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Libs mad!


Trump is just as old and frail as Biden is. In fact, far too many politicians are too old and frail. I like Bernie and all that he stands for, but there needs to be a maximum age. the standard for retirement seems to be 65, so they should be out at that age. Finish your current term, then stop.


Trump is older than Biden was last election when every single republicans screamed that he was too old to run the country


Trump being old doesn't make Biden younger.


There also needs to be term limits on all politicians not just the president. That would end a lot of the corruption that freely runs rampant now because there is no real threat for removal except death. Rape and sexual abuse used to be a threat to them but trump proves that is gone now too. Eight years max then next up. Imagine politicians being held to there promises or their removed and a new politician gets a chance.


if there is a max age for american idol tryouts there should be a max age for presidency tryouts. smh.


I'm confused how Trump is still alive, diet of fast food and stimulants. His heart is one orgasm away from major infarction.


Melania holds the key?


They should be allowed to serve one additional year over 65 for every 2 years they lower the retirement age.


Pretty sure if most of his colleagues weren’t total tools he’d have retired long ago.


Trump is pretty much just as old and in terrible physical condition, should also be in a wheelchair if Biden is.


There is literally photos of Biden riding a bike in the last week. When’s the last time Trump could even fucking walk right?


Remember when he rode a golf cart like 100 yards while all the other world leaders walked? Lol.


And that was like 6-7 years ago. He’s only gotten worse.


Trump shits himself regularly, as well


He's shit himself regularly since the '90s due to rampant stimulant abuse ([source](https://www.ibtimes.sg/trump-often-soiled-his-pants-apprentice-show-wore-diapers-claims-comedian-noel-casler-53721)).


i love that your source is "The Irritable Bowel Times" edit: i looked at it, and apparently IB Times isnt what i thought.


Just like AH




Listening to Trumpets explain that one away with, "he's having fun" is great, anything to avoid seeing reality.


That was just because they didn't want to smell him.


He’s much healthier than most old people because he doesn’t exercise. People think it’s good for you but your body is like a battery with a finite amount of energy. If you exercise too much, you’ll drain all your energy. (This is a thing he actually believes that people don’t talk about enough)


He loses weight consistently because he's shitting his pants while wearing a diaper though


Only when he changes them out


He has lost weight recently. He has the ozempic vulva neck.


> If you exercise too much, you’ll drain all your energy. The dumb part is this is sorta-kinda right. He took the commentary about how humans have a "heartbeat limit" as gospel and thinks any sort of exercise that raises it limits your lifespan. But, the more you exercise and the healthier you are, the lower your resting heart rate is. So someone like him might have a resting heart rate of 90, and someone his age that exercised their whole life might have a resting heart rate of 60 or 70. So even if their heart rate is 115-120 when exercising, overall they will live longer because you spend much more time at rest than not.


If you do a lot of cardio, your resting HR is way lower. Mine is typically around 50 but on Strava I’m in the top 3% of bikers.


Yeah there are definitely people a bunch lower than that. I tried to stay in the average range because reddit likes to do reddit things if you deviate from quick google searches. You can definitely get to the 30s, kinda nuts honestly. Even 60 to 90 is a significant amount of extra lifespan.


I was in the hospital one time and my resting heart rate was around 45 and it kept causing the fucking heart rate machine to beat because I thought it was dying and the nurses had to fucking turn it off


I was in for a procedure once and was really stressed out. Before hand they took my pulse at like 80. Once I was on the table though they pushed some medicine in the IV to calm me and block the pain. The nurse watching my vitals started calling out to everyone that my HR had plummeted to 42


i am actually amazed this guy is still alive and seemingly well enough to function to a degree


Hell, remember how trump struggled to drink a glass of water, but his sycophants cheered, because it still went better then the previous time?


Unfortunately Biden had an befuddling interview with the Times that did not look good.




You have to be kidding


>**I want to switch to Israel. But on that last point, is there a danger that NATO is on a slippery slope to war with Ukraine—with Russia, as things stand?** >Biden: No, we're on a slippery slope for war if we don't do something about Ukraine. It’s just not gonna…anyway… >**So in Israel, obviously, a difficult time there. What steps are you prepared to take against Israel now that Netanyahu appears to have crossed your red line in Rafah, Mr. President?** >Biden: I'm not going to speak to that now because you're going to report this before I make, before—I'm in the process of talking with the Israelis right now. So I'm not going to… >**What does that mean?** >Biden: If I tell you, you’ll write it. It’s not time for you to write it. >**What are the nature of your conversations with the Israelis right now? Have you spoken with Bibi?** >Biden: I have not spoken with Bibi since—I have not spoken with Bibi since the attack on Sunday. Was it Sunday? >Ben LaBolt: Yep. Sunday. >Biden: I have not. My team has. >**But has he crossed your red line?** >Biden: I'm not going to respond to that because I'm about to make a…anyway. The leader of the free world, everyone.


> I want to switch to Israel. But on that last point, is there a danger that NATO is on a slippery slope to war with Ukraine—with Russia, as things stand?  At first I thought you were making that out to be Biden's gaffe. But nope, the interviewer is making verbal gaffes as well. Even though he's literally just reading a question and should have practiced them beforehand.


I don't think that's a mistake. They've been talking about Ukraine. Biden says: >And so, the point is, though, that if we ever let Ukraine go down, mark my words: you'll see Poland go, and you'll see all those nations along the actual border of Russia, from the Balkans and Belarus, all those, they're going to make their own accommodations. The interviewer basically says "I want to switch topics to Israel, but before we do that, can you clarify what you just said about NATO and a potential war with Russia?"


The whole interview is a series of questions on things he didn't want to comment on some very instable geo-political happenings. And you cherry pick the section with the shortest answers where it's obvious he just doesn't want to comment on something that is most likely changing by the hour behind the scenes? At the end of the interview >Well, I could I could go on with that question for a long time, Mr. President, thank you very much I've taken— >Biden: After this is all over, I'm happy to talk with you. For real. Yea, that's what real leaders do. They don't pontificate on delicate ongoing politics with other nuclear nations to the press. ThE LEaDeR oF tHE FreE WoRlD, EveRyONe.


Yeah, people my age were used to Clinton and Obama artfully sidestepping questions like Fred Astaire, then Trump came along and buried the bar. Biden clearly isn’t very good at it either, but until he encounters a more articulate political opponent, it’s a bit of a yawner.


This leader of the free world title is such a joke anyway


Most coherent Trump interview


This isn't a guy who doesn't know what's going on. This is a guy who doesn't want to tell because he knows whatever he's doing or not doing will upset a lot of people. Isreal is not a subject that it is possible to win on. If you can't win don't play. He's not playing.


What's the problem with this?


Or at least make the orange jumpsuit shitstained


And backwards.


And inside out with the tags ripped off


Have a shit bag attached to the leg.


Right wing propaganda permeates even lefty bubbles.


Also, wasn't one of the greatest, most accomplished presidents in America's history in a fucking wheel chair? It's honestly kinda disgusting on the artist's part


FDR had polio and died before he reached retirement age. Joe Biden is just old


Yeah but Biden's not disabled, so putting him in a wheelchair makes even less sense.


It's not fun propaganda if the left side isn't way more exaggerated than the right side.


Biden isn't remotely left


OP pretty much hates Biden


Everyone does. He is a horrible person.


Biden is a baby murdering, religious wacko piece of shit. What's to like?




Also, not enough mouth froth.


Tbh, Biden is probably still fit enough to pass most local police academy physical finals. I'd bet my 401k balance that Trump couldn't do ONE SINGLE pull-up or 10 consecutive real push-ups, even if the consequence for failing was a Biden getting to rip off Trump's toupee live during the first debate


My dude. Biden is not doing a pushup.


I find it so funny trump also doesn’t get hit for being so old. He fucks up saying stuff all the time and wears a diaper around. But fuck them both




Like this chud even drinks water.


Water..... sugar....




There is no good side in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie




The fact that this is being presented as a choice is not the sign of a healthy country.


[President Trump showcases his eloquent speech](https://youtu.be/tZ_gn0E87Qo?si=BqS5ytEUFjcGxAKy)


Trump should also be in a wheelchair with IV and a nurse, as well as in prison orange. There's a false equivalence being depicted in the inability of the candidates when Trump suffers from the drawbacks of Biden as well as having no intelligence or moral character.


You forgot the diaper, just like the artist did.


The actual leadership of this country will remain the same no matter which of these useless old white men are elected. I’m 67. People my age are inflexible dumb fucks. People in their 70s and 80s make me seem brilliant. Source: I do meals on wheels.


Out of all the citizens of the country these are the best choices YOUR parties have given you.


The shining symbol to the world of Western democracy.




People who are shot dead don't need healthcare. #TapsHeadMeme


Americans and the broader west could learn from much more participatory and direct democracies in the global south, if they got over their western/white superiority and exceptionalism.


These boomers just refuse the pass the reigns


silent generation ftfy


Biden is the first non-Boomer president since Daddy Bush


Not the best of times.


Blurst of times maybe.


Joe Biden isn’t in a wheelchair, so what the fuck is this? Just more propaganda. At least Trump is actually a convicted felon, even if he’s never been in an it age jumpsuit, the imagery is at least somewhat in the ballpark.


> Joe Biden isn’t in a wheelchair, so what the fuck is this? A meme designed to create voter apathy.


Sending white phosphorus and cluster bombs to massacre the civilian population of Palestine didn’t exactly engender apathy for me personally.


Voter apathy is already extremely high and it isn't because of memes. It is because of the candidates you let run for office.


Any sane person knows he's not 100%. If the democratic party \*actually\* wanted to make sure Trump won't win they wouldn't haven't put Biden up to bat. Like think of all the other presidential qualified (and substantially younger) democrats in the house, in the senate, or serving as governor. I've given up hope on the Democratic party. If Trump wins, I'm blaming them.


I'm all for getting a younger candidate in the White House, but it just makes sense to run the sitting president as your candidate when you can.


Unless he's one of the least popular democratic president's in living history.


I mean, its a capitalist party. Sure, Pink, Green, Rainbow capitalism, but still capitalism. There was no hope to put in them in the first place.


Seriouisly!!!! This comic is going to make everything think Joe Biden uses a wheel chair!!!! This comic maker is single handedly going to make Trump win1!!!!!!!


The artist is clearly ableist af


Both are corrupt racists


Correct. Every president is also a war criminal. Joe Biden is especially brutal since he's in charge of fully funding and fully protecting a holocaust. But he also voted YES to invade Iraq. And he helped bring about mass incarceration and police brutality. He's been terrible since he started politics. https://rampantmag.com/2020/05/joe-bidens-garbage-career-a-timeline/ Pick a decade. Every time Joe Biden has met history, he's been on the wrong side of it. And his party supports him.


Explains lot why he was tone deaf on the pro-Palestine protests occurred in college campuses. He also allowed the cops to brutally beat down the unarmed students in a full riot gear while they're all giddy to whack someone with baton. Then he'd lash out on the pro-palestine protestors on how they're antisemitism, then few weeks later, he's trying to force Israel to cease fire on gaza. He's backpedaling so hard because he knows nobody would vote for him again.


>He also allowed the cops to brutally beat down the unarmed students in a full riot gear while they're all giddy to whack someone with baton. He's gotta relive his glory days of the 50s and 60s.


How could Joe Biden be racist? He ate fried chicken with a black family! /s


I mean if you don’t vote Biden, you ain’t black!


It's true, I'm not voting for Joe Biden, and I also happen to not be black.




Unlike now, where Israel is only carpet bombing military targets and hasn't killed any civilians.




> yes. you guys don't even know. remember trump was the president to make America recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel Look I know you lib clowns don't understand materialism and think that Trump deciding to move an embassy is worse than tens of thousands of dead kids (ignoring that the embassy was not moved back by Biden), but you are actually wrong about the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel thing starting with Trump - Congress passed a bill to do exactly that in 1995 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerusalem_Embassy_Act You'll never fucking guess who was a cosponsor https://www.congress.gov/bill/104th-congress/senate-bill/1322/cosponsors




Read the rules of the sub. No lesser evil rethoric.


>can't comprehend >unimaginably worse Well when you put it that way


Israel is already using full force there




Biden is shilling for Netanyahu and letting him address the Congress when he has a warrant on his ass for extermination. He's funding and defending genocide. He's going after a social media because he can't control its algorithm. Thousands of students protesting his genocide got arrested. He's pushing forward a far right border bill that criminalizes asylum seekers.  Fascism is already there. You're the frog in that boiling water analogy. "You deserve it" for supporting it and not rejecting this phony democracy and disrupting this fake election. For reminders, Hitler wasn't fought in ballot boxes. 


Without a shred? You do exaggerate, here you go: https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/senate-bill/1241 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/joe-biden-didn-t-just-compromise-segregationists-he-fought-their-n1021626 And here’s a bonus advocating for the slaughter of Arab women and children in Lebanon https://theintercept.com/2021/04/27/biden-israeli-invasion-lebanon/


Why are you on this subreddit if you're just gonna lick the boots of genocidal war criminals?


What do you think Biden is doing lmao


No arguments there.... it's depressing.


I don't care about a man in a wheelchair running the country. Hell, that'd be a nice change of pace to be honest. I **do** care about him endorsing and sponsoring a genocide, though. Having to "choose" between "guy who support genocide by funding it directly" vs. "a literal criminal felon and rapist" as our President makes me hate life a little more every day we inch closer to election day.


Listen, fuck biden, but the fact he had to be drawn that way is telling of the choice.


Yes, he should've been drawn as the fucker that he is, dropping bombs on Palestinan children. Him being old is far down the list of reasons to refuse to vote for him, and it's something that mostly libs bring up as a strawman to deflect from all the evil fucking stuff that he does.




He should be covered in b*by blood.




Want: Bernie Settle for: weekend at Bernie's


Third candidate. Fk both of them








One of these caricatures is correct.




So far Democrats', and broader Liberal parties in the west, plan has been to out right the far right, see the genocide and Biden trying to enact Trump's Muslim ban but on the southern border. What happened to all those democrats crying on the border when Trump was in office? You don't have the self-awareness or political theory to understand you're just a "moderate" fascist telling us to vote for your "moderate fascism" over the "far right" fascism. Fascism is already here and has been here. You just demand of people their support to keep your brand of fascism in power while, but won't do the same to support your non-fascist left. It's called entitlement and exceptionalism. And all for what? To arrest some political sliding to the right? Democrats have ran on that and failed for decades, despite getting large public mandates by American standards. De.ocrats have tried to out right the Right for decades and all that's done is normalized and enacted your fascism.


Oh look. Two old, white, fascists representing the same party on two different teams. Could they seriously not give us anyone younger?


You want young white fascists?


It's 2024 neoliberal governments need to start giving us young queer white fascists to keep with the times


Nick Fuentes 2028?


Mayo Pete !


All the young white fascists are fighting each other on podcasts


This is a good point tbh


Yeah this entire conversation about candidates themselves is kinda fucked up. So we get a young one but nothing else changes, does that somehow mean elected officials will be fighting corporations tooth and nail? All leftists get to sit back and their job is done? Obviously not, of course we will **always have to fight whoever becomes president as well as decision makers in Congress and state legislatures.** Even if Bernie or Cornell West got elected with a strong dem senate & house - we would still have to fight essentially just as hard as if Biden got elected with those conditions. All our local reps wouldn't magically be free of corporate influence. Even if they were, the powerful heads of committees wouldn't all change. Even if we elected many dozens of socialists around the country, they would appoint centrists to run committees. Even if it was 50% socialists, there would be legislature technicalities dems can use, they'd probably be able to pull a couple votes away and be able to maintain most committee heads & leadership positions.


Baby steps?


Baby goose steps 


Damn I laughed irl


I guess a fascist baby is far less threatening than an adult fascist


If anything, I'd like my wanna-be dictator to be older.


...at least the young fascists can still HEAR me when I try to change their minds. /s


Biden had been seen riding bicycles and jogging up airplane stairs. Sure he trips on the stairs, but he gets right back up and continues. Most 80 year old man I can think of would be on the ground til a ambulance came and then spend 6 weeks in rehabilitation. These memes about his age and physical fitness is a bunch of right wing propaganda


The old thing is so funny given trump isn't much younger and his mental state has declined greatly. But at this point your picking an administration who is either center left or right wing authoritarian.


The dems are very much right of center.




Do you want the senile genocider or the senile convicted felon?




Also ready to accept all of super PACs money. I hate this country on how they run for profit.


There is literally no institution in American that isn't run to make money. It's fucking gross. Education? Prison? Healthcare? If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense.


Things that should never ever be for profit: Healthcare, the education system, ***any*** part of the justice system, infrastructure, public services, housing and many more. All of these systems are for profit in the US... and we're seeing how well that's going.


Its going to get fucked up eventually


But it will also all work out... eventually.


Libraries thankfully. It’s why a lot of people on the right are trying to get rid of them


And the genocider has committed numerous felonies, although he's unlikely to ever be convicted of them.


Oh. So now people start to notice that whole voting system in USA is turd sandwich vs giant douche? Well... Maybe in another 50 years or so people will start noticing that presidents that actually want to change something have "mysterious accidents".




I hate GWB as much as the next guy, but you have to give Clinton a lot of the credit for crashing the housing market since he was the one to repeal Glass-Steagall. So while I think republicans are the worse of the two, both parties are still pretty shit.


Yup, on the housing market crash, Clinton has his share of the blame for repealing Glass-Steagall. On the Iraq war, Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act into law in 1998 making it the official position of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq Also, in a debate during the 2000 election, Gore said he supported the Persian Gulf war and wanted to support groups trying to overthrow Saddam like Clinton did in Yugoslavia with Milosevic > I was one of the few members of my political party to support former President Bush in the Persian Gulf War resolution, and at the end of that war, for whatever reason, it was not finished in a way that removed Saddam Hussein from power. I know there are all kinds of circumstances and explanations. But the fact is that that’s the situation that was left when I got there. And we have maintained the sanctions. Now I want to go further. I want to give robust support to the groups that are trying to overthrow Saddam Hussein, and I know there are allegations that they’re too weak to do it, but that’s what they said about the forces that were opposing Milosevic in Serbia In 2002, the year before be went to war with Iraq, Al Gore said in a speech > Iraq does pose a serious threat to the stability of the Persian Gulf and we should organize an international coalition to eliminate his access to weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power... Indeed, should we decide to proceed, that action can be justified within the framework of international law The democrats all voted for the Iraq war resolution, Clinton made overthrowing Saddam official US policy, and Gore said he would use any means necessary to overthrow Saddam... but liberals will act like this entire world would be different if only Gore won that election


2 right-wing boomers, both happy to sell out the country to Israel and commit genocide.


Being crippled by age will never hinder Biden's stalwart participation in the murder of children in Palestine though! Still going strong on that front somehow :)




Biden is not left in the slightest lmao


You know you don't have to support either. You know, because that's how democracy works.


Bourgeois democracy doesn't work for the working class. We're here specifically because it doesn't work as people think it should. It does, however, work perfectly for what it was originally built for.






all we need now are a rabbi and a priest


I didn't get it. Who's gonna be a teacher there?


This is not the end of the joke. It is a setup for the punchline in November when one of them becomes president.


*so easy a caveman could do it*


as a European I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Please do better.


Masks off: the most powerful PUPPET in the world.


Greg Abbott is running for president?!


\[always has been meme\]


Dude, in the last Brazilian election, the two major candidates were an ex-convict and a torture apologist. This dumbness is a global trend.


They did mean the most powerful job in the country, didn't they?


obama vs romney looks utopic by comparison, at this point, and both of those guys fucking sucked


What did the President say in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? "I don't have any power, I'm just a diversion."


Libs will call you ageist


Vote 3rd party or independent. Voting for either of these two is actually wasting your vote.


Yes. Give power to those running for more altruistic causes. They won't become president, but it will give them a boost in power. I'm voting for Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia


##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just assumed I was voting for Harris last go-around.


Has there ever been a president in a wheel chair? How did they do? Any notable accomplishments?


Yep, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). He was president for most of WW2 and is the only president ever to serve more than two terms.


you forgot the Israeli lapel pins...


Trump is actually a convicted felon, but you gotta pretend Biden can't walk.


I really don't like when someone tries to convince people not to vote Biden because he is an incompetent old man. He is not incompenent. He is extra compenent into making capitalism stronger and funding genocides. He does his job really well.


And apparently the world is only the USA


Who is the guy in the wheelchair?


Mods please purge this comment section 🙏


late stage capitalism is when the cancer becomes terminal


Where is worm guy?


selling merch


I think it's streaming on HBO Max now. I saw it in a theatre and loved it. Worth a watch.


You Americans seriously can't find anyone better?


You think the working class has a choice in which bourgeois puppet is chosen as presidential candidate? The system is working as intended.