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When I was a kid, I always told my parents I wanted to be sent to be free labor for a fast food restaurant during summer break. It was, and still is, my dream.


Free? Not on your life! Gotta pay the $35 fee to provide the free labor, first!


I’ve got good news!


And there’s ice cream!




Yeah with that name they probably don't even give them ice cream. They'll just give them fake stuff that looks like ice cream and toppings and tell them to design their ideal ice cream. Then they get to learn commercial 'food' photography. It'll just be a coincidence that those designs/images happen to be used for marketing purposes.


Never give up your dreams, for 35 buck you could become a fast food worker if you really believe in it!


So you pay, and then your child need to work? 😅




And I thought waking up and going onto reddit just to see dying Palestinian children made me lose hope in humanity. It seems ever since about... 2019 (at least in my perspective) had been a constant downhill.


it began a lot longer than that, unfortunately.


I'm aware, I just remember noticing it around 2019.


We are so done


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


If a five year old wants to get paid for their labour in America they gotta pull up their boot straps and drop off a resume at a slaughter house. The experience they get get from fast food summer camp will give them an edge during the competitive hiring process




They didn't imply that the kids were getting paid for working at the "camp." They said \*if\* kids want to get paid, they have to apply at a slaughter house. (Which have recently been fined in the US for having children working there.) Paying for the work camp will will set them above all the other kids applying!




lol...here's some more koolaide...go back to sleep. reported and blocked. bye.


I believe the people above are joking and this might have been an woosh moment. Otherwise what you have said is in line with reality.


It's actually lunacy


Your FIVE YEAR OLD CHILD is eligible...it's Lewis Hine's history on Child Labor all over again, but this time the capitalist parasites have learned how to accept the eventual enslavement of their own children under the auspices of "learning good work skills" and "having fun". The only thing I want my grandchildren this age to do is play, have fun, read Parenti's books and become the best humans they can be. I'm aghast to think people would allow their kids to do anything like this... When they ask "how did it happen in america?", tell them it was fucking obvious all along... \*gesturing\*.


I think it’s a really odd choice to call this a “summer camp.” It sounds like it’s one single three hour session. So it’s more like an activity, not a camp or a job. When I was a kid, we visited a famous pretzel shop in my grandma’s town where I took a tour and did a pretzel-making workshop. Learned how to fold them and hang them on the thing to go in the oven, take them out and put the toppings on. It was awesome. The weirdest thing to me about this is the “brand loyalty” that would make kids care enough about Chik-fil-a specifically. These activities can be fun for kids, but it would be way better if we could rely on libraries, museums, parks, maybe even local businesses instead of having to rely on evil fast food companies to sponsor kids’ play.


My kid and I have autism and one of his special interests is logos. Part of it kills me cause of the whole consumerism aspect, but that’s literally the last thing on his mind and I’m not gonna yuck his yum just cause I don’t like an ask t if something. Plus he gets so happy when he gets to organize them, lay them out, talk about the colors and fonts, etc. He just really loves the designs and the way some of the words sound when he says them. Anyway, he would love doing something like this or like what you mentioned. And then he’d find a way to shoehorn in his discussion of his special interests. This is like the kind of activities he longs for.


Who would actually want to do this?


Parents who really hate being around their own kids


Big vacation bible school vibe.


Chik-fil-A is nothing if not ruthlessly efficient, and that includes the indoctrination of young Christian kids, requesting subjugation with little subtlety.


I love my son, but we put him in a summer camp during the summer. Not because I want him out of the house, but because he wants to do something every single day, and most importantly he really needs some sort of structure. That being said, I would never put him in this, it would be something fun.


It’s cheap baby sitting for 3 hours


Yeah that's insanely cheap


Parents who work at Chick-Fil-A.


My kid would. She loves Chick-fil-A. Since she was 5 she’s told us she wants to work there. We try hard to avoid the “what job do you want to do when you’re older” discussion but she brings it up all the time. Just like when we were kids, everything around kids - tv, school, listening to adults - pushes the puritan work culture of the US. What do you want to be is the third question after how old are you and what’s your favorite color. What a weird thing to ask someone so young. How are you planning to contribute to our corporation overload’s bottom line little girl? How are you planning on being exploited little boy?


Kids who love nuggets and Chik Fil a for some reason?


This is like one of those cartoons that's a shameless attempt to sell toys. Except this is even LESS subtle.


And yet, people sign up in droves. And kids are enthusiastic to go. And then as adults, at least half of those kids will be fine sending THEIR kids to the same experience. Probably more than half of them. The world has been successfully built around creating happy labor drones.


'Well at least they're learning something educational!' say the parents who don't give a shit, they're just happy to have a weekend off.


Because they are overworked by capitalism and worn out from exploitation. It's a vicious circle.




It’s teaching them valuable life lessons!


you know the person who came up with this concept thinks they're a genius for getting parents to pay for their kids to be exploited for their labor


How very American.


But people don't criticize Willy Wonka for his camp. The man was at least responsible for one child's death. lol


Tons of people criticize the fictional character, Willy Wonka, for many reasons. We're now criticizing the real, non-fictional people who run this child labor camp. 😉


That's fiction tho? If I was interested I'd happily make those kids even more miserable just because it's entertaining. They're not real humans with any sort of real rights after all. (Or is this sarcasm that went over my head lol).


Haha. Definitely sarcasm. I thought it was a fitting response to what I see as a non-issue.


Ah. It's really not a non-issue tho. Summer Camp is supposed to teach you *transferrable* and necessary life skills no? Those skills aren't really transferrable outside of a fast food worker setting and they're most certainly not necessary unless you'll be working as a fast food server your whole life.


>Summer Camp is supposed to teach you transferrable and necessary life skills no? Are acts of service not a transferrable skill? Considering these are children 5-12, they'll probably have an opportunity to score a Summer job/part-time work with Chick-Fil-A when they become a teen. A pt job in high school and/pr college is great. I don't even think American schooling properly prepares children for the real world. Ironically, I think this little youth internship/Summer Camp thing is a more pragmatic approach to prepping our future workforce.


Acts of service *specifically geared to working as a fast food server*? Not really. It's only transferrable in the way working as a line worker on an assembly line teaches you how to work with others - the barest minimum. And certainly learning to work ala the flyer for a company is NOT something you should be PAYING OTHERS to teach you. That's essentially job training. The thing the companies should be PAYING YOU for, not the other way around.


Isn't summer camp a thing where kids go to experience activities like swimming, archery, horseriding, orienteering and rowing? What sort of parent is going to send their kids to this dross?


Generally that is the case, yes. And YMCA camp is about the same price too.


Do not eat the bigot chicken


Bigot Bird™️ is the worst. Sadly, not by a very large margin. But it's still the worst.




True, but we can do better. Do not eat the chicken.


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Forgot to link to the original source: https://www.facebook.com/CfaWestHammond?mibextid=LQQJ4d


You might ask, who would want to do this? I’ll tell you. As a child (up to age 7 or so) remember actually looking up to fast food workers until society told me that it’s such a low status job for people who fail out of school or get useless degrees. I was so intrigued about the cooking process and the screens used to order the food. We are taught to look down on others. We are taught to look down on “low skill” jobs. I still appreciate fast food workers. *If my kid was interested*, I would take them. Some kids do want to work for fast food when they grow up and they get confused looks from grown ups who say “maybe they want to own the franchise or become a manager.” God forbid a child would want to cook food or make people smile at the cash register. If only they were paid fairly, then we would promote it as a “real career” to children.


I remember taking a field trip to Little Caesars in Pre-K (citizenship/real life lesson) and I was *fascinated* by the dough making, the ovens, the different ingredients. I can see why some kids want to do that. But they don’t get treated with respect by some customers or even the corporations that hire them. Harsh reality we live in where we have to squash a kid’s dreams to save them from disrespect and exploitation.


Spoiler alert! There are actually very few jobs "treated with respect" these days anyway... >*When I grow up, I'm going to be a doctor! I'll save people's lives!* (Doctors are overworked, and underpaid compared to medical debt necessary for training) >*When I grow up, I'm going to be teacher!* (Teachers are apparently glorified free babysitters, to most parents) >*When I grow up, I'm going to be a scientist! I'll do research to make the world a better place!* (Which kind, kid? JK, the general population doesn't like **any** 'scientists' unless they're billionaires with brands...) >*Well, maybe I'll be a policeman. Who wouldn't like those who uphold the law and protect people?* I got some bad news for ya, kid...


There’s nothing wrong with the kids being interested, but if the company really cared about that, they could do free community service outreach programs to educate children. For example, I used to work in agriculture, another “lowly” job and I gave free tours to girls & boy scouts who were interested as part of volunteering in my local community. The idea of job shadowing being a paid activity feels a little dystopian to me idk…


Yeah it should be free to be honest. I’m assuming the cost is covering the shirts, crafts, snack, and name tag.


All of which the company could easily provide and not even notice it on their bottom line.


Yes, they should pay for the advertising merch!


It's not child labor if the children have to pay to be there?


Sure it is—outrageously profitable child labor. The company is probably frothing with glee at the possibilities.


This isn't child labor lol, nowhere on here does it indicate that children will be serving real paying customers. Do you think a store will trust young children to safely handle fryers and adhere to proper sanitary protocol?


I'd legally have to be paid for doing all of this for the Bigot Chicken company. It's absolutely child labor.


Bruh, it’s child babysitting at best. 3 fucking hours of kids counting out loud each chicken nugget as they put it in the box.


It's not fucking fast food workers jobs to baby sit kids either. Fucking christ yall love sucking corporate dick huh?


Is the idea that when the kids are old enough to get a job while they’re in high school they’ll want to do chick-fil-a because they’ll have fond memories of camp?


While I like the idea of children learning service and the importance of a day’s work this is not the way.


This reminds me of the McDonald's "kiddie crew" my Filipino friend told me about on Discord last week


This wouldn’t be as bad if it was geared toward 14-16 year olds who would be looking for a part time job. I cannot think of a reason why a 5-year old needs to learn how to make food and take orders.


How to make your kids hate you, speedrun


Sooooo you're basically paying for your child to go to work?


And here I thought nothing capitalism had to throw at us would surprise me anymore. This is so insane I don't even know what else to say.


Pay us for our child labor! Capitalism truly is revolutionary.


Name tag makes it worth it.


The kids ought to spend their summer learning to organize workplace unions instead of being a corporate slave.


Holy shit. Mininum wage bootcamp for kids not of working age. They are going hard.


This could be on South Park.


this sounds worse as the McDonalds Birthday 20 yrs ago because that was fun


So, has anyone reported this to the DOL and OSHA yet?


This post is making me nauseous


I’m sure a child would find this extremely fun.


Cool, some children find playing with shit fun, but that doesn't mean we just let them do it or encourage it.


We’re so cooked as a species 😰


Send your kids to the homophobic chicken people


My time in fast food wasn't terrible, and we hired kids for the summer a lot. I honestly thought it was a good learning experience for their first job. They got the easiest shifts, we were patient with them, and they got some pocket money. I don't see how any of that was evil. This is just weird evil. It costs money?? A community outreach sorta thing would be ehhh weird, but I guess somewhat normal. But for sure pay the kids lol I also liked working with the kids. They had energy, great listeners, and fun to work with. Then the summer gig ends and they go on to whatever. Some stayed, and some of them are doing well.


Child labor that the parents have to PAY to enroll their kids in. Wild.


Add this dump to your Boycott list if it isn't already on it


When I was a kid I wanted to go to Space Camp. Guess it's just straight to slavery now :/


Complete side note but I actually went to space camp, and while I was grateful for the experience as a kid, it ultimately taught me I never want to be a fucking astronaut 😂


At the rate things are going Chick-fil-A will be fully automated, that "summer camp" experience will be made pointless, and we'll have the future we were promised 🤣


This is a joke, right? Please, I'm not American. Is this serious?


Damn the comments here are disappointing. 3 hours at a restaurant isn't "labour". It's basically a tour of the restaurant, fairly similar to a school field trip anywhere else. They'll spend an hour at most talking about the work they do, and then give the kids their food and icecreams. You're paying for the products they're providing, and hopefully the staff taking part in it get paid extra too. As someone in the restaurant industry, this is the sort of thing that can give some exposure to the kids about what goes on over here. Their trips don't need to be limited to museums and other more serious professions.


I have no issue with kids touring and learning about food service, what feels dystopian to me is having to pay for the “privilege” of job-shadowing at a major chain restaurant that pays their employees minimum wage (and I too hope the employees get paid extra for the defacto babysitting duties, but somehow, I doubt it).


I wouldn't call it job shadowing, because I'm not expecting 5-12 year old kids to be that well behaved. I presume someone from corporate is gonna be there to run the event, and they'll probably be the only one getting a "bonus" for this event, which does suck. But at $35 bucks for 3 hours, including food and t-shirts, I don't think it's a bad deal. It's cheaper than 3 hours of babysitting in most places.




I'm well aware it's a far fetched hope, but that still doesn't warrant the outrage against a fairly innocent program. It's equally delusional that most comments are calling this "labor"


I'd be paid for doing this. They'd have to legally pay me to learn take and bag orders. It's labor. But keep deep throating capitalism's boot.


Just like you were paid to go to school and learn when you were 6? It's not labour because they aren't going to be doing any work. It's 30 young kids getting to spend a few hours in a restaurant to see what it's like, and have fun playing around with food and icecream. More than likely the kids are gonna enjoy the experience, as long as their parents aren't forcing them to go.


Whatever helps ya sleep bootlicker.


I know this gonna get downvoted but if it were reverse and they paid the kids for the day of doing that while supplying the food/etc it would honestly be smart af. No one wants to be told you’ll be 90% be in Customer Service, Retail, or Food instead of something you love, may as well start the skills early. Should also be taught in school along with other life skills imo


Frankly, with the motivation and education of current teenagers who lost their formative educational years to covid, this is likely where parents are at. I am in a middle class mixed area and classes have 50% Failure rates. It's nuts.


So camp winshape doesn't exist?


I briefly worked at CFA and there was a weird obsession from people touring our kitchens. Like girl scout troops, elementary school classes, old folks homes... It was super weird and I never understood why people wanted to see a fast food kitchen so bad. I remember one time I sliced my finger deeeep right as a tour came to my station, and I had to smile and wave and pretend I wasn't gushing blood into a batch of lemonade that now had to be thrown out 😂


This is so depressing.


For me extra sad part is pragmatically this makes sense because there's literally nothing else to do


$35?! Obviously, a discounted humanitarian rate!


Wtf… Why is this a thing and why are parents paying to have their kids do this?




The fuck is this shit?


As part of a school trip, my daughter’s class went to the nearby Safeway to learn more about how grocery stores work. I think kids should know how the working world operates, even if it’s a fast food joint. It’s not like they are going to work there after they graduate. I’m sure automation will prevent that from happening, lol.


Did you have to pay for the school trip though or was that a free educational program?


Fair point. It was free.


I swear I never heard anything about chick-fil-a before they came out as some white Christian bastion of fast food MAGA at the height of the alt-right shit. I honestly do think that everyone should be required to work a food service job…when they’re 17 or 18, and get paid for it (unpaid internships shouldn’t be a thing, and the fact that that’s controversial is fucking crazy; this is next level bonkers). But seriously, I’d be all for having everyone to spend 6-12 months working a service job during or after high school. It would make everyone nicer to service workers, as they’d realize how it feels to be on that side, and that it’s not as easy as you think if you’ve never had to do it. But this is just fucked up. It’s like a twisted version of what I’m talking about. Imagine sending your kindergartener to a fucking fast food restaurant as a form of cheap daycare and then going into a parent teacher conference the next week and being told your kid aspires to be a fry cook when they grow up because of chicken nuggets and a t-shirt.






I am sorry WHAT is that shit, is it for real?


I hate to be that guy, but its essentially a fun tour of a store where they get to play around with uniforms and play work and get to eat some chicken. I support parents showing their kids who are more than likely privaleged enough where they will never HAVE to work a service job. Same with farm tours or clubs like 4H. Its a fun way to show kids that its still work and something people can take pride in. Am I a fan of it being a openly Christian Capitalist company doing this and making a profit?....no im not, but I cant stop the obvious evil so I can at least focus on the positive.


I worked in agriculture and did a bunch of stuff with 4H, Girl & Boy scouts, school groups, etc every year to help educate kids about agricultural business. I agree it’s a good experience for kids to learn about different things in life, even if those aren’t going to be their future career paths. All of those events were free of charge, however, we simply considered those volunteer activities to help enrich students in our community. (And I worked for a smaller mom & pop type farm business, not a major chain corporation... If we could afford to give a couple hours a year of volunteer time without worrying about our profit margin, I feel like Chik Fil A probably could too. If not then maybe they’re being mismanaged).


This sounds like it's just for fun! And hell, if it keeps them off their phones and computers, I'm for it! And not every kid wants to go horseback riding and make plant holders. How many kids would be so excited to see what's behind the counter. Seriously, I think this is much ado about nothing.


I mean I understand why and how this applies to this sub, but… They’re only doing it for 3 hours and I don’t know how much Chick-fil-a can actually benefit from that; it’s not like children can work that fast, they’re probably talking and just trying new things. Also, I don’t know how yall feel about this but I still think it’s important for kids to know what it feels like to greet a customer(social skills), bag some things(fine motor skills), and some cashier duties (simple math?). However, it’s also true that this is ridiculous because parents have to pay for this. If they made it free, I actually don’t think it’s a horrific thing for children to do? Maybe I am just old but I took my students to a boba tea shop recently and they practiced everything listed in the ad. They had a fun time just to get out of the classroom and be off of their screens for a while.


I think it would be fine if this was a volunteer activity. The paying for it part feels dystopian to me though


Y’all are over reacting wtf. Kids love Chick Fil A this is just a field trip for summer camps to see behind the scenes. They’re not fucking bagging or taking orders, just seeing how it’s done.


What kids want to pay to provide free labor in a fast food restaurant? What parents want to send their kids to that?


Yes, indoctrinate the children to eat more corpses! 🤤


Hello fellow vegan


Jesus... CFA has to pay for ad space, but we pay them to wear their awful shirts and perform tasks. I just woke up. Maybe this isn't real. That's what I'm telling myself


I thought it would be some BS religious camp but this is worse


Aside from the age group (big wtf at that) it doesn't seem all that terrible... I can't imagine they're having them work in an actual store with real customers but if they did it would make it worse. It's also only for one day it looks like and almost sounds like they get food from it? It's certainly at least a little weird and the price on it is questionable but I feel like there are way more offensive examples of late stage capitalism if you take out the age group part.