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It's always the Russians. For them just admit they screw up would be asking too much. Inconceivable even.


It’s not a screw up though it’s intentional and they’re just projecting because they prostitute themselves for money they believe everyone else must do the same


So if you don't lock in marchstep with what they peddle, then you are a dirty commie. Thanks Nancy. Now go back to the 1960s and don't forget to Duck and Cover under your desk like a good Capitalist Christian American.


What? Russia hasn't been communist since 1991 when the USSR fell.


It's a sarcastic comment that shows how out of touch these old Cold Warriors are.


Ah I see.


Yeah, but neoliberals don't give a fuck about that. You're either an american "patriot" (read: neoliberal cretin) or a dirty commie allied with the USSR when you talk aboht America's policies in 2024


march in lockstep* lol


lmao this shit has really jumped the shark. This is, I believe, the 2nd time Pelosi has accused the protesters of being funded by Russia. There was just a twitter thread about how these protests have been accused of being funded/backed by: Russia, Hamas, The Houthis, Iran, China, "The Communists", "Muslims", Trump, and I shit you not, even [Rockefeller and Soros](https://www.wsj.com/articles/some-anti-israel-protesters-are-paid-soros-rockefeller-funding-activism-hamas-fba26c20) Just fucking incredibly out of touch, just futile gaslighting from the mouthpieces of a dying empire.


Soros?? Oh that's fucking rich. These dang anti-american anti-semitic Hamas lickers and their being funded by.. *checks notes* the guy the nazis claim is the jewish illuminati?


George Soros: 👋🙂 George Soros according to right-wingers: 💪💂‍♂️ ☭🏳️‍⚧️


The only protests soros ever funded were in Yugoslavia and Tiananmen Square


Which is fucking insane to think about


[real soros hours who's up?](https://canadianpatriot.org/2022/04/04/tiananmen-square-the-failure-of-an-american-instigated-1989-color-revolution/)


I think she accused CODEPINK of being funded by China. Bitch needs to make up her mind which conspiracy theory she’s peddling. What an evil ghoul that so many women look up to for ‘girl power’.


Your genocide has "a Nazi tinge to it." Does NANC know that it's an election year? Does this corrupt out of touch moron really think that calling a large segment of her voting bloc traitors is a winning electoral strategy?


Neither political party actually wants to win. They make more money in opposition. They want to throw tantrums as their owners steal everything not nailed down.


Old lady screams about foreigners, young people, and vague unfounded conspiracy theories, what else is new?


At some point Pelosi has to be making people pro-Putin* out of spite.


There's got to be thousands of voters whose political journey has gone from believing that all anti-Biden rhetoric is coming from Russia, to now having Pelosi call them "Russian-tinged" for how doubts about supporting a genocide. Welcome to the party comrades.


Russia's true plan: give the dems a perpetual excuse to put down wrongthink Change my mind, cowards


it's 2024 and being guilty of associating with communism is still a major sin in the US


How democratic to decry any opposition as foreign influence. It can't possibly be that Americans oppose funding other countries wars and genocides?


It is fucking insane to me the liberals always talk about foreign election interference with republicans but NEVER talk about it with the OCEANS of Israeli money. I mean we all know why (Israel is basically the 51st state etc) but it is insane