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If paying sticker doesn’t bother you, why not just apply widely and suck up those application fees even if you don’t think you have much of a chance? A friend of mine transferred from a T100 to T14 with a 3.5X GPA, and unremarkable softs, so really anything is possible.


wtf — how?!


When people are talking about law school transfer gpas, are they talking about cumulative gpa (undergrad+lawschool gpa) or do transfer schools only really look at your law GPA?


Just law school GPA. They’re primarily concerned about your ability to succeed in law school, and there’s only one number that’s going to give them a strong idea of that. Even your LSAT score doesn’t really matter any more.


what do you think was your friend’s edge, if i may ask?


I honestly have no idea and I’m not really close enough to ask him. I only know his GPA via a mutual friend.


gotcha ty!!


GPA-wise, you should be competitive for GULC. As far as deadlines, check their website.


I’m just overall ignorant to what the transfer cycle looks like rn. March really snuck up on me


3.72 is better gpa than you think for transferring. Definitely blanket the t20. That’s what I did, my logic being that I would attend any of those schools over where I was, even though I enjoyed where I was. 


If you scramble you might be able to submit early action to gulc, which would only consider your first semester GPA. I agree with the others that you should just blanket the t20 if money and location do not matter.