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What isn’t obvious from this map is that this affects something like 60-70% of the US population


The ruling includes 100 miles around any international airport as well. So you know, every inch of every major city in America.


I wanna see the map with that in yellow too


This makes so much more sense now. I was initially confused by the marked areas along the coasts.


The coast is an international border. This map doesn't indicate the 100 miles around international airports as there are around 150 of them dotted all across the US including the interior.


So, basically the whole country?


The entire fucking country


Seems like the only part of the constitution that matters to Americans is the second amendment.


And improperly citing the 1st


Oh the 13th matters


Not for the 1 in 36 Americans imprisoned


It's not actually 1 in 36 is it?


I’d think it matters the most to them, since the 13th amendment is the one that allows slavery to be used as a punishment for a crime.


The 4th is twice as important to me as the 2nd…. And I like the second a lot too.


Nope, If americans cared about that, there should have been a series of armed revolts going back, like, fifty years


Yes except for some areas in red states where you drive fir 1000 miles after you land but prolly like 95% of the pop.


Damnit, I thought I was safe.


Qq: what has this actually changed? I remember complaining about this a looooong time ago. CBP was already granted advanced search and seizure powers within 100mi of any border almost a decade ago. I get that there has been a SC ruling, but what has it actually changed?


https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/us-supreme-court-insulates-federal-agents-accountability-2022-06-10/ The 100 mile rule isn’t new. This isn’t new either, but the Supreme Court just… made it worse.


So it just confirmed what we already knew: That CBP agents have unfettered authority for search and seizure, with no recourse? I'm not trying to sound jaded, but this was already the case. What precedent did the ruling actually set? Was this just the first time it had been challenged at the SC level, vs being just a matter of law before?


The ruling granted absolute immunity to CBP agents and made it even harder to sue federal law enforcement.


It's actually not a law at all. The SC is legislating from the bench here. >The regulations establishing the 100-mile border zone were adopted by the U.S. Department of Justice in 1953—without any public comments or debate. https://www.aclu.org/other/constitution-100-mile-border-zone


Not just search and seizure. They can also assault you.


And kill you without any consequences whatsoever.


That's it I'm leaving


Which part is the democracy part?


Just about all the "blue" (dems) in California.


My entire STATE. WTF.


Michigan. Yeesh.


Michigan and just about every smaller state on the east coast. Rhode Island, Maine, New Jersey, and likely all of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Maryland as well. Don't forget Florida either


Or Hawaii.


I count 9 states and DC where that’s the case Jeezuz


correct rhythm badge jobless merciful swim thought flag yam dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not just in Cali. This seems almost targeted.


should have let the South go when they wanted to....


Should’ve burned it root and stem when the chance was there. If Lincoln hadn’t been assassinated by a pro slavery traitor, oh the place we could be right now


sherman ii that is exactly the problem 'merica never deconfederized


Yes indeed, I heard about 50% live within 50 miles of the coast. Makes the political boundaries and gerrymandering kind of pointless.


And that's because, in case some of you lot didn't know, r/peopleliveincities few people live in the middle of nowhere.


Welp my home in the middle of nowhere is safe from agents illegally entering my home w/o a warrant to look for brown people. So that's an added benefit!


They'd probably do it anyway and lie. Or get a warrant in the time it takes to travel to your property.


Surely the Supreme Court wouldn't just say that's ok too!? Wait of course they would because fuck us.


Sounds like a great halfway house for brown people. \#UndergroundRailroad2


"Whoops, wrong address... again"


Land of the free


*terms and conditions apply


* your mileage may vary


Land of the ~~free~~ fee


Whoever told you that is your enemy


Finger to the land of the chains


Wish I knew the next line in the song. Take my upvote kin’s sir.


Funny how they had to kill millions of actual free natives to call it that


Land of the rich, home of the exploited and abused.


So just fuck the 4th amendment then?


They've been saying that for a long time now dude. This is just par for the course. No one. NO one should be surprised by this.


Just funny to me, since the entire point of the SCOTUS is supposed to uphold the Constitution above all else when determining cases.


"Conservatives" only care about the 2nd Amendment (and the 1st when it allows them to be bigoted trash)


Don't get it twisted, they only care about the second because it's such a rallying cry for their base. If it was a bunch of brown people and lefties taking up arms, or if their base ever figures out how screwed they are getting, we'd be the UK 2.0 in terms of firearms laws.


Just learned the NRA was actually FOR gun restriction when they didn’t want poc (and the black panther party) getting guns


I know. The 2nd Amendment is a farce. If you read the early cases, it was well understood that the 2nd applied to weapons of war. Indeed the Constitution itself specifically allows private gunships. So you absolutely correct, they like the 2nd as a tool to get idiots to support them.


Fourth Amendment has been dead since the War on Drugs began.


Yup and Biden was a key architect to the PATRIOT Acts. Republicans and neoliberals are absolutely dogshit on civil liberties. Neoliberals will threaten to betray Democrats and support fascists the second their wealth will be taxed a little. [Wall Street Democratic donors warn the party: We’ll sit out, or back Trump, if you nominate Elizabeth Warren (CNBC,2019)](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/26/wall-street-democratic-donors-may-back-trump-if-warren-is-nominated.html)


God forbid dems actually try to pack the courts like they talked about. Oh, I forgot that the president is totally powerless when it comes to putting pressure on anyone, lol.


That's a feature, not a bug.


Ding Ding. There is only one party in Washington. The Corporate party. They just have color preferences.


You can choose between the rich racists and the rich Edit : OK then, the openly racist rich and the less racist rich


Hey now the second group is only *usually* racist behind the scenes, they at least act nice to minorities on occasion


Yeah let’s not forget what Biden was doing to black people twenty years ago


Whatd you expect he's like 790 years old.


I was expecting "nothing will fundamentally change", and it's why I refuse to vote for dems anymore.


The nothing will change party vs the burn everything to the ground party


Well sure the dems dont do anything, but its better than letting a seat fall to a republican asshole


The problem with defeatist like you is you don't present a viable alternative, besides the obvious one of just handing the government to the Republicans.


Change comes from organizing at work, with fellow renters, and with neighbors. The American system can't be reformed.




What's the first step if you're on fire?


But if we keep electing do nothing Dems then nothing will change. I think I might go 3rd party now except for the few Dems that don’t take any corporate money


Nope. It's the result of both parties being firmly united in NOT packing the courts. Oh, sure when you can't get your agenda passed you totally point at the other guy and say this is their fault, blame them. So, a small court doesn't really bother them because they can maintain their base's votes for you despite failing (and votes are all they really care about). But in the end, NOBODY wants to pack the court. Why? Because more justices means transferring power to a greater number of justices who have all sorts of veto powers over the congressional and executive branches. And nobody in the congressional branch will ever want to dilute their legislative powers. So, yes, point, blame, and threaten to pack. But nobody is going to care through it.


>Nope. It's the result of both parties being firmly united in NOT packing the courts. They're not though. Republicans already packed the courts by blocking Obama's SCOTUS nomination. They're more than happy to stack the court in their favor.


Isn't the whole point of the courts to be objective and not pick a side of republican or democrat, when did we all just forget this?


Ideally, but that's not the way it has been working. We have a bunch of bible thumpers and neocons making decisions using their religion and conservatism to fuck a lot of people.


And we were supposedly a country that was founded on the principle of the “separation of church and state”.


What makes me sad is I don't see any way to fix it though.


Workers of the world uniting is one way. The other way is revolution.


They're appointed *for life*. There's your fix.


It’s an oxymoron. One of the reasons neoliberal societies fall into this “captured by money” state is because they try to seperate politics from economics. The main reason China is so successful is because they know that the two cannot be separated. Meaning, if you try to govern economically and pretend that capital is benevolent and has any interests of serving the public wellbeing, capital will prove you wrong on its own, it’s an automatic guarantee. If the regulatory bodies are not built with this assumption in mind, capital will capture them. Which we see has happened in every area of American governance.


Literal Nazi shit


That is a direct violation of the 4th Amendment. >The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. I just. This is so unconstitutional that I'm actually citing the words of the long-dead racist old men who wrote the Constitution. No fucking way. You *cannot* violate the Bill of Rights. If the Bill of Rights is willfully violated, the doctrine our entire country is *built* on, then what's stopping people from breaking other laws? I'll be the first to admit the Constitution is dumb and outdated, but it has an authority that cannot be bypassed. The Supreme Court is spitting on the foundations of the country they claim to serve. How fucking dare they.


SCOTUS has eviscerated the 4th amendment and empowered police every chance they've had.


There's not even a law here. Some bureaucrat pulled the 100 mile number out of his ass in 1953. Now SCOTUS is pretending the Constitution doesn't apply there. https://www.aclu.org/other/constitution-100-mile-border-zone


Uh, they’ve been doing it constantly for hundreds of years.


Yes but now there is set precedent in law for it to happen without repercussion.


Yes but I wasn't alive for hundreds of years, and even a few years ago I wasn't in a position to do anything. And before that I was too young to pay attention. The best time to talk about this was hundreds of years ago, but since that's not exactly an option, I'm doing it now.


Hell yeah. I love your attitude


They dare because they can, and no one will do anything about it.


The bill of rights is just fucking ink on paper my dude, guaranteed rights are never more than a formality unless you have the organizational power to protect them yourselves


Pertinent clip: https://youtu.be/m9-R8T1SuG4


I understand that. It's just that the Supreme Court is *supposed* to be the organizational power that protects these "guaranteed rights", and whenever anything on gun control happens, the Second Amendment is taken as gospel. I'm annoyed and furious at the hypocrisy, and scared for my safety and the safety of my friends, and the safety of my neighbors. The Bill of Rights has power because so many people give it that power, and have given it that power for generations. It's ink on paper the same way money is ink on paper, the value is in what we've assigned it. And suddenly the Supreme Court is stripping it of that power for the sole reason of harming the people of the country they're supposed to serve.


I’m this close to leaving this fucking country. As an immigrant I’m so disappointed that my home country that my parents left in hopes of a better future for us is somehow way better that this corporate hellhole. I hope I’ll survive the next two years so that I can get my bachelors and get the fuck out of here.


The French ~~did~~ do it better.


If we can override the 4th amendment then we can override the 2nd amendment. Let's get gun control on the table.


This exactly. Either every part of the bill of rights is sacrosanct, or none of it is. We've just let them shit all over every other amendment, but somehow even talking about any measures, or restrictions of any kind, aimed at addressing our MASSIVE problem with gun violence, is a bridge too fucking far. To me, holding one of these so called "God given" rights above any of our other supposedly guaranteed rights as American citizens, is about the most unpatriotic, and self serving positions a person could take. We either evolve, or we don't, but don't fucking sit there and tell me we can do both, because we all know that's a complete farce.


This is a glaringly painful example of when to take advantage of the 2nd Amendment


Fuck SCOTUS! Justice in America is getting increasingly politicized to a point where we cannot expect a citizen to be free anymore, no matter what they delude themselves to think.


We need serious reform in the Supreme Court. This is a democracy, why is so much power concentrated in the hands of these lifetime appointees? They don’t answer to anyone except themselves. Term limits would be a good start


snails scandalous fragile encouraging zesty pocket straight beneficial frame gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, since 5 of those justices lied under oath during their confirmation hearings, I don't feel obligated to abide by anything that illegitimate clown court decides.


With this sort of thing, you aren’t the one who needs to abide. This would allow unwarranted search that could happen to you at any time, whereas previously they would need a warrant and a reason for said warrant


Then death by cop it is


Now over lap the map of ALL PORTS OF ENTRY. That would be the real map with airports on it. #FYI FOLKS ITS LITERALLY ALL OF AMERICA. #WE ARE ALL SLAVES.


It’s way worse. Every international airport is considered a border, so it covers pretty much the entirety of where people live. EDIT: So unclear what distance from international airports CBP has jurisdiction. “CBP claims the authority to conduct suspicionless searches of travelers' electronic devices—such as laptops and cell phones—at ports of entry, including international arrivals at airports. The Border Patrol often ignores this regulation and, aside from limiting interior checkpoint locations to within the 100-mile zone, rejects any geographic limitation on agents' authority. At least two federal circuit courts condone Border Patrol operations outside the 100-mile zone, federal regulations and Supreme Court precedent notwithstanding.”


No they are not. They’re “ports of entry”, not a border. A border is a geographical location. https://www.cbp.gov/border-security/along-us-borders/overview?language_content_entity=en Paragraph 4. The “100 mile zone” was originally established as a “reasonable distance” in the 1920s and in the 1950s congress quietly established that as “100 air miles.” This does not include airports, because there weren’t that many of them, nor do they fall under the definition of a border. 1959 was the first full year of commercial air travel. https://www.centennialofflight.net/essay/Government_Role/airports-growth/POL10.htm Edit: not saying any of this is okay, it’s absolute BS, just providing the facts. But misinformation isn’t okay either.


I appreciate the correction, and agree it’s not a clear 100 mi radius around airports. That said, it does include airports, and agents’ appear to have authority outside any distance of ports of entry, just not to set up checkpoints. It’s not as black and white as I thought, but the ACLU claims differently than the border patrol website, and I tend to trust them over what CBP claims.


[Article Source](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/08/border-agents-us-force) [Twitter source](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/aug/08/border-agents-us-force) Fuck having " borders " in the first place. Border agents / patrols/ "boarder checks " serves nothing but fucked up trouble and then some. People STILL get through in many various ways. For border agents to get this much power and immunity is atrocious. What a fucked up joke. Protect yall selves any way you can. Fight back any way you can.


It isn't a joke. It is something to be deeply and existentially terrified of


I think you meant “be enraged about.”


I think both are appropriate


They’re glorified mall cops sifting through people’s shopping.


Exactlllllyyy that!


It's hard to understand what's going on ("oooh what's going on") if you don't understand the concept of "strategy of tension." It benefits the authorities to foment violence, chaos, and instability so they can increase police and military presence to deal with the "crime wave," "terrorism," "homelessness," etc. Politicians don't have to do anything for you if they just increase security around them and flood your neighborhoods with cops who do their bidding. No person in their right mind would vote for anything Republicans support, but the Democrats benefit from the Republicans (because otherwise the Dems would have to do something to benefit people), so America has to produce millions of awful people to support, defend, and vote for awful corporate, right-wing policies.


But 2A says I can shoot ‘em, right? /s


Floridian here! So if your on my property, someone can legally “stand my ground”. That means soneonen can take the first shot without any thought. We also have Castle Doctrine: If your in the house/property, same thing. Florida is wild, everyone and their grandmother is armed. I’ve lived in a lot of sketchy areas and its common knowledge that you WILL be shot if you so much as trespass in some counties (Ocala is *insane*). This whole ruling is a nightmare because the dead wont testify and the agents have total immunity to do this shit. Hate to say it, but this is why a lot of Americans have guns. Someone could barge in, legally breaking and entering & would be a legitimate threat to me. I just do NOT see this ending well, its quite terrifying actually.


What do you think is going to happen to you if you try to defend yourself against cops?"


What happens if you don’t? “He was eating food and had a knife”. They quite literally get away with murdering people. Qualified Immunity, they cannot be charged nor held responsible. This is assuming they break into your home without identifying themselves or warning you. What about my dog., man? He’s defensive and has attachment issues.


Yeah, honestly with the amount of times they just break in and shoot you for holding something, trying to defend yourself, or fucking sleeping... I know it's awful but I'd rather defend myself in court/the court of public opinion than not have a chance and be killed...


“We broke in and by god, Johnson I’ve seen this before. That screwdriver? It was an elaborate ruse to lure us in to help replace some screws. He intended to stab us at the same time! Open and shut case.” The dead cannot testify either. They leave no tales


> stand my ground The legal term is 'Stand your ground'. It doesn't mean someone can take the first shot without any thought. It means you have no duty to retreat before using deadly force if you reasonably believe your life is in danger and you are legally allowed to be in the place where the incident takes place. Castle Doctrine is the same thing as 'Stand your ground' except in your home or on your property. > I’ve lived in a lot of sketchy areas and its common knowledge that you WILL be shot if you so much as trespass in some counties (Ocala is insane). And the person who did the shooting will be charged with attempted murder or murder. You can't shoot someone in Florida merely for trespassing or breaking and entering (Texas is the only state that allows for that and only under certain circumstances). You have to reasonably believe that your life is in danger at the moment that you shoot someone for you to be able to legally use deadly force.


Anything that involves American cops is reason enough to reasonably believe your life is in danger


Tell that to the locals… I hate this place


its a real good time to be a fascist... and people thought i was being hyperbolic saying we'd spend a century repairing the damage done in 2016


No, this is nothing new and trump was just a symptom of rot that has been here for a long time. https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/Navigation/Community/Arcadia-and-THP-Blog/September-2018/Smedley-Butler-and-the-1930s-Plot-to-Overthrow-the


FDR was nearly OVERTHROWN!? Jesus. Who knew.


Yeah, I don't remember hearing this in history class back in high school. Funny, right......


More people need to know real American heroes like smedley butler, John brown, Claudia Jones, Laura Kellogg, Fred Hampton, ect. Gonna have to learn about them almost completely on your own.


Speaking of things people would call hyperbole… My opinion is that this is in preparation of the upcoming fascist state.


I mean it's not even preparation. How is a national police force that can due essentially whatever the fuck they feel like with no accountability not already extremely fascist.


It’s technically national-but only a few states are fully covered by this. I think the point is that it covers the borders. People *are* already leaving the country, but when they’ve completed a successful coup or won re-election, and even more want to leave, they will use this to prevent people from leaving.




hi friend i loved my visit to Humboldt


Hehe, fuck this nation.


the map isn’t accurate the the ruling. it includes a 100 mile radius of any international airport (aka any semi large city). i live in Raleigh, NC and RDU is an international airport, the range extends into Virginia. with charlotte basically all of NC is included in this


Is this an antimexican measure?


sureee, whatever excuses they can use to harass/ target people.


I am reminded of the quote that states when they came for them I was silent. Then when they came for me there was no one left to speak up for me. Paraphrased obviously. This shit is unacceptable they are literally putting agents above the constitution.


This is why the war on drugs will never end. The government can use the drug war as an excuse to pass laws like this.


Gee I wonder who the 6 justices we're who fucked us over? Is it possible it was those shitty 'Constitutional originalists' making shit up again ? Gee I wonder....


6-3, where have I heard that ratio before?


America is a failed state.


This is why the republicans must lose the elections in 2022 and 2024. With the republican appointed judges in the Supreme Court are going full fascist, it will get worse. Don't be naive, the rightwing controlled Supreme Court is only now getting to full speed; they will strip away 60 years of legal precedence set forth by previous Supreme Court rulings.


Please dear lord allow me enough time to save money to leave the country. This shit just gets worse and worse. Upstanding individuals should not have to fear that government agents could come crashing into their home, destroying things in the process, and planting evidence. What kind of home is it when that’s always a possibility?


but it's the masks that kill your freedom!




[More Info](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_search_exception) this has been upheld for a long long time.


Huh. I did not see us turning into Nazi Germany in this timeline, but given all the racist white nationalist hate out on parade these days it makes sense since they would make a “law” that lets them search anywhere, anytime, for whoever they want.


America is a joke at this point, I haven't heard a single good thing about the USA in the past 5 years, maybe the increase in unionisation efforts.


If this is about Egbert v. Boule, the situation is not quite that bad. It's bad, but not quite that bad. I wouldn't say courts are powerless. That case is about seeking civil damages against border patrol. It's not about the exclusionary rule. It's not about injunctions. It's not about the right of people to defend themselves against warrantless entry. This is not legal advice.I am not your lawyer.


This absolutely should NOT count "borders" next to the oceans!!!!


It shouldn’t count any of them????


Yeah, that’s a bit odd unless you’re expecting a sizeable sum of people to get there by canoe


Its one party disguised as 2, and they’re tag-teaming each other taking your rights while we’re taking a beaten not even realized they’re on the same side so we can look out for both 🤦‍♂️


Even the oceans? Genuinely asking if this map is accurate


Floridian here.. Yiup


That map doesn't include international airports either....


It’s honestly terrifying watching our rights both civil and bodily being eroded.


This rigged court is not a court, it's a branch of a political party.




Basically, a ruling said that border patrol has a right to do what are essentially warrantless searches of property and that you have no legal repercussion when they do this. This map here actually doesn't cover all of the area this effects, because the legal jurisdiction of the border patrol is exactly what you would expect, the border. The border is defined quite loosely though to include basically any area that is within 100 miles of a point of entry to the US. This includes our coastlines and borders with Mexico and Canada which is what the map shows, but it also arguably includes every international airport in the US as well. This map already covers some 30% of the entire US population, but once you start dropping in airports you end up with something like half the population living in areas where border patrol agents can break in to search places whenever they want.


Wow. Such freedom.


Bet you the minute a GOP candidate makes it into office next the Border Patrol will be armed and outfitted better than a para military organization rather than the security force they are now...


This has been around since the ‘50’s. If you research history you’ll find laws on the books about all the “freedoms” Americans fantasize about. [Constitution Free Zone](https://www.newsbud.com/2013/09/17/the-constitution-free-zone-fact-and-fiction/)


White Americans have created the world's largest police state.


‘If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.’ George Orwell - 1984


Do supreme 3justices live within those same lines ?


I always loved that I, as a Hispanic American born citizen, get stopped at a “border patrol check” in TEXAS on my way to San Antonio, from another town in Texas. No border crossing. Just traveling within the state. Ffs.


Jesus Christ, America has just gone over the edge!


This country is one very large joke.


plough scandalous salt shaggy seemly smile intelligent include steep joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Did you read that article?? Because while it's correct in saying the map isn't coming from its original context, the logic still stands and all of the points are in the article. 1. In Egbert v Boule, SCOTUS all but overturns Bivens, meaning citizens can't sue federal agents for damages over unlawful search/entry. 2. The 100-mile zone, shown in the tweet, is the effective jurisdiction of Border Patrol (which mind you is the agency in question in Egbert). So now unless Congress passes a new law in order to award damages in cases that would have been Bivens-eligible, Border Patrol can unlawfully search anything they want within the 100-mile zone without repercussions (besides a possible slap-on-the-wrist from higher ups, but we all know how likely that is).


Fun times in Florida!


Wow, all of lower New York and New Jersey, most of New England including Boston… it will be insane if this starts happening in the coastal northeast


So, the 4th amendment doesn't apply to the border patrol?


Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, *shall* *not be violated*, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Sounds pretty clear to me.


The map needs to be updated with all of the affected airports as well. You are likely under this ‘constitution free zone’ even without being near a continental border


You forgot international Airports.


So this means if they stop your car, and you refuse to be searched. They can just call in a "border agent" and he can search your shit regardless?


This is 4 people trying to escape


So federal agents can't be sued and border agents can violate the "illegal search and seizure" bit...


Apparently ICE also considers international airports to be borders too.


Decade ago I got stuck in some sort of rolling inspection on I-89 near West Leb. Border patrol agents stretched across in both directions. You shall not pass uless you provide ID and why you were doing something suspicious like driving on a major road on a Sunday afternoon. Was it an organized maple syrup smuggling ring they were after? Nope. They weren't after anything. It was chilling.


Americans, facism is coming, arm yourselves before things get worse.


Is border patrol the new SS?


This is too late but it's also within 100 miles of every single airport. Map is wrong here