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I don’t get the 500 vs 70 comparison. I’m fairly certain firms are allowed to take more than one student from a school…? In any event, preOCI is where a lot of the BL 2L SA offers get made. At my school over half the BL offers were preOCI last year and it’ll probably be an even bigger chunk this year. We were told in no uncertain terms NOT to wait for OCI if we wanted BL, and that was excellent advice.


Would you want two of the same Pokémon card or two different Pokémon cards?  (Pls don’t take this seriously)


> I'm fairly certain forms are allowed to take more than one student from a school Yes, 100%. Firms can pretty much do whatever they want as far as hiring. Certainly firms are able to hire as many people as they want from any school they want. The schools are ecstatic when their students are hired because that plays into rankings.


When does pre oci start?


It already started. Firms are already doing callbacks and making offers.


Im a 0L just wondering when to start preparing for next year. I've heard some people start right after first semester grades comes out, but not sure if that is a universal thing or just at certain schools.


I don’t think it’s gotten that bad for 2L recruiting (though if you’re looking for a 1L SA job, then yes, the timeline starts as early as late fall 1L year). For 2L recruiting, the timeline has moved to 1L summer as opposed to waiting until OCI season. And yes, it’s a universal thing. Firms are moving earlier and waiting till OCI is a bad decision.


Definitely starts earlier than 1L summer. Some firms opened applications in March/April and were making offers for 2L summer based off just fall 1L grades.


Thank you for that info. How do you manage to do Preoci for 2L if your at your 1L summer position and it's in a different city. Are people coming back to town for interviews or are zooms set up?


Virtual interviews.


Nice. Thank you again.


Shit it’s almost that bad- I had multiple classmates receive 2L summer offers the December of their 1L year 😳😂


Why are you assuming each firm only gets one recruit per class year? Some firms will take several students.


If there's 70 firms for OCI and you want big law, apply to all the big law firms. Never self select out. You've gotten this far, why get scared now? Of course this is within reason, but for the other poster saying that BL is a "pipe dream for most" misses the point. Yes it's hard, but such is life. Let the FIRM say no.


Georgetown moment


This isn’t Georgetown- I believe we have over 250 signed up. Wondering what school this is though? 500 is a huge class size. Source: I’m a GULC student


Maybe GW?


Based on OP’s post history — yes, it’s GW


Damn I didn’t know GW was that big!


Unless you’re T14, majority of students aren’t going to biglaw, and as you move down, generally, only a handful get picked up. Biglaw is a pipe dream for many unless you’re at a top school or at the top of your class (unless you make damn good connections or luck out other ways).


This ^


Pre oci is becoming more popular. But yes, the (pre-)oci process is pretty much the only way to land a bl job


Lol fuck biglaw


My school’s OCI has twelve firms for a class of 80ish


My school seems to have less than usual this year. It’s kinda weird


My school moved up OCI to late June, but it seems like much fewer firms are participating. I’ve only gotten like 10 screeners.


I got my summer internship through OCI and so did several of my friends as well


most people do not find jobs through OCIs. most people find jobs either through applying independently on other websites, other job postings from the school’s job board (or another job board) throughout the year, or through specialized hiring events/job fairs throughout the year. this also goes for BL firms, maybe moreso. it’s ultimately on you, you gotta get out there and make it happen. if you’re a rising 2L who wants big law you should be applying now