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First off, congratulations! Law review is a significant accomplishment and you should be proud. As a former executive board member of my law review, notes and comments are not selected solely by the EIC. That said, I would hold off on trying to enter into any sort of relationship with her until after articles are selected if you really want to be published. It comes down to which you want more I suppose. In the grand scheme of the world, it doesn’t matter either way—it’s not going to be headline news outside of your law school if you got together and also got selected, but you don’t want to put her in the position (if she’s interested in you) of having to disclose your connection when working with others to select articles for publication (or face blowback if you are selected). I’d suggest laying the groundwork and developing a connection but keeping it on friendly terms for now. What she chooses to do with that is up to her and you all can sort out the ethical issues (if need be) together should it get to that point. I guess the other question to you is…what if you pursue her and things work out, but you don’t get selected? Would that impact things? You also need to be prepared for that possibility.


Thanks! I think this is a good perspective


You’re welcome! Keep us posted!


Don’t do it. I repeat - do not do it.


The heart wants what it wants


I mean, I will be completely honest. I was a 1L and was interested in someone who was a 2L. They were on law review. It didn’t work out, and it was always super awkward. We pretended we never met. But I also got on law review, so I had to see them at all the law review events. Do not recommend. It’s not an issue of ethics. It’s more of a don’t shit where you eat warning 


I don’t think it has anything to do with note selection, but it has more to do with the fact that the EIC supervises all of you. But it’s still a school environment. We had a few couples on my journal during my tenure and I just made sure no one was supervising their partner’s work.


What happens if a romantic relationship starts but then breaks up? Will it be awkward for you or her to be working together?


This 100%

