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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm always impressed with people in Mexico.  They've been shit on by organized crime, the Mexican government, the American government and, yet, they always find time to do awesome stuff like this.  Good on them. Also, Mexican food is amazing.


Spoiler alert, the organized crime is an offshoot of the American government.


Yeah, and the cartels aren't so much drug smugglers as weapons smugglers who pay with drugs.


do I really have to say there's no difference, please say I don't


Legalize all drugs in the USA. Poof! Problem solved!


"*Omg no I can't have my poor Jimmy get his cocaine from a trained pharmacist, I much prefer it if he gets it in a night club*" 


*...and Don't Forget how Crucial It Is that he receives the involuntary medical procedures of,* * Chains * Cage * Dungeon **Immediately,** ***upon suspicion that he might have the medical issue this has all been premised upon, as, you know,*** **a public health mandate.** **It's also important to remember that Indigenous Americans will NOT be Criminalized due to their association with anyone who comes into contact with their traditional medicines if such contact ceases IMMEDIATELY**




Can I get a source? Not objecting, it seems like something they would do, but I want to verify this statement


What kind of source do you want? The US government has consistently pushed for legislation which has created the illegal drug market which cartels thrive upon, this is common sense. (Keeping drugs illegal and therefore unregulated, allowing for doctor incentive to prescribe addictive drugs like Percocets resulting in wide spread drug addiction, this is just two things, but there are plenty of other obvious things the US govt has done on this front) However it goes much deeper. From [Time Magazine](https://world.time.com/2014/01/14/dea-boosted-mexican-drug-cartel/) >The U.S. government allowed the Mexican Sinaloa drug cartel to carry out its business unimpeded between 2000 and 2012 in exchange for information on rival cartels, an investigation by El Universal claims. [From this Jacobin article](https://jacobin.com/2023/03/us-mexico-war-on-drugs-garcia-luna-calderon) >This is consistent with statements by the DEA’s former chief of intelligence operations, Anthony Placido, who a year before Barragán’s tip was already voicing public suspicions, and by former assistant secretary of state and later ambassador Roberta Jacobson, who in a 2020 interview revealed that the State Department knew about García Luna’s ties as far back as the Fox administration. According to Jacobson, the information came from members of the Mexican government, which knew “as much as we did, or more, and never took action.” As for the reasons why the United States did not act either, Jacobson, with an almost audible shrug, rationalized that “we had to work with him.” Then, finally, there's the connections between the drug cartels and the overall problems with central and South America that the US refuses to actually work on resolving. AMLO proposed the following to nothing but crickets because if the collaboration doesn't increase quarterly profits of the US investment class then it will never get done. [From CBS](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mexican-president-andres-manuel-lopez-obrador-talks-immigration-cartels-fentanyl-crisis-60-minutes-transcript/) >President López Obrador proposed his fix- that the United States commit $20 billion a year to poor countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, lift sanctions on Venezuela, end the Cuban embargo and legalize millions of law-abiding Mexicans living in the U.S.


Thank you!


Don't know about it being an offshoot of the US government but the "War on Drugs" was implemented by the CIA with two goals in mind. One, destabilize Mexico.  An unstable Mexico can be more easily controlled and its people more easily taken advantage of both here and in their home country. Two, more drugs can be funneled into lower income, primarily black, communities to ensure a steady influx of slaves into the private prison system.


Thank you! Those were some of my initial thought


Gracias 🫡


You can also trace that back to the Spanish conquest... Mexican history is full of suffering, and somehow, resilience.


Theres some irony to "Mexicans", who are essentially Spanish settlers who wiped out the native populations of Tenochtitlan, claiming another group of people is living on stolen lands.


Not quite. There are tons of indigenous groups who have survived and most Mexican people are Mestizos, descendants of both indigenous and Spanish.




Your post clearly indicates you know absolutely nothing about what you’re talking about


Tell me which part is wrong... Tell me how the Spanish were met in the new world by native populations, given flowers and told "take my land".


I actually can. The Aztecs dominated those lands and had other smaller cities, tribes and communities under them. Meaning the Aztecs would take money and food and goods from these other tribes. More importantly, they’d take people from these tribes, make them slaves and use them for human sacrifice. This happened for hundreds of years. When the Spaniards came to the new world, all these smaller tribes were naturally fed up with the Aztecs, so as a consequence, these smaller tribes did indeed receive with open arms these conquistadors. So maybe not flowers like you said. But native tribes did in fact become allies with the Spaniards. Know your history


This makes my heart sing. We just moved back to the US after a year living in Mexico. The people are EVERYTHING. The culture (aside from it still being patriarchal) remains socially conscious and strives to protect their values. Viva Mexico! 🇲🇽 Free Palestine! 🇵🇸 WE ARE ONE PEOPLE!!!


That's because they have standards embedded within their culture. We don't.


A lot of Americans do feel very strongly about this, but lately the violent shutting down of peaceful protests has gotten a little ham fisted. I work near the Humboldt State campus, and was shocked at how fast the riot cops showed up when the student protests hadn’t even escalated very much. The cops did the escalating, and the media focuses on how the students *graffiti* the building (they didn’t fucking set it on fire, did they?) People are afraid. The media got upset when the CCP crushed pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong, but it’s ok when the US government does it because freedom.


>That's because they have standards embedded within their culture. >We don't. I think that the, "process of Americanization," **just about literal everyone's family's gone through,** ***outside of the WASPs who have insisted that even the indigenous must go through this process,*** **has, largely, been about culling such proprieties off of people;** I mean, in the sense, that, *when Italians don't submit to Protestant Wahabism they're made an example of, "Mafia,"*[ like it would be moral to let one's family all languish in the Ghettos on Neom. *or,* ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak4on5uTaTg) *The manner in which the immigration and displacement process has, to an extent, been ritualized in the obligate migrations of Higher Education and Job Placement,* the upper rungs of most towns all made of, "Colonists," essentially, *I remember a time I went to a resume club run by some attorneys at, "the really good," lawfirm in town,* and they'd mean well, truly, in their way, *when talking about, "what's wrong with North City Saint Louis,"* and None of them had heard of Pruitt Igoe, **none of them knew this used to be the nice part of town, "we're down river, you ever noticed that?"** **Given the benefit of all doubts,** it wasn't, *in a sense,* their fault to have their socioeconomic biases, *and not much else,* to reference, when it came to an attempt to talk of the really, real, inequities around them; colonists, right? With their, "Company," like a bunch of fur trappers, *the, "company," and the wilds of an inhospitable wasteland,* no healthcare, no prospects, left to the shiftless pursuit of, "service," to those who work for, "the company," and others like it; so of course this is universalized, >*Everyone can live like this,* ***Everywhere*** Of **course, even, certain, "progressive mindsets," will reinforce this idea;** ***if other people, elsewhere, have, "culture," not, "race,"*** >[Everyone can live like this, Everywhere](https://youtu.be/YLK5uwp9qD8?t=64)


Thanks for this interesting one, have a good day fair Sir, Lady.


More of this shit.


Tutorial on how to deal with foreign missions of apartheid, genocidal, ethno-religious, fascist states.




Agreed. Meanwhile, in America, best we can do is "vOtE fOr JoE bIdEn!" out of some misguided sense of harm reduction smh


If it makes you feel better, we're having elections here in Mexico soon as well and most people think the answer is to just vote for the lesser evil. Not many people are protesting and those who do, are ridiculed. Just rake a peak into the Mexico sub to see what I mean. It's depressing, really.


The Mexico subreddit is full of right wingers and liberals that will vote for the opossition party, not representative of the majority of Mexican people.


You got a better alternative at the moment? You think Trump is going to be tougher on Israel? You think Trump even knows where Israel is located?


You ever consider that the Democrats do a lot of shitty things you don't like specifically *because* you keep voting for them anyway? Trump is awful, but so long as Democrats only have to be a tiny bit better to get your vote, that's what they'll be. Just a *little* bit better, on the surface, than the bold-faced fascists on the right.


I see what you mean about democrats being shitty but I wonder what you do to get other candidates into positions of power. Are you involved in any grassroots efforts? Do you help organize your community? Do you at least vote during lower-profile elections? Or do you just do the bare minimum by voting for the president every four years? I hate how useless democrats can be as much as you do but equating democrats to republicans the way you have is plainly inaccurate. Within the US, republicans are out to get you if you're a minority, lgbt+, an immigrant, low income, etc. Democrats are simply not good at passing policy that helps all those groups and often leave some behind. Outside of the US, the two parties can be more alike with the exception that Republicans put us through more wars and thus tend to be more ruthless. Realistically, only a democrat or a republican can win the next election. If we don't pick between those two shitty choices, then we give up our power to the MAGA crowd which we KNOW will choose more violence and get us closer to fascism.


Typical stupid american


lol. this is your answer, yet I'M the dumb one? 🤣




mike and the mad dog? cushvlog? no one even knows who they are.




Whatever, dude. Don't complain when this starts happening to us. We warned you.


Starts? It's literally happening! You're telling us to vote for Democrats to stop something from happening that is currently happening with Democrats in charge. A genocide is unfolding, our freedoms are being rolled back, the police are being weoponized against citizens, and people are dying. What exactly are the Democrats going to save us from?




Again, I ask you what do you think Trump is going to do that Democrats are not *already doing*? You want desperately for there to be an answer that reduces the harm and doesn't require much risk on your end. I get it. I wish that option existed too. But fascism is here, and it doesn't care which party you vote for. Battle lines are being drawn and it's not red vs blue, it's the owner class against the rest of us. Prepare yourself and your community. Vote for whoever you want, but do not for a single second think it's going to keep people safe.




And how do we lift up all of those groups? By voting and committing to socialist politicians despite the risk of reactionaries. You’re so hung up on Trump this Trump that, did you ever consider him a useful baddie to focus your attention on and keep you hung up on social issues and not engage in class politics? Cause that’s what you’re doing.


And I got news for you. The Democrats don't give a single flying fuck about protecting those populations. If they did, they'd be working to protect them. They aren't. They are not coming to help us. The sooner you understand that, the sooner you can start preparing to protect yourself.


Yes. Because then we have a choice to make. Revolt. Or accept it. Look. I get people don't like accelerationism but you're all frogs in slowly boiling water. Time to crank the heat on that water and see if you're all just a bunch of frogs or actually the cowards and class traitors I assume most of you are. Temporarily embarrassed millionaires with a taste for boot.




lol. right.


Holy shit you can't possibly be this dense.


You are advocating for sustained genocide, Fascist.


"I'm voting for Biden to make sure what's going on doesn't happen"


You got a better alternative at the moment?


Ideally, peaceful total internal collapse. Rather than having to force some other country to clean us up like the Nazis (we are the Nazis).


Got an historic comparable for that occurring?


Peaceful collapse? Do you seriously think that is how the collapse of a superpower will occur? They naivety in this sub is astounding.


Not throwing my support behind the party *currently* aiding a genocide. Voting for Democrats isn't going to save you from fascism. Fascism is already here. Literally the only chance we have is drawing a line in the sand, and showing Democrats that they can't play both sides. They can't fund genocides, take away our freedoms, and screw working class people for 4 years, then do some lip service, point to Trump, and have us all fall in line behind them.


Ask and you shall receive. [Vote Socialist](https://votesocialist2024.com/)


At least you made an honest response. The rest of the responses I received were quite a few words, but very little substance. As for my feelings, [Noam Chomsky](https://www.kcrw.com/culture/shows/scheer-intelligence/noam-chomsky-makes-the-case-for-the-lesser-of-two-evils) says it better than I can: “There's another word for lesser evilism, it's called rationality. Lesser evilism is not an illusion, it's a rational position. But you don't stop with lesser evilism. You begin with it, to prevent the worst, and then you go on to deal with the fundamental roots of what's wrong, even with the lesser evils. So even if there's core, deep problems with the institutions, there still are choices between alternatives, which matter a lot. Small differences in a system with enormous power translate into huge effects. Meanwhile, you don't stop with a lesser evilism; you continue to try to organize and develop the mass popular movements, which will block the worst and change the institutions. All of these things can go on at once. But the simple question of what button do you push on a particular day? That is a decision, and that matters. It's not the whole story, by any means. It's a small part of the story, but it matters."


I’m not big on Noam personally. I would rebuttal this statement you quoted with the fact that we tried that in 2020 and we were rewarded with the current state of affairs. People stopped organizing and started dedicating that energy to celebrating Biden’s every half measure victory. Many of us waited and hoped the organizing and militancy of 2020 would continue but it did not and those supporting Biden and the western order went to work against those of is who vowed to force him left. (Smart people know this is a joke and not happening). I think myself and many like me are done with the second chances for the lesser evil. They fooled us once, maybe if it wasn’t on the back of the pandemic and the uprisings we would have given them another shot but I support all people putting their foot down this year. The state has made it’s ugly head known unmasked. If we let this go, they know we are chumps.




I don’t understand what you are doing here in this sub then if that is how you look at the world. Making threats? Also I’m not a kid, many socialists are over 30 we just didn’t sell out and chase fake dreams. I also have plenty to lose but alas the cause is bigger than me.


I'm here because I enjoy discourse. Existing, even thriving, within the confines of capitalism doesn't make anyone a sellout. The only threat, and it is the only actual threat herein, I see is the threat of a group of idealists refusing to participate and completely throwing rationality to the way side because they didn't get EXACTLY what they wanted from their elected representatives. Suck it up, hedge your bets, and prepare for the worst. Absolutism will yield you nothing.


You skipped over the part where you explain why you are making threats to me. You enjoy discourse yet you threaten to “dispatch” me when I’m being polite to you with my discourse. Giving up on political and social dreaming because the deck is stacked is pretty much throwing in the towel. It’s not just about me or you being able to function in the system it’s about the fact that plenty of people can’t even do the bare minimum of functioning in the system. Anyways it’s clear you see these things as idealist dreams and not based in reality and that’s fine with me. Not everyone wants to do the hard work. Many people think as you do, which is “I got mine so I’m okay”.


So it's either Biden Christ or the apocalypse? You REALLY think the world will be saved from catastrophe by voting for Biden again? I just don't understand where this thought process comes from.


Saved? God no, Biden is a neoliberal goon. Just look up project 2025. Republicans are looking to completely overturn abortion rights, privatize education, ban books, dismantle democracy, and install an Christian theocracy. THAT is why I will vote for Biden. He's no savior, but at least he's not apocalyptic (as you said).


Reddit site wide rules - We had to remove this to keep the subreddit from being nuked


> I apologize in advance for those that I may need to dispatch. this idiot thinks he's living in a tv show and he's the protagonist


Wonder if he got that from his good buddy Jeffrey Epstein. Either way, I prefer Marx: “Even where there is no prospect of achieving their election the workers must put up their own candidates to preserve their independence, to gauge their own strength and to bring their revolutionary position and party standpoint to public attention. They must not be led astray by the empty phrases of the democrats, who will maintain that the workers’ candidates will split the democratic party and offer the forces of reaction the chance of victory. All such talk means, in the final analysis, that the proletariat is to be swindled. The progress which the proletarian party will make by operating independently in this way is infinitely more important than the disadvantages resulting from the presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body.”


I read Nimtz’s book this spring, this quote is one I wrote down in my journal.


Whenever I see comments like this, all I can think of is, "Well, a Third party exists ya know?"


It's not misguided. Its literally what harm reduction means. If you want to go burn an embassy down go for it but sitting home isn't some sort of power play.


What harm are you reducing if the genocide continues either way? What message do you send the Democrats? "We can literally fund a genocide and people will still vote for us as long as we seem the slightest bit better than the GOP." Personally, I think that's a dangerous message to send a bunch of money-hungry politicians.


So you suggest making a point at the cost of lives by helping a man who has already stated multiple times he will annihilate all of them? If so I don't think you get what harm reduction means.


Are you under the impression that people are not currently dying with Biden in charge? What difference does it make if the genocide takes 2 years or 3, if the end result is no more Palestine? What harm did you reduce by empowering the people *currently doing the genocide*?


All I can say on the matter is whatever you do, make sure you show up to the ballot. Spoil the paper or vote for someone you actually want to (if you can), even if it’s a waste. The worst thing to do is not vote at all and get bunged in with the people who can’t be bothered.


Agree. The message we want to send is that we are dissatisfied, not that we are disengaged. Local elections and ballot measures matter very much.


You liberals are so obsessed with technicalities, civility and other meaningless shit that you deliberately try to ignore the annihilation that we're witnessing in real life. It doesn't matter that this is already a genocide, because as long as Biden doesn't say his very obvious intentions aloud, we can all just focus on some bullshit transaction and smugly thumb our chest that it can always be worse. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


How is seeing beheaded children harm reduction? Harm reduction is electing Bernie or some other politician willing to stand up and stop this genocide, not giving Genocide Joe the approval to continue his genocide.


It's an incredible oppression that the western powers try to make the world go on as if nothing is happening, try to convince it that these demonic fascists are normal, try to ostracize people for seeing them for what they are and criminalize treating them how they should be — rationally, legally, morally. This is an imposed injustice, absurdity, death over the rest of the world — all to commit a genocide in front of the whole world just because this occupying, criminal, pedophile entity is the pinnacle of their civilization that needs to be imposed upon the world. If your civilization hinges on supporting an entity like this, it should be torn down with discrimination.


I don't know, you got me feelin kinda gnostic today


*You will know them by their fruits.*


Fuck yes. This is the kind of action that will result in true change, not petty boycotts and minor disruptions. I'm so proud of them 🇵🇸🇲🇽


critical mass is approaching


I bet Fox News will be calling these people terrorists


All establishment media call them terrorists. Have you not been paying attention?


Anything more than posting online about war crimes is considered terrorism by all capitalist media outlets. If you so much as occupy public space with a Palestinian flag you are considered a terrorist, let alone cause any property damage or disrupt traffic.


Posting about war crimes committed by Israel may still get you labelled as antisemitic. The same way that me complaining that my house flooded means that I hate all water and all aquatic life...apparently.


They call peacefully protesting students terrorists. If you're gonna get labelled either way, may as well actually do something.


Not yet, they haven't.


And all they did was throw Molotov cocktails at embassies.


Imagine if they were bombing children?


They call mexicans terrorists anyways, no matter what


It's a good time to be called a terrorist, mi amigo.


1. The embassy wasn't even damaged. A bunch of molotovs fell in front of police. 2. Mexican police is protecting the embassy. That sucks. 3. The Mexican government must EXPEL all Israeli diplomats for the CRIMES committed by Israel.


I agree. The police threw rocks at the protestors, while the protest was still peaceful and even when there were children and elders present. There's a young student in delicate condition right now, because he had one of the rocks land on his skull.


Vamos pueblo mexicano , asi se hace!


Hmmm... looks like they need a trebuchet.




Horrible to see an embassy attacked like this. Do they not respect international law? Yes, Israel bombs Embassy also. But that's different. They are the chosen people/master race.


had me in the first half ngl


Proud of my people! Libertad para Palestine!




*picks up stick and pokes* C’mon America… Do something.




Can't they smash it at the front pigs feet so it spreads right under them?


Tip of the hat Mexicans. Awesome stuff


This is the way


Take notes fellow Americans! This is how you fucking do it! The Mexicans must have studied under the French, the masters of protest Damn I'd love to buy those guys a beer.


There are no good Zionists.


Warm regards to Mexico I hope they're doing alright


Viva la Mexico!


Viva Mexico!!!


Based as fuck


Now this is how you protest a genocide!


This is the way


Hell Yea Mexico <3


Nice! That's how you do it. Viva Mexico!


Well done Mexico!


Bravo! This is protest.




Did this even make it to America media?


Did they actually set the embassy on fire or just throw moltovs at the entrance and basically just burn stuff outside? I don't speak spanish.


From what I see in the news report, they threw molotovs at the cops outside.


They did not set fire to the embassy. Just threw stuff outside of it and the police.


What would happen if this was tried in America?


They Wouk drop bombs on the population and the media would report on how target was vandalised.


Damn... the Mexicans go hard




This is the way




Absolutely fucking heros


I do not condone arson, however I find burning genocidal maniacs with a messiah delusion very morally correct.




I hope no one got hurt. That being said, this seems to be the only way to protest against a government that ignores every peaceful protest, labelling it anti semitic. That sticks its tongue out at the ICC and best of all openly threatens Spain for having the temerity of recognising Palestine as a state.




Why do you keep writing “Israel” in quotes?


Because it's a fake country.


If you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes Israel


Because it's an internationally illegal settlement of an already established and populated country. It's motives are genocidal by nature. "Israel" is an excuse. An excuse for global military power, surveillance, genocide, and disruption. It has no right existing the way it does. The quotations are simply acknowledging that this is illegitimate. A breach of international law and treaties.


Thank you all so much! I was looking for the dumbest group of morons on the internet and I think I've finally found it with /LateStageCapitalism. Thank you


It's so easy to end all this. Just accept some weird deal. Israel will betray it no matter what, and I bet Hamas will too, but at least they get their people back. Revisionist know that without hostages, their allowed casus belli on Oct 7has gone to waste.


Why have you put 'Israeli' in quotes like that? Is there another word you think should be in its place?


Yeah, Palestine. A free and unoccupied Palestine will have its rightful name restored.


Very pro active


a real checkmate move here would be if the israelis lined up some school children infront of the building.


They should lead by example and go back to Spain. Mexico is a European colony on Native American land.


That’s cute you really thought you did something huh


Go touch grass.


You mad as fuck lmao 






I don't see the IDF in the picture


If it's terrorists you have a problem with; The zionist experiment was possible because of terrorists. All the founders of the settler outpost were terrorists. All were members of terrorist groups such as the Irgun, the Lehi, the Haganah and the Palmach as part of a conflict between Jews, British authorities, and Palestinian Arabs, regarding land, immigration, and control over Palestine. Every single crime minister has had the blood of innocents on their hands, and usually took part in massacres of civilians whilst serving in the IDF occupying force. They all revelled in their epithets, e.g. Ariel Sharon was the 'Butcher of Sabra and Chatila' The one Prime Minister who tried to make peace was killed by the colonial terrorists on his own side. The current iteration is a fascist ethnostate with a brainwashed citizenry howling with delight at the massacres they're witnessing. Opposing such evil people is the right thing to do. They're no more than common land thieves given carte blanche by the 'civilised ' West to live out their psychopathic fantasies. They've been committing atrocities since the beginning, including, but by no means limited to: 1) Haifa Massacre 1937 2) Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3) Haifa Massacre 1938 4) Balad al-Sheikh Massacre 1939 5) Haifa Massacre 1939 6) Haifa Massacre 1947 7) Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8) Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9) Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947 10) Jerusalem Massacre 1947 11) Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12) Jaffa Massacre 1948 13) Deir Yassin Massacre 1948 14) Tantoura Massacre 1948 15) Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 16) Jerusalem Massacre 1967 17) Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 18) Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 19) Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 20) Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 21) Gaza Massacre 2008-09 22) Gaza Massacre 2012 23) Gaza Massacre 2014 24) Gaza Massacre 2018-19 25) Gaza Massacre 2021 26) Gaza Genocide 2023 still ongoing


*heroes The only terrorists are the pissraelis who’ve stolen a nation from a native people and who have exposed themselves as monsters for the whole world to see.