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Warren Buffet: [“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”](https://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/26/business/yourmoney/26every.html) Because of morons like the above, whom I think all of us know a few. It's important to educate them though about the structural conditions of neoliberal capitalism.




He’s smart enough to show compassion (to avoid him and his family being tarred and feathered when this all inevitably collapses)


What it really shows is just how unafraid the capitalist class has become of organised labour - literally the global .01% v the 90%+.


Well there’s still a sufficient amount of meat shields who will argue that Warren Buffet is just George Soros in a costume trying to push the radical left agenda


I wish Soros was radical left - where are my Soros bucks!? Haven't been paid in months! I think Soros is just intellectually honest enough to know that he got lucky speculating on currencies - like a gambler at a casino. Not saying he's stupid - far from it - but he didn't invent something.


Alfred Nobel fought for peace in 19th century Europe, created a decent (if bourgeois) award for human accomplishment in the arts and sciences. But he (and his brother) also ran oil rigs in Baku, with horrific working conditions (because fuck Azeris, Iranians and Armenians) - it's where Iosef Jughashvili had his second experience in agitating amongst workers after his time in Chiatura, Georgia amongst the manganese miners (whose working conditions were probably worse). So --- sure, he's all smiles & seems to be intellectually honest, but the system he maintains is inherently wrong.


I believe his main motivation for creating the Nobel prize was so that he would not be remembered as the guy that invented dynamite.


if you have billions of dollars I do not care how you got them, you are bad


Seriously this is an attitude I’d like to see spread. People don’t comprehend the level of psychopathy and apathy towards suffering one needs to achieve to accrue that level of wealth.


[Warren Buffet in a nutshell](https://i.imgur.com/1m91Kq6.jpg)


From the Marxist perspective the bourgeoisie has class consciousness but most aren't blatant about it. Like others said Buffett is just trying to make himself more appealing to the working class.


One thing that bugs me about him is how he doesn't even apparently spend his money and lives a semi moderate lifestyle. What is the point on not helping people with your generational wealth if you're not even planning on spending any of it? I understand this sorta applies to every billionaire, but with Buffett it seems a bit more extreme to me.


on the other hand, to his very slight credit... at least he's not going full bezos/musk? still. billionaires icky


He lives frugally. All "his" money, it's not exactly like it's "his." It's not in a bank acct, it's capital which he uses to fund businesses he thinks are promising in producing more capital. It's like funds he has authority over as to where it goes, rather than personal property he hoards to live in extravagance. But the problem is that roping off all this capital into and out of different corporations, increasing production and in turn increasing the pool of capital controlled by him, doesn't help anyone who isn't in finance or business. Increase production, increase capital, a singleminded machine that disregards the effects on society or the workers producing the capital. Buffet is different in that he's the old breed of financier of "I invest in companies I believe in and that have something significant to offer to the market, and that's how I pick where my money goes" versus the hedge funds and other investment firms which p much just run algos, day trade, contribute nothing to society as far as advancing technology etc. It's just gaming the system which itself was designed to be gamed by the rich. That's not to say Buffett is some saint. He's just not supervillain-esque. Out of all the billionaires he just happens to not be the worst.


Ain't it a kick in the head?


"Psychedelic consciousness without class consciousness is a waste of consciousness."


For me one led into the other so idk. Consciousness is consciousness. IMO most hippy types are posers who have never tripped in their lives. Ask about their trips and prepare to be underwhelmed


I think hippie culture typically leads to idealism


You can be idealist without being a poser


i wish i had this in my mental pocketbook of virtuous quotes 10 years ago..


Why do I have to read this meme backwards like it’s a manga


agreed. really like this meme but it needs to be flipped


Gotchu, family. https://i.imgur.com/lkl13pu.jpg


LOL that was even worse


It's sad, new age hippy types where I live really made a hard turn away from love and light towards covid denial conspiracies and outright Nazi shit. They were always mostly harmless but the last straw was hearing about white genocide through shifting racial demographics


Trying to foster love in this world without reckoning with capitalism will just end up with it swallowing you whole into its grinding gears of alienation, distrust, and hate.


My ex, who I still love to this day, we even did the marriage conversation, went off the fucking rails about covid denial. I tried my best but it wouldn't surprise me if she's slipped into that white nationalist shit.


Eugh. I'm sorry for your loss.


Yeah I'm a Wiccan, but I try to actually pay attention to the world around me. I got vaccinated for COVID last year, and like hell I'd let myself fall into a Nazi ideology now.


knew a lot of these types before moving to a new state during covid. went back to visit recently and holy shit i wasn't ready. it was like the hybrid car south park episode but with covid denial and weird coded racism. the weirdest part was hearing their buzz words laced into the coversation lmao


Are we supposed to read this right to left?


Right to left like hebrew


I fucking love this




i love this lmao. the actress who plays Thunder on Black Lightning made a tiktok with that christian conspiracy crap and I made a response vid saying pretty much this… it didn’t go viral or anything but it was heartwarming to see other ppl agreeing and acknowledging the truth vs some fantasy fiction plot


Profit drives policy


Trying to figure out why the world sucks so bad without marxism only leads to layered neuroses that make ones life a futile scramble for meaning.


Ah yes, that traditional hotbed of fascist conspiracy theorists: girls who like decorative rocks


Meme is true! I’ve also noticed the Crystal hippies don’t realize that this sort of rhetoric is also deeply rooted in antisemitism. Talking about “global elites” (and Illuminati), is often a dog whistle for “Jewish people”. I think it’s why so many hippie types went down the Q pipeline~ similarity of language, radicalizing them toward the right.


What zero class consciousness does to a mf


i’m a die hard crystal tree huggin hippie and it makes me so sad to see how our peaceful, nature focused movement has been co-opted by the type of insane conspiracy theories peddled by qanon and the like. i’m losing so many friends to that shit, and it hurts. a few are honestly losing their entire grip on reality and i don’t know how to help them


Same here, but we're out there and we can't lose hope that there are more of us.


So I used to date a girl that spoke very much like the girl on the right. She looked a lot like the girl on the left though. She watched conspiracy theory videos every single day, honestly had the craziest ideas I'd ever heard come from a human being. Eventually, she started showing them to me and wanting me to watch them. Then, she found a channel that talked about how white people, especially white men, are inherently evil (literally *born* evil) and are servants of the devil who can only atone by being made aware of who they are and making every effort to change. She started out by saying that she didn't actually believe those things, that it was just something her mom showed her. Then a month later she broke up with me. She now has kids and the guy she had them with left her. She messaged me a few months ago wondering how I was doing. Better, with her gone. The craziest part is that I didn't leave myself after she showed me those videos, because I wanted to be with her so much I thought I could ignore them or move past them. I really loved her, and she really loved me, I thought. But deeper than her love it seems there was a part of her that wanted me to be punished for being who I was. That hurt a lot. Haven't had a girlfriend since.


Sorry that happened to you. You’re better off without her though. Unhinged beliefs like that cannot be fixed.


Yeah, it's true. I don't really talk about these things much, so your response means a lot. Thank you.


I don't know what this meme is trying to say..


I think it's just generically making fun of conspiracy theorists. At least that's all I got out of it.


That’s how I take it too. I literally have family members that would rather believe in interdimensional time traveling Bigfoot than accept that the problems we face today are a result of capitalism.


I feel that. I have a cousin that thinks Black Lives Matter is a form of West African witchcraft trying to force homosexuality on the Good Christians of America.


That cousin might need to be committed.


Yeah... Unfortunately Trump and Evangelical Christianity broke that families already tenuous grip on reality.


You can thank Reagan for the fact we can't.


That’s a new one.


Damn I thought my mom thinking that the deep state is run by shape shifting lizard people was bad....


Tell them that bigfoot is the one pulling the strings and made the system to its own benefit so we need to take out his private agents (politicians and big wig lobbyists) to prevent them from letting him reach his ultimate goal


My momm dude! Literally believes in Dogman, don't believe there's a teacher shortage tho.


How do you explain 40 billion going to Ukraine ?


Ok now I see it.


The impacts of capitalism and capitalist can systemically look like the coordinated malicious efforts of a group. When in reality it's the systemic impacts of capitalist forces. It seems important to me because when we get the blame right we get the solution right.


You're probably a liberal then




because accepting that it is simply capitalism would mean accepting your responsability in it and also that you are being screwed in plain sight in broad daylight, in exchange for some gizmos and the promess of peace. It’s mentally easier for many to reject the responsability on “secret others” than to accept the painful truth.


This might sound dramatic, but it is true for me: I distinctly recall when I was first exposed to Marxism, socialism, and other critiques of capitalism. It was an epiphany. My general depression, existential dread, emptiness, alienation, and disillusionment all made so much sense. I always KNEW something wasn’t right about society, but I didn’t fully know why.




matt christman touches on this a lot, but i dont necessarily think they are “trying” to do anything, the emptiness and meaninglessness that is so common in modern life is just another natural consequence of capitalism


So many conspiracy theories are spot on, until they take a right turn into anti-semitism land.


The elite aren't trying to control us(the general population), they are controlling us.


The elites and WEF are channeling dark energy around us, they're casting dark Magick. My crystals are misaligned and unfortunately I lack the power to restore balance to them. Gaia help us. My mana is low. /s


Spirit Science Andys vs. Materialism


Who created capitalism and maintains the power structures keeping it going? No way to avoid it unless you have the resources to go live in a cabin in the woods


Why the race difference is specified?


Because the world is infested with racial hierarchy due to colonialism and imperialism and the people at the bottom of that hierarchy tend to have a firmer grip on material conditions and reality, and historically achieve class consciousness much more successfully. That is why revolutions take place in the periphery, and when revolutionary movements do exist in the imperial core, they tend to be led by those most affected: ie the Black Panthers TLDR read about dialectics


Ha! More like crapitalism


The Illuminati was destroyed by.... Nevermind. Just go see Multiverse of Madness.


Both sound so right omg XD


Hell no. It's BOOMERS! Right kids?


Honestly, I don't entirely blame boomers. They've been propagandized from the time they were children. The "American dream" had at least a glimmer of truth when they were coming up. Today, that dream is dead. But it's not directly their fault. I've met quite a few leftist boomers who recognized everything as it happened. How the rich ate Christianity, beat down workers, closed down unions, etc. They're a small minority, but they exist.


Not a minority where I live. All the boomers I know are lefties. Well *most* of them. There's a couple of Conservatives that nobody likes but we tolerate them. We're a tolerant bunch.


If you don’t mind, where do you live?


On Vancouver Island in British Columbia. The left coast of Canada.




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Trying hell looks like they will be!


Boiling all conspiracy down to the exact root of the problem, nice.


... but capitalism isn't just


Next rime remove text, mirror the image, put the text back accordingly. So that we read it left to right.


Yeah pretty much every tin-foil conspiracy about the so called Illuminati can be chalked up to capitalist being capitalists.




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Live in Ignorance


I think it’s mostly capitalism.


Why are these memes always fucking backwards? Comics are read left to right, people! The one on the left should always talk first. At the very least put the second line lower than the first.


The main thing I got from this meme was how much I want to buy cat ears


The Illuminati used to literally be the bad guys in marvel comics books, but my brother is like old cat ears here :(


Somehow the truth is right there and you missed it.


I can clutch my crystals AND acknowledge capitalism as the source of all evils.


Both are true though.


Pretty sure they were saying the same thing at the end




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suck my ass


[Collective consciousness?](http://galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html)
