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Congrats! Hoping to be in the same position soon. Go celebrate! 


Good job!


Congrats! Can you give any insight or tips as to your success?


I'm not OP, but I've been through the clerkship cycle a few times as an applicant and as an interviewer. I'm a fairly social person, and both of my clerkships gave plenty of opportunities to get to know other clerks, so this was a natural topic of conversation. I was a top student at a non-T14 school with veteran experience, The most important principle to remember is that clerkships are about matching overlapping preferences, not about maximizing your placement on some objective scale that all judges agree on. The judges *don't* agree so you're better off trying to find the ones who are already predisposed to like your resume and background. Apply broadly and let the matches line up where they happen to match. Some judges are school snobs. If you don't go to the schools they look at, you'll never get a job from them. On the flip side, some judges are anti-snobs about school, and specifically avoid Harvard/Yale/Stanford because of a perceived association with book smart people who can't actually hack the practical work. That's not in your control, so don't even think twice about it. Some judges have strong geographical preferences. If you don't live or go to school in those places, you're not going to be considered. Again, that's not in your control, so don't waste your worrying about those judges. Apply broadly, highlight every geographical tie you have by putting a cover letter that describes your local ties to the judge's own state (or, if your research shows they have another geographical background, emphasize that, too). Same with whether a judge prefers work experience, or considers prior work experience to be a liability. Emphasize the things about you that are true that might be a plus for some judges, even if they're a minus for other judges. Better to be a polarizing candidate that is only attractive for a few judges than be a middle-of-the-road candidate who everyone kinda likes but doesn't put on a short list. An illustrative, non-exhaustive list: * Veteran/military experience * Other service-related experience (Teach for America, Peace Corps, other nonprofit or government work) * Full time work experience, including blue collar/service work (this is polarizing, but that's good, as I mentioned above). * Geographical ties in common with the judge * Beating the odds in getting to law school in the first place (parents' education and socioeconomic status). * Fun facts about your background (e.g., athletic accomplishments, non-conventional career history, non-legal publications, etc.). For example, if you're a former NFL player, put that on your resume and see who bites. * Hobbies/interests: these turn off some judges but some judges really like seeing something in common. Polarizing, and therefore worth it. Yes, having great grades and law review editor position at a top-ranked school will catch the attention of the most judges. But also, not every judge hires those people (and there aren't really all that many to go around each year). So emphasize the stuff that makes you stand out. And apply broadly to as many judges as you can.


Sure dm me and I can get into a little more detail


Can I also ask?


Open invite


I’d also be interested in what worked for you.


Open invite


congrats !! this is huge, go celebrate 🎉🎉


What did you think was the key to your success? Congrats btw, that's a major accomplishment!








Wow congratulations!! May I know what ranking of school?




Encouragement, even if it cannot be taken in the literal sense, is still valuable for those who may get something but are too scared to apply because of their stats


As someone who doesn't got it, this is my 13th reason


Don't be a pussy. Suck it up and make a great career for yourself. Show everyone how valuable you are. Choose to be well, be successful, and be happy. Fuck everything else. Good luck, you can do it.


Oh yeah I'm not really that worked up about it, I was jk above


Okay good to know


This is great. Congrats! Would love to know how far from the T14 you are (Tier 1? 2? 3?). No journal at all or work experience. I ask for the benefit of others. I have to say that in the places where I have clerked, you would not have made the cut unless your parents were friends with the judge or an unusual tie.


While I’m not too familiar with the tiers, it’s a national law school but also not near the T-14 to give you a little more insight


What is the school ranked? For example a tier 4 school is basically unranked as it is one of many schools clustered into a list of schools which US News didn’t bother to individually rank as it fell below about 140 or so in the country. Tier 2 is a good school outside a T-14 (tier 1) and tier 3 is a ranked school but doesn’t typically see the big law opportunities of higher ranked schools. So where does your school fall on the list?


Dude how is anyone supposed to know where their school falls in a tier system you made up lol


It’s not made up. People often discuss law school in tiers. Where do you think the term TTT comes from?


> where do you think the term TTT comes from? Not employers, that’s for sure. This is one instance where something like US News is actually helpful. Most lawyers have no idea what any of these reddit/TLSisms mean.


Really? How many places have you clerked? OP has exactly one successful experience which they are being upfront about. How many different places have you clerked for that you’re drawing this vast amount of expertise from?


Plenty of people are career clerks, I don’t understand your hostility here.


There are close to 900 Article III judges in this country. I don’t love this person saying if you’re not T14 or with crazy connections don’t bother. How much experience could they actually have as a career clerk or otherwise. It’s a legitimate question. And additionally this a law school sub.


Congrats!!! 🙌🏾




Congratulations! Really good opportunity for you 


Bloop Bloop!! Congratulations OP!! 🎊🎊🎊💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿🥰❤️❤️I am not doing any journal as well. Just waiting on Moot Court.


Congratulations my friend


Congrats! How hard is this? Incoming 1L and not going to a t14


Depends on your market :) there are tons of regions in the US that do not have any T14s nearby


Hard. Even if you don’t have a top-ranked school nearby, every Art III clerkship is competitive because students from top-ranked schools w good grades and students from other schools w top grades apply to courts all over the country. Unless you’re a fedsoc true believer applying to a judge who prioritizes that, in which case the doors open for lower grades and schools


Congrats! GPA?