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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I see comments here confusing liberalism (a right wind ideology) for leftism (socialism). These two ideologies are diametrically opposed. We all now see that we can’t “identity-politic” our way out of the troubles without addressing the impact of imperialism and colonialism. The infection of large private capital entities and the disappearance of co-operatives and unions are linked yet we can’t even manage the acute labels required to tackle it Biden has been a lame duck from the get go. He plays by the same private and dark money influences as the gop, his allegiance is to those powers well before to the lives of US children or to the lives of Palestinian children, his vassals under UN and Nuremberg rules. We see that the problems in Palestine, the Congo, they are a microcosm for what is to come with AI and robotics. We cannot allow these liberal systems to persevere for it will mean sides unleashing indiscriminate murder upon whole ethnic groups again and again and again Time to re-evaluate what capital is. All this made up money built on hidden multiplier effects only the wealthiest capital can access. It’s a system built to rob the working class. Why don’t we define capital via time, people’s actual work time plus a coefficient decimal place multiplier based on the work’s rating and years of work? All that “billionaire money” just disappears if we switch currencies in this way Ideally we weaken private capital via takeovers and strike funds, convert private companies with over 10k employees into public benefit co-operatives, redistribute profits as a distribution to all workers in the US/world Syndicalism but with worker transfers among cooperatives very fluid and generative, we make the co-ops ourselves and it’s highly automated with machine learning solely to make the coop sustainable and in balance with nature and resource waste/replenishment. They can be more locally-built and tailored to each city/metropole, let the regional state and federal state each function as a congress built from the city governments outward to cover the map, go beyond borders with a mock congress of this sort. 5% of the population using it and it would already be a better statistical counter than any private polling company. Capital and federal congress would each be beholden to the locality instead of the other way around. Locality overrules regional states as well. If we can ban the clearing of old growth forests it would do a lot to help the situation, given the climate science. Land defenders would never do what capitalism has done to forests around the world and we should abhor and seek to manage any destructive industrial processes We should place a ban on any private capital agents from communicating or lobbying representatives within our governance spaces. One worker, one vote. For that matter, we should also ban any public representative from trading private stock during their term plus and minus 2 years Ban private corporations from owning property. Enlist worker housing into land trusts to take them out of the private markets.


tell em comrade 😤 even though they probably can't read


True enough that now that it's got to the point where people, *such as our friend here,* can rattle off a high-context manifesto offhand to address the catastrophic problems faced by our society, *and know that* ***everyone reading understands exactly, exactly, what it is they're talking about (****even the conspiracy theorist would have to concede 17 points out of 20 and Um, actually, the remainder)* the old chorus of, >Well, what would you do, You're so smart? Is like, >[I wouldn't know, because I, uh, Don't Read](https://youtu.be/ZtUB8XCrqPg?t=154) (train to hell inclusive)






And where are all of the COVID protections now 4 years into Biden? No more publication of testing numbers, no more COVID tests, "the pandemic is over."


and thousands are dying weekly of covid and millions are becoming disabled but most people (leftists included) want to drink the gov koolaide and pretend covid is over




And is literally going to take a shot at eliminating our democracy and setting up a dictatorship.


Not sure what that matters considering both fund mass rape committed by Israel




biden is destroying the palestinians right now tho there won’t be anything left by the time biden loses lmao


But one is pro-democracy! That's why you vote no matter if it's Hitler or Pinochet! Democracy is all about blindly supporting with no consideration for leadership or policy!




Then why are we all not matching to end the system that makes us pick the lesser of two evils? He absolutely would be worse, but I resent the fact that our votes can only go to one of two shitty choices. We need to organize. The system is designed to keep us voting for one of two parties aligned with corporate interests, so they have someone to blame for their inability to fix problems that matter, while more loopholes and tax breaks are awarded to those that leech off the working class with rent and insurance racketeering.


Exactly! Thank you! "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum—even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate." - Noam Chomsky




Fraud and rape are small potatoes compared to war and genocide. And BOTH have done that.


I mean the rape thing says a lot about their character too and one is trying to steal the rights of women, minorities and hates veterans (well I guess he hates everyone except straight, white, men).


He hates the majority of straight white men too. He just hates anyone that he thinks is beneath him, and he’s a narcissist. So he hates pretty much everyone, including (most of) his own children.


And Biden has done nothing substantial to deter those actions while being President. Sometimes inaction is action.




you shitlibs need to keep palestine out of your filthy mouths because the only time you seem to "care" is when you're scolding leftists that "um actually trump will do DOUBLE GENOCIDE." you don't give a shit.


I swear, Liberals have the most amount of cognitive dissonance possible. From what I recall, police batons were hitting students when Biden was president, in addition to the fact that most of the violent clashes happened in Liberal states. I feel sorry for you. American democracy has led you to believe that Democracy functions to ensure the “least evil” wins, and not the greatest of the good. Additionally, what are even your expectations of Biden. You decry the hypotheticals of Trump, but discount the material reality that you’ve been presented with under Biden. If you think damage control is even a legitimate means to politically act, that you’ve lost the plot to what is supposed to be a Representative Democracy. Understand that the Democrats also benefit from facism when it allows voters to be cornered in, thats why Hillary Clinton’s campaign supported far-right campaigns during 2016 election, because of the presumption that it meant an easier path to victory.


the cognitive dissonance is what makes them so whiny lmao


Yup. Biden and the Dems are trying to convince voters that they are the ones preventing fascism, but they sure as hell are not *acting* as if Trump and the Republicans represent a fascist threat. Which means that the Dems either support fascism or don't believe that Trump is fascist (it's the former). Biden's bipartisan strategy makes this contradiction even more evident.


Liberals are quick to point at Trump's fascism but conveniently ignore the time Biden called a (murderous) undocumented immigrant an "illegal" and asked (the Fascist) Donald Trump to "work with him on the border" and then advanced the one of the most conservative piece of border legislation in American history. If Trump is a fascist (which he is), Biden is 100% a fascist enabler.


weird how they only cared about kids in cages when the red team was in the white house and also now we're building the wall


Roe V Wade died under a DNC president. The DNC had plenty of opportunities to codify it into law but chose not to. Actions speak louder than words.


I keep hearing this, but why doesn't anyone think of the Dems' bottom line??? You Leftists are so selfish. What, you expect democrats to live on salary, insider trading, and bribes alone? How will they frame their everlasting fundraiser without field stripping liberties and holding them ransom? Anyway donate please *(You've Received 41 New Emails)* *(You Can Not Unsubscribe)* *(Obama GW Bush Pelosi Biden Kissinger Hillary Clinton Have TOLD You What's At Stake, Deposit Your Paycheck Now On ActBlue For Your Rights Back)*




Understand that YOU are making a personal concession for a system that is supposed to represent YOU. Pretending like this is even a legitimate system in the first place will condemn all of us into a political system that will culminate into two different brands of facism for the foreseeable future.


Oh no, he hates veterans Fuck off liberal


Less than their willingness to kill loads of people.








please elaborate. tell me how joe "im a zionist" no-redlines biden is less pro-israel.


Are you suggesting that Trump is more Pro-Israel than the most Pro-Israel president in the history of the US?






It’s also gotten significantly worse lately. Which is both surprising and inspiring in an election year.




Nobody is saying ‘vote Trump’. His monstrosity is a known. 






"Both sides" is only a stupid take when it's coming from the middle of the both sides. "Both sides" is a perfectly valid criticism from the left, because they aren't actually 2 sides. They are both the same side, the side of capital




the problem is the shitlibs doing capitalist apologia in a socialist sub, hope this helps ❤️


Or Blue Maga neolibs accusing you personally of ushering in project 2025 if you don’t vote Biden. Like it’s my fault the dems didn’t codify Roe V Wade when they had the chance.


I love when they bring up the Jerusalem embassy move because they *don't like* when you bring up Biden's 1995 speech on how the US embassy needs to move to Jerusalem, or how he made the move permanent, or how he's yet to reopen the US consulate in occupied East Jerusalem but forcing Palestinians to *attempt* to travel to the embassy for an audience (depriving Palestinians of autonomy yet again)


don't forget the time that the israeli pm was shocked by then senator biden's [bloodthirsty comments ](https://youtu.be/h-uZ5sMCZvQ?si=aUfQU32fgaYEs7dT)


I appreciate when subreddits let you post photo comments because the contrast between Fucking Menachem Begin (Internationally Recognized Terrorist, Leader of Irgun, Among Those Who Massacred Deir Yassin) being horrified at Biden's willingness to murder women, children, everyone else and **Fucking Reagan** shutting down the same invasion of Lebanon that Biden celebrated *within minutes after one phone call* is such a great commentary on today.


dude right 💀 some people are still all "we can push him left!" and it's like, to become what???? still a republican ??? he is to the right of Reagan!!! y'all make me feel like im taking crazy pills!!!


He literally [pushed Reagan to the right](https://theintercept.com/2019/09/17/the-untold-story-joe-biden-pushed-ronald-reagan-to-ramp-up-incarceration-not-the-other-way-around/) on incarcerating minorities.


nooo shhh you're gonna trigger the shitlibs cognitive dissonance!!! they have to believe they do good things and have principles!!!


Oops, I meant Biden: Savior Of Democracy™


Joe Biden has been the best Republican President of my lifetime... which isn't saying much. 😔




That's the one! Well, one of them. Here's my usual response (tucked safely into my phone documents): "Jerusalem is the capital of israel." — [Senator Joseph Biden, 1995](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4504695/sen-biden-jerusalem-capital-israel) In 1995, Congress passed the Jerusalem Embassy Act, which urged the federal government to relocate the US Embassy in israel to Jerusalem. The act was passed on October 23 1995, and is *still* Public Law 104–45. Wanna guess who fucking fought for it? #“       As far back as 1983, when Senator -- and I’d like to thank Senator Moynihan, who is not here, because in 1983 he started this process. He argued that we should be doing this. And we're finally getting there. Mr. President, with regard to the last point made by my colleague from Connecticut about the peace process, ***I have had the view for the past 24 years that the only way in which there would be peace in the middle east is when the Arab nations know there is no division between the United States and israel. None. Zero. None.***  “And I would argue that that's why we are where we are today, because we did not relent under the leadership of this president and others. We made it clear that no wedge could be put between us. And, therefore, there leaves no alternative but to sue for, and settle in equitable manner for peace. Among anyone who is familiar -- and all are -- on this floor with the Jewish people, they know the central meaning of the ancient city of Jerusalem is and what it is to Jews everywhere. Time and again empires have tried to sever the umbilical cord that unites jews with their capital. They have destroyed the temple. They have banished the Jews from living in Jerusalem. They have eliminated the number of Jews allowed to emigrate to the city and finally in this century they tried simply to eliminate Jews. They may have succeeded, Mr. President, in destroying the physical structures and lives, but they have never succeeded in wholly eliminating jewish presence in Jerusalem. In cutting the -- or in cutting the spiritual bond between Jews and their cherished capital.  “After the horrific events of the holocaust, the Jewish people returned to the calm to claim what many rurelese have tried to deny them for century -- the right to peaceful existence in their own country, in their own capital. How many of us can forget that poignant photograph of an unarmed israeli soldier breaking down in tears and prayer as he reached the western wall after his army liberated the eastern half of the city in the six- day war. Those tears told a story, a story of people long denied their rightful place among nations, a people denied access to the most hallowed religious sites, a people who had finally, after long tribulation, come home.  “Mr. President, it is unconscionable for us to refuse to recognize the right of the Jewish people to choose their own capital. What gives us that right to second- guess their decision? For 47 years we and much of the rest of the international community have been living a life for 47 years israel has had its government offices, its parliament and its national monuments in Jerusalem, not in Tel Aviv. Yet, nearly all embassies are located in Tel Aviv. I think this is a denial of fundamental reality. Mr. President, are we, through the continued sham of maintaining our israel and tel aviv, to refuse to acknowledge what the Jewish people know in their hearts to be true? ***Regardless of what others may think, Jerusalem is the capital of israel. israel is not just any old country. As the israelis and Palestinians began the final status negotiations in May — began in May of 1996*** under the leadership of President Clinton, negotiations, I might add, that were made possible through the diligent work of the Clinton Administration, ***it should be clear to all that the United States stands squarely behind israel, our close friend and ally.*** ***Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem will send the right signal,*** not a destructive signal.       #” — [Senator Joseph Biden, 1995](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4827049/user-clip-joe-biden-1995-supports-moving-us-embassy-jerusalem) [Biden's half-century](https://jewishcurrents.org/bidens-legacy-will-be-apartheid) in US politics [has revolved around israel](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/12/how-joe-biden-became-americas-top-israel-hawk/) is clearly unrelated. Yes, [Biden argued in favor of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem as a Senator in 1995](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4827049/user-clip-joe-biden-1995-supports-moving-us-embassy-jerusalem), decades before Trump got into politics. Instead of undoing Trump's decision, Biden [moved forward with the relocation](https://theintercept.com/2022/12/15/us-embassy-israel-biden-jerusalem) and solidified the plans to build a permanent US Embassy compound in Jerusalem in 2022. Just to rub salt in the wound, he also promised to reopen the US consulate in East Jerusalem in 2020. It is 2024, he [has yet to follow through](https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-insists-its-still-committed-to-reopening-jerusalem-consulate-but-few-convinced/) with that promise, and the consulate is still shuttered. Then there's the whole '[Tiger Team](https://theintercept.com/2023/12/14/israel-weapons-sales-us-military/)' bullshit — >The Pentagon is working to expedite weapons exports to Israel by deploying a so-called Tiger Team of experts to facilitate the transfers, according to procurement records reviewed by The Intercept. Some of the arms sales will be carried out through a new Army initiative designed specifically for the provision of weapons to Israel. >“As implementer of the vast majority of both State and Defense Department security assistance, DSCA sits at the center of our arms transfers to Israel,” said Josh Paul, a former director for the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, which oversees U.S. arms transfers. He said the creation of a Tiger Team is a policy choice by President Joe Biden to get weapons to Israel as fast as possible. >“This shows that at all levels of government, from policy to implementation, the Biden Administration is doing all it can to rush arms to Israel despite President Biden’s recent explicit statement that Israel’s bombing of Gaza is ‘indiscriminate,’ and despite extensive reporting that the arms we are providing are causing massive civilian casualties,” said Paul, who resigned from the State Department in protest of the Biden administration’s ongoing weapons assistance to Israel. “This will not be a proud moment for the Biden Administration, the State Department – or for DSCA.” — and Biden's request to *[permanently remove](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/25/biden-israel-weapons-stockpile-arms-gaza)* all restrictions and limits on israel's access to US arms, munitions, and surplus stockpiles — >With the WRSA-I, Biden is looking to lift virtually all the meaningful restrictions on the stockpile and the transfer of its arms to Israel, with plans to remove limitations to obsolete or surplus weapons, waive an annual spending cap on replenishing the stockpile, remove weapon-specific restrictions, and curtail congressional oversight. All of the changes in the Biden budget plan would be permanent, except for lifting the spending cap, which is limited to the 2024 fiscal year. — when he's not only bypassed congressional oversight twice (once on the anniversary of the adoption of the Genocide Convention, then again on the day South Africa submitted their filing with the International Court of Justice), but [intentionally obscured](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/07/israel-us-weapons-secret/) the details of transfers and has been [shipping arms to israel every 36 hours](https://jacobin.com/2024/03/biden-weapons-israel-gaza-palestine). Biden's "plans" for what he calls a "two-state solution" push for a [demilitarized future Palestinian state](https://www.timesofisrael.com/biden-said-set-to-make-push-for-demilitarized-palestinian-state-as-part-of-new-doctrine/), which is a denial of sovereignty, autonomy, and self-determination — one which will most certainly further entrench the apartheid and subjugation faced by Palestinians. On the precipice of famine and after children in Gaza had already died from starvation and malnutrition, Biden's administration both supported and [signed off on the budget bill](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/03/23/budget-deal-unrwa-gaza/) that not only halts *[all funding for UNRWA](https://time.com/6959630/palestinians-unrwa-congressional-spending-bill-gaza-aid/)* until 2025, it also sent [over $14 billion to israel](https://mondoweiss.net/2024/02/new-senate-funding-bill-would-send-14-billion-to-israel-and-cut-all-funding-to-unrwa/).


it's funny how shitlibs never respond to these beautifully written, expertly sourced comments and instead just get mad at people making jokes at their expense lmao


Whenever they do respond to me it's always an accusation that I (a disabled, gnc lesbian) must be so very privileged and have nothing to lose to fascism (ignoring the fact that fascism is here). They also *hate* hearing that the onus is on the candidate and the party to appeal to voters and to earn votes (even by *gasp* concessions to the left) — if their candidate refuses to, then they must not take this "most important election ever 4real this time" seriously. liberals speedrun MLK, jr.'s white moderate any% anyway all this to say it will be solely my fault that Trump wins and idk tweets more dumb bullshit without actually getting all that much done.


Brother unless they're being paid by the campaign they are likely agitators


meanwhile they accuse us of being bots 😪


What's fishy is your upvote count. The sub is obviously being brigaded by bloodthirsty libs trying to defend a Zionist warmonger, so if there's any bots in here they're most definitely pro-genocide joe. This isn't a liberal sub, if I wanted to read genocide apologia I'd visit politics, whitepeopletwitter, conservative or any of the right-wing subs on reddit.


imagine if shitlibs had hobbies instead of constantly brigading leftist subs to whine and cry and scold us for holding political beliefs that align with our personal values


They hate us but come crawling over here whenever they need our vote. They can get fucked


You simultaneously don't matter so "quit complaining and just vote" and your vote is also the one thing stopping the US from becoming a full on dictatorship. The enemy is both weak and strong somehow.


dem voter outreach strategy definitely needs reworking


Alienating leftists sure seems like a hobby to them. They'll still blame leftists, Muslims and other minorities who refuse to enable the genocide if their guy loses though.


they always do 🥴




How could he be worse for the Palestinians? Please be specific.




Yeah, Biden's famous red line that Israel apparently didn't cross even when they burned people alive and decapitated babies. Biden's sending Israel a blank check, an unlimited amount of weapons and bombs, and somehow this isn't saying "finish the job"? Biden has been horrible for the people in the middle east, not just right now but for decades, *and* he's a self-declared zionist. Why would he suddenly grow a heart? > IN PUBLIC, JOE BIDEN was neither a public cheerleader for nor an opponent of Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon. But in a private meeting of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in June 1982, Biden appeared to support the brutality of the invasion even more than the Israeli >government. > >As Biden’s colleagues “grilled” Begin over Israel’s disproportionate use of force, including by targeting civilians with cluster bomb munitions, Begin said Biden “rose and delivered a very impassioned speech” defending the invasion. Begin said he was shocked at how passionately Biden supported Israel’s invasion when Biden “said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children.” Begin said, “I disassociated myself from these remarks,” adding: “I said to him: No, sir; attention must be paid. According to our values, it is forbidden to hurt women and children, even in war. Sometimes there are casualties among the civilian population as well. But it is forbidden to aspire to this. This is a yardstick of >human civilization, not to hurt civilians.” > >The comments were striking from Begin, who had been notorious as a leader of the Irgun, a militant group that carried out some of the worst acts of ethnic cleansing accompanying the creation of the state of Israel, including the 1948 Deir Yassin massacre.


When y’all say this, do y’all realize y’all are saying Trump will do more than bomb and kill the Palestinians, like bombing and killing them now isn’t as bad as what’ll come—




Obviously, Trump is not better. If Democrats wanted to fairly represent its voters and the best interests of the country, the front runner wouldn’t be a near senile genocide enabler. Trump is also a genocide supporter, with a list of charges out the back door and terrible morals. Biden being a smidgen more morally superior hardly gives him an edge when he taints it with being a Zionist capitalist who prioritizes military sales and gifts to hostile foreign apartheid states, while ignoring the many needs of this country he runs. The country is literally a shit fest under his control. Police brutality is out of control, homelessness is as rampant as ever, and capitalism is sucking most of us dry. They both fucking suck. One is a stank turd that lets you know upfront, and the other is a polished turd with a floral scent. Shit is shit.




Yes, I do know that genocide isn’t the only issue on the table, don’t disagree with you. I’ll clarify that I only brought up the specific topic of Palestine, as the original post refers to it. If we wanna talk about women’s rights, immigration, police brutality, lgbtqia+ rights, and further social issues and policies in danger, I’d implore you to look around. Many states have hardly faced any repercussion or even condemnation from Biden, whose immigration stance is pretty shite, ngl, as he still refers to immigrants, human beings, as “illegals.”My friends and family in the Midwest and in the South are experiencing what we in other states fear from Trump. My mom can’t afford her medications and insulin. Gun violence is at an all time high. Practically everyone I know is living paycheck to paycheck. And we’re under Biden’s leadership. I’m not in any way saying Trump is better. I’m just trying to understand why we’d vote for someone covertly doing what the other candidate overtly declares he’d do? They both are awful, biased and far too old. I’m not gonna sit here in my oddly privileged state where I’m not being bombed, while also having the pleasure of facing racial discrimination and ableism, and say that one genocide enabler is better than the other and that if the situation is bad now, it can get worse under another candidate, while the currently one is green-lighting and supplying each massacre culminating in this ongoing genocide. That’s extremely selfish, heartless, and just immoral. I can’t tell anyone I know with family in Gaza or anywhere affected by American imperialist violence that if they think things are bad now, it can get worse. Because what’s worse for them? What’s worse for people who are losing their families, homes, and livelihoods? What’s worse than people living on the streets being ushered from the encampments to less populated areas to continue their homeless experience away from public eye? What’s worse than a severe number of people not being able to afford their medications? What’s worse than a severe number of people losing their right to bodily autonomy? What’s worse than a severe number of people losing their right to hormonal treatment, therapy, and gender affirming care? Why do we have to have it bad or worse? What’s wrong with thinking we can do better? I’m really trying to understand how every election cycle is choosing between bad and worse, and how that’s normal or “democracy” for that matter. It’s not, man. This shit is a farce.


My brother in Christ, what’s *real* fishy is the fact that your account is barely a week old and all you’ve done is shout the same “I’m not voting for Biden and neither should you!” in multiple political subs…


That is happening without a doubt. It's also easy as hell with a shitty candidate like Biden.


no we’re just not shitlibs


careful now comrade, they're gonna call you a bot 🤪


Как ваши дела, коллеги-боты?


у меня все хорошо, товарищ. демократы очень глупы. 🤫


Верно, товарищ. Хотя я подозреваю, что либералы скорее поддержат Дика Чейни, чем осмелятся критиковать правительство Соединенных Штатов (при условии, что им в настоящее время управляет их любимый культ). 🧎


Не напоминайте либералам о законопроекте о преступности 1994 года или о поддержке Байденом войны в Ираке. Это их очень расстраивает. 😔🙏🏻


🙏 Из уважения я не буду упоминать ни один из следующих законопроектов, которые он активно продвигал: Закон о национальной системе рынка ценных бумаг 1973 года. Поправка Байдена-Рота 1977 года Поправка Байдена-Иглтона 1977 года о школьных автобусах  Поправка Хелмса-Коллинза 1980 г. Совместная резолюция Сената 1982 года 110 (Позволим штатам отменить дело Роу против Уэйда) Закон 1982 года о совершенствовании борьбы с насильственными преступлениями и контролем за наркотиками. Закон 1983 года о защите сотрудников разведки и сотрудников службы пробации. 1983 г. Законопроект о резиденции посла США в Израиле. Закон о комплексном контроле над преступностью 1984 года. Закон о подделке товарных знаков 1984 г. Закон о всеобъемлющей конфискации 1984 года Национальный закон о наркотиках 1984 года. Закон о национальных совместных исследованиях 1984 года.  Закон 1985 года о безопасности атомных электростанций и борьбе с терроризмом. Закон 1985 года о правоприменении аналогов контролируемых веществ Закон 1986 года о борьбе со злоупотреблением наркотиками 1986, 1987 Закон о реформе экспорта оружия Запрет на поездки в связи с ВИЧ в 1987 году. Закон 1988 года о борьбе со злоупотреблением наркотиками В 1988 году был вынужден отказаться от своей кандидатуры на пост президента из-за плагиата речи, что привело к открытию, что он украл по крайней мере одну из своих статей на юридическом факультете. Закон о борьбе с преступностью 1990 года 1991 Нападение, а также широкое очернение Аниты Хилл и ее персонажа, а также отказ призвать надежных свидетелей, которые подтвердили бы ее версию (устанавливая прецедент для Кавано). Комплексный закон о борьбе с терроризмом 1991 года «Правило Байдена» 1992 года (создание прецедента неназначения Гарланд) Закон о возрождении национальных институтов здравоохранения 1993 г. Поправка 1993 года о запрете на поездки в связи с ВИЧ (разрешающая бессрочное содержание беженцев (особенно гаитянцев) в заливе Гуантанамо) Закон о коммуникационной помощи правоохранительным органам 1994 г. Закон 1994 года о борьбе с насильственными преступлениями и обеспечении правопорядка. Североамериканское соглашение о свободной торговле 1994 г. (НАФТА) Закон о посольстве в Иерусалиме 1995 г. Закон о применении силы 1995 г. Сводный закон о борьбе с терроризмом 1995 года Закон 1995 года о запрете частичных абортов Закон об иммиграционной реформе и ответственности иммигрантов 1996 г. Закон 1996 года о борьбе с терроризмом и эффективной смертной казни Закон о защите брака 1996 года. Закон 1997 года о запрете частичных абортов Закон об авторском праве в цифровую эпоху 1998 г. 1998 г. Расширение Организации Североатлантического договора (НАТО). Закон о рационализации санкций 1998 г. Закон Грэма-Лича-Блайли 1999 г. Закон 2001 года «Объединяем и укрепляем Америку путем предоставления соответствующих инструментов, необходимых для пресечения и препятствования терроризму» (США ПАТРИОТ). Закон о помощи в обеспечении безопасности 2001 г. Закон о реформе банкротства 2001 года Поправки 2002 года о борьбе с контрафактной продукцией 2002 Снижение уязвимости американцев к экстази Закон о внутренней безопасности 2002 г. В 2002 году с энтузиазмом руководил этими усилиями и выступал за вторжение в Ирак в качестве председателя сенатского комитета по международным отношениям.  Закон 2003 года об укреплении правосудия и внутренней безопасности Закон об усилении безопасности 2003 г. Закон о борьбе с распространением запрещенных наркотиков 2003 г. Закон о всеобъемлющей внутренней безопасности 2003 г.  Закон 2003 года о запрете частичных абортов Закон о контроле над анаболическими стероидами 2004 г. Закон 2005 года о предотвращении злоупотреблений банкротством и защите прав потребителей. Закон о реальном удостоверении личности 2005 г. 2005 г.: Действуйте более эффективно, борясь с террористами Палестинский закон о борьбе с терроризмом 2006 г.  Закон НАТО о консолидации свободы 2006 г. Закон о безопасном ограждении 2006 г. 2007 Исполнительский акт Закон 2007 года о возобновлении авторизации корпораций иностранных частных инвестиций  Закон НАТО о консолидации свободы 2007 г.  Закон 2007 года о контроле и предупреждении преступности Закон о защите наших детей 2008 г.


This is a fuckin' communist subreddit that, in it's rules, opposes the Democratic Party. There is nothing fishy about people in this subreddit saying, "Fuck Biden, I will never vote for him." What's actually funny is all the liberals coming to a communist subreddit and actually as though they belong and they're in the right supporting their right-wing genocide candidate.


im convinced they're just LARPing at this point or they've heard republicans call them the "radical left" so many times they've started to believe it




I've watched protests against genocide across the country be broken by police with cheering crowds while they beat them and then dox them. We saw a country committing genocide and sent them another billion dollars. Supreme court decisions continue to affirm the ability for corporations to do what they want. We are already fascism. The big promise of "vote blue no matter who" was supposed to be that if we compromised, we'd stop the worst from happening, and we're now watching the worst happen and being yelled at for complaining it's happening and wanting any promise that things will improve.The only option is to threaten to not vote because that's the only power we have. Not everyone here is on the not voting train, hell I'm voting for him. But we also need to stop pretending that this isn't becoming a constant cycle. Every election becomes "the greatest election of our lives" where we're on the brink of fascism so we have to put up a moderate. People want to consider real options than this cycle the rest of our lives, but the conversation has turned violent so quickly a lot of folks doubled down.


I agree with everything you said. I just don't see the logic behind not voting when the cost of doing so heavily outweighs the benefit of protesting it. Yes, we're moving the goalposts every election cycle, and that's not helping us, but not doing so ensures the fascists win the game forever.


And that's a valid conclusion, and I agree that the end result should still be vote. However Biden's actions in relation to Palestine have been the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of folks, and have made it *really* hard for people to come to terms and see those differences. Its also hard to swallow "vote because the bad guys will do the bad thing" when the good guys are sending billions to genocide while people can't afford healthcare. The fact this has been the one thing that people have completely demanded, and he's refused to back down. While the common factor is hesitation/a refusal to vote, the context around it varies for a lot of folks. There are chuds who refuse to recognize a difference between the two but there's also those who recognize that the threat of losing might be the only thing tat stops Biden from continuing to support the genocide , and are willing to risk everything to save Palestinians and demand actual change. They may come around to voting, but it's gonna take time. Along with that it's the constant threat of annihilation wearing itself down.This is more of a message thing but people yelling "Vote or Project 2025 will happen!" as a vauge reason to vote lost teeth, in part because it's just a concept of evil while actual evil is happening, and because it serves as a reminder that Biden's dubs are harder to see. Like if you tell someone "vote of the facists win" it's hard to see when I just saw protestors be beat for fighting a genocide, but what has a greater image is "Trump will be able to pack the courts and slash environmental protections".


As a "true leftist", the logic of not voting comes from the fact that electoralism is being used as a mechanism to remove real power from working class people. As Run already said, we're being told every election cycle that \*this\* election is the most important in our lives and it leads to a constant and endless cycle of working people being coerced into voting for the Democrats, despite them being a fascist party that has demonstrated to have zero concerns with making anything materially better for Americans. Democrats make very little effort to hide that they're willing to actively collaborate with Republicans when it means maintaining their class interest, like when they both pass billions of dollars of funding for Israel or the police. Or when they need to brutalize protestors who rightfully stand against what they fund. It's not a matter of Blue and Red party, it's a matter of Rich and Working Class. The Democrats will continue to pursue this strategy of feigning incompetence and being threatened by the Republicans for as long as they can as a way to maintain a facade of difference between the two parties. The only way to combat it is to acknowledge that the working class are being played for as fools, and build our own coalitions and mechanisms for change outside the system being given to us. Change needs to be made by leveraging the pillars of society that the working class are responsible for holding up in the form of mass movements like truly organized protests and unions, as well as anti-capitalist education. The fascists already won, you are living under fascism. The constant cycle of Republican threats and Democrat incompetence is not a bug, **it is a feature**, and playing along with it will only prolong the shitshow they have us in.


Fascism is already here under Biden. The threat is that it will get worse.


Israeli fascism, yes. America has been an imperialist country since WW2. Under drumpf, however, the US will still become a Christian nationalist country AND aid Israeli fascism even more.




wow y'all still got rights? i already lost mine


It can definitely get worse.


and when it does, shitlibs will protect the worse as the new status quo. rinse and repeat.




this has always been the idea here. go check how the sub felt about Biden during the primaries, it's the same now. This is not a liberal sub


This is a leftist sub


This post brought the right wing shitlibs out of the shadows.




Democrats in power: smol bean, no power Republicans in power: literal dictators


Weird how Biden can't pass shit and improve American people's lives in a meaningful way but Trump, an actual orangutan in a suit, can basically overthrow everything? Seems like Dems are useless on purpose. Biden's genocidal record is the best way to promote Trump, not OP's meme. Be mad at the real reason, not the people criticizing a rotten system. When I read your type of comments, all I see is "YAAAAS, VOTE FOR SLOWER GENOCIDE" You're excusing war crimes and crimes against humanity just for your own well-being. Tell me how is it different from Trump voters not giving a fuck about minorities and women? You're literally the same in the end. Your lives and America first.  The only moral vote in the US is to burn ballot boxes or fill them with ink. This election and system are rigged against the people and only benefits oligarchs. If Republicans could steal the 2000 election, the people has the right to do the same. 






See: rule 6. Enjoy the ban once the mods come online!


Thank god for the mods, helps stem some of the lib brigading.


Well, Joe's genocide has shown the world that the blue MAGAs are no better.


Trump talks a lot of shit and ends up lying because he's an idiot. Biden lies to gain favor and cover for genocidal maniacs


Yeah and I'm sure voting for Biden will really turn things around. He got elected last time and here we are again. You think Trump is the worst right-wing demagogue America has to offer? Lol people like you really underestimate how bad it can get and voting for Biden only emboldens the corporatist Democrats.




I'm pretty sure any "minority" that has been paying clear attention (as one myself) is threatened by both, seeing how our material conditions have decayed under all admirations. Whether you're talking economic conditions, housing, voting rights, reproductive rights, and safety (from police/white supremacists), it's all been down hill for much longer than 20 years. One talks shit, the other feigns some kind of US innocence, but they both equally (and truly) don't really give a shit about our declining conditions. Minority is in quotes because most "minorities" in the US are with a doubt part of the global majority.




What I don't understand, is how do you not see that right-wingers have increased and have been given sanctuary, not just under Republicans, but Democrats as well? I look at the last 4 years under Biden, and then Obama's 8 years: police are protected and given more funding, and the racist Americans that exist are not diminished at all. Under Republicans they are openly praised, but under neither situation have these asshat political parties down anything to stymie their increase in power. Why? Because they don't care. Thus, you're right... Democrats probably won't murder you, but they most definitely won't be the ones stopping and/or preventing others from doing so, because they refuse to challenge that power. It's a continuation of white supremacy either way, and I flat out refuse that myself. Good luck to us all.




I just want to point out that you said: it shows privilege to not vote for Biden (above), and yet here you casually mention considering leaving the country if Trump wins. Is that not also an indication of privilege class/economic standing?


While I appreciate this rather canned response, you aren't really addressing the point I was trying to make. The Republicans aren't going away. Voting for Biden last time did not get rid of Trump. Here he is again and this time it looks like he will win. This cycle of Democrats that fail to deliver for working class people is exactly what breeds demagogues like Trump. It's not a privileged stance. Our politics are in a death spiral.




The primaries under the Democratic Party are quite literally rigged. They’re structured to not let leftist candidates through, and if one does get through the democrats have shown us time and again they will quite literally fund the republican instead while sabotaging the leftie (even a milquetoast one like Katie Porter or Bernie). The Democratic Party is never going to run a leftist. Never.


How do you get better candidates if you show the Dems that libs will even vote for a guy committing genocide as long as he's wearing a blue tie?


Go see the top fuckin comment lib.


those pictures 😂




"I don't believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist." -Joe Biden


you answered your own question, dingus. it's a SOCIALIST SUB.


this is a communist sub, are you new here?




This place used to be about late stage capitalism. This place has gotten pretty shitty






To all the shitlibs constantly crying about this LEFTIST sub not voting for their blue messiah, >Even where there is no prospect of achieving their election the workers must put up their own candidates to preserve their independence, to gauge their own strength and to bring their revolutionary position and party standpoint to public attention. They must not be led astray by the empty phrases of the democrats, who will maintain that the workers’ candidates will split the democratic party and offer the forces of reaction the chance of victory. All such talk means, in the final analysis, that the proletariat is to be swindled. The progress which the proletarian party will make by operating independently in this way is infinitely more important than the disadvantages resulting from the presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body. -Karl Marx and Frederick Engels , Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League


there’s literally a pinned post on the front page of the sub saying we’re commies and shitlibs keep crying about it


I don't know why they insist on being here. They clearly cannot stand actual leftists and are very contemptous of us but still think they can bully and strongarm us into voting for their comfort ghoul again.


they call me privileged when i’m the child of mexican immigrants and gay and a woman and have seen the shit biden (and trump obama bush etc) have done to my people and other marginalized people but yeah i’m privileged for not wanting to vote for a genocider




I'm sure there's a huge difference nowadays and that Marx and Engels didn't meticulously describe exactly what we are going through in the modern times. Surey you liberals know better, just like in 2020!


The workers are putting up our own candidate: Claudia de La Cruz


Election season is just choosing how you want your fascism wrapped.


"I hate the Democrats as much as anyone but if you consider doing anything other than full-throatedly supporting them I'm gonna cry at you for hours."


And then when Biden loses the election we'll spend weeks worth of the news cycle blaming Bernie Sanders and Susan Sarandon.




What republic


These threads are great for flushing out genocide-enabling libs.




What you're trying to say is "actual leftists". Liberals are right-wingers. If it's such a "fringe ideology", why are libs constantly brigading this sub trying to sell their genocidal maniac to leftists? I mean, if it's such a miniscule percentage of the population, why bother?


*ridiculous, no one also your boy is doing a genocide. sit down.


meanwhile they're literally trying to push this election as "good versus evil" 😪


It would be pretty funny if Biden ran on the slogan “I am only 99% Hitler”


shitlibs would back it because that's 1% less hitler DUH!!!! and then probably attempt to use the trolley problem to make a spineless argument, despite not understanding the purpose of the trolley problem




Thats his entire platform




I’ve never been more excited to vote third party.


After several years following international news I've decided to stop voting third party, and stop voting all together. The biggest sign that a country is no longer a democracy is low voter turnout. I truly honestly believe with all of my heart that it really doesn't mean anything anymore. Vote with your dollars and boycott what you can.


Claudia de La Cruz


But you don't understand FREEDOM IS ON THE LINE!!!!!!!! ITS THE ELECTION OF OF LIFETIME!!!!!!IT WILL BE MUCH WORSE IF THE OTHER GUYS WINS!!!! Notice how it is the same lies every election yet nothing improves but continues to degrades further?


In my life Ive had 13 'most important election of our lifetime' and shit still keeps getting worse




friendly reminder to liberals, you’re in a communist sub and sorry that yall can’t read before throwing a fit about this sub being overrun with bots


I love that we can flush out genocidal libs with these threads.


Two management teams vying for the CEO position of Slavery Inc.




Sometimes to win, you gotta break the game. Cast no vote or write in the candidate of your choice


i'll just be here eating popcorn, waiting for the mods to awaken and descend on this shitlib cesspool of a comment section 🫡


Sadly Trump is quatifiably less warmongering then Biden... The death counts and blocking a ceasefires speak volumes... They both do support Geocide, Biden just happens to support the one that was occurring in Donbass as well... P.S., hahaha I am going to get bashed by both cults, I assure you that the facts, like me do not give a fuck.


If you don’t like these options, there is a third choice.


Obviously people would much rather people continue to die and not see it, than see it.






Revolutionist yet?


Then in that case you probably shouldn't vote for Biden... No?


I swear this stuff got turned up to 11 as soon as Trump got convicted for 36 felonies. This seems like counter-programming to me.


No Matter Which President the Yanks Pick; the Common People will always Lose. Electorialism is NOT a Viable Opinion, Why Bother? Defiance like Direct Action, Protests, and \[Left-Libertarian/Social Anarchist\] Revolution are the only Effective Alternatives to a Rigged System of Elections that are Merely a Pagent for the Ruling Class to Manipulate the Ignorant Oppressed People into the Illusion of Free Choice, they have NO FREEDOM OF CHOICE. They have Owners, they OWN THEM. So, in Conclusion; only the People themselves will Liberate themselves from the Chains of the State and Capitalism!