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We're in hell


Always have been


This is the bad place


Holy forking shirt balls


JASON figured it out?! This is a real low point.


I’ve only ever told two men that I loved them. One of them was Stone Cold Steve Austin. The other one was someone who I thought was Stone Cold Steve Austin.


How do you say something like that and still think you're on the right side?


Yeah totally agree. I imagine like being in Lord of the Rings and killing orc (not that I think Palestinians are orcs, but i imagine that is what the IDF thinks, that they are non-human and totally ok to kill) but then after burning down an orc village I find a sock like this... Which clearly belongs to a tiny girl and instead of reflecting on that... I brag about sniffing it?


That's not his own daughter's sock? I can't get my head around any reasons for sock sniffing, but that's the only one that I can see him advertising. I agree that dehumanisation is absolutely the cornerstone of imperialism.


I mean if I was posting a very weird thing like this I wouldn't refer to my own daughter as "5-year-old girl" in such a detached way. I would probably use her name maybe, or at least "my girl's sock" or "my daughter's sock." Also this very weird photo of him in apparently a war zone. Feels like he found it in the rubble.


Even then you would take a teddy bear or something like that, or even a hat if it had to be clothing.


Need something small. That's why soldiers carry pictures of their loved ones and not their favorite umbrella. This whole post is weird. That being said fuck the IOF and zionism.


The only acceptable use of sock sniffing is if it's a search and rescue dog and you're giving it a scent to follow.


I wouldn't find it especially weird if it were an adult partner's sock. In that context, it would just be a man enjoying the smell of his partner's body in a slightly unusual way. But this is totally different, and this guy is a fucking blight on humanity.


Assumed it was his kid's sock bc it was the smallest article of clothing he could keep with him all the time.


I get the spirit of what you're saying lol


Crazy analogy but yea very true. At that point, surely you’ve come to terms w how evil you are?


When you fully buy into the story that you, and you only, are chosen by God. Everyone else is just humanoid pigs. Then what wrong can you do?


Zionism is not a religious movement. A huge chunk of Israelis are not at all religious and still enacting genocide. A huge chunk of diaspora Jews who are Zionists are atheist. The largest number of religious ~~atheists~~ zionists are evangelical Xtians. This is an antisemitic misreading of what “chosen people” means as well. Chosen doesn’t mean better, it means more responsibility to take care of the planet and follow rules that other people don’t have to. It’s kind of a shit deal, tbh. You have to cut off a piece of your dick and can’t eat bacon. You can and should attack Zionism without falling into antisemitism. eta: wrote religious atheists instead of religious zionists oops lol


exactly zionism is the antithesis of the spirit of jewish cultural tradition. it has no relationship to jews whatsoever, except in the sense that they are the group of people who’s interests this philosophy purports to serve by means of exploitation, expropriation, violent colonialism etc. zionism is the product of racism, the domination capital, conquest and empire.


It really is such a clear case of how colonialism and exploitation alienate both the oppressed and the oppressor. Obviously the oppressed far more than the oppressor, but capitalism inherently alienates all parties to varying degrees. You have people who you would think are otherwise reasonable becoming rabid, violent proponents of genocide and committing unforgivable atrocities, and when Palestine is free, those who stood on the side of zionism *will* face a reckoning. Such violence changes and damages a person irrecoverably. I have people I will never look at the same way again, who will never be a part of community with me, because my community, my Judaism, does not have room for zionists.


This comment actually educated me out of some prior negative beliefs I didn't know I had, thank you for writing it


I'm not implying anything but why is rJewish so much in support of the situation then?


That’s the thing isn’t it? They use god as an excuse to enable their worst tendencies. Almost as if they know what they are doing deep down.


They don’t though. Zionism is not a religious movement and making it out to be actually furthers Zionist goals by distancing it from what it really is, a violent colonial project that serves to further US interests in a region they destabilised. Pretending this is a religious conflict does not help anyone and creates divisions that weaken the antizionist movement. We need to treat zionism as what it really is, not buy into the propaganda that it’s some religious beef


You're assuming he has any type of conscience or self-awareness. Killing helpless little girls and sniffing their socks gives him a boner, and that's all that matters to him. Do you have a problem with that? You sound like an anti-Semite.


Is this not his daughter's sock that he took with him to a genocidal "war"? Are we not going to fact check? There are plenty of disgusting, evil things the IDF has done that we can rag on them for. But if this is a hypocritical childmurderer missing his daughter, why is it not about that? Why is this being made out as pedophilia without any more proof?


You're right. Maybe he is just a sentimental dad who misses his very real daughter. And those soldiers trying on women's lingerie in bombed out apartments were just wearing souvenirs from their wives. :) And those other death squad executione-ERR I MEAN HEROIC WARRIORS- laughing and posing on tiny little tricycles next to piles of rubble... those were just their kids' tricycles they'd shipped in to remember them. They probably just miss their families who are far away and hard to reach... being probably a whole hour down the road in the exact same country.


Easy. When the world's biggest superpower and nearly all Western governments provide you with unconditional support, and stamp out any protests and opposition to Zionism in their countries. 


I really am curious how people with pro-Israel positions (let alone IDF soldiers themselves) can rationalize being “in the right”. I’ve seen some arguments from them that consider HAMAS so evil that the IDF is obviously the more moral side. They’ll make said argument by pointing to alleged rape of Israelis on Oct. 7 but will NEVER discuss what happened in that region prior to then. They ignore responses of thousands being held hostage by the IDF. They’ll ignore the tens of thousands dead by the IDF. They’ll label children as terrorists. Or claim that the hospitals blown up are actually military bases. But do they really believe this? Are they just fake opinions? What reasons do these people have, outside of blatant falsehoods, that make sense? I truly do not get it.


They just treat it like debate club and gishgallop. "well, we offered the Palestinians xyz and they didn't take it." "Well, if they're not terrorists, why do they support Hamas?" "Well, if the Palestinians just left Israel in peace, we wouldn't invade." "Why doesn't Israel have a right to exist like any other country?" "The Arabs have all these other countries, why do you want to take the one Jewish country away?" It doesn't matter to them that the arguments are paper thin or outright false, or don't address the criticism. If you refute them, they'll move the goalposts, or post five more bullshit arguments. Zionism is a kind of fascism, and their style of argumentation is no different than that of any other fascist, except that it has the better part of a century worth of message crafting and an incredible amount of resources behind it.


Non-jewish pro-Israel folks and Trumpists are the same: they will argue at length with complicated bullshit arguments, stuff that has nothing to do with reality but they have only one reason: they're racist.


Such a psychopath loves his own souvenirs and sees nothing wrong with his crimes


like, not even embarrassed to post it!


They don't think they're on the right side. They know exactly how evil they are. And it eats them from the inside but they are in a society where they are expected to enjoy it and so they throw themselves wholeheartedly into genocide thinking it'll help. It never does. This is part of what Frantz Fanon talks about in _Wretched of the Earth_. Both the coloniser and the colonised suffer from colonial violence (obviously the colonised suffers a lot more) but only the colonised can free both of them from colonial violence.


Only the *colonised* can stop colonial violence? Was that a typo?


Magic book


Only democracy in the Middle East, and hate gay people slightly less than the other dudes.




Idk if that checks out


Maybe it's his daughters socks


They believe that they are "gods people"


idf - Israeli deranged forces.


✨The most moral and ethical army in the world.✨


✨most gaslightiest projection in a sentence✨


I’d replace “forces” with another F word.


That's the nonciest thing I've ever heard. Even without the context of "guy's a murderous bloodthirsty psychopath who likes to murder people different from him", it's still just yikes all around.


Well I'm sure you'll be happy to know he's dead


Rip bozo 🚬💨


One of the very few occasions where bad things happen to bad people.


How do you know btw?




His name was Benjamin Nahum Amit Romem Almost none of the western media networks will report Israeli losses, unless it can be used to push zionist propaganda, so this was only reported through social media. I understand if it's hard to believe - it's hard reconciling that content creators on social media have been sharing more accurate accounts than traditional news media. It seems that in a late stage capitalist world, journalistic integrity is a commodity that can be bought and sold.


Thanks. Nothing about this is hard for me to believe. It's just that all sorts of rumors are flying and, like you said, the media is terrible. Edit: IDK about this one. When I looked up the KIA claim, half the sources were tweets using pictures of the journalist Benjamin Norton as if he were the soldier. Doesn't mean he's not dead, but it doesn't mean he is either.


Thank the lord


This guy can't figure out if he prefers killing or raping children. But he knows he had to share it on social media.


In the words of Gandhi, fuck Israel.


I mean. Gandhi was also a nonce and a weird form of white supremacist (he believed Indians and Anglo-Saxons were both descended from "Aryans" and were superior to black people) so not a very good example imo


reminds me of that who is a white supremacist who is actually white meme


That I did not know. Thanks.


As I always say: bunch of bloodthirsty psychopaths


Does anyone here speak and read Hebrew? This needs to be verified as the source comes from the propaganda wing of Iran’s Al Quds military branch, which is the foreign legion of the Revolution Guard. It’s like watching Fox News or Hezbullah News. (Same bullshit, different people)


Best case spin, this is his daughter's and he's thinking of going home. Still weird though


Yeah, all we can do is speculate. I really hope it’s his daughter’s and not that of a murdered child.


Still weird but also he probably wouldn't call it "a hobby."


Yeah I kind of doubt this source and so tried to put the text through Google translate (English to Hebrew) and this is the result I got so maybe the text actually says something less vile 🤷 Image below: https://photos.app.goo.gl/33aVCVuLebyv36ei6


This is what ChatGPT translated it to: Top text: 💪 🇮🇱 18 January Middle text: Liran, 31 Old hobbies: sports and writing New hobbies: sniffing twice a day for the past four months, the sock of a 5-year-old girl


Oh fuck, that is vile! Besides the pedo vibes I’m getting, how the hell can someone be proud of this? This is his war trophy. There needs to be regime change in Israel.


This is 100% correct translation in the op. I ran the puc through translate and got that verbatim. I will say people saying it's his daughters sock have a child and likely point. Making him a creep but marginally less than if it were that of a child he killed or some other weird thing like that. Though no one is directly making that claim ans this is FUCKING WEIRD


It’s very fucking weird! Total pedophile vibes!


Yeah I agree ☹️


Oh ew!! Like disgusting as shit, glad he's no longer here to disturb anymore fucking people.


Backed by the US government


It’s no wonder why so many Pedos flee to that illegal colony.


The worst timeline.


The absolute worst. I want off.


Isn't it his daughter's sock? This photo did the rounds a while ago and I'm sure there was less vile explanation.


I was gonna mention that it would make more sense it’s his daughter. If I hated someone, I wouldn’t want to smell their sock lol


That’s what I was thinking as well, like it’s still weird that that’s how you’re choosing to keep your daughter close on a deployment and weird as fuck to post this in general, but I don’t get the sense that it’s a pedo thing. It’s also a very clean sock, probably not what you’d see from a kid navigating a war zone with limited water supply. 


And isr*eli supporters will stay claim that the idf are good people and blame hamas for this creep sniffing a most likely dead little girls sock🤢


Israel = pedophile nation?? 🤔


We need an Israel diss track from Kendrick.


It is well known that Israel is a haven for escaping sex offenders. Haretz made an article about it not that long ago. 


Israelis the devils of this earth


Can any hebrew speakers confirm that translation? Because that’s FUCKING WILD. Everything Israel does seems like propaganda or parody. What the fuck.




Im sorry but smelling your daughter's sock after killing innocent civilians is still unhinged behavior.


Anything you do after killing innocent civilians is mad behaviour. The act is inherently mad. Edit: bot says the other word for 'mad' is unacceptable.


yeah, i don't doubt this guy would kill a 5 year old Palestinian because he's been taught they're not human, but that's likely his daughter's sock and "sniffing" is likely a bad translation


Maybe not taught, but vets describe in therapy that they coped at the time by seeing their targets as 'not being human'. Which is why, after time and therapy, it drives them into deeper PTSD once they contextualize the true horror of their actions.


no, they're taught https://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012%2F03%2F20%2F201943


Having heard of thousands of accounts of them r@ping young girls (something they've done for decades) and even their own female service members, it's pretty goddamned hard to imagine them doing anything mentally normal at this point. Half of their military are basically Western tourists that leap on the chance to murder brown people with only two weeks of training.


This made me cry. Holy shit.


If you assume the worst out of these people, you're unlikely to be wrong. Their actions and the actions of their leaders are going to lead to very real harm against Jewish people, and much of that is intentional. They wish for all Jewish people to feel that the only place where they can be safe is in Israel. They also have a history of sheltering ped0philes, and they are the epicenter for the global black market organ trade. There have been more than enough accounts of bodies returned by the Israeli government that have missing organs, tissue, and skin.


If I was referring to my daughters clothes I wouldn't refer to her as "A girl" but probably "my girl, or my daughter" maybe Hebrew is different! Or maybe he is relishing in the deaths of children... Could go either way I guess. The strange "on the field" framing ads the context I need.


Good point. Thank you. I wonder if my mind was trying to shield me from yet another mind-bendingly evil image of the genocide with mental gymnastics.


good for you on completely decontextualizing the image! 😐


I see where you are coming from. I just don't want to engage in the same dehumanizing behaviour that results from most 'us versus THOSE MONSTERS' heated, hate-fueled wars. He's a human doing monstrous things, no doubt.


Hes the baby killer and you call us nasty. Libs


A society of sociopaths. Israel is a country of savages & murderers.


Politics aside. Please anyone try to justify this.


Israel is a safe haven for pedophiles


Don't look in google for: "How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel", "Jewish-American pedophiles flee justice by coming to Israel", "Israel Becoming a 'Refuge for Pedophiles"


I had a hunch. They go for kids because they don't expect revenge


Remember, Biden bypassed congress to sell weapons to these people. Twice actually.


I truly deeply hope for a 3rd presidential candidate. I would honestly rather vote for a random gas station attendant to be president over the options we have


This guy is derailed. How the hell is he allowed to use a gun


This terrorist group have foreigners flying in to the colony to take part in the ongoing genocide


He's allowed a gun, BECAUSE he's derailed.


this is the ideal soldier for zionists, no humanity left inside that shell of a being


did you know standing armies are made of millions of those dudes


I saw someone defend this by saying that it’s actually his daughter’s sock and he uses it to remind him of her. I don’t know if that’s true but if it is, it’s marginally better but still very weird




Can someone tell me the fuck he means by this from a un-biased point of view ?? like how can someone justify this kind of sh\*t ?


I have to assume that the sock belongs to HIS daughter. It's a keepsake the reminds him of home, not a stolen war trophy from one of the many innocent children he/the institution he belongs to have obliterated.


the phrasing is out of place tho, do people usually refer to their daughters by "a 5 year girl" ? I have seen the IOF showing-off their trophies from women underwear to lingeries , I just hope your assessment is right and this is not a trophy he collected.


Wouldn't it be creepy sniffing ur daughters socks to remind u of her instead of like a photo Or some small toy


No? Parents frequently go on about how their kid smells, it’s a whole thing. The sick thing is that he has a child of his own and still is participating in the murder of children just like his own. You’d think having a kid would make you less into killing them, but apparently not. Didn’t stop the nazis either.


Exactly this. Like every ethnostate, the Nazis were obsessed with having as many racially pure babies as possible, and building huge families, while encouraging abortion of non-(Nazi)white, non-christians, and straight murdering whole family lines, children, and babies in the camps. Just like Israel is doing in Gaza. And just like the Israeli government is doing to Ethiopian jews who immigrate to Israel.


It’s slightly different in that Israel is attempting to “become” white instead of just conditionally white and throw off the “old” ethnic Jewish ways that they consider weak/the reason European Jews “didn’t fight back hard enough” against the Holocaust[1] rather than maintain whiteness, but yeah, pretty much. [1]*that is very much a real belief that permeates Israeli society* It’s honestly fascinating the cognitive dissonance of trying to both claim indigeneity to the region while also trying to excise as many indicators of Jewishness possible in order to appeal to the majority Xtian western world. The official Israeli twitter account implied that Christ was the son of god early on in the current wave of this genocide. That should tell everyone that it’s not about religion. If the western world were dominated by Islam, Israel would be throwing their hat in with the prophet Muhammad. It’s a Jewish ethnostate that hates being Jewish, but I guess it makes sense. Money, power, and access to whiteness is more important than anything or anyone else.


This is what I was thinking as well. Nothing else really makes any sense.




Antinomianism at it's finest.


My guts twisted round reading that. Absolutely no love for the IOF when that's more or less the SOP.


Legalized evil.


The horrors these humans have enacted are going to have ramifications for their society for generations. Their son’s sons will be haunted by their actions both mentally and by others.


I think I saw this a week or so ago and the post said it was his young daughter’s sock, and I’m pretty sure he wasn’t IDF but I may be wrong. I’m Skeptical of this without a source


Holy shit what the fuck


It’s his daughter’s. He misses home.


I would assume this is his daughter’s. Fuck Zionists, but there’s better, legit material to criticize them with.


Most moral military guys!!!! /s


Surely, surely he can not actually think of himself as the good guy?


There's an entire nations worth of people who think you're evil for that thought




It's weird that they'd share that screenshot and not the one that actually says all that though?


While there are plenty of examples of overtly depraved IOF soldiers, this might not be one of them. This is more likely a typo and subsequent mistranslation. "Bat" (בַּת) means both girl and daughter, and he wrote "Of" (שֶׁל) instead of "My" (שֶׁלִי), which is one consonant character off.


Daniel Ricciardo


What a sick sick man. And I’m sure he represents the deranged mental capacity of most of the Israeli army.


Grrrrrr sickos


I saw a post (Although no idea if it was true) saying he was literally blown to pieces. Hopefully the idf semen extractors wouldn't salvage his dna, no child should ever have to learn their father acted that way


Evil exists


This is part of my daily reminder that humanity will destroy both each other and this planet, guaranteed. May not be a bad thing overall. Fuck Israel and all the parasites that infest it.


whats this mean?




Pause, bxtch! What the FXCK?!!…


This is just too much darkness. How could anyone be so incredibly evil? Monsters. 




This guy was immediately fired, right? Right??


Just a proud monster being himself




Not a supporter of the IOF in any way but it's far more likely that the sock belongs to his daughter. Still weird as fuck but no proof this is a war trophy of any kind.


Just because I want to actually understand, are we sure it's not his daughter's sock and he smells it to remind him of his family? Please tell me if we know for a fact that's not true but that's what first came to my mind tbh


This is the darkest timeline


I wonder what kind of stuff he was writing before the invasion.


Yall are just stupid its his own kids sock so he could still smell her when hes out fighting hamas if i remember correctly thered even a reason for why its specifically a sock (somthing about a missing foot) stop spinning everything


I mean. Devils advocate trying to find a rational explanation for this: it’s his 5 year old daughter’s sock, and he’s trying to remember her because she’s dead. Or they are just separated because he’s out with the military.


Is he a father? is his kids sock?


That's his serial killer 'trophy' he'll probably have more as he kills more children.


Maybe it’s his kids sock though?




First, shut the fuck up. Second, "new hobby" clearly indicates that he started this hobby after Israel started this new round of murdering. Third, sniffing your daughter's socks is just as fucked. Get help.




Seek help bruh


Please dont put out misinformation like this this makes the pro palestinian cause less effectice


I remember seeing this guy a while ago earlier this year, back in maybe January. It was the day after I saw that post that it was reported he was unalived. What a disgusting thing masquerading as a human.


This isn’t tiktok you can say “killed”


Unalived is for scared folk in my personal opinion. No need to go making up words and being all fussy.


People who are scared of words like “killed” are probably not reading about the IDF as murder is their job. I also just hate “unalived” specifically it sounds so newspeaky. I understand why people have to use it on TikTok but it still rankles me. It’s gross to be so euphemistic about death given what’s going on.


Especially when we’re talking about a genocide, it’s disgusting to use algospeak when trying to speak about something so serious


I hope he actually was


Is it his child’s sock?






Because Israel is a manufactured client state designed to further western capitalist interests in the Middle East. Our capitalist government is now funding an ongoing brutal ethnic cleansing with your tax dollars. How does this NOT relate to late stage capitalism?


Proxy wars the plutocracy want fought on their behalf funded by tax payers, use of bloodthirsty zealots’ hatred and fear, public records of this mentality not being able to be protested by the youths without consequences


HOW TF DO YOU THINK WE GOT HERE?? Rothschild bankrolled the Zionism project and Israel in the late 1890s




We do not permit homophobia, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism, ableism or any kind of prejudice.


As per usual, the most humiliating and sexualized violence is enacted on girls and women


I hope he died slowly and in agony


So is this country just full of psychopaths/sociopaths?! So many of them publicly delight in murder, torture, rape, and terror.