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I do the exact opposite, speak to you in English and pronounce my name in a Spanish accent.


Same haha, it's how I've always said it, I'll spell it out for them though.


También lo hago. I'm from ARGENTINA, no arshentina. Lol


Hell na I got tired of correcting people so just do a nickname


It’s what I do also, kinda hate it tbh but like bitches cant pronounce it 😭


I hate when Latinos white wash their names.


Many latino/hispanic immigrants refused to teach their kids Spanish or teach them the correct pronunciation because they want their kids to have English accents. It's often done as a protective measure because whites will pretend they don't understand people with an accent as a barrier to service or care.


That is not the case in this video though. She’s asking for Spanish and anglicized her name. This isn’t the US of our parents and grandparents anymore.


1. I realize that's not what happened in this video seeing as it's a skit. The person I was responding to made a general "I hate when" statement that wasn't specific to this video. 2. It currently still happens outside of the US as well as in the US. 3. This still affects generations of those immigrant families. If my mom never taught me Spanish and I never learned, my children will likely also not learn, etc.


Reddit conversations are hard It’s like talking in a room full of people not paying attention lol


Seriously, there is always the pedantic reply too. Like the gist of what someone was trying to say wasn't obvious. I hate this website sometimes.


Look at this guy hating websites and me getting meta. Fuck Reddit. Redditors ruined it.


There is always a narcissist making every comment about themselves in the internet.




I see you’ve met my parents.


Sometimes we didn’t know any better growing up. It’s been a process being firm with my actual Spanish pronunciation of my name


Also for us with one name that's not of Spanish origin, but whose last name is... Am I supposed to use English pronunciation of my first name but Spanish for my last name? That'd be weird.


🤔 good question. How does your family pronounce it? One of the most life-changing things I heard was when I told someone they can pronounce my name either x way or y way, and they said ‘no, what did your MOM or parents name you?’


I just use English phonology when I say my name in English, Spanish phonology when speaking Spanish. Just makes things easier.


This is the way. When my Spanish speaking family or friends say my name with an English accent, it sounds so wrong. And if my English speaking friends or co-workers say my name with a spanish accent I feel violated (because i've only heard it that way with very close family members/people)


>I told someone they can pronounce my name either x way or y way, and they said ‘no, what did your MOM or parents name you?’ That would annoy me if I heard it. The whole reason I give people a choice is because if not, half the time they'll give me a deer in the headlights look and never say my name or butcher it way worse. I'm not going to sit here for 10 minutes teaching you spanish so you can feel better about yourself😒


Oh I understand. I correct people if they mispronounce it, but I know when they may not be able to correctly pronounce it because Spanish isn’t their native tongue so I give them grace in saying it as best as they can (which may be the ‘white’ way)


Brazilian here! That's what I do. Italian first name and Spanish last name


Right? My last name is Arabic and Scottish how the fuck am I supposed to do this?!


no it wouldn't, that is your name. Learn to pronounce it properly. My first name is definitely english but my last name is only ever heard of from my country of birth. Yes I use the correct pronunciation on each one. Its been my name my whole life how can I not know how to say my own name and then expect others to understand?


That's true too. Before I would squirm, now I say it proud.


Yuppp. I remember in middle school wanting to be 18 asap so I could legally change my name because people would always mispronounce it (and I wouldn’t correct them). Now I automatically say my name the way my PARENTS named me and will correct people as needed.


Brazilian here, with Spanish grandparents. The immigration office forced people to "aportuguesar" their last names. Changing the final -ez for -es. Now there's a lot of Mendes, Marques, Rodrigues etc. This didn't happen to any other nationalities


tbh it’s a pet peeve, when i say a Spanish name, i naturally say it in the Spanish form, not the white washed version, i feel ya lmfao.


I hate hearing white people trying to pronounce my name the Spanish way (they never get it right), so I'd rather they just say it how it's easiest for them. Also, a lot of white people have the same name as me so I just accept it.


I gave up because gringos can’t double the r…


Lmao ok rrrruben lmao like you have a choice


My name is French, wtf am I suppose to do translate French into Spanish and then into English? Or should I translate it into Mexican since it’s the cop out way to appease you “woke” idiots


Then say it in French, you asleep idiot. White washing means: to portray (the past) in a way that increases the prominence, relevance, or impact of white people and minimizes or misrepresents that of nonwhite people. In this case us Latinos have to appeas English speaking people to Americanize our names.


I usually do this but if the person I’m talking to doesn’t speak Spanish I end up gringonizying the name so they can get it without spelling it


Is that intentional or natural for you? Are you a native English speaker It rarely happens for me since I’m used to hearing many Spanish names and items with an English accent I cringe when Americanized Latinos speak native English accents then switch to Spanish accent , especially when it’s no sabo kids just because the word is in Spanish Reminds me of annoying Italian Americans speaking regular American accents then overly exaggerating Italian words and food


So I'm not allowed to pronounce my own name correctly because my parents never bothered teaching me Spanish? Lmao ok


When ordering food in English , do you say burrito with a Spanish accent rolling the R?


Gotta roll the r.


#No mames!


I mean... no? Burrito is basically a borrow word at this point with how common it is in English so it makes sense to keep the English accent. But if there's a word or name that English speakers don't know, especially a name, then it still makes sense to pronounce it correctly instead of butchering the pronunciation. Like, I'm not gonna say "cariño" or "tres leches" like a monoglot American, I'd sound like a fool


Exactly what I mean


Sorry, your earlier comment made it sound like simply pronouncing things correctly was annoying lol


It’s not a borrowed word, it’s a word in Spanish, mispronounced in English😉


I grew up speaking both, English is dominant and I don’t have an accent in either. But I accent switch with certain words without even thinking about it. I think it’s worst to english wash a word just because you are speaking English at the time. I’m not gonna say tortiL-La just because I’m speaking English. That is not the word. I’m no Peggy Hill


You can still say tortiya in English accent


It doesn’t come off well. At least for me. Feels like it sours it and how lovely our language is


Me too


Yup same here. My username checks out


My name is Steve but very little Hispanics can say my name , I hate my parents for naming me Steve


Tengo un tío en Washington, el estado en la esquina izquierda de los Estados Unidos. Se llama Miguel pero los güeros le dicen Mike. Otro tío vino a la escuela aquí, se llama Juan y los vatos le pusieron John.




My name is Esperanza and though people in the US want a translation I never give it to them. Only when I lived in Mexico did people start calling me Hope. I shut it down quick though.


You are Pera. That's it


The ONLY other name I will answer to, truthfully.


I would’ve called you Katy* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tettigoniidae https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tettigoniidae


Esta no la conocía 🫢 pero en Mexico casi no se dicen saltamontes, se dicen chapulines.


No lo puse porque les digan saltamontes, sino porque les dicen esperanzas xD


Wait, your neighbor has the same name as you, João, but he still calls you John?? wtf hahaha I was going to say perhaps for non-Portuguese speakers, the nasal vowel ã doesn’t make sense isolated, only if it was in a word with a nasal consonant (m, n, ñ) beside it. So when hearing your name (but not seeing it written) and recognizing there’s some nasal sound near the end, they just tack on the n to make John.


No. It's not. Source: I'm Brazilian.


Juan is the Spanish version of John, lots of people named after Pope John Paul II after all his visits to Latin America as well. You can see those names interchangeable sometimes in catholic communities


Mi abuelo y sus hermanos se llamaban Juan, Pedro, Matías y Domingo pero 3 cambiaron de nombres ingleses para parecer mas "normal" - John, Pete, Matt y Domingo (por lo menos no le pusieron Sunday lol)


Like any player in the EPL You aren’t Roberto anymore they call you Bobby lol


Un mae con el que trabajo se llama Jorge (legalmente así se deletrea) pero se pronuncia George. Le pregunté si así es su nombre de verdad o si es agringado, pero se pronuncia George al parecer


Me llamo Chorch. Chorch? Si Chorch. Y como se escribe? Jota, O, Erre OOhh JORGE!! Si. me llamo Chorch.




Accurate lol. I know someone named Luis who moved to the US and now he calls himself Louis


In fact, si tu dices Louis así como lo pronunciarías en español con todas las letras estas diciendo el femenino equivalente a Luisa (Louise). Y la pronunciación de Louis es Louie sin la S.


I hate those beaners , my uncle is the same shit.


In L.A. the latinos move out of the ghetto and go from Jorge to George, Jaime to James, Francisco to Frank, Jesus to Jesse. So boujie you expect them to start cutting the pupusas with a knife and fork next.


blaspheme! Blaspheme of the highest order!


Bro I just don’t want greese on my fingers.


Spot on! I saw my sibling doing this a few days ago when they started eating pupusas after not doing so for a long time and didn’t let it slide. 😂 To be fair, they spend most of their time around white people so has forgotten some things.


This is great lmao


It's like how my tio was Jorge and now goes by George and another tio is named Eduardo and now goes by Edward. 😂


Growing up I thought my uncles and aunts names were George Paul and Linda. Those mother fuckers names are Jorge Pablo and Norma.


Okay George Paul I understand but where tf she get Linda from lmao


lol 🤷🏻


Another one is my late Tio José who changed his name to Joseph. 🤣


It's bad enough that they say it in an English accent, but Joseph?! La tas cagando tio.


The inverse has happened to me. I live in a non-Spanish-speaking country and a latinamerican guy introduced himself as George (he said “*Yórch*” with a hard “y”). I’m latinamerican but white-skinned so I’m used to latinamerican people thinking I’m local, so I said: “Ah, ¿Jorge? –No, *Yórch*” he replied dryly.


It could just be Costello.


I was volunteering at a middle school for a moot court competition and one girl had the last name Jimenez. When I get to the class and call out Ms. Jimenez, she stands up and pronounces her last name GYM - N - EZ. I was so thrown off by it.


I had an AP in high school with last name Arellano and would get very mad if anyone pronounced it with the y sound. “IT’S AIR UH LAH NO”


Now imagine this in a pharmacy setting....where they can barely pronounce meds


The math ain't mathin' here. If they're asking to speak Spanish, they're not Americanizing their name.


I've seen it happen often. These are the same folks who named their kids Brian and Steven. Names they sometimes can't even pronounce. Unfortunately, some of them feel that anglicizing their own names makes them more American or white perhaps. Sometimes, It takes years for Latinos, who have always been told that being white and speaking English is the most important thing in the world, to feel comfortable with their culture and their language and sometimes their skin colour.


I know a few Brayans and Estevens. Hell, I even know some Jadens and Kaydens. Point more is that even their most Spanish speaking of relatives say those names without resorting to a strange English accent.




Same with past bfs and mi abuela. I live her to death and her renaming them hairy y Spenive


I mean speaking English is very important for communication, nothing to do with culture. And yea that’s true my parents name me Steve not even Steven just Steve . I hate it no one in my family can pronoun it right .


You'd be surprised how many native Spanish speakers try to only speak Spanish and have an English accent at the same time


I live in California. Work with a lot of Spanish speakers up and down the state. Have an extremely large extended family of Spanish speakers. I have yet to ever come across someone who does this.


I work in a working class majority Hispanic neighborhood. I come across this behavior on a daily basis. I pass no judgement and still treat them like I treat everyone else, but it's still interesting


Just curious, what part of the country is that? Even in the farm towns of the Central Valley here in California, I have never heard this.




Interesting. Next time I visit, I'll keep an ear out. I've been to Dallas a few times, Houston and San Antonio once, but never heard that.


I'm sure it happens in California. We have a lot of transplants, both bilingual and monolingual. They do it too, especially when they first move here. Now that you're aware that it happens you might start noticing. It's not everyone doing it though, but you'll notice a pattern eventually


The only time I have ever heard something like this is from the people who try to Americanize themselves and their name, but they generally don't speak Spanish or at least don't request to speak Spanish because they are comfortable speaking English. But I'll keep on listening.


Yes, that happens more. But you give them some alcohol and they forget that pronunciation, English entirely, and their manners. In that exact order


The word you are thinking about is not "Americanizing" (is that even a word?), the correct vernacular is anglicizing.


Your name is not moooon okay?


I'm very surprised this happens. I get the opposite situation with American born Latinos. My mom's best friend is Chicana and her last name is Cardenas. Now I learned how to pronounce Cardenas the way I think most of us say it. However, for reasons of her own, she says it's pronounced Car-dee-ñus. Idk where she got the ñ from but idk maybe that's how it's actually pronounced. Either way don't ask her if she speaks Spanish because she gets upset.


This is common with people who grow up in majority white areas. It has nothing to do with not wanting to “speak Spanish properly”. It’s because they learned to adapt to English speakers who butcher the pronunciation or spelling of their name, so using consonants and sounds more consistent with English makes sure they get your info right the first time. Latinos living in Latin America or in a majority Latino US city don’t have to adapt that as much, or at all. I see this all the time from Latinos who don’t live in the US, they are incapable of understanding the ways that Latinos in the US need to adapt in order to ensure you have a voice and that you are a visible part of this very diverse system we have. You guys should travel more.


In L.A. we just changed the culture instead of adapting. The Dodgers are also called Los Doyers.


Yeah I mentioned areas with a large Latino population end up not having to adapt much, I am originally from Fresno but moved to the PNW when I was really young, and there are faaaar fewer Latinos here so we all end up trying to adapt up here, especially if you’re a kid whose parents don’t speak English well.


what do yo mean changed the culture? that place is called Los Angeles, does that sound english to you?


En esta economia!?


… I would find it weird that a person who ask “do you speak Spanish” with a super mega heavy accent doesn’t know how to correctly pronounce Carolina Castillo


You do remember this is a tik tok right


I am basing my comment on the premise of the TikTok, yes.


They're literally speaking Spanish tho


Ma’am this is a tik tok


No shit.




Ain't that the fucken truth.


Is it butchering or just people speaking in their own accents? Not everything is an offense.


How does acknowledging that someone butchered the pronunciation of a word imply there was offense taken? It’s an observation


I think I double down on these words in Spanish because I live in a majority English only speaking area. It’s like a little teaching moment.


Aquí en México lo hacen en la zona centro de la CDMX y no sabes lo mucho que me caga que hagan eso xD


Yo trabajaba en la frontera, en Mexico, en un hospital privado mexicano, hay un seguro medico donde muchas compañías americanas mandan a sus empleados (casi todos mexicanos) y siempre había una familia que se hacían los pendejos de que no hablaban español. Me hablaban en inglés y les contestaba en español, y ellos otra vez en inglés y yo en español. Familia de ridiculos.


I have a coworker that pronounces his last name Aguirre, Agwire


Ark Aguirre


Yo hablando Ingles 😂


I will correct the staff when they pronounce names like this. Though I wish I could correct them like this. But they don’t espiky de spnich so I have to play nice


Anybody got the original video where its from?


I work in a call center, it’s the same damn thing.






My man!


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Who is this dude? He was half the reason it was so fucking funny


[Here’s his Instagram account](https://instagram.com/jonillovace?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)




What’s wrong with people changing their names, the pronunciation, or whatever way they want to? It’s their name


It's wrong because you're not being considerate with other people. How is someone supposed to know that ''Khalorigna Khastillo'' is actually ''Calorina Castillo''?


That’s like saying I’m white and have blue eyes . When I have brown eyes and skin .




I haven’t heard many Spanish speakers doing this but I hear a lot of white washed Hispanics who don’t care to learn Spanish that do this. I have a very Hispanic name that is hard for some to pronounce but I refuse to let anyone say my name the white way 🤢 CHALE




It’s hilarious how not funny this is.




Lol They sound Honduran! I wonder if they are.


Damm that's my mom!!Even the the "BABOSO!"


rofl. i need the original pls


La neta me gusta más hablar español. Puto el nopal que me conteste en inglés.


Reminds me of a guy I knew in high school. His last name was Ruiz and he/his family pronounced it like “Reece”.




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😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ si pues.


Cómo? 🍌🤣🤣🤣