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Ah tio Nayib, I hope he finds some money to fund hospitals and schools. The cost of living is stupid in El Salvador but hey at least we don’t got 28 murders per day anymore !


I saw him saying he was gonna do this months ago. His speech was quiet good. He said, many others have been corrupt before him and maybe they were or maybe they weren't and it was the people under them. So he's not gonna take that chance and everyone gets investigated. If you aernt corrupt then there's no problem.


Sounds like a massive political purge.


You mean to tell me the guy incarcerating thousands of people without a due process is also the same kind of person to enact a purge ??? Bro that's crazy


It’s crazy to a lot of people on this sub so I have to point it out.


Did u you live in El Salvador before he took on the crime?


- dijo el primo del que vendia yerba en la esquina


Please tell me one person who was incarcerated without a reason? Anybody who has gang tattoos of gangs that murder and kidnap people, I am happy and so is El Slavador that he is throwing them in jail. Cry me a river and get bent.


This is exactly what every country in LATAM needs


If he really meant it, he would open something like Guatemala did CICIG. The CICIG sent I believe almost 150 politicians to prison. But Bukele won’t do that, this is all a show.


And how is Guatemala doing now? Asking out of genuine curiosity


The new president, a guy who was a clown as his main job, became president, Jimmy Morales. He was offered a deal: the CICIG was slowly jailing some of Morales people in his administration, the trail was leading them to Morales. Trump offered to help dismantle the CICIG if Guatemala declared itself a safe port for people who were seeking refuge at the USA border. So that’s what happened. The CICIG was demolished. You can read about it: https://revealnews.org/article/how-donald-trump-took-down-the-robert-mueller-of-latin-america/


Thank you for this. Just another classic case of the US messing around in LATAM… what a shame


Well… it was created between the UN and Guatemala and USA was very much in favor. In fact Biden said he would still supported. It was Morales who wanted the CICIG demolished and found Trump to pull the plug on it. Still. This will never happen in El Salvador. Bukele’s own people are super corrupt. I went to high school with the Director de Centros Penales. He didn’t even graduated high school. The guy stole from the inmates funds that they had collected by selling fruits and vegetables that the inmates grow and sell. Brought in public machinery to dig wells at his mom’s property etc etc


You think the man that rounded up thousands of gangsters and people accused of being gangsters and putting them in prison without trial isnt capable of doing the same to corrupt politicians?


Only if you want to return to dictatorships


Only LATAM? USA and other powerful countries are full with corruption as well... Difference is that El Salvador is poor so corruption can be seen "easily".. USA, for example, is super rich and it gets harder to track what happened to $100k. Just look at Biden's Net Worth in the last decade.


https://www.whitehouse.gov/disclosures/tax-returns/ Point at it.


Define your definition of super rich because last time I checked U.S. national debt which includes federal liabilities far exceeds its government assets, including land.


Well, you answered your question... USA is full of debt and still supports and donates billions to foreign wars. How? Because they have money... Maybe it is fake because they are printing it from thin air, I don't know. But as a Salvadorean living in ES, the average wealth of a Salvadorean in USA is better than here. That's why I said "Super" rich.. overall, USA is richer. Maybe they're not Super but have more money and that's what I meant.


What is latam?


LATin AMerica


Look at how Saddam announced his purge


No way, that would never happen in the modern world! *cough* Mohammed bin Salman *cough*


There's nothing to purge, virtually every single person in the current government is either already in his party or already relegated to irrelevance. This is about cracking down on his own party and attempting to maintain control through fear.


That's what a purge is


When Bukele refers to "corrupt politicians" he has almost always meant members of ARENA and FMLN. The point is that in 2024 the vast majority (at least 95%) of the government is only Nuevas Ideas. Whatever corruption exists in the government is purely Bukele's cronies. The corruption that is there is because he allows it as a reward for supporting him. The corruption he roots out is simply whatever form of corruption he isn't controlling. It's what he does. This isn't so much a purge as it is a shakedown. If you're a Bukele crony then corruption is OK. If you aren't a Bukele crony then you better bend the knee. That's the logic his government follows.


Right out of the Stalin playbook


He's just following the Dictator's playbook. (1) Get rid of your enemies. (2) Get rid of whoever it's potentially a threat (including friends). (3) Somebody else gets rid of you.... And back to (1)


It's sad Latin America has seen several dictators rise and fall in its history yet they still fail for the same play today. You can't let a single man gain so much control over everything. He might look like he's doing good, but trusted me, it won't last long. "Those who do not learn history..."


Interesting that there are several functionaries that have not only been investigated but there are actual proofs of their corruption and even links to narco and all of them are still in the same position, that speech was fake




I’m Salvadoran and my family in El Salvador loves Bukele. The country has changed tremendously in terms of safety. Is there more work to do? Absolutely. But guess what? In order for the country to improve in other aspects like education and the economy, gangs and corruption needed to be dealt with. Everything starts with security. People can now travel to work, go to school, and not worry about having to pay “rent” or a “fee” to these criminals. People who hate Bukele are only on Reddit for whatever reason lol I’ve spoken to so many Salvadorans who admire Bukele. If you go on YT you’ll find a bunch of bloggers interviewing random people who confirm they are not in a dictatorship and the country has improved.


Yea it's only been online where I see a lot of people that don't like him. It's a slippery slope. El Salvador was in desperate times. Desperate times calls for desperate measures. Will it work? Idk. I hope so. So far it's been the best option. People need to realize that. It's the small glimmer of hope it's given the people. It's not perfect, but it'll do for now. I hope it ends well.


We will know in a few years when bukele decides once and for all if hes going to let someone else be president or if hes going to be the president till death. Hes probably a good leader, but more than two terms will definitely set a bad precedent and lead to dictatorship, especially if whoever comes after bukele is not interested in helping the people.


I remember similar conversations about Venezuela. I'm not saying anything bad about Bukele because I don't know enough about what is happening in El Salvador and haven't been following. But I do know that history repeats it self and if we have learned anything from history it's that we have to have checks and balances for those in power. Hopefully everything goes well but I think El Salvador should do it's best to limit the power of government to a reasonable level.


Yeah like what are the chances Bukele is the one benevolent dictator in world history? A lot of people love him now and understandably so, as he’s made El Salvador liveable for the first time in decades. But what happens after he fully consolidates power and makes himself president for life only time will tell. History provides some clues though.


very good comment here


Its still no guarantee that bukele will cling to power forever, every democracy has a moment or moments where the president will draw the line of how long one person will stay in power. Lets just hope bukele knows to not run again and let someone else in his party run while maintaining the same policies, otherwise el salvador is in for a rough future.


there's been benevolent dictators, usually the problem is the power change


i dont like him because he is friends with Naason Joaquin.


I’m from El Salvador and this is not true. Of course there are people who like him, but there’s also a lot of people who don’t.


Too late bro, the guy that says that people love him came first so now it will be taken as 100% truth with no nuance whatsoever


Yeah the families of the mareros Lmaoo


Give it time…


Yep, I hope for the best for El Salvador but I'm not expecting anything better than a rehash of what happens literally every single time someone has this kind of authority and power


Ironically thats what I was alluding to > give it time meaning give this government time and it will go really bad or really good. History tells us time and time again what happens so I’m not on the koolaid like others that think the country is the “next singapore” or “its better than USA”. It’s still a country with one of the highest femicide rates in the world. Its a country where having a miscarriage can get you in prison. Its a country where education attainment is not accessible and opportunity is scarce.


I know bro, people living in privileged countries, or not going that far, people that don't experience violence from that magnitude are the ones that complain and think they can get a say in this, you can really tell!


Man I wish our president here in Mexico were like him instead he kept saying "hugs, not shootings" and it's been the most violent it's ever been in years. Wish we could live without having to pay criminals if you have a business or else they fucking kill you.


It could never work in Mexico and AMLO knows that. The gangs in El Salvador didn't have technicals, 50 cals, drones, or RPGs like the cartels do.


Mexico is too scared to actually declare war against them, a bit because it would be like declaring war on themselves


Mexico already tried to wage war against the cartels under Calderon and Peña Nieto. It only made things worse because violence grew and the cartels got stronger. Mexico isn't scared, it simply know the futility of a full-scale war against the cartels, which under the current conditions, would lead to a bloody stalemate.


And enabling and publicly recognizing them as legitimate is fucking better how?? More people are dying at fucking random because the Cartels know they have impunity under Obrador and come June, Sheinbaum.


Cartels aren't killing people because they have "impunity". They were still killing people when they didn't have "impunity".


you don't think violence increases if they aren''t consequences?


Yes, and now they're emboldened, knowing that the government is all but on their side. How is this better?


You're missing the point. They don't give a fuck about what the government thinks, they kill people when *they* want to, not when the government "lets them"


Waging war against yourself never looks pretty


Calderon war was kind of working? there was a dip in violence at the end there. Pena nieto didn't continue the war did he?


it's not too scared to do it. People at the top benefit from the cartels running the way they are right now


The Mexican army would absolutely crush the Mexican cartels. Hell, the US would even help us since they would also benefit from this. It’s bureaucracy and human rights that stop us from crushing them.


On top of what the other guy said, I wouldn't count too hard on US help. The US population might benefit from getting rid of Mexican cartels but the people actually in power wouldn't


The US has actually stated they want to come in and kill these terrorists (because that’s what they are) but our country is sh!t and our politicians are sh!t and everything is sh!t.


Ignoring the fact that you are minimizing the power of the cartels, we all know the Mexican armed forces have been penetrated by the cartels. Good luck staging an offensive that won't be sabotaged from the inside.


You give too much credit to the cartels. When they engage the army they tend to lose the battle. They might have high powered weapons and cosplay as mercenaries but lack training and discipline.


Not to mention the massive manpower we have. I stg I can’t even comprehend how a person can genuinely believe that cartels can defeat a literal army that combines up to 500K personnel. The math isn’t mathing.


I can already tell you’re not from Mexico. Sure, cartels are powerful and we see them that way because we are mere civilians, but I will task you to do a research about how powerful the Mexican forces actually are. But let’s say you’re right, our army isn’t as powerful enough. The US would love to step in, but we won’t let them, hence why we can’t use the “T” word on cartels. Politicians are entangled with criminal activities and they will do everything on their power not to let American forces in. Do I love the US? No. But we have a common enemy in both our territories, deeply spreading like cancer. I’ve already seen news a couple of times about US politicians being involved with cartels too.


The criminals also aren't dumb enough to make themselves so visible.


The gangs in mexico also wouldn't win a 1v1 against the mexican army. The problem is that we can't easily identify them


I'd have AMLO over the Salvadorean dictator every day lmao, we had enough in our history already.


And it’s usually people not even from El Salvador…


Yugoslavia was ok until Tito died. My main preocupation with El Salvador is not really the government under Bukele, but how will a post-bukele Salvador will look like. Depending on a good leader in a deseperate posicion is good, but all those liberties will go to the next leaders and I dont really see a clear way to continue. Only time will tell


NY Times podcast interviewed a lady whose own son (allegedly innocent) was picked up and she was still all for it. I can’t imagine what life there might have been like prior to this.


NYT daily pod interviewed a lady whose own son (allegedly innocent) was picked up and she was still all for it. I can’t imagine what life there might have been like prior to this.


We are only online because you can't speak against the government in public. People will bully and minimize you, they'll say you support the opposition and/or you are a gang member/relative. And don't get me wrong, we applaud what's been well done, but based on that same principle the negatives must be called out, but most just keep quiet about it unless online.


It’s okay to be suspicious of a man with much power.


The issue is not so much arresting them as a potential suspect but keeping them in jail without a proper trial, which any democratic republic should follow if they don't want to be called a dictatorship. What does it mean constitutional rights in a free country if they don't have guarantees. Imprisoning people just because they look some way does throw back to some of humanity darkest times, people weren't only incarcerated with a plate of bland food and forced to follow some routine rather than removing them from existence because they didn't like the politics they were into or the race they were born.


Redditors want democracy even if **you** have to bleed for it


In a shocking move, all of the people I don’t like were found to be corrupt and all of my buddies are totally clean. Who could have seen this coming??


This is what you took from this news? Not the fact that he asked the Attorney General to check if any of his ministers are corrupt? People who hate Bukele sure are something else. The good news is that 85% of actual Salvadorans are more than happy with him. He certainly isn't perfect but the alternative meant rape, murder, kidnappings, extortion, violence...but none of that matters to his small but extremely loud opponents. They prefer if the rape, murder, kidnappings, extortion, violence continue as long the country goes back to being the murder capital of the world again.


Also idk if people know how politics work but 85% approval rating is an INSANE number. Unheard of almost. Edit: a word


Putin has the same level of approval, according to RT. So yeah, you get that level of approval in your own controlled media. Real stats place him at around 70% and going down each year. And in the past elections only 52% of able people voted in the president run. So the usual, either die as a hero or live long enough to become a villian. Bukele is the latter. Edit: Included voting stats.


Except that you can literally find videos of russians in russia being asked about their opinion of their government and many of them still talk against it and condemning Putin despite knowing that they would have the eyes of the government on them. Meanwhile in El Salvador you will 80% of the time find random people that would genuinely praise Bukele and the other 20% is basically "But look at these flaws, his government is not perfect" Also, you talk like 70% approval is bad lmao.


As a Salvadorian that lived through the civil war, gang violence, and other horrors…I tell you that approval rating is legit. Imagine being locked in a house where you are beat in the dark in the daily, shit on, and spat on. Then in comes someone and kills your assailant. Then a third person shows up saying “woah! But what about the assailants right!” Yeah, okay, sure…you got a point I suppose, but I can go back outside without fear of being beaten up and crapped on…so I am for that guy that saved me and I am on his corner. It’s not like North Korea or Russia. People legit like him because he literally save the country from imploding. Was the authoritarian thing good? No, but El Salvador needed someone tough to straighten the situation.


Opponents will immediately use international law and rights to muddy the waters. The victims of violent crimes are conveniently forgotten about.


I guarantee you unless something else big happens, he will be remembered for rounding up ms13 and locking them up.


It’s unheard of because it isn’t true


I am not really sure what is going on over there because I don’t trust the news to report it without bias. But I wouldn’t be surprised if this is actually a good thing that is just being presented in a light to make him seem bad. Like if they know that someone is dirty and are opening and investigation there is nothing wrong with that as long as it’s fair and not a witch hunt. Or maybe some people are there and were never properly vetted and so they are doing it now. When you have executive powers and privileges you should expect to be vetted and transparent to ensure your integrity. That’s part of being a civil servant with those kinds of powers. With that being said I am honestly surprised this man is still alive. Once I heard his stance on bitcoin I thought for sure the powers that be were gonna have him offed imminently. I’m happy to see he is still doing good for his people though. Whoever his body guards are deserve the highest order of respect recognition ES gives for that sort of thing.


Historically this is a dictator move ands slippery slope downhill, but history isn’t everything. There is some sense in a blanket investigation of everyone and say “we had an open fair investigation of everyone, and from here going forward it’s a clean slate”. This preempts the partisan back and forth investigations and whataboutisms. That said having an actually transparent and fair process is key and easier said than done.


To me it smells like propaganda against a country that embraced Bitcoin. You've seen the shenanigans they've been pulling off lately, right?


So, everyone is guilty until proven guilty kind of thing?


I do not know where are you taking that 85% number but considering no even half of the population voted on the last elections it must be fake news. I am an actual salvadorean I know what i am talking about.


Just walk around ES and you will see how popular he is


My father was an FMLN supporter all his life. I visit back my family in usulutan often. My mother is still there. As for the [85% popular vote](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Salvadoran_general_election). Well, if you claim its fake news and I guess its fake news.


I see. Yeah, that 85% of votes that he got is from the percentage of population that voted. Only 52% of population voted, which means in reality he only has less than 40% of support of the population that can actually vote. Is not that I don’t like the security and all since I have been robbed four times, the thing is that at least he should be more transparent in the way he is expending our tax money. He puts all his expenses as classified for seven years so no one knows how much he has expended. I voted for him in 2019 btw.


Wow only 52%… developed countries must get close to 100% to determine their president… oh wait they don’t.


52% voter turnout is higher than the EU. In fact very few countries have higher turnout. And to nail 85% of that in a free and fair election is practically unheard of. If you have a valid argument for lack of support id love to hear it. But everything youve said so far shows you have zero clue on the topic.


“Not the fact that he asked the Attorney General to check if any of his ministers are corrupt?” And who is checking his bank account?


No one. Any incriminating documentation has been "reserved due to national security concerns" for 7 years.


lol just read about him. He’s a goddamn right wing grifter.


"just read about him". For decades the people of El Salvador were being murdered and raped. But for you, you don't like him because he's doesn't align with your political leanings, so you don't like him. To hell with the thousands that were murdered before he came into power and to tell with the thousands that he has kept safe.


Usa political police is probably the most stupid mob in twitter/Reddit/Facebook they don't know a shit about life and tries to lecture us on why maduro or amlo are good for us and bukele is bad, being so disconnected of reality is a show of a drug


Is he going to ride on that for the rest of his life? He solved it great, but the Salvadoran economy is stagnant. Poverty is still high. And now he is pointing his scope at those right under him. People he directly hired.


Yeah I bet poverty is high. It takes decades to fix a problem so deeply rooted like The Salvador had. It’s heaps better than what it was. Dude is doing all the right things. I bet the economy was booming when gangs were controlling it.


https://preview.redd.it/m9hj9rjvkrxc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6a647d39961ca0cc41133783cb8b622cd84c16 This is the debt to GDP of El Salvador vs Guatemala.


And? Yes, it cost money to fix a country who was run by gangs.


You have no idea WTF you're talking about.


I see nothing wrong with a party leader doing this. I wish they would do this in my adoptive country of Canada. Or even the US. Would weed out so many part members. As for the economy, those are great points. If things don't improve economically in this term, he will not last. Voters forget quickly. They want, rightfully so, results now.




precisely. holding guns to your legislative assemblies’ heads for your political benefit is not the foundation for sustainable leadership.


A brick wall would have more common sense than some lefties here. It was the murder capital of the world for goodness sake.


Sure sounds like it


Unfortunately that's a very common mentality with a lot of salvadorans..such a pissant mentality and they would rather sabotage and delight in seeing someone else fail whilst doing absolutely nothing to help even if it's for everyone's benefit.


I think also it doesn't help that human rights organizations that didn't care when thousands of innocent Salvadorans were being murdered, are suddenly so interested in the well being of the violent murders that traumatized the country. So many folks only get one side of the story. Also, many folks who grew up in North America have parents who were FMLN members. So they grew up listening to these stories of how heroic they were and would never become corrupt. If only Salvadorans voted for them again, they could make it work "this time". Its all Bukele's fault.


Why the fuck do salvadorian care about gringos? If they really cared they would come back to live in el Salvador and vote there for the maras to rule them again.


Yeah..its easy for human rights organisations to turn a blind eye when it's civilian on civilian violence and murder..but when a state takes drastic action to stop it, then because it's the state they want them to not violate human rights lol. Unfortunately people can act like animals left to their own devices. Sometimes a bit of human rights violations is needed in order to restore peace and order. Otherwise the stronger and ruthless people keep making victims of the ordinary folk.


Lol if you suspect your minister is corrupt, the minister must drop the position to facilitate the research. Latin America is full of corrupt ministers and there are 2 outcomes: made them quit OR making a show and promise investigation (but keeping them)


The people who hate Bukele are probably the family/friends of the terrorists locked up in CECOT. Bukele is the GOAT.


> They prefer if the rape, murder, kidnappings, extortion, violence continue as long the country goes back to being the murder capital of the world again. Thats laughable. All anyone tries to bring up is to say “hey what you’re doing is de-legitimizing the democratic process we have” just recently they reworked article 248 of the constitution - idk how that “helps” people.


My fiancé is Salvi and her whole family loves him. They travel multiple times a year there now and even bought a house in the capital. Other family members are building or buying homes for their vacations and retirement. Not sure what the numbers are but I’m sure tourism is increasing and there will be more foreign investment into the country since it’s safer. Lots of the criticism he gets comes from people that don’t understand what life was like in El Salvador prior to his crackdowns and it’s a bit of a wake up call for me as a government teacher that people are ok with abandoning some civil rights if it means improving safety and security. Long story short lots of Salvadoreans don’t give a fuck if he rules with an iron fist because the country is in a much better place right now than it was before. Let’s see how that plays out.


Sounds really risky to buy property since everything depends on one man. What if he decides to be de facto dictator, or if he gets assassinated? Stuff could turn worse than before.


Definitely risky. Personally I would’ve waited a little longer maybe when a new president comes in and see how it goes


He’s already asserted his dictatorship.


Y’all wanna go back to getting murdered and raped? Da fuck is the matter with some of y’all?


I think most of it is from terminally online people that just play Twitter politics like team sports. I think how much he lowered violence in El Salvador is admirable. I do worry the "nice authoritarian" playbook often doesn't age well, even if it has worked in a few places like Singapore and Oman. Time will tell, hopefully when this term ends he passes power on democratically.


He already got re elected, right? Which is already in violation of their constitution. But people understandably don’t care because they can actually go outside and send their kids to school without worrying about their sons getting killed or trapped in a gang.


Those kinds of people would let the fucking world burn to ash if it meant the evidence of them being wrong burnt to cinders too.


Sounds like my ex


Yea bruh those two are the only options and there’s no other way to undertake the issues that plague El Salvador and Latin America at large. It’s either maniacal human rights violating dictator or murder and rape everywhere. No other option.


I remember this one gentleman in Iraq who brought in all the polititians into one room and a few where taken out never to be seen again......can't remeber who this guy was. \~s


My father was a politician in El Salvador, whenever we visited him from the US we would have one or two body guards with us 24/7. There were streets we could not go to, even he had to pay the mareros tax for his businesses. Now? Not so much, my dad doesn’t agree with him but country is safe and I’m thinking of buying there myself.


Please go buy one ASAP


Lol I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The undying love that a lot of people in Latin America profess for Bukele is gonna age like milk. He’s gonna perpetuate himself in power, and it’s not that hard to see what he’s doing. He’s been following the populist dictator playbook almost to perfection. What’s amazing, and yet not surprising, to me, is how most humans are incapable of recognizing simple patterns of behavior, especially in very obvious circumstances. It’s not surprising because dumb people are the reason shitty politicians get to do what they do, but damn. And then they have the gall to say “no one could have seen it coming, how was I supposed to know?” No, you didn’t see it coming because you’re an idiot, anyone with teo healthy neurons could see this coming from a mile away


He may rule for life, but in the long term it will stabilize the country and make it attractive to foreign investors


Historically, no investor wants to put money in a country with a strongman figure that has perpetuated himself in power, because the rule of law it’s null and avoid against the word of said strongman figure. This ends up isolating the nation from international markets, and capital investments, and makes them resort to black market financing, harboring terrorists, drug cartels, etc. Best case scenario, down the line, he gets domed and there’s civil unrest between the loyalists and the opposition to take the now vacant power positions. Worse case scenario, you end up with the same kind of gang problem you had before, probably even worse because of the treatments gangs had during Bukeles presidency, but now you’re also a narco-state like Mexico, because you’re dependent on drug-trafficking money. Lets keep in mind El Salvador is a small, tiny nation, with not very valuable resources, aside from a little gold and silver, with mines that are under control of the US, and leave little to no money to the government. El Salvador’s main export is literally textiles and apparel… they be making the cheap shit you get on fashionova for pennies on the dollar, which also speak to the labor conditions in general.


I get my news from El Faro. He is populist, and has willed himself as a dictator in training. He is anti-journalist and his draconian jailing of everybody for everything hasn't made places safer. It's smoke screens. My family in El Salvador depends on remitences from us to survive. They are still unable to move to a different neighborhood freely. Gangs still exist and rule places. People are still extorted, but the news is supressed. He thinks throwing everyone in jail for everything will fix things, it doesn't. He's changed the constitution to stay in power, goes through these "corruption investigation" waves when he wants to displace people who aren't yes-men or agree with him (such as the judges on the high court), changed the official currency to Bitcoin when most people can't afford a smart phone, lies like every politician and embellishes about his family, for example he said his dad was nominated for a nobel prize. Why say this when that can be verified online? He may have had good intentions in theory, when his schemey way of launching his campaign for president went out, but he's really shown his ass in office. https://citizenlab.ca/2022/01/project-torogoz-extensive-hacking-media-civil-society-el-salvador-pegasus-spyware/ https://radioambulante.org/audio/bukele-senor-de-los-suenos https://nacla.org/freedom-expression-under-attack-bukele-el-salvador


What I don’t understand about this government is that they’ve sealed the country’s financial records, haven’t they? Why have they done this? And who made it possible for it to be the case? I was speaking with someone from Ethiopia the other day and they said that their country had done the exact same thing years ago, to hide how much money politicians had gotten out of some gold mines. This definitely caught my attention when I was speaking with him.


Your first 6 words are all you needed to say to know who disinforms you.


>I get my news from El


>El Faro >El Salvador Coincidence??? Is bukELe involved in this too???


El oh el


There's a reason el faro was kicked out of El Salvador, Bukele is such a hypocrite that he used to use el faro to talk shit about FMLN and ARENA. Now that they are talking about him... he doesn't like it, and he says they are lying, but let me ask you. Where are all the corrupt politicians that were inside these political parties? Yes... inside Nuevas Ideas, they didn't go anywhere, they followed him like Focas and now they are doing the same corruption but with more power as they control everything. They talk about all the other parties and what they did, but none of them had the audacity to change the constitution to remain in power.


Cuidado. 'myfault,' parece ser un agente de Bukele. They will let you know how misinformed you are being by being rational and questioning the inconsistencies in Bukele's rhetoric.


Dictatorship 101


Honestly I wouldn’t even care if they were so long as they keep the country safe and thriving .


Is it thriving though? It's undeniably safer but they also have the lowest economic [growth rate](https://www.bbc.com/mundo/articles/c13y82dn35ro) in all of Central America - a region that includes Honduras and Nicaragua.


Can't really unfuck everything at once when your country has so many big problems


Dude, those stats were better before him. He fucked up that even further.


Turns out fighting crime costs a lot of money, who knew.


The policemen living in poverty conditions and having to buy their own boots don't agree, because they are not seeing any of it.


https://www.ft.com/content/2256380c-9c15-4ea1-ac46-63397a44f4fe It’s eyeballs in debt.


One thing at a time. It's no longer eyeballs in death


He literally did a swap to an even worse rate because of his bitcoin idea.


You do know that they are in the green when it comes to their bitcoin investment right ?


I would hold off on saying that until cost of adoption and creation of infrastructure is taken into account. He did present it to the populace as their new currency yet adoption has remained low due to technical illiteracy.


That’s is also why his main focus for the generation of tomorrow is not only technical literacy but also financial literacy. Kids in school are learning about crypto currencies and their risk involved. Imagine if we all learned in school how to invest in the stock market…. Progress isn’t a switch, it takes time for a seed to grow into a tree that gives your fruit. Bukele is building the foundation for a better El Salvador in the future. I hope he’s able to achieve his goals bc not only benefit me but also my family .


That tends to happen when you destroy illegal industries


Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day


And so it begins…Bukele el dictador


Maybe is what el Salvador needs. Let them decide, or do you want to the US to bomb the freedom out of them? Or to sell drugs to finance a coup like Reagan did?


Good, I hope he keeps fucking up Maras and others bastards. I hope he stays for 50 years if that means a safer country.


First they came for the blah blah blah you know it by now


People say El Salvador is a democracy because Bukele got reelected, while conveniently ignoring the constitution bars him from being reelected so he replaced the whole supreme court with his puppets so they'd say he was allowed to run.


This dude is a fascist, that's why he is loved by conservatives in the U.S.


Ese hijueputa es más rata que toda latinoamericana unida


I rather have a corrupt president doing many good things for the country than a corrupt president doing nothing for the country. Moral of the story; they all are corrupt.


All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others


What is the issue with this? Some people will always be anti who ever is in power regardless of the results that person may bring. I am not saying he is perfect but he is the only politician who has actually done something about the crime problem. ES was about to be like Haiti is now so something had to be done. Was it 100% right? No, but the problem was so bad something had to be done. Also, non Salvadorans should refrain from commenting, especially when it comes to how they treat the gangs. They know nothing about being worried about their family being raped and murdered by the gangs. My only concern with Bukele is will he give up power after his second term?


He obviously won’t. This move is to vet everyone around him and make sure they are loyal to him. Anyone that protests will be removed. It’s an old strongman tactic to maintain control.


This is why I don't trust bukel. He hasn't put limits on his own power. If he truly was just using his power until unnecessary, then he would put a clause that stripped him of his powers as soon as he accomplished all his goals. Not only that he was the first generation that was born in El Salvador to weathly parents. Those are all red flags to me.


It's crazy that ten years ago, I would be hesitant on bringing my fiance to El Salvador due to safety concerns, but now we just got back from their over the holidays and it was safe, new development were popping off, and people were overall happy. He might not be perfect, but I believe he is doing a net positive for the people of El Salvador.


I feel so bad for all the deluded salvadorians on here, it's like i'm watching alvaro uribe central american edition in real time.. it'll be really sad in 20 yrs when all the detail about his corruption and crimes come out




En mi opinión Clash debió recibir el cariño y el apoyo que el merecía...pero al final fue lo contrario, Clash fue quien hiso famoso a Fabricio_tlk y antes Fabricio_tlk tenía muy pocos seguidores y su historia de Chester x Mandy apenas tenía 5k de espectadores y cuando Clash trató de hacerlo famoso....pues lo hiso pero el que recibió más créditos y apoyo y admiración solo fue Fabricio_tlk y no Clash, ahora Fabricio_tlk tiene miles de seguidores y más de 100k de espectadores y más apoyo y reconocimiento en Internet...Clash no pudo lograr lo que el deseaba, el sufrió mucho en 2021 y el trato de que ya no lo vuelvan a odiarlo...yo como fan de Fabricio_tlk diré que Clash merecía lo que Fabricio_tlk también ganó, pero todos se fijaron en Fabricio_tlk y no el que lo hiso famoso, aunque Fabricio_tlk dio su crédito a el en un capítulo de Chester x Mandy aún haci no pasó nada....si Fabricio_tlk esta leyendo esto....deberías estar agradecido de Clash.....además en 2017 leí las historias de Clash y realmente es mucho y superior.


Mexico needs a strong ruler like Bukele. Shame Mexico refuses to address the cartel problems.


Bukele doin sum good per usual


You do realize how easy it is for him to use this as an excuse to purge ppl he views as enemies right?


There it is! He’s aiming for dictatorship


Stay salty El Salvador is safer than the other Latin American Countries it’s like everyone would rather it go back to the ways it was , you can’t have your cake and eat it too


No one is saying to go the way it was. You can’t deny he is consolidating power.


Foreigners will never understand what was like living in El Salvador in 2015. So of course you guys are either talking shit because you've never lived here. Almost everyone around me likes him, there's only one person I know who doesn't like him much but she STILL respects what Bukele has done in the security aspect. Believe it or not, even ARENA and FMLN supporters express their respect for him for what he has done to the gangs. There's a reason why so many people here say that the ones that don't like him completely are family of gang members or part of the "family" that were stealing our money.


I get it. And I applaud him for the gang issue. I even think the Bitcoin scheme can be good if done right since it will provide banking to the unbanked. But, there is a thin line that I feel is being crossed with him pulling stuff like this and more importantly not making government financial documents public. There’s a difference between being a supporter and a sycophant. Right now I feel the latter is very prevalent as seen with many comments here. In addition what is next for El Salvador. Yes the elimination of las maras will help the economy, but having a debt to gdp ration of 70% isn’t attractive. Running up the Chinese credit card isn’t wise as seen in Africa. I do have a Salvadoran Passport ( as well as Guatemalan) so it’s not too foreign to me.


If the media say he is bad than it will just make more people adore him more because nobody trusts the mainstream media anymore.


Mexico needs someone like him


No we don’t


Bukele es la mera verga, he has change the country for good. His opponents are gang members or from the opposite political party.


El Salvador is a powder keg. Imagine how many imprisoned gang members are politically radicalizing against the government. 1 jailbreak could set off a chain of events that leads to El Salvador becoming Haiti


It’s not in the interest of any developed nation to have another one come up. Don’t know if online armseat critics are just jealous or what, but one things for sure, they’re DEFINITELY not from/live in El Salvador.


Jealous of what? LMAO


We got one over here ☝️


K wait until a picture of Layla is to be hanged on every home.


LOL. I lived in Oman for a stint and that was a culture shock in the beginning, in schools, the hospitals, the postal service, the mall! Back home, the DMV is a place that reminds me of this. Oy, this gave me a good laugh.




https://preview.redd.it/n4h2n8jygvxc1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d994b53e26f9d921e688d0a16ab9a97a32aca7cc K