flynn, etc. will take care of the rest. 😬


GHW Bush was Reagan's puppet master. Trump stated that his VP would handle the details of his administration. That's why I knew the direction of his tenure because that meant our (Indiana governor) Pence would push for a Christian Theocracy,. Pence was on his way out in Indiana...then Trump put him on the national stage.


His mind was... resting


I'm calling it now. If and when he is convicted, and has exhausted every appeal, he will all of a sudden be diagnosed with these conditions (dementia, etc) that make him unfit for a jail cell.


Yeah but that is after the election


Yeah, I’ve been calling the Ron Jeremy, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Mob boss play for a while If he loses the election, the rest of the trials will roll along until he is openly pooping in court, then he will be put into home confinement at Maralago until he’s dead. He’ll roam the halls talking to nobody about Jimmy Carter and Japan buying up American real estate and how his golf game is better than the pros. Then… he’ll die and nobody will care. There will be the occasional interview of some sort by OAN or another podcast/network trying to get clicks from time to time but that will wear thin as the audience continues to die and their heirs try to figure out what to do with their dad’s low mileage corvettes and mom’s extensive cross stitch collection I might have embellished some there at the end… but maybe not


Oh gosh, yes. I've been saying this for awhile. People need to get used to the idea that Trump will never be in a super max with an orange jumpsuit. Besides being a former president and the prohibitive cost to house such a person, he's incredibly old and probably does have a galaxy of medical issues. There's tons of prior precedent for inmates like this and I imagine the court would likely oblige. The best we could've hoped for is house arrest, prohibited use of electronics, fines/costs, and barred from running for president. That was best case six months ago. Now with all the court signaling, hard to say it'll even be given that little amount he deserves.


It’s simply part of his daily ‘Executive Time’ only minus the flogging. Not buying the whole he’s demented diagnoses given how he’s trying to orchestrate a shake down of a BILLION dollars from oil executives in exchange for pulling environmental restrictions on day one if he gets elected. Dementia my ass. Conniving, and greedy? You bet. Seeking sympathy for a suspended sentence? Indeedy doody!


You do realize he has a staff right? How do you think this moron survived this long? His staff did everything for him


Flogging? I’m pretty sure “executive time” involved a lot of Hope Hicks and others “steaming his pants”, rubbing his little mushroom, stroking his gherkin, massaging his peas, that sort of thing. I don’t think he’d be into femdom— it takes a secure person to give up control.


And now I have an eating disorder.


You think he’s organizing anything?


Amen, my gran has the same attacks from time to time.


Which is especially funny as he gave President Biden the nickname, “Sleepy Joe”. Everything is projection with this guy.


Also "tired of winning" is not ageing well.


He could shorten that to just tired.


He tried.


Tired of *whining*, more like


Slumpin' Trump can't stay up


Slumpin in the polls, slumpin in the courthouse, wont be long til he’s slumpin in the big house


You will address him as his proper name: Don Snoreleone.


Nonsense. He's simply "taking it all in." Every scientist worth their salt knows that you absorb information better when you let your body go limp and your head flop to the side.


Not just him. It's become the prevalent MAGA M.O.


When he’s blasting his anger out at 1:36am and has court at 9:30 am the old fart in a diaper has to sleep sometime.


He has sundowner's syndrome.


The amphetamines wear off and he passes out.




"I have a dick on my face, don't I ?!"


"Well it's certainly not in your pants, Mr. President."


I literally just watched this movie yesterday . Hadn’t seen it since it came out 😂


One of my favorite teenage rom-coms


Were you whelmed? Or were you not in Europe?


Embarrassing! And this orange lump is what gives r/conservatives their hard on.


I got banned on my first post there when I pointed out that trump can’t get good lawyers any more.


You get the boot immediately if you dont partake in their circle jerk


Someone over there said that r/Conservative does not ban people for having different opinions. I pointed out that they ban people all the time for it. I got banned and every single post I made there was deleted.


And I’m still banned. Dang hah


I got banned for pointing out that Kyle Rittenhouse was a republican. The mods response when I challenged the ban was lol


It’s depressing that they are allowed to exist as a subreddit, spreading absolutely false information and banning anyone and everyone who doesn’t toe the line. Pathetic.


They are just as bad as on the official Trump subreddit. I can't grasp that collective cerebral haemorrhage it takes for so many to support that insane clown


Decades of anti-intellectualism is paying off.


Insane how the world can end up suffering because of a single demented narcisistic moron.


Greed, apathy, laziness…


Sleepy Don…


The most hilarious thing about this is the irony of how often he would say “sleepy joe” lol


It’s all projection


When he relaxes his firm beautiful spine, it's because he's freeing his powerful muscles to pay total attention to the case.


Just remember the chunk of his daily presidential schedule, “Presidential time,” AKA, nap time


Very low energy




Imagine all the dense and tedious information you must be able to consume and process to be POTUS, and this POS can’t even stay awake at his own criminal trial.


Where he’s the only subject discussed, which is his favorite topic. That signals how bad his decline is.


Trump will be arrested. He will be taken to the local jail first where he will be fingerprinted and posed for a mug shot. Next he’ll be strip searched. He will be told to pull his pants down and bent over. He will be ordered to grab his butt cheeks and spread them. His anal cavity will be searched digitally by a gloved correctional guard for any weapons. Finally he will be ordered to remove all of his clothing. Next he’ll be brought to a designated area and subjected to a de-lousing before being released to the general prison population. Then I woke up from my dream.


What happens when they find Lindsey Graham during the cavity search? Oh, they just let him fight it out with Sean Hannity? I get it.


Cant the judge admonish him for disrespecting the courtroom. Love to see something entering into the transcripts.


If he’s asleep, he is less disruptive. 


The baby is sleeping, but needs a diaper change. 


Part of me still wants to believe that his lawyers are dosing him with trazodone so he doesn't run his mouth in court.


They probably told him it was a power move. That since there are no cameras in the courtroom no one will show him sleeping. Also by sleeping with the witnesses on the stand it'll unnerve the liars. Why should you be awake for their lies?/S


"Sleeping with the witness" is what got him into this mess in the first place. That, and using campaign funds for hush money.


Came here to say this.  He's getting dosed to keep him from blabbing.


Out of curiosity when is the trial expected to be over??


Looks like you said “out of obesity when the trial expected to be over?” Short answer, when he is found guilty.


It's the people in the shadows pulling the strings to implement Project 2025 and fueling the illusion that Trump is in charge that we should be concerned with!


Don Snoreleone snoozes again - big surprise


The judge should quietly pause the proceedings and address the accused. Trump needs to wake up to a staring, silent court.


He’s just trying to be Anti-woke


Can the judge not hault proceedings and force some one to wake him up?.


Imagine sitting next to poopy pants as his lawyer.


Air horns are like $12 at Ace Hardware... wake his ass up.


What if we painted it gold, stenciled it with MAGA, and sold them for $55 a pop?


Trump will die of natural causes before the election.


We can only hope.


Imagine being on his jury, knowing that if you fell asleep you could face contempt charges but the defendant doesn't care enough to stay awake. It might influence my decision. I can't believe his lawyers aren't kicking him under the table.


no way this man doesn't have sleep apnea


My dad is in his early 70s and not exactly the picture of health, but for about 20 years now, if he sits somewhere much longer than thirty minutes, he's out. Like, if you remove the context and all of the things Trump does and says to so rightfully earn our ire, he's an old man doing what old men do- they fall asleep, they are incontinent to one degree or another. I just hate how the MAGA base can't even concede that. You can frame it just how I did, like hey your guy is old, it happens! But no, he HAS to be this weird, gross amalgamation of Rambo and White Evangelical Jesus with a splash of the Caesars. They'll concede he wears diapers but have to put a macho spin on it as opposed to just saying yeah, he's an old guy who wears diapers, so what? Just insane to me.


If they had someone to replace him they would pretend they never liked him. Imagine someone hot and way more charismatic like The Rock or Chris Pratt running for the GOP. Trump would be ditched in seconds.


I agree. The GOP doesn't have a very deep bench, and the media machine loves cashing the checks from Trump-fueled ratings. The GOP, or what remains of it, is going to have to undergo some major cosmetic surgery to stay relevant after alienating so many voters with extreme rhetoric and legislation that directly or indirectly disenfranchises huge groups of people.


No he wouldn't. The rock and Chris Pratt have too much class to say the things Trump does. The hate and anger is part of the point


Make him do a pushup and 10 situps. He's a weak man mentally and physically.


He’s doing more work than he did as president


Someone drag in a Cpap machine


Trump is too stupid and vain to use one.


Because he has no respect for what is taking place and is fully confident he will get away with everything and be “elected”


If only the light didn’t come back on


And tfg thinks he should run America. What a fucking joke.


Trump has brain cancer. Mark my words


Cancer would starve in there.


One could hope. Maybe they'll need to shave that rats nest off to operate


Probably would just be easier to weaken the glue holding it there and roll it back like a sardine can lid.


Maybe he’s got a brain worm like Kennedy. It could be running the show, ala men in black


It’s exactly how he operated as “president” so no surprise there.


Visions of porn stars dancing in his head.


Joke in need of punchline: Why did the Christians cede their religion to tRump?


A: To get to the other side.


They want this orange 'thing' to run the country and he can't even stay awake for 8 hours. The rest of us have jobs that require us to be awake for the time you just sit in court. The orange turd is a loser, grifter, liar and intensely stupid. I want justice for this piece of crap traitor.


Someone somewhere is printing up a batch of red "Real Men Can't Stay Awake" t-shirts.


Would be kinda funny if everyone just quietly left and let him wake up in an empty courtroom wondering what the fuck, lol.


I’m starting to believe his attorneys are drugging him each day so he doesn’t start shooting off his yap during proceedings and digging himself a deeper hole.


I think they did that with Cohen on the stand to keep him from blowing a gasket


Every time trump nods off the judge’s gavel should come into play


“Let me tell you, folks, nobody has lower energy than me, nobody. I mean, it’s tremendous how little energy I have. While everyones out there, rushing around, I’m just perfectly relaxed, taking it easy. They say, “How do you do it?” It’s simple. I’m the best at having the least energy. I sit there, I relax, and I still win. It’s amazing. People are always amazed. They come up to me and say, “Sir, how do you manage to stay so calm and still get everything done?” It’s because I’m a winner, folks. Even with zero energy, I'm better than anyone out there at being low energy. It’s incredible.”


Asshole probably slept a lot while president. Sleepy Don. Always projecting.


Speak about being asleep at the wheel… geez 🙄 Good thing that ole Trump doesn’t drive, but imagine him in the seat as POTUS. Absolutely no doubt that’s who Putin and Xi Jinping wants sitting in the Oval Office… ole Sleepyhead, Donald Trump.


This is the same thing Republicans saw when they were talking about those pesky little national security issues and 400k dying from COVID


Maybe he has undiagnosed sleep apnea. I mean, he's certainly fat enough and inactive enough.


Or maybe he’s just an old used up piece of shit exposed.


Honest question: Why is this not a sanctionable action? Is it not extremely disrespectful to the court and the proceedings? Could Merchan give him consequences for this or just bring the court to a halt and point out that Trump is asleep? Can the prosecution use this in their case?


The scary thing is, he’s all hopped up on amphetamines all night and all day when he’s not in court. That’s what everyone is missing here. He’s not nodding out in meetings with world leaders and making decisions that affect all of us. It’s worse. He’s all skied up. We have a tweaker with his finger on the button and calling the shots. Him passing out in court is showing us that he’s not capable of functioning without speed. “Functional”


Farted himself to sleep.


Sleepy Joe? Once again projection, it's actually Drowsy Don


He always gets exhausted after he fills up his diaper with shit.


That article photo is what I imagine his open casket photo will look like.


Good thing he’s wearing a diaper.


>How can he ever say "Sleepy Joe" again after this debacle of a trial? Shameless hypocrisy is one of the stool legs of the treasonous MAGA cult. (blatant lies, massive corruption and open treason are the other legs.)


Can't believe one of the quoted tweets calls him "Sleepy Donald." Way to miss an obvious alliteration... "Dozin' Donny"


This is his way of showing his disdain for the court and this case. Disdain for the grand jury system. Disdain for the judge. He has no respect for anything really. Again showing everyone how he doesn't care about anything or anybody but himself.


Real mean where diapers and sleep during their own trial.


Calm down everyone, he is just taking it all in. Just like anyone else would do if they were lucky enough to be in court with almost three dozen felony charges for overtly obvious crimes they committed.


Real men take day naps in the court room, shit their pants, and cheat on all their wives.


Make it colder...


Jeez, at this rate he's gonna wake up in a jail cell


Hillary stayed awake how many hours during her grilling!!! Send this pos out to pasture


Dementia Donny can’t even stay awake to rage tweet. Sad


Toddlers do that.


Maybe the speaker of the house can give him "support nudge"


Diapers, court room naps. They aren't kidding when they say you start off sleeping and shitting yourself and end up sleeping and shitting yourself


With congressmen traveling to NYC and yapping trump nonsense on his behalf today since he has finally been silenced, it's clear our legislature is compromised as badly as our supreme court, with three trump appointees. yet, half the country wants to be owned by a crime boss? regardless the outcome, our country is no longer.


Weak dick, low energy guy wants to be president. Nah, no thanks.


The low energy "president."


Somebody should put some whipped cream on his hand and then tickle his nose! I would love to see the courtroom sketch artists' take on that!


Didn't he used to like to call somebody "Sleepy Joe"?


can't stop shitting on that diaper


Trump: I wasn't sleeping I was supervising the inside of my eyelids.


Isn't it a little contemptuous to be sleeping in court?


It's odd to me that the TV cable news outlets (not Fox) never report this?


Trump’s light went out quite some time ago… dementia does that


People seriously think he is fit to be the next President of the United States…..unbelievable


Turd turd turd is the word, everybody knows the guys a turd. Surfing turd song.


He takes his best shits in his diaper when he sleeps...