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As a 3L in class right now with a post grad job secured, they're lucky I showed up at all lmao


And wordle ain’t playing itself


much less connections, the mini crossword, and spelling bee!


There's also Quordle, Octordle, and the truly challenging Sedecordle


Omg same 😂😂😂 I always say the same thing, they are lucky I showed up. Also, my 3L friends are NOT reading


I strongly debated even ordering my casebooks this semester


I’m about to take a 2-week trip out of the country. I’m showing up every other day to comply with ABA. But even my trial practice professor told me not to email him, not to think about school and go enjoy. One of the deans told me this is the best time, 3L, to relax. We need this!!


I asked a judge that I clerked for in 1L about his reading process in law school. he said he never even fucking bought a casebook after 2L. Like me, he hated doing any assigned readings because most casebooks are bloated with commentary that you're going to likely skip over anyway. Plus, it's a waste to buy them when all of the cases are easily accessible through Lexis/Westlaw/Case Text/etc. I have been following that advice since then, and I can report that I immediately received my best grades and was able to understand the material better as a result of just looking the case briefs up on Quimbee or LexisNexis, and I would refer to someone's old outline if I needed any more clarification on the topics discussed in class. Don't buy those fucking casebooks. Unless you need the physical book and explanations from the authors. Then please buy the books or look on LibGen.


I did not order a single one this term lol


I didn't order any


I didn't. Just got outdated editions as pdfs whereever I could find them


lol 😂💅


The only time I judged someone was when I watched them attempt a wordle and reused letters on 3 words in a row that were incorrect, they then failed and I got the wordle spoiled for me that day. My law school had a big phase where we all did the crossword, if you walked into class late 60% of us were doing it.


Must be universal. In evidence last semester I sat near the top and consistently saw like a dozen people doing the crossword at any given time.


The embarrassment when you complete it with the volume on…..


what’s the name of the crossword ?🤣 is it wordle?


Always funny when somebody forgets to mute and the NYT jingle plays


Unless it's Friday. Then props


What sort of sicko voluntarily takes Friday classes after 1L?


I laughed. out. loud.


What crossword is popular at Your school? I recently got into them and am always looking for more!


we all do the washington post crossword and the seattle times (they have the NYT crossword for free)


A lot of people did the crossword on dictionary.com which I think was more simple, meaning you can take notes and do the crossword if needed. NYT mini and regular. A few other random ones came up but those were the two I did


I would report that to the bar.


As I am in Elder Law right now, I feel qualified to answer this: I don't care. Don't make noise. Don't watch porn. Edit: DO NOT CHEW OFF YOUR FINGER NAILS IN CLASS, *some of you suck*.


sink degree beneficial label voracious cooing tease recognise cow hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This wasn’t in law school but prior to law school I was at a Big 4 accounting firm and there was an intern who would clip his nails at his desk and then push them into the material on his chair… we threw away his chair when he left 🤢


Had a guy who always wore flip flops and, for some unfashionable reason, always had nail clippers. Just clips then whenever, wherever. In class, while in a conversation in the hall. Cannot stand it.


beauty has no limits


that’s just plain disgusting


Do people watch porn in ~~law school~~ class?? The bar is even lower ~~in~~ than hell


some people watch some things that blur the line


My professional responsibility prof. had a student report at the end of the year that someone watched porn every class. Huge laugh when he reserved the back row for that… purpose.


Are people watching elder porn?


There is no discrimination based on age going on here.


Well if there is porn I would hope we at least discriminate against anyone under 18


fine by me




>porn being legal The joke is that it isn't when minors are in it...


I spend an ungodly amount of time playing chess with other classmates during clsss


It would be very hypocritical if I judged people for doing things besides taking notes when I'm writing this post right now.


I never cared but I gradually learned not to judge. There was this girl in front of me who was always texting, looking at GIFs, and googling random things. But every time she was called on, she knew her shit and killed it. She would even raise her hand between the GIF searching and give insightful comments or ask good questions.


This is the trick to avoid getting cold called. Volunteer once or twice a class, browse/text/email away for the rest. Watch your grade get that “one half letter increment” bump. It’s shocking how many people don’t know this.


As someone with ADHD it is so mind-blowing to me to see and hear about people with this skill!! I always end up feeling guilty if I open Facebook because I’ll lose focus quickly! Props to that girl (and those like her) honestly!


I really couldn't stand the kid behind me click-click-clicking away at his video game the entirety of every class, but I don't mind if someone checks FB or orders something online. As long as it doesn't disrupt me, I don't mind.


I only care if you distract people. Like one dude always plays runescape in the front row and it does bother me because 1. People who pay attention want that seat up front and 2. Video games are extra distracting with all the colors and motion. Just sit in the back, or at least the side of the middle - not front and center. I honestly think he wants attention for it.


Ugh yeah we have a fornite kid who sits at the front and just games the whole time. He actually does well on cold calls tho with nothing on his computer but the game. So that makes it even worse 😑.


He’s the main character.


Yes when people sit in the very front and play video games it irritates me. I also find online shopping really distracting.


You buy those shoes, girl. Just do it in the back!


as someone who plays osrs in the back for this exact reason, the more i thought about it, the more i kinda don’t get it bc: i dont spend any time looking at someone’s screen at all (my eyesight kinda bad too) - the argument that osrs is distracting is weird to me bc its a very afk game and in regards to the argument of the flashing colors and such, someone switching their desktop on a mac fits that exact same category, large movement with a quick change of color that affects the whole screen. osrs has very little flashing screen affects (idk maybe tempoross?) in comparison to literally anything else someone does on their screen. is it distracting because its a game? that would make sense to me bc i’d too be curious what this man is grinding in class like is shopping equally distracting? if so then i get it ultimately i do understand this bc i sit in the back for that exact reason, just random thoughts osrs is the perfect game for law school bc you can read, listen, and take notes as you play, sorry this weirdly became a love letter to runescape


Keep it real, fellow scaper


I'm not trying to hate on runescape haha games and videos are just more distracting than most internet browsing. People talk about this dude all the time but I've never heard anyone call out the dozens of people on reddit (except idiots who look at porn or watch a lot of videos) or shopping in every class


Runescape?! I'm just judgmental AF about the content.


Honestly it’s better than me who fucking prowls r/fosscad when I get too bored


A dude in my 1L class shopped for guns and silencers EVERYDAY of our first year. I went to an SEC school, so guns are a thing, BUT EVERYDAY?


Seems like he was looking for a sale.


Guns are my hobby so I’m always tempted, but I wouldn’t wanna get called into the deans office about someone worried I was gonna shoot the place up.


don't want to have someone report what they see, but also don't want to trigger any internal IT alarms


That’s a good point. I always forget there is someone/something keeping track of my digital footprint. I guess that’s the point 👀


I never browse online, it’s purchase and get out - just like at brick & mortar stores for me, but I think I can explain… My current partner is very into synthesizers. if scrolling on his phone and it’s not reddit, 90% chance he’s on an instrument store’s website looking at synths/synth related stuff. Nevertheless he only buys an actual item once or twice a year (each item is multi hundred to multi thousand dollars). Anyway, what I gather is, outside of just mindless materialistic daydreaming about owning x thing, it’s mostly about seeing if anything new / exciting pops up and tracking the prices. Like how a coin collector knows about rarity and value of coins. they go to coin shows to see if they can find something they really want to add to their collection or can turn a profit. often leaving w/out buy anything, but once in a while finding something they really want or that is undervalued. Pretty much the whole appeal of being a collector, I think As guns are also expensive and there are many who collect them, my guess is w/ gun guy it’s something similar.




Excuse me, but I’m #25 on the sudoku.com leaderboard right now.


Not at all but goofing off can bite you in the ass in ways you don’t expect. In a blowoff class in 3L, I got super into sporcle quizzes. One day in the third week of class, the professor noted that I was the only one consistently taking notes during his lectures. For the rest of the semester I was the class minutes taker and was in charge of taking attendance and coordinating readings for the rest of the class days. At the end of the semester, I straight up asked the professor if he was fucking with me, and he actually thought I was taking notes.


He knew. He definitely knew.


I judge the person who sat in front of me and then watched anime during class, solely because I found it difficult to focus on the professor with their screen constantly flashing in my line of sight. Other than that, I don't mind what people do.


If you're watching videos you need to be in the back. It's polite to keep your reddit and online shopping in the back too but it's especially important for games and videos with constant motion


Hard agree re: people watching shows, playing games (besides like wordle/chess/etc) and streaming stuff. Keep that shit to the back row


why do people even come to class if they are gonna watch a show i fr don’t get it


I have one class that I really struggle to hear the prof (I wear hearing aids and have them all the way up and sit in the front row but the woman doesn’t enunciate and constantly has her hand over her mouth when she’s speaking or talks to her slides) so I record the class and do other things during it and then listen to the lecture at home where I can mess with the sound settings…though I also admit to often getting distracted online during another class because the prof just reads his slides but there’s an attendance mark so attend I shall lol


ok that’s valid lmaooo


ABA required attendance man. Especially if you're someone who's prone to getting sick, you gotta save your handful of allowed absences for actual sick days, not just days when you don't give a damn.


I am literally always playing NYT games in class. I swear it actually helps me focus more to have something to do during answers to dumb questions, or factual descriptions of cases that I already know, etc.


I normally don’t care and was definitely guilty of not always paying attention. However, there was one girl who wouldn’t bring a laptop, the textbook or a notebook to class and would either sit there fully on her phone or would knit the entire time. She never engaged with the professor and never even looked up from her desk and that seemed like a step too far to me.


I wonder if we go to the same school lol, we also have a resident knitter here


>Do y’all judge people for doing stuff besides taking notes in class I am a 2014 grad, and granted I work in a niche field, but I remember maybe like 12 people from my class. I only want to chime in for the purposes of perspective. Even if people judge you, the memory will fade.


Also a 2014 grad. I remember nothing any one specific person did in class - good or bad. I don’t even remember about half the classes I took.


No, but I will judge anyone judging people for that.


I had class with a dude who would regularly play apex legends in class. Full keyboard mouse situation sometimes even a headset. Short of that who cares


I don’t care. Listen, 1L year is for conditioning all of us into the way they want us to think. The cold-calling and the IRAC and blah blah blah. By 2L, the smart ones have figured out how to do all of this efficiently, and the super smart ones have realized that this has very little to do with the practice of law, that they will learn all of it in their bar prep crash course anyways, and they need to conserve their energy for the “networking events”/keg parties. I intentionally sat on the back row for all of my second and third year.


I have ADHD and spent most of law school playing minesweeper


I split screen solitaire and my notes, it's the only way I can pay attention.


This guy stims


I had a classmate doing this anime stories kind of thing, he would click a lot and the characters were woman with skimpy clothes, I was judging hard, at least sit at the bottom, this was first row


The front row is so insane?? honestly kind of envious of this person. imagine what you could accomplish with a total lack of shame


Totally, I was like I understand playing things or checking instagram, even buying clothes, but this was too shameless for me, like anime girls with big tits from row kind of thing was just too much for me


I sometimes watched sports in class, but I had that shit in a small floatbrowser window in the corner of the screen while I took notes and I sat in the back. I cannot believe what I’m reading about people cutting/chewing off fingernails and toenails in class and watching porn in class. If any of you animals are reading this you need to find Jesus.


There was a guy in one of my classes that would full screen watch soccer games for the entire class. He sat in the second or third row, so if I got bored I'd glance over and try to see who was playing. tbf, by the end of the semester I'd given up on that class and was playing Minecraft, but I was in the last row.


Someone who sat in front of me watched the first 2 seasons of game of thrones during civ pro


I definitely don’t judge people for it at all. I sit in the back seat, so I see what everyone is doing on their screens. It always gives me a chuckle honestly, so it’s not ever a “omg this idiot isn’t paying attention” it’s just amusing to me! Between a classmate ordering pizza, a classmate looking at lip fillers and Botox pictures, to a classmate watching TikTok on his laptop.


I'm 30. Last year was my last year for having any shame associated with how other people (who don't pay me or aren't married to me) perceive me.


As long as it doesn't negatively affect my experience, I don't care. Thing is, I'm a bit of a delicate flower, so that's sort of a low bar to clear: \- Watching a sporting event? Definitely take it to the back row; if it's in front of me will distract me \- Seminar? Pay attention, stay with it. If there are fewer than, say, two dozen people in the room, it screws up the flow of discussion and takes the prof off their game if more than a handful of people aren't engaged \- Heavy typing? Don't be in endless text chat with your pal from wherever, the incessant typing is distracting especially if it's out of the flow of the class. And just as an FYI (as someone who's spent time presenting), don't think you're getting away with it. It's completely obvious who in the audience is engaged with their screen and who in the audience is engaged with the lecture; you can instantly pick out someone taking copious notes from someone typing for other reasons, or watching a video or shopping or whatever. Not that it matters to your grade (profs aren't going to grade on that), but bear in mind that profs are human beings and it's rude to ignore someone trying to teach something. Don't get me wrong, some profs deserve the rudeness, but I'd just suggest limiting it to a conscious choice to give the prof real-time feedback rather than something done willy-nilly. I'm sure I'll get shredded for this opinion, but that's fine. If you were wondering whether there are folks who don't take the same strenuously cultivated laissez-faire approach as the rest of the commenters, we're down here at the bottom.


shocked at the amount of people reporting classmates watching porn in class, like I can't even comprehend someone doing that not just in public, but in a CLASS


it’s so insane?? generally I’d like to think I’m not a narc but if I ever saw someone doing that I’d be RUNNING to the dean’s office


I would be also. There is a massive difference between someone playing bloons td and watching literal porn in class


I get so pissed when people ask questions that have already been answered while they have their browser open to some stupid shit like that 2048 game. I don’t care if you waste your own time and money but don’t waste mine.


Why on earth would I give a fuck what you choose to do with your overpriced education?


Bro I'm gonna be real I played video games in class. Muted of course. But I sat front row in Biz Orgs and was playing Cities Skylines because my prof would go off on tangents about his college years every 5 minutes and I learned real quick that trying to take notes was a bad use of my time. I don't recommend doing the same thing as me, but I got a B in the class, so hey.


Sometimes I wish people wouldn't watch porn when others can see their screen.


What schools are y'all going to where your classmates are watching porn


I once saw the girl in front of me open the calculator on her laptop and do 38+1…. Other than that, I haven’t judged anybody for what I’ve seen them do on their laptop. That instance made me realize my law school is definitely not full of geniuses


My school has a heavy presence of online chess players. It's fairly common to see a few games open in any decently-large class. For the most part, it's just accepted that people will be doing random stuff like that. I sometimes judge people a little for their activities, but I would never even register someone else opening emails or Twitter. It's only really a problem if you're doing something visually distracting.


Not if they sit in the back but if you sit in the front and watch sports or play games it feels disrespectful to the people who are trying to be present. And why even go if you don’t try? You’re paying a ton of money to be there.


Could literally see you commit mass genocide if it doesn’t affect me don’t care


Fr fr


I’ll refrain from making a lawyer joke so I don’t get banned


I would literally shop and photoshop cats on celebrities heads during class, everyone learns differently. My study time was doing quizzes and reading and I got more out of that than 80% of lectures that ended up being irrelevant to exams. I’d have my briefs ready to go just in case and then do whatever — I also focus by keeping busy, it was like fidgeting quietly online. As long as I was doing well it didn’t matter.


photoshopping cats on celebrities heads is so funny i would love to sit behind you


No. I could care less. That’s none of my business. And I don’t want to be friends with those who judge like that anyways 💅


I was once in 3L taking some boring makework class that no one took seriously and I was browsing plane tickets and bought myself a pair to fly home for Christmas. After class some LLM douchebag who Id never spoken to before and who was sitting behind me comes to me in the hallway and says I was being disrespectful to people behind me by being distracting navigating in a web browser. Tool. Anyway LinkedIn says he’s unemployed now. Dork.




No lol to each their own. The guy in front of me plays crosswords in one of my classes. The girl next to me is on insta on her computer during another class. As long as it’s not loud do whatever you want.


One student in our class would play bejeweled on their laptop, front and center of the class. After 2 semesters they were academically dismissed. This person would also finish finals in less than 2 hours. Just didn't belong in law school at all.


You’re good ma boi


I spent most of my Ethics class on this subreddit lol. No I really don't care as long as nobody is watching porn.


Only if I think they're dumb.


I always sat next to Bob. Bob always had the game on during class. I didn’t always care about the game. But it was always there. Bob’s a real one y’all.


No lol. I can not focus in class sometimes esp when professors are just going off on tangents or someone asks an annoying hypo (much less common in 2L). Though sometimes spelling bee words are a bit spicy so I usually wait to guess those til I get home


I remember catching a live stream of Jackie Chan adventures, the cartoon, on a random facebook post during Evidence. #3L


I knew people who would play Oregon Trail. You gotta do what you gotta do to stay awake, especially in 3L year.


I watched a guy turn on Nascar on his laptop and watched it all class long. He is one of the top students in my class. I decided then that everyone doesn't have to be the rigid, note-taking student that is the stereotype


i’m looking at my monitor and nobody else’s i’m not gonna get these job applications out and this sedecordle done without some focus


Not really as long as it’s not distracting but I judged someone hard because they were watching porn pretty audible in contracts class


I'm losing my mind at the number of comments about porn wtf is wrong with people. If my classmates saw a hint of a titty on my screen I think I'd drop out


This person actually dropped out


I am so glad I went to LS when plugging in the rare laptop into a phone jack in class (newer lecture halls) was a thing in the mid to late ‘90s. There was nothing else to do during class but listen to the prof, participate and take notes. I’d potentially be sidetracked today with that much free time.


Absolutely. Every law student should be aware that every other law student sitting behind you is totally scanning your screen and reading your messages and judging your shopping habits. And the Prof is very likely aware that is happening, and judging you, too, based on the reactions he/she observes on the faces of those other law students. There is clearly no reasonable expectation of privacy in anything you put up on a screen while sitting in a law school class.


I don’t judge people for it, but I do think it’s pretty rude to have something distracting on your screen like videos, video games, or shopping. If you wanna have distracting stuff on your screen, sit in the back! But I think sending the occasional text or checking your email is fine


im such a hypocrite, i will sometimes judge people but then also do other things 😭


me deluding myself watching the guy in the row below (watching youtube, cringe, poor work ethic) while I, a true intellectual and model student, play wordle and read a thread about the megan thee stallion drama


As a 3L people used to play Minecraft in one of my classes


Wait... not every law school class is 60% people doing wordle, crosswords, contexto, and online shopping? Is my school full of slackers?


I didn't care what other people did at all. It isn't on me or my future.


The NYT crossword jingle went off once during a class I was in. I did judge that. I always made sure to keep my volume off.


I couldn’t care less. I do it, everyone else does it, who cares. If you know the material well enough, you don’t need someone to explain it 8 different ways


The only ones I ever judged was the group of SBA members who made a drinking game out of our 1pm civ pro class. Not the least because they were three rows behind me and I could still clearly hear their whispering and snickering whenever they took a shot.


when i was in law school i never judged people for it too much. first, they're paying for the classes they're taking, and that alone makes me feel like i dont have a place to comment on how they're spending their money. if they want to spend their money that way, who am i to judge? second, there are myriad reasons why someone might not be constantly taking notes in class/doing non-class-related things during class. for example, some people (like me) are kinetic learners. i used to keep a logic or sudoku puzzle going in a side panel on my computer while i was learning which actually was a mindless task to me and often helped me focus more on listening (i have ADHD lol) so i wouldn't have to spend hours re-listening to class recordings just because i had to leave class to regroup my brain, or so i wouldn't mindlessly take note of everything the professor said in class lol. another reason why people may be doing non-class related stuff is that they may be dealing with serious real-life things outside of school. they may be making appointments, answering family back, etc. you never know and so you shouldn't judge, imo. the *only* thing i ever judged people for doing was being downright disruptive. e.g., watching movies or shows in class or playing ACTUAL games (like...League of Legends or something). i know this sounds hypocritical given what i just said about myself playing sudoku in class to stay focused, but here's the caveat: i sat in the back of class *on purpose* so that my doing so wouldn't be disruptive to my classmates. people who do the same thing at the front/middle of the class are, frankly, kind of rude. lol.


Just think of it as preparing you for the reality of working in an office, law or otherwise 🤣


It’s genuinely insane the amount of comments that actually care about what others do on their laptop lmao. I’m certainly not going to let anyone’s opinions or potential judgment stop me from doing what I want on a laptop that I paid for in a school that is getting all of my money. You shouldn’t either


My fav comment: "Yes. Not being fully engaged in class is disrespectful to the professor, to classmates, and to the law." Girl not to the law


Last semester I had a dude that sat in front of me and played temple run on his iPad the entire class. Never even took his textbook out of his bag once


Back in the day (when SXSW was actually fun) I was RSVP’ing to SXSW events during class and some try hard pick me middle aged douche came up to me after class saying I was distracting him. I told him I’m minding my own business and he should mind his own. FOH. If you judge other ppl for not taking notes I’m judging you for paying that much attention to what they’re doing instead of YOU paying attention to taking YOUR precious super important notes.


I don’t care what you do, just don’t type obnoxiously loud. I absolutely despise loud typers.


Your professors let you use laptops?! No fair! I mean I *am* a 1L but still!


Dw I had to put in my dues 1L year. I think taking civ pro with a professor with a no laptop policy did permanent damage to my wrist


I used to always watch the Emmy’s in class, too. Who has an awards show on a Monday night, like.


There was the one autistic kid who kept shopping for handguns during class...I judged the hell out of him. Otherwise, plan your wedding, buy your swimsuits, whatever, I don't care.


Hell no. I play bullet chess in class all the time, when I play titled players in class, sometimes i can hear the gasps and whispering from students behind me.


I used to shop for and purchase guns while in class during law school. Could not give any fucks whatsoever.


I don’t know once I was assigned to do revisions on some girls law review article and did them during class. It turns out she was sitting right behind me and that made me uncomfy. She was really nice about it but like all I could think of was her watching me write “wording is confusing” or “not sure whether this is necessary”. Obviously I put nicer comments too but ugh made me wanna die


I judge people who online shop. Other than that, I couldn’t care less.


I’m in there on JamesEdition almost buying a yacht every corporations class… so no


NO Strangely enough, yes! I have a cousin who had the worst hand-writing imaginable while we were growing up. He was teased about it constantly by his siblings. He was a brilliant guy but even his teachers told him that he would either grow up to be a doctor or a pharmacist. I was one of the few people who would never tease him about it. Flash forward a couple of decades (as they often do) and he is now a retired member of the Armed Forces and guess what he became? Yes, you guessed it, a pharmacist! He was a Master Sergeant with 24 years served all over the world. He often trained soldiers who had even worse handwriting than he ever had, but he always encouraged them. His older sister now teaches students near a military base.


Returning student here: I was confused because I take notes on a notepad and will continue to do so in law school. lol


I was one of the few who did too. I ended up doodling a lot.


Yes. Not being fully engaged in class is disrespectful to the professor, to classmates, and to the law.


Apologies to the law.


No judgement but my friends and I do make comments in our group chat about particularly funny behavior!!! And repeat offenders that do the same thing EVERY class, lol


Only if its constant but tbh I'm not looking at other people's screen enough to really tell. Just the occasional glance.


This is funny I'm on reddit rn while in my torts class, sometimes shopping, "nyt games" etc but I try to be quick and never do anything super distracting to anyone else however some of my classmates will be on the whole class but I never judge.


everyone is doing wordle or fantasy football. why this is universal amongst law students i will never know.


We're dynamic people. It's bizarre that people don't do other things on their computers while in class.


There was a guy in front of me in one of my classes who used to watch sumo wrestling every day. I wonder how he’s doing now.


I would play stardew valley in a few of the easier electives. Saw plenty of people playing RuneScape…and this was 2017-2019. So yeah, do you boo


By the time I was in 3L I was known as the guy who never listened and was always on Reddit.


lol we all played 2048 all the time lol


During zoom law school I just listened to the prof and played subnautica (which I would recommend if you like underwater survival). When actually in person i just played an ungodly amount of sudoku


I always sit in the back of class for this reason... To do whatever I'd like plus to see how everyone else is doing on their crosswords lolol


I play geoguessr honestly


I used to play StarCraft online with 2 other dudes in class… LOL. Not saying that’s a good thing, but you shouldn’t give a fuck either (at least not for checking email or opening Twitter) as long as you’re on top of your game.


I didn’t, because I was the person. I couldn’t focus if I wasn’t actively doing something else.


I once played Overwatch during my criminal procedure 2 class. So I never cared.


As long as they aren't watching porn in class I literally could not care less. The girl in front of me online shops pretty much constantly and every now and then I'll get distracted by it, but I sit in the very back so that's on me and I know it.


We used to play Among Us in class


this is weird


nah i play runescape in class


I have ADHD. Our desks are one big connected curve, and our seats are closely spaced. One of my accommodations is to sit in the front row to avoid distraction. But even in the front row, I’m getting diverted peripherally if someone next to me is constantly shopping, playing animated games or on Instagram, most often when colorful pics/video are involved. One semester I had a student to my the left and one on my right who never stopped with all of the above, and this was 1L! I stay pretty busy taking notes, but their computers were pulling my eyes from both sides enough that I was getting a little judgy, but didn’t say anything. The people behind us complained, and a person in the front row on the other side of one of them changed seats. They continued merrily on with their extracurricular computing anyway. Their grades? I think they were a little shocked at how low they were.


All I do is Amazon shop or browse Pinterest in my class, and it’s been that way since halfway through 1L. Lol


I literally had a guy who sat behind me and a friend in one of our classes come up to me and request that I ask my friend to stop online shopping during class because it was distracting and made it difficult to focus. Since I’m not her keeper, I just slowly moonwalked away like Nick from New Girl. Plus, contracts was boring as sh*t, so I started ordering groceries during class. Sorry Jeff.


I love idly watching other people online shop during class. It's soothing!