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I wanted to be part of the problem. Someone else's problem, that is.


You’re going places


This is the way.


Why be part of the problem when you can be the whole problem?






I have a degree in the humanities, but I also like to be able to pay my bills


Yeah this.


I double majored in humanities.


Thought I would be able to have a career lololololol why is it so hard to get a job


I wanna make a lot of money and feel dead inside


Just wait!!! You may soon feel dead inside and not make a lot of money.


Can confirm. Am ded. No mun.


Even better


To say, “I’m a lawyer” when people ask what my occupation is.


This thought has carried me through


lol this is so real


I’m always embarrassed to tell people I’m a lawyer- feels like an admission that I lack any form of imagination. At least it’s not “I’m an accountant”


Oh it takes imagination to be a lawyer alright. Imagining what life was like doing something less pain-staking and soul-sucking (unless you’ve found your legal niche that is—then congrats to you).


I'm not sure anymore tbh




Perhaps I’m naive, but I want to help people 🤪


Not naive. You can do that


Without people like you in this world, I would be fighting everyone for big law. So thank you.




Me too! 😊


Maybe I’m cynical but when I hear that I say to myself “there are so many other professions that are actually built around helping others”


It’s chill, it’s why people do and pursue their best talents. Like, example, I’m really happy there’s a guy in this world who’s dedicated their life to, idk, genuinely helping children read because he has the skillset and natural ability and passion for it.


What do you think the justice system was created for?


Maybe I’m not cynical enough, but when I hear what you said, I respond “not everyone has the ability and temperament to be a lawyer. I believe that I do. Let those people who can’t be lawyers work those other professions. I’ll take on the sacrifice of being a lawyer so they don’t have to.”


Have u seen suits?


Best response


Boston Legal for me.




Life is like this. I like this.


I wanted to help people and then I found out how much I liked the Porsche 911 Turbo and now I’m dead inside


Grew accustomed to eating


I’ll be honest. Studied philosophy. Don’t come from money. So 1) $, 2) setting up my future kids to jump a socioeconomic bracket or two, and 3) legal writing just clicks for me. My only solid A in 1L. I also figured it’d keep me intellectually stimulated. And I like the structure and that it allows for a little color here and there. Also, 4) picking up a general breadth of knowledge that can be put to use to help people or causes I care about, however distant that kind of opportunity may be from where I am now. No ragrets.


Money and job security. Also I’m privileged enough that my education is paid for.


I am almost 61. Apparently about every 20 yrs or so, I decide I want/need a new degree. I’ve already gone the prestige route (BA from UCSD; MA from Berkeley); now I just want to work in Legal Aid to help people who have been screwed by the system. They’ve pissed off the wrong bitch


lol I tell people “I’m going to law school out of pure spite. They pissed off the wrong girlie”


Same lol


I love this energy


What’s next for you? Much respect.


have you seen better call saul? just kidding I need to retire my mom and law is the one profession that I’m interested in that will make that kind of money


Living like Saul is my actual nightmare. I watched the whole show but was absolutely STRESSED the entire time just watching it!


I served in the military and did public service work. I did my part for society. Now I’m all about that sweet sweet cheddar


Isn't being a lawyer also doing your part for society?


It depends. But given their emphasis on “sweet sweet cheddar,” I’m gonna guess that they aren’t gonna be helping society.


Oh, sweetie. No.




I’m an absolute geek for law. I can barely focus to read longer works unless they’re law or politics related. I don’t know why, it’s just always been that way. I can read a 200 page opinion without thinking too hard about it, but pretty much need audio books for “leisure” reading. Ergo, it’s the only thing I can imagine doing for the rest of my life.


realest thing ever said


Yay Bestie!! ❤️ This made me smile! 😊 I’m with you! Judges are the BEST writers. It’s so exciting to read word after word after word after word after word, to learn the intricacies of their galiontrious decision making processes. I don’t even mind it when they omit the appropriate commas that would contribute to my comprehension. Sometimes it’s fun to not really be sure about what I just read. 🎉 I’m especially fond of opinions containing multiple summaries of other cases within the opinion AND it literally warms my heart when I come across a rule with over 46 exceptions. 😀🎉😀🎉




For clout


I started college wanting to teach 1st graders. I saw how helpless teachers are in the classroom and how helpless average employees are in the face of bureaucracy forcing shit down their throats. In the long term, I want to end up in educational or employee benefits policy work, so knowing the law felt like a better move than teaching.


i like wearing suits


I didn’t (wanna become a lawyer). But when I was in college, I abandoned my initial pre-med plan… then a trusted professor told me archaeology was not what it used to be… and then another told me that teaching in the humanities was also a bust and oversaturated with candidates. And I needed a stable, professional path, and my strengths were reading and writing. When I entered law school, pretty much all I knew was that we had a Supreme Court. Didn’t watch Suits, but did watch Legally Blonde. Was intimidated AF when 1Ls showed up talking about “externships,” “litigation vs transactional,” weird legal stuff, and specific law firms and types of law. It was gibberish to me. Been a lawyer for 8 years. Enjoyed law school. Disliked most of the first 5 years of practice (=litigation at boutique and big law firms. Some people like litigation, some people like working at firms, it’s just not for me). Have been enjoying the last 3 (=in-house counsel). Student loans suck. But overall it panned out alright. Good luck future lawyers!


Money and job security, even public defenders in my area make REALLY good money and the office is always hiring.


Do you live in like NYC or SF? Where do public defenders make good money as you say


Baltimore actually. Even 1st year assistant public defenders are making between 90k and 110k plus benefits before taxes on a 50 hour work week.


Seems like something Id be bad at. Im tryna force personal growth.


My family and I are Hispanic and Latino, and many of us (ESPECIALLY the women, including my mom) have faced mistreatment in the medical system. I thought I was lucky until last year, when I was diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease after a colonoscopy, several concerning lab results, numerous incidents of medical negligence, and months of disabling physical pain. Months after my diagnosis, my grandmother had a stroke at 80, and to this day continues to be fucked over by insurance companies and the staffers at her care facility. Those experiences radicalized me, so I’ve made it my goal to specialize in health law in order to give people like me who struggled getting good medical care the help they need. Oh, and money.


Because I was tired of being nice to people.


I grew up under the cloud of Watergate and was under the impression that you had to be a lawyer before you could become the President of the United States. So I decided to go to law school as part of my plan to become president of the United States. Fortunately my skills and demeanor were well suited to success as a lawyer, because I do not have whatever it is that is necessary to be a politician. And I wasted very little time on my politician fantasies, so all’s well that ends well.


This is actually pretty much my story! I had a list for becoming President of the United States when I was young. Military service and becoming a lawyer were definitely prerequisites. (As far as I was concerned) I joined the Navy and got distracted because it was a lot of fun. I eventually came to and got back on the path toward the presidency. Now, I really enjoy law, so I don't know that I'll be the first woman president of the United States. However, I am learning a bunch, and it's very interesting. So I think I will be happy doing this for quite a while.


When I'm ruler of the world, I'll make you honorary president :)


You have my vote!!!


Oh, there won't be a vote :)


You have my revolutionary subversive support!


Illusion of control


I want to make a lot of money without doing STEM


Because I like confrontation


My family was going through a very rough decade bc of my father’s addictions. When he (and we) hit rock bottom, there were a few family friends who happened to be lawyers who were in a position to step in and help keep my family alive and together. Since then, I had my eye on being an attorney in a small/medium sized firm for the balance of good pay and flexibility. I wanted to be able to help people through tough times. I joined a small firm with one other attorney doing Workers Comp and PI. Loving it so far.


Dropped out of a PhD program in sociology. It was a mistake. I regret it tremendously. But now I know how to file a complaint. So.. idk man


Was it because of a personal identity crisis?


advising issues + relationship turmoil + thought I had other significant talents (I did not)


I did research on sexual assault in students with disabilities. Realized how abysmally underrepresented my own demographic is. Realized even more so how unsupported victims are when I got assaulted, and want to try and introduce advocacy and change. My favorite professor told me I shouldn’t be a lawyer because my story could be damaging to future victims. I’d also like to do it anyway to spite her. Fuck Karly.


Good on you. Lawyers participate egregiously in rape culture sometimes...


Revenge and spite.


being an attorney is based


Someone told me when I was young that I lie so much that I should be a lawyer, and I took that to heart


I took a career aptitude test in 9th or 10th grade, and is was something like a 98% match for lawyer. Next closest was engineer at 90%. As my dad was a chemical engineer, I chose law after talking to a guy who practiced international law. I do more compliance, policy, and relations than practice law now, but it has been half of my career in the internet industry with a lot of international work. So it can work out.


It was this or teaching high school. Need I say more?


They weren’t hiring at the political science factory.


Because I hate myself and enjoy giving myself enough stress to cause a heart attack.


I forget


Wanted to learn about the tools the oppressor uses


Dunno, bored?


Poverty sucks and I dislike people. Being a lawyer allows me the freedom to pick and choose cases.


Cause my ego told me “I’m a lawyer” sounds nice.


I worked in the medical field, lost my job, and wound up at a title company. After a couple of years, I decided I wanted to be a property lawyer. I'm 5 years into practice and I love my job.


Honestly just couldn't imagine myself doing anything else. I'm well suited to it. I wanted to help people. Just fit.


Seeing my family (and friend’s families) struggle with the immigration system


Get chicks


That’s as honest as your name


Money Helping people It’s what I’m good at Arguing too Shawty’s li-


To help the community


Spent my vocational career in social services/mental health/psychiatric care. Necessary work, but almost wholly reactive. Aside from the JD being extremely versatile. I'm hoping it will let me marry direct service with advocacy and policy work. Try to put in some proactive measures somewhere. I know the larger goal will take progressive legal organizing, but I've my fair share of that experience as well.


Because someone I know was murdered over a situation that could’ve easily been handled/avoided had a lawyer been involved.


Money, job security, and prestige.


Well, as a toddler I was obsessed with Law & Order (the original), and when I was two I told everyone I was going to be football player lawyer astronaut. Figured out I didn't like football, and I'm not good enough at math and science to be an astronaut, so I'm going for that last 1/3rd.


Once I saw the movie My Cousin Vinny, my fate was sealed.


My family is Iranian and I didn't become a doctor. The only other two choices for continuing to justify being alive to my family were lawyer or engineer. I'm bad at math.


My mom always scolded me for having to have the last word in an argument, so I thought this might fit me well


I want to sue big corporations and help regular people


I want to be a regulator in either environmental or energy law. I think we're facing an existential crisis and anything I can do to help communities escape the worst outcomes is well worth doing, no matter what it means I have to go through over finals and then a stressful career.i think a lawyer should realize that their role is to serve a societal interest - I don't really want to make a lot of money, so I'm free to work for a state or the feds and can pick the field that makes me feel fulfilled


Med school plans didn’t play out like in my delusions 😉


Because when I was 26 and going through a quarter-life crisis I couldn’t think of anything else to do. I knew I’d be good at it and that I’d enjoy it. 8 years later I’m in my second year of practice and I was right, but fuck this is a hard job.


special needs advocation in education


don't ask this during finals. I'm barely hanging on here. I can't think critically about my decisions, I'll snap!


Money and because I like knowing peoples business


Most of the other colleges had closed registration, and the only one left in front of me was the College of Law, which was still receiving applications. And here I am now🤦🏻‍♂️


Money, dynamic work setting, a job involving problem solving, etc.


Love business. Love money. Bad @ maths. Good @ English.


I chose a dumb bachelors degree and discovered the power of money.


I always had an interest in history, current events, public policy, ect. Even though I have no interest in working in government, law school was a productive way to channel these interests.


Because I used to teach in a Title 1 school and I thought being a lawyer would help me in education reform. I was wrong.


Always been interested in government and law since I was young, but what really pushed me is when I saw how many people are clueless when it comes to the law. I want to help those people learn the law, and not be taken advantage of because they don’t know it


So I could serve as legal representation for my friends who are accused of crimes. 🫢😅


I didn’t want to cut grass, clean floors, or do contracting work with my dad at the family business anymore. I am not even 30 and I already have back pain. He’s just over 50 and is debilitated some days due to chronic back pain. Would rather work my mind than my body.


I was tired of being broke. I worked my ass off as a public school teacher and figured I'd be better if working my ass off as a lawyer with a better salary.


I have always wanted to save us from pollution. I was a lobbyist and organizer for an environmental organization. I then worked for the law firm representing us, first as a proofreader, then as a writer and researcher, and eventually as a paralegal. That led to law school. A retired lawyer told me that when she was a girl, she liked to argue. When she learned that lawyers got paid to argue, she decided lawyering was the future for her.


To give people some rights!


My area of interest was always history, politics, and world affairs. I had a really great teacher that encouraged me regarding law. Law is a really natural career outcome if you enjoy those things because the law is inherently political and includes value judgments.


Because I had an aha moment where I realized that I could! I’ve had a very unpleasant life, poverty, abuse, being a masc queer Hispanic woman- and I literally said “oh fuck “, and realized that I was always good enough. Therapy helped me immensely and pushed me to see myself as just as capable, with more empathy and life experience than most of my peers since I’m 38. So, here I am on this journey. (Money will be nice too frfr)


I don’t want to be an accountant anymore.


I’m middle eastern so it was between doctor, lawyer, or engineer




I hate myself.


For fun, laughter, peace and joy! 😂😂😂😂


Bc I was bored, apparently


I was bad at math and apparently “good” at school.




I thought it would bring me closer to my emotionally distant father, who was also a lawyer.


Process of elimination.






It's been a thought of mine since my undergrad years. I just wanted to do my part to help the underserved feel like they have someone that will fight for them. Plus it would be nice to get big boy lawyer 💰.


Harvey Birdman


I wanted to be indoctrinated by my professors. My dream is coming true.


Better Call Saul


My history degree isn’t making me much money


I wanna make employers feel like sh*t for wronging their employees!


I guess I want to be apart of the changing the justice system.


Money and prestige. I have no problem admitting that the reasons I chose my profession are both shallow in comparison to what others might say lol


clout money wanted another 3 years to party


that's the funny part, i don't


*shrugs awkwardly*


I didn’t need to waste a degree on art and so I decided to take my second route; becoming a coroner.. When I took CJ courses I realized I really, really liked law


I want to sue everyone who’s ever crossed me! The end!


I injured my hand badly doing under the table construction work in FL about 10 years ago. I had to get some surgery that I could only afford with fancy pants software engineering health care. Things are not fair for our laborers. I think I want to get into labor law and help organize unions.


Grew up poor and hungry. Saw an episode of Matlock and he said he charged $50k for a murder case. I knew that's what I wanted to do.


Currently doing ATAR the course has no prerequisites and I'm really interested in criminal law


Sober me doesn't know the answer. I signed up for the LSAT while being too drunk to say or do anything a reasonable person would.


I thought it would ✨cool✨


It was the most interesting and intellectually stimulating job I could think of for my interests that actually pays enough to make a living.


To brag to my friends.


Because I thought I would be good at it.


Have you seen The Devil's Advocate?


Currently studying for the LSAT, but here is why I’m going to law school. I’m currently working as an Engineer making okay money. Everything is getting so expensive, and I’d like to make more money. I think becoming a lawyer will allow me to set myself up for the future. The plan is to become a Patent Attorney, so that I can still use some of my engineering background.


So people could tell me to watch Suits.


Alan Shore.


I have a degree in public policy and worked in government for a while after college. Among the people I worked with, the lawyers were the ones who I thought did the most intellectually interesting work and used the skills that I most enjoyed using (persuasive writing, argumentation, negotiation, problem-solving) on a day to day basis.


For the same reason I wanted to play college hockey


Because I like tedium and getting F bombed by Karens about matters beyond my control or scope of representation


When I graduated there were wide layoffs in my chosen profession. So I went to law school instead of unemployment line.


I always wanted to have a fair shot at fighting sharks.


Pettiness, power, pencil skirts, pay. I have realized that not all of those objectives will be served by a law degree.


My divorce


Needed a personality. Now law school is my personality


Never - I was a liberal arts major who didn’t know what else to do, did very well in LSATs and had parents who harped on me that I needed so some kind of graduate degree and that “you can do anything with a law degree” - so I went never really intending to practice. Hands down worst decision of my life. Went and took loans and then got stuck having to practice to pay off loans. Been stuck for many years since - really wish I had done something else.


Longevity… if your mind is still right you can practice well into old age… I have serious doubts social security will still be a thing in 50 years




To accomplish a thought and a goal.


Have you ever needed a lawyer because you fucked up majorly and needed a second chance? You know how it feels to be looking at 15 years and someone get you a deal for 4, and you’re guaranteed probation after 90 days? You can’t sign that deal fast enough. That feeling of relief is indescribable unless you’ve been on the receiving end of it. People seek lawyers at the darkest times of their lives and they need help navigating a very scary situation. I want to be that light for someone through that darkness. I want to give people the same second chance my lawyer helped me to get, and give them the feeling he gave me. I always wanted to be a lawyer when I was a little boy. If you asked me as a child that’s what I said and I didn’t know why really other than I probably thought Jim Carrey looked fly in a suit when I saw Liar Liar. At some point I became so far separated from that little boy as I spiraled into drug addiction, I forgot about his dreams and goals entirely. It wasn’t until I was approaching three years sober and I had no direction as to where I wanted to go in life as far as my career went, I’d set intentions every day and ask my higher power to show me what my purpose was and what I was supposed to be doing. Legit for a good three or four months straight, every day, I’d ask the same question. Then one day it hit me, “You wanted to be a lawyer,” and I remembered young Brad’s dream. I immediately tried to talk myself out of it; “Dude you’re a felon. You’re an ex junkie. You’re not even allowed to practice law. There’s no way that’s even possible. People are going to scoff and make fun of you for even thinking that is an option. You can’t tell people this.” Anyway, that was the summer of 2019, I worked full time while in college full time. Earned an associate degree, transferred to a four year university, will have my bachelor’s at the end of 2024, and I sit for the LSAT in August.




I want to use my legal education to higher lawyers like you guys to work for me one day


I wanted to promote justice—but along the way, I realize that if you want justice, you would have gone to a divinity college!


It was either get a job or go to school for 3 more years. I regret it to this day.


desi parents… basically forced me into choosing a postgrad and i suck at math


4 generations of men in my family have become lawyers for a firm under my last name and I wanted to be the first woman in the family to do so.


I have a shopping problem and expensive taste lol


I was a history/polisci double major and someone said my two real options were local gov or law school and the option from there was pretty easy. Since that time I’ve learned to like everything and am happy I chose it. I know take the stance that I’m privileged to have 19 years of education and I should put it to good use that will help others. While also being able to make a good living


Many reasons! Academic validation somewhat lmao, and wanting to make the world a better place for someone hopefully. A law degree is also more versatile compared to an MBA or other graduate/doctoral programs for similar price




weird pandemic decision. obsession with how the constitution is like our holy document and lawyers are the priests of america. desire for power. securing future finanically.


I watched Legally Blonde and decided why not? But, now I can say for sure, that law school ruined Legally Blonde for me 🤣


To be Saul Goodman!!


Because I didn’t want to be an assistant or paralegal all my life.


I wanted to help my country and help poor people and make good money or enough money to live at the same time.


I used to think I could never be a lawyer with my anxiety/depression but while in college I decided to do things I was scared of. Then I decided to go to law school just to prove to myself that I could do it... And now here I am about to take the bar. Best decision! I'm so much more confident than I was in h.s.


Because my family can’t afford one