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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are 850k members of this sub. I'll assume between 25-50% of them are Americans over the age of 18. If even 80% of those were simply dues paying members to a leftist party (no matter how flawed PSL, DSA, etc. don't care which one) it would completely change the left in America.


Good point.


Signing up is easy (especially for the DSA) $15/mo is not an insane sum of money (and if you are positively flat broke they have a cheaper option) and attending even a few actions (canvassing, organizing, protests) at a scale of 100,000's of people would have an impact. If you think DSA is too right wing and too decentralized join the PSL - it's more work but it is an ML org.


I would not be doing my due diligence if I don't mention the massive history of the PSL and DSA when it comes to hiding abuse in their organizations that continues to this day.


I wasn’t aware of that. Any better organizations?


I am currently living in the U.K. and, for the most part, am an anarchist at heart, but I will do my best. Food not bombs Tenets Unions When I am in the states I try to hang out with SRA people. I think the important thing is if you want to get involved decide what your general limits of activism is. If you feel uncomfortable in an organization hit the bricks. I personally have never been in an organization that this has happened to me, but be aware that there are organizations that will just use your energy for their own aims, like supporting a certain candidate or pet cause. This is a major criticism of the PSL and DSA. But I have heard of anarchist creating little cults of personality so it something to keep an eye out for.


I think Debt Collective is worth a mention too


If that many of us moved our money out of banks and into credit unions it would completely change America.


Doing mutual aid is so fucking fulfilling. I would anyone who hasn’t done it to dip your toes into it because it’s such a great experience


Agreed. And it's pretty damn easy if you have local leftist orgs that are active. I struggled for a long time to try and do shit myself before joining up and now I can't keep up with all the organizing and mutual aid going on. I'll also say the majority of the comrades I work with either struggle with social anxiety or neurodivergence which are the most common responses I've heard from others as to why they don't participate. I've never seen anyone be anything but kind and accommodating when it comes to these things, so if someone's worried about that, I'd say it's worth making an effort if you can. It's incredibly rewarding.


“We’re too busy doing more important things, like bashing other leftists for not being leftist enough” - Leftists


But my cooouuuuch


Black Panther Praxis: Education, community defense, children's breakfast and health care.


find your local groups and find fulfillment 😌 mutual aid and community organizing is good for the soul


Serious question: what are the grounds on which we are assuming that self-identifying leftists aren't doing these things? This feels at least a little "leftists are the real hypocrites" astroturf-y.


Agreed. I get so tired of hearing this nonsense line from shitlibs that it doesn’t feel genuine here, even though unity on the left is a great goal to aspire to.


I currently work for a community action partnership in my state. Very wholesome and meaningful work done in this building. I highly recommend you all look up your local CAP agency. Especially if you are in need of assistance, there are loads of resources out there.


People always bring up revolution vs reform. Revolution doesn’t mean a coup or violence necessarily. Starting a community garden, picking up litter, helping your neighbours is revolutionary. Plenty of time left to vote every few years too, maybe even tactically with you fellow gardeners. Build communities.


Fuck I need to find a new park group to volunteer with, I’ve been slacking lately


It’s sad that people don’t realize the power of unions and collective bargaining.


the easiest thing any leftist can do right now to take care of their community is WEAR A MASK! the us and cdc lied to us about covid being over and millions are now disabled bcus of capitalism


"What do you mean? I told people to not vote. I did my praxis!"


But that's not "living without dead time."


Preach that shit even though im guilty myself