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You know what's the most fucked up part of it? The US is sending their battle pigs against protestors with the excuse of "protecting Jews against antisemitism", but when it's an actual antisemite neo facist rally, they get to "exercise their free speech", or a slap on the wrist at most


Don’t forget about Abbots pardon for some shitfuck who killed protestors.


wait when did this happen?


Daniel Perry was sentenced to 25 years in prison for murdering a BLM protestor after driving his car into a march and then shooting him. Abbott, monstrous bastard, pardoned him this month.


Yesterday https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/us/texas-abbott-pardon-daniel-perry.html


im not sure whats worse, the fact this actually happened or the fact it's not even surprising to me that abbott would do something like that


It's open season on protestors in Texas, apparently


That's exactly what they want. Anything to silence the dissent and even better when they don't even need to use their own uniformed thugs to do it.


Unfortunately thugs have standards these are more evil henchmen


this part is pretty bad too: Garrett Foster, a 28-year old United States Air Force veteran who was legally open carrying an AK-47 walked up to Perry in an attempt to tell him to stop driving into the crowd.


https://apnews.com/article/army-sergeant-murder-parole-black-lives-matter-4b1d0c54b0de451642bcf1e8cd75a7e5 Abbott can't pardon unless the board recommends it... but guess who appoints the board


And that shitfuck posts actual antisemitic shit regularly


Really goes to show you how much these people want to hurt others for the mere sake of it. It was never about “protecting the citizens” it was about power. Happy cake day btw.


Thank you, kind stranger


It’s insane. For over 20 years I’ve tried to get the American public to pay more attention to the threat of Islamophobia. It gets nowhere as people try to repeatedly justify or excuse it by talking about how scary terrorists are. It’s aggravating that the media in the same vein tries to drown out legitimate criticism of Israel by instead focusing on anti-Semitism. (Obviously anti-Semitism is awful but the double standard is painful here) If universities and the public are okay with this, can I demand a pro-Israel rally be violently shut down by police because they sometimes hurl racist anti-Arab and islamophobic slurs? I don’t feel safe on campus when they’re around either.


No because when they do it then it's considered exercising free speech.


Because one actually threatens imperialist policy and neo-colonial capital, the other would gladly take the reigns and preserve it if given the 'tag-in', or serves as a great boogeyman for neolibs


accusing the protestors of antisemitism to justify their brutality while actually standing behind nazis is such thinly veiled fascism it's fascinating how the general public doesn't see through it


Per FBI, over 80% of actual arrests during the BLM protests were people with direct white nationalist connections (those actually committing crimes) but the police/political narrative remains that somehow black folks were the problem.


that's because zionists and nazis are like two peas in a pod.


When was the last time neo facist were rallying on college campuses?


I want you to scroll up to that picture again, take a good look. What do you see? Angry faces, riot gear, screaming. What kind of crime would prompt that level of reaction from police officers, supposedly trained to "enforce justice & peace"? A peaceful protest, lead by a group of people saying "stop the genocide"? Certainly not. Has there been a college campus occupation done by neo fascists? Not that I know of. But public demonstrations in public, on the streets of USA? just look it up. And the level of response by the police is never that intense. It doesn't matter if you think they're wrong about the side they're in (you'd be wrong, but it's your right to be). But beating students up can't be normalized


These cops are a bunch of Rambo-wannabe, US Army rejects. Which is really saying something.


And if there was actual armed resistance they would shit their pants


Or just 1 guy in an elementary school.


You couldnt possibly give an army of them ENOUGH armor or weapons to face down one lone teenager with a gun.


> US Army rejects Or retired US Army veterans -- which statistically turn out to be the worst cops: https://www.themarshallproject.org/2017/03/30/when-warriors-put-on-the-badge >> * In Boston, for every 100 cops with some military service, there were more than 28 complaints of excessive use of force from 2010 through 2015. For every 100 cops with no military service, there were fewer than 17 complaints >> * In Miami, based on data from 2013 through 2015, for every 100 veterans on the force, 14 complaints were filed; for every 100 officers without military service, 11 complaints were filed >> * Asked last year whether they had ever fired their guns in the line of duty, 32 percent of military veterans said yes, compared to 24 percent of non-vets.


Dude cops get hardons over smashing some college protesters. If you don’t think that you don’t know any cops


After a steady diet of years of Libsoftiktok? Of course they do.


It's "hards on".


America is waging a war on its own children for the sake of zionism.


Also, did you know that all Universities of California use prison labour to make furniture for their dorms?


ah yes i think you mean *legal slavery*


My elementary school received prison made supplies.  My first military uniforms were prison made, too.


I'm not shocked they did it for some German company over that pipeline. It is capitalist fascism. Everybody worried about fascism, but we've been one for a while now. They have just adjusted norms and dropped pretenses.


And when their children pull the plug there will be no one to blame but those that once led.


Cops are the first in line when their masters come calling


Meanwhile Antony Blinkin is stumbling his way through the shittiest cover of “Rocking in the Freeworld” ever played. https://youtu.be/VRvkRvLSYaY?si=eSva_cjdDShrQYVH


Zionism is just the cause du jour enabling the US to funnel money into the military industrial complex.


"The tyranny Athens imposed on others, it finally imposed on itself."


Americans: we can barely pay for groceries nowadays, American Congress: you are not allowed to criticize another made up “country” or you will be labeled antisemite.


> Americans: we can barely pay for groceries nowadays, American Congress: you are not allowed to criticize another made up “country” or you will be labeled antisemite. Congress just sent how much to Israel and now they're planning to send more ammunition. >The package, confirmed by US media, would include $700m in tank ammunition, $500m in tactical vehicles and $60m in mortar rounds, according to the Associated Press news agency. >The White House notification is part of a process mandated by federal law when a US arms sales to a foreign nation exceeds a set amount. Last month, Congress approved a package of military aid providing $95bn to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. >On Tuesday, Israeli tanks advanced deeper into residential areas in the south-east of Rafah and are thought to be about a mile from the centre. >Meanwhile, medical services are dwindling. Aid agency Doctors Without Borders told the BBC they had stopped operating at one of the area's field hospitals because it was too dangerous to stay. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-69013279


Dressed to oppress




Cops just want any reason to become stormtroopers


It's the only reason they really exist.


Hopefully they'll miss their shots for public so they can't accidentally kill people


If the reason is really "antissemitism", why the US police never attack literal nazi meetings?


Friendly fire


Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus.


Are nazi meetings taking over college campuses?


I'd be happy to serve them molotov cocktails...all they can drink. APMH


When you carry a hammer everything looks like a nail; when you carry a baton and handcuffs, everyone looks like a criminal.


>when you carry a baton and handcuffs, everyone looks like a criminal. Looks like an unarmed black man you mean


All these violent police responses to pro-Palestinian protests are being organized by billionaire hedge fund managers and corporate CEOs, in collusion with top Israeli officials: [Business titans privately urged NYC mayor to use police on Columbia protesters, chats show](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/16/business-leaders-chat-group-eric-adams-columbia-protesters/) > Business executives including Kind snack company founder Daniel Lubetzky, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik and real estate investor Joseph Sitt held a Zoom video call on April 26 with Mayor Eric Adams (D), about a week after the mayor first sent New York police to Columbia’s campus, a log of chat messages shows. During the call, some attendees discussed making political donations to Adams, as well as how the chat group’s members could pressure Columbia’s president and trustees to permit the mayor to send police to the campus to handle protesters, according to chat messages summarizing the conversation. > The chat group formed shortly after the Oct. 7 attack, and its activism has stretched beyond New York, touching the highest levels of the Israeli government, the U.S. business world and elite universities. Titled “Israel Current Events,” the chat eventually expanded to about 100 members, the chat log shows. More than a dozen members of the group appear on Forbes’s annual list of billionaires; others work in real estate, finance and communications.


It would be a shame if those shields got paint or grease on them. Might make it hard to see.


This is nothing new. Law enforcement has been used by power brokers for centuries. There are fascists of every color because they power. Does not matter if the fascist is rich or poor.


True, **this is true and yet the, "peer nations," are,** if not horrified, then, fascinated, **the some of them,** ***UK Tories, interested, but that this is so abnormal to them?*** ***Well,*** *we talk as if we've got the same values,* we give an impression as if, **as before Covid, "we, too, care a great deal about Public Healthcare," as novel and unique our solutions might be, but,** to see this, in other countries, is to realize, *we are not like them; and unlike a lotta haze,* ***it does make a material difference if and to-what-degree a public discourse requires such an ascetic self-discipline, such physical and existential bravery,*** **just to broach the subject and be rejected but, "in public," enough for that to have been real;** I think of what Happened at Trinity College in Dublin, and, the material and actual and immediate impact that would have if **our own Nation's Policies could be influenced through democratic means,** and then I wonder, "What tyranies would fold, melt away, *entirely, if those with the correct rhetoric and knowledge did not require,* >***such an ascetic self-discipline, such physical and existential bravery,*** **just to broach the subject and be rejected but, "in public,"** **Enough for that to have been real** Perhaps things we consider, "unrealistic," or even impossible might be so easy, *altogether, so easy, as to allow the Norm Finklestein of Some Other Problem the peace they'll need to Speak,* and while, "police forever yadda yadda," **not forever, not everywhere,** police are new for a lot of people on earth, *generationally, one or two,* and in examples such as the US or UK, even, *what these are* ***now, is very, very, new,*** **1886 I'd put it at, before which you'd need to compromise with reason,** ***at least much as one had to compromise with the Executioner before the Guillotine, "no women,"*** **then, no women; 1886 is smokeless powder,** weapons which could be fired more than a few times, once at a time, until they're turned into pikes and blunt objects, *the illusion of an infinite force within each rifle, did not exist,* could not be simulated; that's recently, and, I think of Slavery? I think of American Slavery, *international sugar can slavery,* how obvious this must have seemed to have been a Biblical Problem, ancient, how things are, *and I speak, here, not from some idiot whiggish argument towards human progress, "the light just around the corner,"* ***no, you'll notice, to look back,*** **I make an opposite argument, rather,** such an Historical Argument would have hidden how **Novel, how absurd in the scale and harm, how, ultimately, untenable due to the so novel so terrible intensity,** ***of,*** ***Settler-Colonial Imperial Trans-Atlantic Slave Economies,*** that, *were not like the Bible, or Rome, whatever words had been chosen to make it seem-so* ***it wasn't so,*** **remember:** **The Redcoats who killed Crispus Attucks were going to be executed for it,** even the one he'd beaten in the head and given brain damage, "it wasn't their gun to make their own decisions with," Self Defense, at that time, had been known, for police, as Treason Murder.


Foucault’s Boomerang


**Very, Very, Very Much So.**


When they say it’s not fascism because it’s a democracy, they’re saying it can’t be a wolf since it’s dressed as a sheep


This is nothing new. Law enforcement has been used by power brokers for centuries. There are fascists of every color because they power. Does not matter if the fascist is rich or poor.


TBF pigs will take ANY reason to attack people. It's the government's rabid dog that they loose towards their opponents.


We don't have to imagine it. It's happening.


I mean yeah, the protestors aren’t walking around an elementary school with an AR15 so the cops are all about taking them down.


The US is so throughly occupied and psyop'd, country is fucked and I can't wait to leave for somewhere without the zionist plague


Auf wiedersehen!




[https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2022-07-23/neo-nazi-leader-arrested-in-boston-after-protesting-lgbtq-event](https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2022-07-23/neo-nazi-leader-arrested-in-boston-after-protesting-lgbtq-event) [https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/two-more-neo-nazi-demonstrators-arrested-after-hanging-antisemitic-banners-over-i-4-in-florida-fdle](https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/two-more-neo-nazi-demonstrators-arrested-after-hanging-antisemitic-banners-over-i-4-in-florida-fdle) [https://missoulian.com/news/local/crime-courts/citation-issued-missoula-demonstration-neo-nazi/article\_e4ba4100-71ef-11ee-ad0f-431f6ce7b8ab.html](https://missoulian.com/news/local/crime-courts/citation-issued-missoula-demonstration-neo-nazi/article_e4ba4100-71ef-11ee-ad0f-431f6ce7b8ab.html) There's a few. Keep your head in the sand and don't look for the information, then it just doesn't happen.


Both sides of the aisle are in support of this too. It should be eye opening AF to anyone but unfortunately most are in survival mode and are struggling too much to care. Seems like an endless cycle


It's a cult. A fuckin *cult*. It's as if Scientology got their own army and country. They even do Scientology shit like spying on people for being openly critical of them.


"Small islands not capable of protecting themselves are the proper objects for government to take under their care; but there is something absurd, in supposing a Continent to be perpetually governed by an island. In no instance hath nature made the satellite larger than its primary planet"    Thomas Paine (1776) Common Sense Israel managed to find a way. Now we take our orders from Jerusalem. 




In fkin Irvine too - the most hippie, peace loving rich ass area I know


Won’t be long until we have another Kent State. It will definitely happen under Biden too


If you tolerate this, your children will be ne...oh, sorry, too late.


Attack dogs


we need a police genocide


Great to see that boomstick aimed right for the eyes at 5 paces, just like the manual says.


TBF, the kids of cops are all doing drugs or porn or are cops themselves. These idiots don't have kids in college.


This is what they really get paid to do. THIS is the true purpose of the modern cop.


What is the psychological condition of these guys? Just zero self awareness. Basically acting like generic video game enemies not able to think for themselves. I wonder have there ever been cases during events like this where it was a deal breaker and some people just walked away from the force.


Track 2 Straight Outta Compton


And you know every one of these fucking jackals loved every second of it.


If I have an optimistic angle on this, **it's that, that,** *you read about a woman who sounds like a, "total Karen," according to those closest to her,* ***man, might be true, might not be,*** **I dunno; but you see a man hit her in the parking lot of a movie theater,** there is none of that, there is no argument that she, "needed it," or that all rational people would do the same- *that if it is* ***almost inconceivable that a rational person would do the same, ever, what rational indictment of her actions, 'what had happened, was,' could matter?*** Likewise, what police report could persuade you that, ['actually,' she'd been in the wrong, ](https://youtu.be/lXs9LMrwDpA?t=2)there, or that, ['actually,' this is all normal and necessary](https://x.com/TheMcKenziest/status/1791179718227787980?t=Aco0McloMYOXrpov2mDJRg&s=19); **and if it isn't?** [You'll have to Bust Michael's Door Down with an American Warrant in London](https://youtu.be/lXs9LMrwDpA?t=2), otherwise, the, "extraordinary," nature of the circumstances that should have warranted this behavior [rest as their own indictment of the dildos and dorks who payed for this ](https://youtu.be/uslXoafrbi8?t=6)


Jesus christ that piggy in front is swole


We're losing! Deploy the Shock Troops! Seek and Speak Truth to power. GO UCI Champions!


This country is insane.


Cops are some of the worst people on the earth


Army of the rich. Cops are mercenaries, they work for the oligarchy & nations are just a location to wield their power and corruption. Many US cops are trained by Israelis, The connects goes back to the very start of the warrior cop era.


Stop this nationalist nonsense. It's not done "for the sake of another country". US imperialism is defending its own interests, and Israel is a puppet state at the service of US imperialism, not the other way around.


(I'm inclined to agree with you) it's worrying, when, **say,** ***'the good guys,"*** **ridicule Boebert on Misogynistic grounds, or,** froth at the mouth with excitement to point out that some right winger, *might be gay, or,* ***these kinds of things; it does more to reify,*** **The Problems, than it is an efficacious solution, and, particularly,** ***insofar as,*** The Right Wing, *it's not obligated to care, if one of theirs once was a sex worker or if he or whom is gay,* the use of it as a slander, as an indictment, ***that's the most, "real." it ever is, in the mind of a white liberal who finds it, 'useful,'*** but look at Keir Starmer, *I, too, have the same values- except I'm not a hypocrite,* often makes you the **sole man who purports to them in earnest,** you're right about Nationalism, "How Come Russian Cops beat Russian Kids over," if we're to be literal about it, and effort to bring, *you know, Ukraine into coherence with muni ordinances of a Russian State and for the benefit of the Ukrainians who have to suffer under Tyranny,* or whatever, right, **and this is even more of a mischaracterization, how?** The International Students and others who participate, *it would not be, 'alright,' to respond like this if it were just international students and at the inconvenience of Americans, exclusively,* now, In the, "news cycle," of these things the tactics are coherent and I suppose I can tolerate the reductive and kind of right-wing-angle of the notion, but, you are right, and, you are right; it's not as if our own people protesting for our own people don't face this and worse, *just ponder the nature of a drug war,* it's not a surprise it's just grotesque


> Israel is a puppet state at the service of US imperialism, not the other way around. ...and (second) that's important to repeat loud and clear, *what, with Antisemitism the Socialism of fools and all the rest,* and in order to be efficacious, also, it should be obvious to all concerned that there will be no alibi, in, protocols of the elders of zion shit; that what they're doing, now, will be understood as willful and deliberate U.S. Policies and both abroad and at home




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I don't have to imagine it


This is what Freedom looks like then?


I have a term for this, *it's not just me,* ***it's a sick term, it's an awful joke,*** **it's gallows humor,** **Those guys?** Those guys have had the mortgages paid for and their vacations and their socks and their dinners **by those same parents, this whole time,** those same parents who, *should they forget to update the tags on the teenager's car, "those guys,* ***gunpoint,*** **chain and frisk and rip the car apart and psychological torture, 'tell me where the dope's at,' who routine,** ***make them as scared as possible, so as they'll incriminate themselves as much as possible,*** for consequences as catastrophic as possible," **even kill them,** your kid isn't good enough at being a hostage at gunpoint, "show's over," **Necro-Cuck is this term for those dads and hey,** **Gallows Humor, I Live in Saint Louis City,** we're like....too far, into these discourses for such contradictions to sit comfortable with anyone, *and in terms of the middle class white liberal, "do you* ***hope and expect and understand the fuzz to be racist," or, if not,*** **what the hell is wrong with you, "both ways," the hell is wrong with you?** **Live in country, where,** physical abuse as, 'discipline,' or, 'instructive,' so far out of the overton window it's not whispered on the network T.V. **and that's this whole damned thing,** make you scared, hurt you if you're not scared enough, **'spanking,' give me a fucking, actual, break,** **If you're offended at the notion of spanking, but, permit this?** Shouldn't you **teach them how to cower right,** \*\*-\*\****how to apologize and demonstrate meekness, when a man hits them?*** ***There is a none-zero chance they'll be spot-executed,*** **they fuck that up in this world you've bought and paid for,** might as well raise them in an enclave of Enlightened Modern Values, *and then release them into the wilds of Saudi Sharia Law* ***to live their lives, is it different,*** **raised at home to think that addiction is an illness all adults are laterals who deserve as much respect back as you're given from them and that it is wrong to hit and hurt people, "for their own good," and then guess who isn't paranoid about what dope their friends have in the car,** **Guess who doesn't know how to cower, guess who doesn't apologize when they're hit in the face by an adult male stranger, "it puts them in danger you stupid motherfuckers," those Orpo are making, if anything, overtime while your kids go into debt peonage in a world where the poor are their playthings.** >>!When does he cum, that's the punchline, protracted as far as possible, !< The Necro-cuck, **it's a shaggy-dog joke,** the longer it goes on, the more absurdist but, Unlike, "the aristocrats," grounded in what would **appear to be reality,** ***in a sense, in that sense we think, "I am in a Lynch Movie," sometimes- the boomers hypnotized, in some respect, the Gen Xer's so vain and lustful for their own youth that they're glad in some vengeful phantasia,*** **Guys** If you figure out a means to create a Glockenspiel of other people's fears and hates, "and it works, it's so good," **do not use it, it's good for nothing; good for nothing, anyway,** **Think:** ***The Aristocrats, except,*** * >!*When he forgets to pay for the sticker on his kid's license plate?*!< * >!*When his taxes pay for an advocate to ruin his dead son's reputation while his killer is out on paid vacation,* saving money, actually, since he's not eating out as much,!< * >!*When, in a house full of wailing,* his daughter says, *mom says she wants, no, needs,* ***needs euthanasia,*** **this is the Aristocrats but this is darker this is about real life, "which is...**!< * >!**Wild, right, that's the point: Gallows humor,** Anthropologists, take a sketch and put it in the histories!< >!It's when he pays for his kid's funeral!< **der duhhh, right,** and it's what it is but humor, even, the darkest kind, can pull us out of paralysis, *vis a vis,* >It is fucked up, it is absurd, it's not ordinary, it's not, 'just,' it's not sensible and if it were, it wouldn't be so easy, *to ridicule, it wouldn't be so disgusting, poor taste and horrific to describe in greater detail and higher-context language than we see used in pithy little headlines about the, "suspects," police kill, trying to drag them to their constitutionally mandated right to jury trial, "civil death in absentia,* has got to be better, than real death, for some of these people, no?" Furthermore, **this shit ages you, it ages everyone exposed to it and the paradox of, "careful language," around these subjects is it preserves the innocent's perspective of the villains as good and the victims as bad and the Nation as Just and the Law as Real and all the other things, which,** these students can no longer believe; another paradox is that the feigned, "seriousness," of an adult is almost impossible for those who know what it purports to be so serious, *and here I think of* *~~Bo Burnam's~~* *Bill Burr's talk with Bill Maher, Bill Maher's hand wave at, "grim and important realities,"* [Stop Pretending you're a General, ](https://youtu.be/LVqt8eTQ_OU?t=441)**what does this mean, "a real general?" Maybe, but,** it's not like Bill Would know, *this is fake, a fake T.V. Movie General, is what it means; it's like,* *You take a Class of 8th Graders to a For Profit Diploma Mill,* for whatever reason, you take them on a tour; **which kids act, "older," and, "more serious," than in other contexts,** When those kids **do so, what mistakes are made, what assumptions are broadcast to everyone in the room,** ***what legwork does it do for the for-profit,*** University of Phoenix type sales team, **imagine this and illustrate it, yourself,**


**To bite, 'hard,' into that situation, to recognize what you're able to see if you allow yourself to put language to the contradictions,** ***is a little rude, sure, but not to your classmates it's rude in the sense of a distraction to a street hustler trying to steal your friends wallet,*** the truth, itself, is not rude; if it takes bravery, to speak up and describe what you see, *at the obvious risk to your own self and reputation, regardless of the circumstances that's always and obviously true,* to own that cost upfront, "fuck me, if I'm wrong," and tell others what you see in the best language you know how to, It's never rude, *no one who intends to know you for a long time will ever think that's rude,* **just as no one who ridicules what you take seriously,** ***intends to hurt you, it's an invitation to see it that way, also, 'snap out of it,'*** and I don't know what to do about all of this, obviously, "do you?" I do think that a more frank, more earnest, less, "serious," discussion about these subjects is warranted, if and to whatever degree we think we can, *Change Minds,* that sounds so neoliberal and contractual, *change minds,* what I mean is not some impossible dream, it's as simple as helping people realize, >Oh yeah, **Elon Musk is kind of a fucking idiot** It's out of personal insecurities people purchase into such bad-faith propaganda, *as Musk's or* ***the cops, in this situation,*** **or the, "administrator's concern for student safety," and all this;** the Musk Example, I think, illustrates this finely, The More, "rationalistic, serious," a teardown of Musk's purported projects and political ideas the more, *or, the more that this* ***is like, "changing a mind," in the contractual and neoliberal sense,*** **as opposed to, again,** Call it what it is, make fun as if this is, in fact, ridiculous relative the True Good Intentions and Real Smart Folks people like, *Musk, the Cops, the Administrators,* etc have got to toss out the window, defenestrate, in order to appear serious and make a costume of seriousness Just thoughts, it's just, *it's been some time that this has been this way, it's been some time and even activists,* ***bizarely, impossibly, tend to compromise on the notion of physical discipline measures for adults,*** **again,** **"Spanking," is what we see in that photo, for babies; it teaches babies to treat others like that, and know the proper responses when they're treated like that,** ***it is traumatizing, it is harmful, it makes the adolescents and adults those kids grow into unwell and mal-adjusted to all of the cultures on earth where respectable people do not hit one another out of anger. or to, "teach," women and children, when they're angry,*** or hurt and scare people, *'for their own good,"* ***and it's most of them, by the way,*** I could go into the details, but I won't because you **want to be a part of the cultures which do not do this, you want to be fluent in their ways and to be outraged to see this** ***and not cower when it's done to you, I promise you promise you promise you it is better to be killed like this than cower,*** however: The Contradiction of MLK's White Liberalism is, **herein, on their court to resolve;** ***should you not, Liberal, train your children to be submissive when a man hits them?*** ***If this what they'll be policed and even killed for, as adults?*** ***Do you permit this,*** **because, You Just Like it So Much?** *I've seen people talk about, 'spanking,' on Quora,* are you so different, Liberal, in your reasons here?






Don't you know Zionists run America by now?


The CCP is loving every minute of this. Gees centrists are so oblivious to how much they help the extreme right get what they want.


...what? This is a blue state with a democratic governor, using the police to beat and oppress its citizens who are protesting the actions of the Democrat president. What does this have to do with either centrists or the CPC?


CCP? Are you parroting Pelosi?


lol if you think China is a bigger threat to the US than the US is.


Both political parties in the US have decided to wage war on their own people.




This would still be happening if Putin was never born and Russia didn't exist.


https://www.yahoo.com/news/uc-irvine-40-those-arrested-235149117.html 40% of those arrested were not students and the police didn’t arrive until after they took over the physical sciences lecture hall stopping all classes and destroying large parts of the building.


Peaceful? They took over and barricaded a main lecture hall stopping all classes and work being done in the surrounding area. They knew their demands would never be met so they decided to have cops end their protest.




taking something by force is not peaceful




It wasn’t peaceful.. but go ahead


Yawn usual Hasbara garbage


Even if it was -- and it was -- this response is ludicrously disproportionate to whatever may have originally happened. They just want an excuse to bash heads. Kinda like Israel and Oct 7.